Zoom Essay, Research Paper
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We got what you sent!
This web site is updated every week with new content, and everything you send is also reviewed for use on the TV show. Plus, we read each and every Zmail and publish many in our Zmail area each week. Since we can’t respond to all of you personally, here are some frequently given answers:
Where are the ZOOMers from the old ZOOM shows now? Where can I see those old ZOOM shows?
Check out ZOOMnostalgia on the parents site!
How can I learn Ubbi Dubbi?
You can learn the secret language of ZOOM with our way-cool Ubbi Dubbi translator.
Where can I find something I just saw on ZOOM?
Recipes, arts & crafts, science challenges, plays, and other things from the show are always available on our site:
Backpack Challenge
What’s the best way to send something to ZOOM?
If you have recipes, jokes, brainteasers or submissions for any of our other listed features, go to our Send it to ZOOM area. Your submission is MUCH more likely to be used on ZOOM if you do this. Please don’t use the Zmail link to send us actual submissions. We also have a “snail mail” address:
ZOOM Box 350 Boston, MA 02134
Can a ZOOMer email me?
‘fraid not. The ZOOMers are not able to write back to any of you individually.
How can I be a host on ZOOM?
Auditions are held once a year in Boston, Massachusetts for kids 8-13. When the date is near, we announce the auditions here on the site.
When is ZOOM on my TV?
You can either check your local paper or go to our
ZOOM on TV area.