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Great Expations Essay Research Paper Great Expectations

Great Expations Essay, Research Paper

Great Expectations Notes Chapter 1 Setting: early in the 1800s; Churchyard in His Joe Gargey and her husband in the Marshes. tiny village east of London parents died Pip- Phillip Pirrap- main character- 7 years old- Lives w/ sister One time while visiting his parents grave he meets aMrs. when he was younger strange man- He asks Pip to get him a file and some writtles (food). Chapter 2 Setting: At home; We meet Joe Gargery, the blacksmith, and Mrs. Joe, Pip’s At dinner Pip placed Joe Gargery and Pip were both brought up by hand sister The family receiveshis bread for the convict down the leg of his trousers Later that night, Pip gets somenews that Hulks(convicts) are on the loose brandy, and the file (from the forge, thisbread, cheese, pork pie, mincemeat, is where Joe works) Chapter 3 Setting: In the churchyard again; Pip delivers the Pip approached a man who was dressed in coarse grey, and had astolen goods Pip saw the right convictgreat iron on his leg, but this was a different man The convict askedhugging himself and limping. He had the chills and the fever The convictPip if he brought anyone and he said no, and the man believed him asked Pip where the man w/ the bruised face went. Pip pointed and handed him the file Chapter 4 Setting: At home; Christmas dinner we meet Mr. Pumblechook, Mr. Pip was fearful on his return that there would be aWopsle, and the Hubbles Pippolice officer waiting for him at home, but no one suspected the robbery The guests: Mr.made the excuse that he was listening to Christmas Carols Wopsle- Church’s assistant to a parish priest- Mr. Hubble- one who makes wheels- A file ofUncle Pumblechook- a grain merchant. He also had a chaise-cart They all go to thesoldiers w/ handcuffs. The wanted Joe to fix the handcuffs marshes in search for the convicts Chapter 5 Setting: On the marshes; Pursuit They found the two convicts; ThereThe search party could hear voices calling was water splashing and mud flying, and oaths were being sworn and blows being In order to take They lit torches and marched separating the convicts struck pip out of suspicion, this convict tells the sargent that he stole the food from Joe – The convict was taken on a boat and disappeared into the night Chapter 6 Pip learns to write at Mr. Wopsle’sSetting: At home; Pip receives an odd job When Uncle Joe was a kid, he had parents who drank heavilygreat aunt’s school Miss Havisham- rich and grim lady who lives inand so Joe didn’t attend school Pip is invited to play ata large and dismal house barricated against robbers her house, but he doesn’t know why Chapter 7 Setting: At Miss H’s Satis house: Miss H’sWe meet Miss h and Estella * Uncle Pumblechook takes Pip to her house Estella lets Pip inhouse had many iron bars and some windows were walled up Estella is called down to play w/Pip.the gate; She is very pretty and proud They play cards and Pip asks to go home- When leaving she asks him to return in Mr.six days Chapter 8 Setting: At home: Pip reports on his visit w/ Miss H Pip lied to them but then toldPumblechook and Mrs, Joe asked Pip questions Joe the truth Chapter 9 Setting: In the village; Biddy and a secret looking Joe sometimes went to a public house to smoke his pipe/ Three Jollystranger When the men’s drinks Joe was there w/ Mr. Wopsle and a stranger Bargemen arrive the stranger stirred it w/ a file! He did this so only Pip saw him. The also the stranger gives Pip two one pound notes/ Pipstranger was the convict sister puts them in a piece of paper, and puts that under some dried rose leaves This remained a nightmarein an ornamental tea- pot on top of the state parlor to Pip many a nights Chapter 10 Setting: At Satis House; We meet poor relations On arrival pip was taken a different way/ He was inand a pale young gentlemen In a room that is full of dust lies on aa room w/ 3 ladies and a gentlemen  It was Miss H b-day; she didn’t permit any talk of it table a old bridecake Outside Pip meets up w/ a fellow his ownThen Estella and