Identity-Men and Women
What influences a person’s identity? Is it their homes, parents, siblings, or possibly where
they live? When do they get one? Do they get it when they understand right from wrong, or when
they can read, or are they born with it? Everyone has one and nobody has the same, is there a
point in everyone’s life when they get one? A person’s identity is their own, nobody put it there
and nobody can take it out. Everyone in this world has a different identity because they all make
their own over the course of their life. A person’s identity also causes a person to have masculine
and feminine traits. There is no one thing that gives a person their identity, there are however,
many different factors that contribute to one’s identity.
What is someone’s identity? To me someone’s identity is a part of their being. Nobody
will ever hold it, touch it, or even see it, but it is there. Everybody has one, it guilds your decision
making, your thoughts, ideas, and dreams. You may think something is terrible while someone
else does not even care and yet another person may laugh, why? The answer is simple, everyone
has his own identity and personality. Everyone feels, acts, thinks, and dreams differently. People
may have some of these things in common with one another, but they will not be totally the same,
it is like a fingerprint, unique.
There are many origins to a person’s identity, their family, friends, home life, religion,
environment and others. A person’s identity is developed over many years and put together by the
person themselves. It comes from the individuals ability to think, reason and form an opinion.
Nobody has the same mind, or the same or the same conscious, so how could anyone have the
same identity as another. A person’s identity is developed over many years from the time they
become aware of their surroundings, to the time they decide if they are going to college, and even
as they grow old there identity will change with them. As people’s dreams are dreamed and goals
are accomplished their identities will change with the individual. Their aspirations and values will
change, causing their identities to change with it. It may be a slight alteration or a major overhaul
but there identity will adjust to the person.
Gender is a major cause for a person’s identity. A person might act a certain way because
of the gender that is given to them. It is often referred that a person might act a certain way
because it is in their nature. A person’s nature is a major reason that causes a persons identity. A
person might be mentally sick and just go crazy on people. This is part of the person’s nature, he
is going to do what his nature compels him to. A person’s nature might also influence a person to
act like a man or a woman. A man might be a man but have feminine traits. This is the nature of
his mind. Nature and identity also characterize how the person acts. The nature of someone might
make someone act stronger in their own sex. Identity can be seen in even the youngest of children
as soon a child is ready to make their own decision, no matter how trivial the decision might be,
the child is starting to create his or her own identity and define their own nature. This nature can
be seen in children too. One child’s nature might make a little girl act like a boy, also called a
tomboy. This means that the girl just like to play with boys and do ‘boy’ things. While another
girl, with a different mentality, might play with Barbie dolls and dress in a pink dress.
Siblings grow up together, they play together, and they have fun together. But,
eventually they will get their own friends and make their own decisions. This also leads to a
person’s identity. Not all people like all the same things or people. Joe may be friends with Larry,
and Larry may like Bob, but Joe may not like Bob. There is no reason to hate each other, they just
do not mix. Friends also play a part in a person’s developing an identity, they are also a good
indicator of one’s identity. Whether you hang around wall street all day or you work on your farm
all day, may tell a little about your identity. Neither is better than the other but they probably have
different interests and likes. That does not mean they can not be friends and get along, they will
just be different.
However with all these factors related to forming an identity the most important
and most influential is the person themselves. We see people every day, some whom we want to
be like and some we hope we never turn out like. With all the other outside factors to guide and
help or push and hamper, the individual has the last say. You are the only on who says what you
want to be like over the course of your life. Nobody will ever get inside your mind and do the
thinking for you. Nobody can influence you, you may feel as if you are being forced to do
something but you do not have to do anything. You make the final decision. However you act,
think, and speak is totally up to you.
People grow up all coming from all different kinds of places, backgrounds and families.
They will all have different identities. Gender affects the decisions made by people. Their identity
and the ‘nature’ of the person makes them act the way they do. Nobody is the same and nobody
will ever be. All the outside influences will have an effect on their identities but the individual has
the last word on it. Nobody is the same because each person will form his own identity to what
ever they want to be like.