Alexander Crummel:unsung hero
As we look back on the history of African-Americans we all can recall the names of Dr. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. Also in our history are the unsung heroes that don t get talked about much. That s why I decided to take a moment to look back at
Alexander Crummell.
During his lifetime Alexander Crummell was noted for his active role in the Black community. In his younger years Crummell had planned and realized his vision of the church. He began to see the church as a place of worship and of social service. Following
his vision of the church in 1880 he established the Saint Luke s Protestant Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. As the head of his church Crummell felt an obligation of leadership to the community; therefore, he took the role of encouraging black ministers in
Washington to join together and establish charitable institutions for the race. To further increase the activity of the Church Crummell organized the Black Episcopal Clergy to fight racism in the Church.
Crummell s contributions to African American life went beyond the doors of the Church. He also played a key role in establishing the American Negro Academy, a national organization for the best educated and prominent African Americans. Crummell also emphasized African-American self help and the need for education that was both solid and practical.
His ideas to improve the moral, intellectual, economic and cultural conditions of black people played an important role in preparing African-Americans for the 20th century.
It is for these reasons I felt that Alexander Crummell deserved a moment of recognition as we look back on the history of African Americans.