Why I want a husband
I belong to that classification of people know as males. Not to long ago my mother and father where having a conversation about are recently purchased vehicle. During this conversation my mother stated several times to my father that the car needed some minor repairs and that she need money because she was going out. As I though about this it occurred to me that I would like to have a husband. Why do I want a husband?
I would like to have a husband who went to work so that he could support me while I stayed home to do what I please. I want a husband who pays all the bills and does not complain or insist that he is the boss of the house because he pays the bills. I want a husband who is eager to fix thing when need be. I want a husband who is sensitive to my needs. I want a husband who buys me nice gifts that I want. I want a husband who listens to me attentively and does not interrupt. I want a husband who will clean the house, pick up after me and who will cook the meals. I want a husband who will do the yard work, smiling. However far and for mostly I want a husband who will do my homework, more specifically my English homework.