Реферат по предмету "Разное"

2. Special requirements for admission: the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language and literature, and creative competition with 2 rounds: 1

Art of Music * (orchestral string instruments), bachelor1. Information on the profile of education Field of knowledge (code) Arts 0202 Profile of education (code) Art of Music *6.020204 Specialization (Major subject) Piano, organ Educational objective Basic higher education Qualification Bachelor of arts,, teacher of string instruments class EQL Bachelor Duration of formation 4 years Form of study Full time 2. Special requirements for admission: the history of Ukraine, Ukrainian language and literature, and creative competition with 2 rounds: 1. performance solo program of three pieces of music (polyphonic composition, large-scale work, concert piece, etude), 2. solfeggio - verbally and in writing (musical dictation). 3. General field of study: This area is intended to prepare professional art direction, capable of musical performance, music pedagogy, music and educational activities in secondary special and higher educational institutions and culture institutions. 4. Professional profile of graduates: specialists EQL «bachelor» can occupy the following positions: teacher of art and instrumental disciplines in secondary and higher institutions of culture (piano, chamber ensemble, accompanist class), head of performing groups (chamber ensembles). 5. Possibility of further study: after the EQL «bachelor» cabin training can enter the magistracy in the direction 8.020205 „ Art of Music ”, за спеціалізацією „ Piano ” 6. Structure diagram of this trend: № Title discipline Year of study Semester in which the discipline studied Credit ECTS Humanitarian and socio-economic training 1. Ukrainian language 1 1, 2 3,0 2. History of Ukraine 1 2 3,0 3. Philosophy 2 4 2,0 4. Cultural 3 5 1,0 5. Economic theory 3 5 2,0 6. Jurisprudence 4 7 1,5 7. Sociology 4 7 1,0 8. Politics 4 7 2,0 9. Foreign Language 1 1, 2 5,0 Foreign Language 2 2, 4 2,75 10. Physical education 1 1, 2 б/к Physical education 2 - 4 3 - 7 б/к 11. Religion 3 5 1,0 Cycle natural-science training 1. Security life activities and base Civil Defence 1 1 2,0 2. Psychology 1 1, 2 1,5 Psychology 2 3, 4 1,7 3. Pedagogy 1 1, 2 1,5 Pedagogy 2 3, 4 1, 75 4. Principles of pedagogical skills 3 5, 6 2,0 5. Ecology 4 7 1,0 6. Health 3 6 1,0 7. New Information Technology 1 1 1,0 Cycle training in the specialty 1. Introduction to the profession 1 1 2,0 2. Theory of Music 1 1, 2 4,0 Theory of Music 2, 3 3 - 6 4,7 3. The history of world music culture 1 1, 2 4,0 The history of world music culture 2 - 4 3 - 8 8,1 4. Special instrument 1 1, 2 6,0 Special instrument 2 - 4 3 - 8 9,5 5. History of Performance Art 1 2 5,0 6. Music Pedagogy 2 3 1,5 7. Pedagogical practicum 2 - 4 3 - 8 8,0 8. Methodology of teaching play on a special instrument 2 3 3,0 9. Performing interpretation 4 8 2,0 10. Conducting in the classroom 1 1, 2 2,0 11. Chamber Ensemble 2 - 4 3 - 8 10,0 12. Piano 1 1, 2 2,0 Piano 2 - 4 3 - 8 3,7 13. Orchestral class 1 1, 2 13,0 14. Reading and analysis of scores 1 2 1,0 15. Quartet class 1 2 2,0 Quartet class 2 - 4 3 - 8 8,0 16. Music Psychology 2 4 1,5 17. History of Ukrainian music 3 5, 6 2,5 18. Conducting 4 8 1,0 19. W / C on current issues in music education 3 6 1,0 20. Propedeutics (of the University education. Work on the Internet. Working with search engines library) 1 1 2,0 7. Terms of assessment: ^ National Scale Rate Scale ЕСТS excellent 90 – 100% А – perfect– excellent performance with few errors well 83 – 89% В – very good – above average with some mistakes well 75 – 82% С – good – generally correct performance (work) with several blunders satisfactorily 63 – 74% D satisfactorily – many drawbacks satisfactorily 50 – 62% Е enough – performance meets the minimum criteria of evaluation unsatisfactorily 21 – 49% FХ unsatisfactorily – in order to obtain credit needs some revision unsatisfactorily 0 – 20% F unsatisfactorily – necessary to re-study the course The mark “passed” is assigned to the student who has at least 50% of the points.8. Requirements for the state certification: State Examination «Comprehensive qualifying exam in professional disciplines» consists of two parts 1. Special instrument.Form holding - performing a solo piano program, which consists of three pieces: polyphonic composition, Sonata (full cycle) or a concert (I or II and III part), piece complicated form.In the State Examination program should be displayed differently stylistic directions of academic music. Критерії оцінювання:Evaluation of «excellent» - holistically conscious examination of the entire program at a high artistic and technical level. Sufficiently high level of maturity of musical thinking, technical training, creative attitude to work and convincing performance interpretation. persuasiveness of treatment and artistry. Full use of color possibilities of the piano. Ability to overcome excessive nervousness. Assessment of «good» - a conscious examination of the entire program at a sufficient artistic and technical level in the presence of some immaterial deficiencies, namely: some minor technical errors and lack of expressiveness and emotionality. Evaluation of «satisfactory» - examination of the entire program on low-art technical standards, lack of understanding and implementation of the image, the presence of significant technical and text errors. Evaluation of «unsatisfactory» - the lack of integrity and understanding of the image performed by examination programs, large number of textual errors, and technical failures, inability to mentally tune in to a qualitative examination of the program and overcome anxiety. 