Erika Spaulding
Hero Essay
Heroes today are different than they were in the Anglo-Saxon era. For one
thing, they had different codes of conduct than we do today. Some common
attributes of a hero of the Middle Ages were honor, bravery, and loyalty. Now, we
tend to judge heroes by how much they interest us, and by what the media says.
They also appeal to different age groups. Back then, if you were a hero, you were
one to everybody. Now, the most common heroes are fictitious, and commonly
appeal to children on cartoons.
They have different expectations as well. People expected a lot more of
heroes in the Anglo-Saxon period. Today, people will think you’re a hero just for
walking a little old lady across the street.
The final difference is the duration of their fame. Today, people will forget
your heroic deeds soon after they are completed. But back then, you were a
legend. This is probably because their stories were often based on heroes, and like
the game of telephone, the magnitude of a heroic act intensifies with each
person who tells it. Heroes today are different from how they were in the past.
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