Stop The Cruelty Essay, Research Paper
Stop the Cruelty
Ladies and gentleman of Spain take a stand against
bullfighting.. Bullfighting is a very violent and un-humanitarian
Every year in Spain alone 35,000 bulls are tormented and
killed. Advertisements for bullfights claim they are festive,
artistic, and fair.
However bullfights are just the opposite. These so called
fair fights are only fair if you are the matador. Bullfights are
fixed so the bull never has a chance.
Former bullfighters know the cruelty these bulls endure.
The bulls are debilitated, with tranquilizers, and laxatives, they
take beatings to the kidneys and petroleum jelly is rubbed into
their eyes. Weeks before the fight heavy weights are hung
around their necks. These bulls are confined in dark spaces
before being realized into the bright arena. To further secure
the win of the matador the horns of the bull are shaved.