Leonardo Da Vinci Essay, Research Paper
The Ingenious Work of Leonardo da Vinci
“Renaissance,” French for “rebirth,” perfectly describes the intellectual and economic changes that occurred in Europe from the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries. During this era, Europe emerged from the economic decline of the middle ages. The Renaissance was also a period of time that many artistic, social, scientific, and political thoughts turned in new directions, and broadened. There were great changes during the Renaissance in literature, and in the way citizens thought of the Catholic church. The Renaissance was a blossoming period for Europe when many artistic, musical, and poetic geniuses began to compose, paint, and write masterpieces. One such artist that emerged from this period was the genius, Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci was the greatest artist of his time. He pioneered the way for modern anatomy, and many of his paintings anticipated inventions such as the submarine, helicopter, machinegun, and automobile. A quote by John R. Hale describes Leonardo perfectly;
?Leonardo Da Vinci personified the Renaissance spirit: he explored everything and excelled in nearly all his ventures. He was so busy in so many areas that though he was one of the greatest artist of the age he had little time to paint; he died having finished few pictures. His curiosity about nature led him deep into anatomy, botany, geology, mechanics and astronomy. In more than 5,000