Drugs And AIDS Essay, Research Paper
Hopkins University. In the U.S gay men still make up the primary risk group,although 750,000 to 1 milliondrug addicts are believed to be at risk to AIDS nationally. The problem here is thesharing of needles, which is causing the spread of AIDS. IV drug abusers arekilling our nation at an amazingly fast speed. AIDS which surfaced in the 80’s isnow on the rise and even more deadly to IV drug users. The sharing of needlesmust be stopped. Drugs should not be legalized. Although people feel that
legalizing drugs would lessen crime, drugs should remain illegal in the U.Sbecause there would be an increase of drug abuse and a rapid increase of diseasessuch as AIDS. The United States can not afford this problem. It has become aworld power by strengthening its people not by killing them. Drug abuse has gottenworse, with its effects on crack babies, drug addicts, and the I.V user. There mustbe education for the survival of this nation, not legalization.
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