pip played cards age; they began to fight, Pip knocked him down and then won the fight Impressed at Pip, Estella allows Pip to kiss her on the cheek Chapter 11 Miss h asks Pip about whatSetting: At Satis House; Pip is apprenticed to Joe he was going to be when he was older- Learning he will be apprenticed she wishes Joe dressed When Mrs. Joe hears the news she goes on a rampage to meet Joe Miss H askedhimse;f in his Sunday clothes and headed w/ Pip to Miss H’s house questions and when they were leaving handed Joe 25 guineas (this was Pip’s Sometimes Joe waspremium) Chapter 12 Setting: At the forge we meet Orlick Orlick- Joe’staught by Pip out in the marshes; Joe never remembered anything Pip wasjourneyman- a person who works for a master worker- not an apprentice Orlick and Pip’s sistergranted a ? day so Orlick complained and also got one Mr.got in a fight; Pip again visited Miss H w/ Mr. Wopsle accomping him Wopsle meets up w/ pip and says that his sister was knocked down by a tremendous blow on the back of her head Chapter 13 Setting: At home; After Mrs. Joe is No goods were taken from the house; at the timestruck down, Biddy takes over A convicts leg iron waswhen this happened Joe was at the Three Jolly Bargemen  Pip figures the guilty person was either the convict or Orlick by his sister Orlick was alwaysPip helped his sister by taking command s off a slate On Pip’s b-day he visited Miss H, and she gave him avisiting w/ Mrs. Joe At home Pip told Biddy he wanted to be a gentlemen Chapter 14 Setting:guinea Mr. Jaggers- a lawyer- has aIn the village; Pip receives remarkable news Jaggers offers Pip to be his guardian paidprivate conference w/ Pip and Joe Pip was also given money to buy new clothes Chapter 15for by a unknown person pip went to Mr.Setting: At the scenes of his childhood; Pip says goodbye Biddy made Pip breakfast and they all saidTrabb, a tailor, to buy clothes Thegood-bye Chapter 16 Setting: In london; We meet Jaggers again and Wemmick Wemmick, Jaggers Jaggers office was in Little Britain journey was 5 hours clerk takes Pip to Barnard’s Inn, where he meets Herbert Chapter 17 Setting: the first night in london; Pip finds a friend in Herbert Pocket and learns Miss H’s Pip becomes good friends w/ Herbert Pocket ( he was the pale youngstory Herbert says that Estella was excessivelygentlemen, Pip had fought long ago) Herbert’s father was Miss H’sproud and fickle/ Estella was adopted by Miss H Miss Herbert gives Pip the nickname Handel, after a famous composer cousin H’s story- Miss h mother died when she was a baby, and her father spoiled her. Her father married a cook, and Miss h now had a half brother. The son turned out riotous, extravagant, undutiful-altogether bad. A man pursued Miss H closely and Miss H idolized him. He also got great sums of money from her. Herbert’s father warned Miss H of doing to much for this man. She ordered him out of the house. They were set to be married and he wrote a letter to her. She received it in dressing for her marriage at 20 min to 9. From that point on she stopped all of Herbert was a capitalist- an insurer of ships Chapter 18 Setting:the clocks. Early days in London; We meet the rest of the Pocket family, Drummle, Startop, Mrs. Pocket/Belinda—Drummle/ Old looking youngand the aged parent man—Startop/ younger in years and in appearance—Camilla/ Mr. Pocket’s sister Mr. Jaggers gives pip 20 pounds Chapter 19 Setting: London; Dinner w/ Jaggers, we Molly servant of Jaggers/Strong wrists Chapter 20 Setting:meet Molly Joe game to visit/ Told Pip Mr. Wopsle leftLondon; Joe pays pip a visit Pip receives a note to see Miss H Chapter 21 Setting: a return to Satischurch Pip notices Orlick lets pip in the gate house; Miss H, Estella, and Orlick He realizes he loves herthat estella has changed; she is now more beautiful Chapter 22 Setting: London and it’s suburb Richmond; a visit w/ Estella Estella is now going to live w/ a widow in Richmond Chapter 23 Setting: Back in After this event biddy Mrs. Joe Gargery died the village; A sad occasion decides to try and find a job as a teacher Chapter 24 Setting: London and  It’s Pip 21 b-day