The Internet vs. the Library
Overall, when one compares the Internet vs. the Library, the Library is superior. This is because, though it takes a bit longer to use, the Library has a standard information research tool; the Dewey decimal system. This organized system makes finding books simple, and with the added assistance of a librarian, finding information can be easy. While on the Internet, you are essentially dumpster-diving for information. While there may be a good piece of information in there, you have to do much digging to get through to it. It is somewhat easier to use the Internet though, because all you have to do is type in a word in one of the many search engines. In the library, you must learn the Dewey decimal system. Though the Internet is more extensive, it is very difficult to determine the quality of the research you are retrieving. A nobel prize winning research paper could be placed next to pictures of the author s cats. The Internet is also more visual, but this is not necessarily a good thing, for a person with a slow connection can be flooded with pictures, which means a long wait to get at the tiny bit of information that particular web page has anyway. I prefer the Library, because it has a higher standard of quality than the Internet s. The librarians weed out low quality information from the library, while on the Internet it is simply added to the already disorganized mass of documents and information.