Use Of Force Essay, Research Paper
The Use of Force illustrates very well the feelings and emotions of a normally
rational person, who, for any reason, is subjected to a situation that causes
much frustration and anger. Most people have patience, but everyone has a
breaking-point. The doctor found his breaking point. It was almost frightening
to read what the doctor was going to do next to the little girl. What he did was
no doubt justified, however, when he said ?I could have torn the child apart
in my own fury and enjoyed it,? that shows a lack of self control. I believe
this story is very much like everyday life in the past few years. People lose
their tempers too easily instead of being patient and cooling off. A great
example of this is the Jerry Springer Show; people go to that show already very
angry, and they think that being on TV will aid them in resolving their
conflicts. That is certainly not what happens, though. One person almost always
becomes enraged and physically attacks another person. It?s sick. I see it in
the hallways of our school. People lash out at anyone for any reason-bumping
into them. It is terrible. Just blow it off and calm down. The story The Use of
Force shows the evil side of a person. The doctor had to do his job, but did not
need to physically harm the little girl. His uncontrollable ferocity and
belligerence are startling, but it is sadly a common occurrence in the present.
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