walworth; One expectation comes true and Pip helps Herbert He is given 55 pounds/ Then pip talks to wemmick about what to do w/ this money Pip decides to go to Walworth Chapter 25 Setting: Richmond and Satis House;  Estella was placed w/ Mrs. Bradley—in Richmond Miss H, Estella, and Drummle Miss h is now veryEstella asks Pip to take her to Satis House, and he does Pip finds out that Estella was set to wreck Miss H’s revengefond of Estella Bentley Drummle is given theon men and that she was not to be given to Pip nickname, “spider” Chapter 26 Setting: one stormy evening in London; a long- Pip was now 23 years old and left the Barnards Inn to liveawaited appearance A visitor surprisesin Temple (collection of apartments and office buildings) The visitor was thePip in late night. He was dressed like a voyager/ age 60? The convict isconvict from childhood. His name is Abel Magwitch a.k.a. Provis the suitor who is paying for Pip’s fortunes, in return for helping him while ago If the convict’s The convict got rich from sheep- farming in Australia  return was known in England, he would be put to death. Pip and Herbert agree to hide the convict Chapter 27 Setting: London the next day; Pip faces facts While coming up the stairs, Pip fell over something, and that something was a man Chapter 28 Setting: London; Magwitch tells his story and we learn about Provis tells them the story of his life andCompeyson and a man named Arthur his association w/ a man named compeyson, who had a business of swindling, and When both were tried for felony, Compeysonforging. He was the other convict had a shorter sentence because of his gentlemen appearance. Magwitch had a Arthur havisham- Miss H’s half brother Chapter 29 Setting:longer one! Pip visits Miss H and telss of hisRichmond and satin House; Estella’s news Pip professes his love for Estella, Bently Drummle was @ the house discovery Pip does a final protestationbut then after learning she is to marry Bently of his love, and then heads away and back to London Chapter 30 Setting: London Magwitch takes safety @ Claraand Walworth; Wemmick and Herbert take action They discuss Mrs. Wimple- housewife Barley’s house, she is Herbert’s fianc?e an escape plan for Magswitch by boat to a foreign vessel Chapter 32 Setting: Pip dines at a club w/ Jaggers *London; Dinner w/ Jaggers, more about Molly Molly might be Estella’s mom Chapter 33 Setting: stais House, the next day: Pip While @ Miss H house Miss H’s clothes catch onpays his last call to Miss H fire: Pip saves her from burning, but she will later die Chapter 35 Setting: Pip receives a letter summoning him to anback on the marshes; A narrow escape Pip searches around and thenappointment at the old lime- kiln on the marshes Orlick cofesses to Pip that heorlick appears and puts a noose around Pip He threats Pip that he will kill himattacked his sister out of hatred for Pip Pip is rescued by Herbert Chapter 36also and put his remains in the lime-kiln When Pip and Herbert take the boat which theySetting: London, on the river are taking Magwitch to board a foreign steamer is commanded to stop by an The steamer runs them down, compeysonofficers boat, and inside is Compeyson is drowned, and Magwitch is severely hurt Chapter 37 Setting: London, later: Provis is brought to trial and is convicted. But he isPicking up the pieces Before the Pip visits him in the prison hospital too ill for imprisonment convict dies pip tells hi that his daughter is still living Chapter 38 Setting: Pip Pip becomes ill and Joe takes care of him London; Pip has a kind nurse Pip decides tois ashamed of how he acted and is glad to be back to normal pursue biddy Chapter 39 Setting: Back @ the forge: Biddy and Joe and Pip’s plan When he arrives he finds out it’s the wedding day of Joe andto leave England He is happy and thinks they go good together Chapter 40 Setting: HomeBiddy again: 11 years later; a new pip, a new Estella * Joe paid off Pip’s debts for Estella is Pip visits Satis House and walks in the garden together him widowed and the 2 decide the will not have another parting

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