Cheating Essay, Research Paper
I.Communicate Policies on Cheating
a.Put policies in your syllabus
b.Be clear about when they can work together and when they cannot
II.Relate With Your Students
a.Know your students and they are less likely to cheat
b.Let them know what you expect of them and respect them
III.Teach Students What Plagiarism Is
a.Structure writing assignments so they are not tempted to copy others work
b.Do the writing process over time and have them turn everything in
c.Show them how to document sources before hand
IV.Control the Test Situation
a.Arrange the room to suit the test
b.Resist complains when asking people to move ect.
c.Ask for ID if you do not know your students (i.e. big classes)
d.Use more proctors for big classes
e.Dress more businesslike
f.Make alternate test forms
g.Turn hats around and put bags in the front of the room
h.Do not allow a student who has left to come back into the room
V.Be Prepared
a.Be prepared for anything like fire alarms or notes on the board saying your test has been canceled
b.Make sure have a plan in case something out of the ordinary happens
Preventing Cheating
I.Know and Follow Your Institutes Policies
a.Put the policies in your syllabus and follow them
II.Settling Matters
i.Get the student to sign a statement admitting to the offense and accepting the penalty
ii.Keep documentation of everything
iii.Give copies to the dean and dept. chair for repeat offenders
i.Be aware of time limits
ii.Follow procedures
iii.Document everything