Frank Caracciolo English Essay
10/4/98 Period 10/11
More Then a Noble Perception
Perception is the insight or knowledge gained by perceiving. In The
Tragedy of Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth the tragic hero of
the play is perceived differently by everyone. Macbeth is one of King
Duncan’s nobleman and soldiers, who as the play goes on murders his leader
when hearing he will one day be King from a trio of witches. Through
Macbeth’s actions the perceptions of Macbeth by the other main characters
are learned. As the play goes on it is seen that his best friend, Banquo, his
leader King Duncan and his wife Lady Macbeth all have opposing
perceptions of him. Comparing their perceptions and the way he is shows
how Macbeth may have came to the decision to commit his crime.
Banquo is Macbeth’s best friend in the tragedy. Banquo is with
Macbeth when Macbeth meets the witches and they tell him of his upcoming
fortune. Banquo notices how Macbeth is too ambitious after he sees
Macbeth’s reaction to the witches predictions. He feels even though
Macbeth is his best friend he feels Macbeth is capable of wrong doing in the
future to get what he wants. This is shown in one aside after they leave the
witches. “?And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of
darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray ’s in deepest
consequence. Cousins, a word, I pray you. (Act1, SceneIII,line123)” This
quote is stating that Banquo thinks Macbeth may do anything to get what
he wants no matter what the consequences are.
Duncan is the King of Scotland and Macbeth’s leader. Duncan’s view
of Macbeth is narrow-minded. He perceives him as a loyal, noble,
trustworthy, soldier whom he is very fond of. Duncan also feels Macbeth is
the reason for them winning the war. There is many times in the play where
this is pointed out by the things Duncan says. For example, “Give me your
hand. Conduct me to mine host: we love him highly, And shall continue our
graces towards him…(Act1, SceneVI,line29)” This quote shows that
Duncan seems to feel like he owes Macbeth something for his loyalties and
bravery in the war. Duncan’s perception of Macbeth will prove to be his
Lady Macbeth only sees Macbeth the way she wants to see him.
When he tells her there is a chance he will become King she right away
thinks of his weaknesses. She knows he is very easily manipulated as she
says things to him that persuade him into the murder. For example,
“?Which thou esteem ’st the ornament of life, And live in a coward in thine
own esteem, Letting “I dare not” wait upon “I would,” Like the poor cat I’
th’ adage? (Act1, SceneVII, line42)” This statement from her appeals to
Macbeth’s submissive character.
In conclusion, you can see that perception is a very complicated thing.
People should think a lot before they decide how they perceive someone.
Macbeth is someone who is perceived many different ways. Everyone does
not see him as a whole. Everyone sees little pieces of his whole character.
Not one the characters see all of Macbeth’s personality and nature. Lady
Macbeth sees what she feels will benefit her, Duncan sees the good qualities
that Macbeth shows to him, and Banquo views him as a good man that is
capable of turning the other cheek and committing wrong doing to get what
he wants. If Macbeth was viewed by everyone the way he truly is maybe he
would have never had the flaw he found in himself, keeping his noble
reputation intact.