2. Methodology of teaching plaing on a special instrument, the history of piano performing arts. Form holding - oral exam .. The student answers the question, according to the chosen ticket. The first question concerns the methods of teaching to play on the Special instrument. The second - the history of piano performing arts. Evaluation Criteria: Evaluation of «excellent» – answer to the question is characterized by fullness, depth mastery of the material has a deep skills and ownership of scientific terminology. High level logic description of the material. Assessment of «good» – response to the questions at a sufficient level, but contains minor flaws and incomplete mastery of the material ownership of scientific terminology. Sufficient level logic presentation of the material. Minor errors corrected in response on the additional clarifying questions. Evaluation of «satisfactory» - response to the question on the middle level misspelled, inaccuracies and incomplete mastery of the material, substantial gaps in the possession of scientific terminology. Satisfactory level logic description of the material. Inaccuracies in responses to the additional clarifying questions not corrected. Evaluation of «unsatisfactory» – response to the the question contains a number of gross errors, material misstatement, poor ownership of material, almost no awareness of of scientific terminology. Unsatisfactory level logic description of the material. Inaccuracies in responses to the additional clarifying questions not corrected. 9 Coordinator ЕСТS at the Institute of Culture and Arts: Fedorisheva Svitlana Pavlivna Deputy Director for academic work Address Phone e-mailCycle of training in the specialty 1. Introduction to the profession Working curriculum of discipline „ Introduction to the profession"1. Name of Course. „ Introduction to the profession "Form (s) of study: internally - correspondenceSpecialty: Musical Art 2. Course Code.[ІКМ] . [ММ_Орк_стр_09]. [3_1_2]3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional student). Mandatory4. Year (s) training 1-й .5. Semester / semesters 16. The number of credits ЕСТS. 27. Surname name patronymic, position, rank, scientific degreeteacher (teachers) who teach discipline Ovcharenko Anna Eduardovna - associate Professor of the Department of theory, music history and playing musical instruments, Ph.D. in education (5 building, room. 2-15, е-mail: аnna_ovcharenko1@mail.ru), Ustimenko-Kosorich Elena Anatolievna - PhD of Arts, senior lecturer of the Department of theory, music history and musical training, (5 building, room. 2-22, е-mail: akosorich@yandex.ru.8. The objective of the course (in terms of educational outcomes and competence). The aim of the course - familiarization of students with history of musical performance; formation in them understanding about the creative skills of performing concerts and artistic-professional skills, identify major directions of creative personalities up for the arts and culture, the invention of the basic factors of the artist as an integral part of arts education . 9. Prerequisites (actual knowledge required to the Master Program). Study on the music department of College of culture and arts or music college, Primary music education in the music school 10. Course Content № ^ Content of the modules and their structures total lectures sem. and pr lab. independent 1.1. ^ The first module History of development ICA LNU name Tarasa Shevchenko. 4 2 2 1.2. Organization of the educational process preparing future musician- performer and teachers of specialized disciplines. 4 2 2 1.3. Qualification characteristics of future musician- performer and teachers of specialized disciplines. 8 2 6 1.4 The process of development of musical performance. 7 2 5 1.5. Performing schools. Musical competitions. Concert and theatrical musical organizations. 7 2 5 1.6. Excursion to state philharmonic of Lugansk Visiting of rehearsing of Academic Symphony Orchestra 7 2 5 ^ The second module 2.1. Modern art and educational activities up for the field of musical art. 7 2 5 2.2. Folk- instrumental genre as a a factor of the development of musical culture. 7 2 5 2.3. V.Andreev – famous composer and performer, propagandist of folk-instrumental genre. 7 2 5 2.4. Features of the rehearsal work with creative collective (for example orchestra of folk instruments ICA LNU named after Taras Shevchenko). 