Реферат по предмету "Искусство"

Classical Wrestling

INTRODUCTION VladicavcasianHumanitarian Lyceum THE REPORT OF THE PUPIL OF THE 7 FORM UruimagovKazbek VladicavkasINTRODUCTIONThis summer Hasan Boroev, my uncle s disciple, became the best wrestlerin the Greek-Roman class, in the world. And I decided to write a report on thistheme. Because I was proud of my uncle and I decided to tell you about thisunfamous kind of sport in our republic.

While finding the information I decidedto make my theme wider. And began finding information about all old sports wehad in our small republic. I ve found such sports as wrestling, horse riding,bicycle sport and so on. Today I want to tell you about them. I m sure you llbecome interested. Thefirst wrestlerAt the beginning of our sencury in

Russia hename of the great osetian wrestler Temirbolat Dudarovich Kanukov was famous.This bogatyr developed unusually. Before he was 1 year old, he was verysmall, feeble and delicate. Then he began to grow quickly. When he was 10 years old he worked with hisfather cutting trees in the forest. And when he was 5 years old he worked withlogs himself.

When Bola was 15, he was 2m 24sm long and weighed 200 kg.Temirbolat Bola Dudarovich Kanukov was called Kazbek - a mountain.Bola was very kind and uncunning. His neighbors often made him take exams inhis strength. And Bola easily managed to pass them.His family wasn t big - a wife, a daughter and anadopted son Vasiliy. Bola adapted him when Vasiliy was 2,5years old.

He loved him not less than a daughter.It was hard to hide such big man in a small village of Koban,and Temirbolat didn t like to sit in his mountain nest. Bola asked his fatherand went to Vladicavcas, where the Turkish circus was showing its tricks, andasked the bast wrestler to have a match, with Bola. He easily won the butcher . Thus Temirbolat became a circus wrestler.

He liked to wrestle inparterre. Facing Bola his rival couldn t stand on his legs.In 1904 Bola Kanukov became a professional wrestlerand played on the circus arena more than 10 years. He didn t have anytechnique, but he won his rivals with the help of strength and courage. He wonmany famous wrestlers.Last time Bola wrestled in 1917 in Baku.It was parting and that s why the hardest match.

It is enough to say that hisrivals were world champions. When he won last match he bowed standing on thesaint point of arena, which was small for him. He stayed in the wrestlinghistory as a very strong man. Temirbolat died with unusual death. He lay on the dryground. After the storm he couldn t stand, he was brought to the house ill.

Helay in bed for 3weeks and died. Bola was bored in Mayskoe village.In 1934 his daughter died. During the Great Patriotic War Vasiliy, hisadopted son, fought and died as a hero. HistoryThere is no doubtthat the victories of wrestlers in free style were caused mainly by the fact that themost part of future champions came from classical wrestling the great freers coach

AslanbekZaharovich Dzgoev used to repeat Classic is always classic .As a Peculiarexample of osetian wrestlers, of classical style, we may call Temirbolat Kanukov. Theglory of his strength was rumbling in all country.Before the GreatPatriotic War Kermen and Peter Tukkaevs, Peter Andiev, Mustafa Nakov and othersglittered on the arena.

Nakov became a bronze champion of USSRin 1939. At that time it was very perfect. Viktor Pavlov wonnot less. Since 1924 to 1941 nobody could win him in the republic and in thewhole Caucasus. Later Victor Radionovich started to coach and prepared agreat number of good wrestlers between them there are A. Tukkaev, A. Makoev, V.Great was a shareto the development of classical wrestling of

Michael Ogladze. His wrestlers Peter Andiev, Boris Burnacev became the Caucasian champions notonce.But the specialprosperity of classical wrestling came at the end of 50th at the beginning of60th, many wonderful sportsmen won many international and USSR competitionsbetween them are Kermen Samenov s, Michael Ogladze s and Aslan Dzgoev swrestlers winners of

RSFSRcompetitionsof many years. And Anatoly Kirov, which came to Vladicavkas to study, while he was here he won a world championship.TauzbekDzahsorov, Boris Abaev, Tamir Marzaganov, Boris Basiev and Shaukuz Dzarasov hadboth good methods in free and in classical style. We can name many goodwrestlers in later time, between them there are the

Sumenov brothers, andSidakov brothers.There weredifferent moments in the history of classical wrestling. It was famous and not.But in all times there were men, who didn t let this kind of sportdisappear between them Aslanbek Hamurov, Emzar Karalidze and Vladimir Uruimagovare mainly due to his efforts recently this kind of sports has got the increasingpopularity. For a long time in our republic was only oneschool, which was headed by

Robert Gouchmazov.Today specialiststalk about young Osetian bogatyrs such as Nart Camakaev, Denis Forov,Anzor Totrov, Valery Cuckuev and Hasan Baroev, became twice Russian championand world champion in young category of 97kg.In this weightVladimir Uruimagov became an USSRchampion, and now he trains

Hasan. Became Alexander Dulaev, Rastislav Budtuev,became Russian winners, and now it is Hasan s turn. At the age of 17 he became amaster of sport in ass at Greece-Roman wrestling style. In 2001 Hasan changed weight category for l20kg. In this category Alexander Karelin won his coevals in Russia and in the world, and in2002 he won Denis Forov who won

European competition. In 2003 Hasan won RulonGardner, who won Alexander Karelin on Olympic Games. NowadaysThe next congress of the best wrestlers in our planet took place in the suburb of French capitalin Kretey. There were more people that in the last years, as the price of theOlympic wins became higher. It s interesting that the gold medals went to fivecountries. And only Russiahas two the valuablest rounds. The world proud to our country,brought

Hasan Boroev and Aleksey Glushkov. But unfortunately team hasthe second place. It s strange that in four categories our wrestlers have noplace in Olympic Games. Hasan Baroev the youngest world champion in the historyof wrestlering .Paris was beautiful in that night. Our coaches were walking onits street and exulted we had the first golden medal. Hasan Boroev brought itto us Hasan became 21 an the 1st of

December. In sprite of bad results on the Europe championship, the main coach of our team tookHasan on the world championship. And Hasan won. He went to these medals a tank.But he collided with the wall at the 1 8 of the final this wall was RulonGardner. That, wrestlers won Aleksandr Karelin on Olympic Games. But it s notall in 2001 he became a world.

Champion before the match Gardner said thatHasan has a good technique, but he was sure that he ll win. Hasan won 3 0 andthis is all. Then Hasan easily won rivals one after one. The last match was thehardest and he won it 3 1. Hasan Boroev is a disciple of Vladimir Uruimagov, his another wrestler Denis Forov became a world champion inhis age category in

Turkey,and Vladislav Kokoev had a bronze medal. In his interview to magazine Classical Wrestling Hasan said that he had been born in Dushanbe, but when hehad been nine, his family had gone to Vladicavkas. And there in 1997 he metVladimir Borisovich Uruimagov his family isn t small three sisters, fathersMahar, mother

Raisa and Vladimir Borisovich, they are very, friendly. Vladimir is with three years ago thanks to president of Moscow Torpedo Aleksey Kim,Hasan began to life in Moscow.And in national team Hasan train many famous coaches.

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