Little Lessons I’ve learned on my way
Lesson 1: Don’t Lose Your Path
In his poem, The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost wrote, “Two roads diverge in the woods, and I took the one least
traveled by/ And that has made all the difference.” In this poem, the narrator had a choice of two roads. However, I’ve discovered that life is a little more complicated. Sometimes the path we embark on is not always the one we choose. Sometimes we are pushed or pulled in certain directions and we have to react to our environment.
My path to a college education has been filled with bumps, potholes, detours and roadblocks. The signs often read “yield” and “do not enter.” The path has not always been clear, but I’ve kept my eyes opened, focused on the road ahead, and the experience has made all the difference.
Lesson 2: Become an Active Listener
I believe that the power to empathize, or the ability to put yourself in someone else’s place begins with an open mind. When I say that we must become active listeners in order to understand one another, I mean to say that there are subtle movements in our speech, certain words that we use, certain utterances that are not directed towards us, certain circumstances unrevealed to us. We must endeavor to hear all of them.
Lesson 3: Goals never die.
Allowing one’s personal aspirations to fall victim to life’s hardships may be a desirable solution, but also a costly sacrifice. It takes perseverance, drive and passion to rise above difficulties, and a long-term goal always serves as a light at the end of a seemingly never-ending tunnel. My goal is simple: intellectual enrichment and the use of my knowledge to help those in need of a helping hand. My life experiences have helped me to appreciate the value of this goal, and I look forward to reaching it.