Creative Writing: My Grandfather
My Grandfather, although he moved around a lot when he was a kid, grew
up fairly well. He has lived in California, Texas, Wisconsin and many others.
He traveled to many places because of his first career.
Grandpa was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. He lived there for the first
three months of his life. He then moved to Texas where he lived in the suburbs
of Dallas. He then moved to California and moved back to Texas to live with his
grandparents for times when his mother couldn’t have him stay with her. His
mother married a man named John and they moved to New Mexico. There he lived on
a dude ranch his step-father was building, and he got to ride horses a lot. His
chores there were to strip trees to help build buildings, and he took care of
the horses. He later did chores around the house. He moved out of New Mexico
after John got killed by lightning. They lived in the poor part of the city.
The thing he remembers most about his mother is that she was a free spirit. His
dad left when he was three because he couldn’t take care of any one, not even
himself. He recalled that John told lots of tall stories; something that
grandpa does often.
His first school was in California and it was a two room school house.
He had to walk home and there were water snakes in the gutters. One time when
he got home, his favorite toy, a refrigerator handle, was missing. Then he
noticed that the two trees that were in front of the house were gone. He called
the police. When the police got there, the baby-sitter was there and said the
owner had taken the trees out. When the police officer found out that a handle
was all that was missing, he gave my grandpa a lecture about only calling the
police in an emergency. He never found the handle. My grandpa liked chorus the
most, and he hated the rest of the classes. He remembers something Mr. Banks, a
math teacher, said to him. “Well Ronnie, it’s just a little to little, and a
little to late.” He is the most proud of graduating college after twenty years.
He regrets not having a teacher tell him about the importance of education.
When he was in middle school, he his favorite thing to do with his friends was
not go to school. His best friend was Eddie Boucher. He met him in grade
school. He went to Eddy’s house on the weekends, because they had good food.
He helped clean up Eddy’s fathers restaurant and they got to eat whatever they
wanted. They played snooker in the back yard on the pool table, and they went
on bike rides all over the San Fernando Valley.
My grandfather’s career started n the U.S. Air Force. He joined it
because it was an adventure. He did not have any preparation to join. He was
the NCOIC (non commissioned officer in charge) of the refrigeration shop on the
bases. After twenty years of service to the Air Force, he left that and has
been working with RCDD (residential care for the developmentally disabled). The
greatest challenge is working for these people, and that is also the reward.
The thing he most wants to accomplish is to see me graduate from college. He
does not suggest joining the Air Force, but RCDD if you have the correct nature
for the job.
He does not have a set schedule, because of his job. He likes any part
of the day as long as he does not have to do hard things. He likes any season
without ice and snow. His worst experience with ice and snow is when John got
killed by lightning. He likes to take care of his health so he keeps moving -
not die. His least favorite food is liver. He appreciates the shower most of
all modern appliances. His favorite hobbies are using the computer and watching
sports on TV He reads lots of books and appreciates good literature. He has
traveled all over the world because of his service in the Air Force. He enjoys
being with his family the most of all. His favorite experience is opening a new
computer box.
He believes that people get along by being tolerant. He said the
greatest people of this century are F. D. R., Einstein and Gandhi. The greatest
people of earlier centuries are Plato, Aristotle, Christ, Buddha and Newton.
The most significant technologies are rocket science and space travel. The
worst invention this century is the atom bomb. He believes a person need to be
adaptable to changes in society. The biggest problem is the inability of the
human race to take care of the world. People can help by paying attention and
helping to solve the problem.
Arts and crafts are parts of good living and he enjoys good art,
literature, and good music. He believes that, “To thy own self be true.” The
thing he learned from his parents is that all living things have value. Be
active in the world around you.
In conclusion, my grandfather has lived a varied life. He started out
slow but he sped up on the way and turned out well.