Bathing The Dog Essay, Research Paper
Bathing the Dog
Dear Janet,
Today my mom and I bathed our new dog. We had a hard time trying to get him to stay still but we did. So let me tell you how we accomplished this task.
To get started on washing our dog. We need to get these items: dog tick/flea soap (available at the local store), a rag, a pale, some gloves, and a common garden hose.
The first thing you do is pour some water in the pale and put some soap in at the same time so as to mix it in the process. You then wet the dog and the rag with hose. You then put on your gloves and get started with the second task. Secondly you get your dog to trust you because he/she probably won?t trust you when it sees the soap. Catch the dog and tie it up to a near by tree that has a garden hose near by. You thirdly get the rag lathered with soapy water and start to rub the dog all over. You have to be care full though as to not get the soap in the dog?s eyes because it might sting them. Be sure also to rub him all over no matter WHERE you have to. When you are sure that you have completed this just do the third and final thing, rinse the dog. Be sure to rinse it thoroughly because it might lick some of the soap off and might just die. When you finish this also be sure to rinse the grass off with clean water, as so the pale because if the dog gets to licking them he/she might ,as I said above, get sick or die. Put away all the items but also clean them so as to have them prepared for the next time you might have to clean your dog which might not be to long because those dogs like to roll around on the grass.
Well I hope you enjoy the picture I included in this letter that has my dog and me after we finished bathing him.
Your Friend,