3,6,11,12,27 Genesis Review Essay, Research Paper
Richard Erwin
OT Book Study (Genesis)
Reader?s Reflection Paper
Selected Chapters: 3, 6, 11, 12, and 27
Chapter 3: Adam and Eve disobey.
When viewing this chapter and reflecting on my own life, I see that sin, individually and collectively, is a choice. The choices I have made to sin are all to embarrassing as well as shameful to put on a paper such as this but relating to the way each sin was proposed, indulges me to believe that Satan is not very creative. Both in the garden and in my life the first thing I often see happening is that Satan takes my focus off the blessings I have and redirects my thinking about what is prohibited. Ever increasingly every sin I have committed looked as enticing as the fruit was to Eve. Although the text does not address the full detail of how Adam was influenced to take part in the sin, it is evidently clear that Satan has not changed his tactics much in using peer pressure to his advantage. The choice made in the garden has been nothing more than a mirror image of how sin operates today. Satan continually uses half-truths and indulges our desires for something more. With all of this said, I will continue to try and make the right choices.
Chapter 6: Wickedness brings sorrow to God
Unfortunately, when reflecting on what I have both experienced and observed,
wickedness is an issue that often I must address with those whom I associate with. While I was in the Navy it was common to find myself in with the wrong crowd. I knew that the sexual immorality they were involved in was wrong but did not care to indulge in the same activities. I have seen marriages destroyed, even death result from such immoral
behavior. Wickedness brings sorrow not only to God but also to everyone involved.
Richard ErwinPage 2
OT Book Study (Genesis)
Reader?s Reflection Paper
Chapter 11: The Tower of Babel
One of the most frustrating things I believe I have experienced is the difficulty of communicating in a foreign land. I, being in the Navy, traveled to many countries where English was not the primary language. Communication is a key factor in everything we do. Relationship of any sort starts with communication. The lesson I walk away with as I read this chapter is the distance God demonstrates that can occur when things are not as they should be.
Chapter 12: God calls Abram
When God calls, how should I answer? This question arose in my mind as a seventh grader at a Christian school. I felt maybe there was more God wanted out of me. Well, as a seventh grader, leaving my country was not a feasible option, but it did relate that listening and communing daily with God was a key to relationship and this new concept of covenant. To be like Abraham, what an aspiration.
Chapter 27: Esau and Jacob
What happens when something we are expecting is taken from us? I can relate so well to what Esau felt as something he rightfully deserved was taken. Without going into great detail, a certain item was promised to me by my grandmother. After she died One of my sisters claimed it. I was hurt, bitter, and resentful. I was not so angry as to plot to kill her like Esau, but angry. I soon learned that a bitter pill is better if it is just swallowed.
Bible, NIV, Author: God