Classroom Self Esteem Scale
This scale will attempt to estimate the level of self-esteem a person has in the classroom. Notice the instrument has no center or neutral point?the respondent has to declare whether he/she is in agreement or disagreement with the items.
Instructions: Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements by placing a (X) mark in the appropriate box.
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Agree
I feel good about my work in class.
On the whole I get along well with classmates.
I am satisfied with my ability to cope stress in class.
When I feel uncomfortable in class I can deal with it.
I can tell others are glad to have me in the class.
I can cope with class as long as I want.
I have a strong relationship with my instructor.
I am confident that I can handle all assigned work without assistance.
I feel I make useful contributions to the class.
I can tell that classmates respect me and my opinion
Directions for Administering & Scoring: Place student one row apart and one chair apart. Students will need their own supplies for the test (i.e. pencil, eraser). Scoring will involve a tally of all responses per the ten questions asked and will be judged using our scale.
Strongly agree 7 or more =?s good self esteem
Some what agree 5 or more =?s ok self esteem
Some what disagree
Strongly disagree 7 or more =?s bad self esteem