The world is empty, an endless void
Swirling, twirling, and hurling us all
Facing the downfall no one foresaw.
The world, a temptress, a taker of fates
Fighting us all, giving unto the hate.
A world of mimics, a world of mimes
Selling their soul to the crowd of the
Where have they gone? Where are they found?
The bold, the strong, the righteous proud
Afraid to stand up and face the crowd.
The morals they loved, the beliefs they preached
The feelings our fathers had gone and teached
Sunk to the floor, buried in the ground
Afraid of the hurt, the pain, the sound
Of people destroying and burning their hearts,
Gnawing, ripping, and tearing apart
The thoughts they grew, the love they knew
Gone for the evil society does brew.
No one original, no one new,
Everyone looks like the rest of you.
I thought you were special, perhaps unique
But of the world, your soul does reek.
Am I alone? The only one?
Who sees this world is about to drown?
Where do I go? Who do I tell?
When everyone else has tripped and fell.
Down in a hole, pushed to the bottom
Left to become a rotting carcass
Swallowed in hate by this worldly
Living the popular view,
A colorless hue
A world of boredom, a world of dull
Everyone being the accepted “cool”
So take this warning, a heed to you
Don’t let the world control you too.