Scholars often dispute the origin of the bubonic plague. One legend holds out
that the plague broke out in the Tarter army under Khan Djani-Beg that was
besieging the city of Caffa in the Crimea. The Khan ordered the heads of
Tarter victims hurled into Caffa to infect the defenders. Others say that the
plague broke out in China or central Asia around 1331, and during the next
fifteen years, merchants and soldiers carried it over the caravan routes until it
reached the Crimea in 1346. Some scholars believe that the plague was
endemic is southern Russia. Either way, the plague had easy access to the
Mediterranean lands and Western Europe. It spread very rapidly in Europe
because Genoese ships brought the plague to Messina, which then spread to
Sicily. By June of 1348, Venice, Genoa, Pisa, Florence, Tuscany, southern
Germany, Languedoc, Spain, and England were all infected.
the book of palgues ,ch. magne kafor.