What I know about China
China is located around Mongolia, Russia, Nepal, Laos, East China
Sea, South China Sea, and Myanmar. A better described location
would be Southeast of Asia. I know that the people who live in China
speak Chinese. Some of my opionions on China are that they make
cheap goods that fall apart in a week. The pencils you get that says
“made in China,” the erasers fall off when they are turned upside
down, and the dolls that you see at stores break as soon as you get
them home. I don?t understand why the United States of America still
buy off the Chinese because they make the stuff they export junky.
Pretty soon no one will buy materials made in China and they will
start losing profits and so will the United States a little. Some United
States citizens already buy things that are made only in the US.
My understanding on China is that Qing dynasty ruled them and all his
relatives after him and they were mostly male. After the Chinese tried
to stop the British Merchants from smuggling and when they resisted
war broke out, in which Great Britain won. Then they all signed
unequal treaties and China had to give up major portions of land to
several other coutries which became good trading sources.
Some of my beliefs on China are that I don?t belive they should be
aloud to kill their babies. Sometimes if the Chinese really want a male
baby bad enough and they get a girl they will kill it and keep trying
again for a boy until they get one. Sometimes they will find out
sooner to see if they are having a female baby or a male baby and if
it happens to be a girl they will get an abortion right away.
I do not believe in killing your babies and I don?t belive in having an
abortion either because they are your flesh and blood. Those are my
opionions, beliefs, and understandings on China.