Bacteria Essay, Research Paper
cells with a wall, membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes and DNA. No
distinct nucleus DNA
not incorporated in chromosomes but comprising a single, circular strand Bacteria
may have plasmids = a
circle of a few genes which can move between bacteria. These may contain
antibiotic resistant genes. These are often used as a vector in genetic
engineering. Membrane?bounded
organelles are absent Cell
wall of protein and polysaccharide Motile
if possess flagella Spherical
(cocci), rod shaped (bacilli) or spiral shaped (spirilla) Most
are heterotropic ? obtaining energy from the oxidation of breakdown of
organic matter. They are
parasitic, saprobiontic or mutualistic. Some
are chemaoautotrophic ? obtaining energy from the oxidation of inorganic
materials Some
are photoautotrophic Bacteria
reproduce by binary fission Bacteria
are a source of antibiotics Pathogenic
bacteria are intercellular parasites and the symptoms of a disease are
often caused by the toxins they produce.