Color Purple Essay, Research Paper
In Alice Walker?s The Color Purple Celie faces love obstacles in the beginning
of the novel. eventually, she overpowers these obstructions and truimphs. One
example of a love obstacle Celie faces that eventually ends in truimph can be
found following one of her beatings on page 23, where he writes states ?It all
I can do not to cry. I make myself wood.? This clearly conveys that Celie
lacks love in the early portion of her life. However, she truimphs when she
meets Shug Avery, who says on page 118, ? I love you Miss Celie.? These
words show how Celie makes the transition from being unloved to being loved.
Another example of a love obstacle that she truimphs is stated on page 13 where
she meets Harpo. ?He pick up a rock and laid my head open.? Obviously, due
to his vulgar actions, he has nolove for his new mother. The trimph comes later
in the novel Harpo and Celie form a bond a mother would have with her son.