6 2 4 2.5. Determination of composers activity in the the development of of musical culture. 4 2 2 2.6 Development of creative personality in modern art education. 4 2 2 ^ Total hours 72 24 48 11. List of recommended textbooks.The main educational literature Михайлов М.К. Этюды о стиле в музыке. – Л., 1990. Кадцын Л.М. Музыкальное искусство и творчество слушателя. – М., 1990. .3. Землянский Б.Я. О музыкальной педагогике. – М., 1987. 4. Корыхалова Н.П. Музыкально-исполнительская терминология. – С.-П., 2004. 5. Нейгауз Г.Г. Об искусстве фортепианной игры. – М., 1988. 6. Шмидт-Шкловская А. О воспитании пианистических навыков. – Л., 1985. 7. Царева Е. Стиль музыкальный / Е. Царева // Музыкальная энциклопедия / гл. ред. Ю.В. Келдыш. – Т. 5. – М. : Сов. энциклопедия, 1978. – С. 281288.8.Холопова В. О психологизации теоретических учений о музыке / В. Холопова // Трансформація музичної освіти : культура та сучасність. – Одеса : АстроПринт, 1998. – Ч. 1.  С. 3236.9.Холопова В. Музыка как вид искусства / Холопова В. – М. : Науч.-творч. центр «Консерватория», 1994. – 260 с.Additional educational materials 1. Мазель В. Музыкант и его руки. – С.-П., 2004. 2. Сто великих вокалистов. – М., 2004. 3. Андрєєва О.Ф. Основи музичної грамоти. – К., 1978. 4. Алексеев А.Д. Методика обучения игре на фортепиано. – М.,1978. 5. Беркман Т. Л. Индивидуальное обучение музыке. – М., 1964. 6. Маркус С. История музыкальной естетики / Маркус С. – М. : Музгиз, 1958. – Т.1.  235 с.7.Канарский А. Диалектика эстетического процесса. Генезис чувственной культуры / Канарский А. – К. : Изд-во Киев. ун-та, 1982. – 192 с. 12. Teaching Methods. Students’ Activities: listening to lectures; participation in the discussion independent sources note-taking and analysis; writing of questionnaires. Current control: two module worksForm semester control: Test 13. The evaluation criteria (in%) Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria: modular work 60% (with them i.s.w.) (15%) - participate in discussions 30% - written cases 10%^ Site of evaluation IWS № Types of independent work of students The maximum point rating by type (%) 1. Development of report for the professional issues. 5 % 2. Writing the summary. 5 % 3. Visiting of cultural and mass measures and concerts. 5 % As a whole 15% 14. Languages Teaching Ukrainian Theory of Music Working curriculum of subject „ Theory of Music (solfeggio)"1. Name of the course. Theory of Music (solfeggio) :Form (s) of study: full-time.Specialty (-es): Art of Music2. Course Code.[ІКМ]. [ММ_Орк_стр] [3_1_2]3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional for the student). Mandatory4. Year (s) training.1- st. .5. Semester / semesters. 16. The number of credits ECTS. 27. Surname name patronymic, position, rank, scientific degreeteacher (teachers) who teach discipline:. Kovaleva Anna Hryhoriyivna – elder lecturer in theory, music history and musical training (Red square 4, room.2-01).8. The objective of the course (in terms of educational outcomes and competence).The aim of the course - the development of musical knowledge and skills in students of their skills in practical work on development of musical abilities in children school. Acquiring basic types of students, namely: writing music dictation, reading from a letter one, two and many voices examples, exercises on music theory, construction and solfeggioning chains chords, hearing analysis. Stimulating students' creative activity (creating vocal exercises, music games, etc.). The study methodology literature. 9. Prerequisites (actual knowledge required to master the course). The course of music theory and solfeggio CMS, college 10. Course Content. № ^ Content of the modules and their structures Загальна к.г. лек практ інд. сам. ^ The first module 1.1. Solfeggio. 6 6 1.2. Musical dictation 4 4 1.3. Hearing analysis 4 4 1.4. Intonation Exercise 4 4 ^ The second module 2.1. Intonation Exercise 6 6 2.2. Solfeggio. 4 4 2.3 Musical dictation 4 4 2.4 Hearing analysis 4 4 ^ TOTAL HOURS 72 36 36 2 11. List of recommended textbooks.The main educational literature Агажанов А. Курс сольфеджио. – Вып. !. – М., 1974 Агажанов А. Курс сольфеджио. – Вып.2. – М., 1973 Агажанов А., Блюм Д. Сольфеджио. Прим. из полифонич. литературы. – М., 1972 Алексеев Б. Гармоническое сольфеджио. – М., 1966. Драгомиров П. Учебник сольфеджио. – М., 1965 Качалина Н. Сольфеджио. – Вып.1. – М., 1981. Качалина Н. Сольфеджио. – Вып.2. – М., 1982. Качалина Н. Сольфеджио. – Вып.3. – М., 1983. Ладухин Н. Одноголосное сольфеджио. – М., 1983. Лицвенко Н. Курс многоголосного сольфеджио. – Вып.1. – М., 1971 Островский А., Соловьев С., Шокин В. Сольфеджио. – Вып.2. – М., 1977. Рубец А. Одноголосное сольфеджио. – М., 1984. Серебряний М. Сольфеджіо. – « Музична Україна» - К., 1991. Масленкова Л. Сольфеджио. – Изд. «Лань». – С.-Петербург – 1998. Агажанов А. Двухголосные диктанты. – М., 1962. Алексеев Б., Блюм Д. Систематический курс музыкального диктанта. – М., 1978 Ладухин Н. 1000 примеров музыкального диктанта. – М., 1981.Лопатина И. Сборник диктантов. – М., 1985 19. Методическое пособие по музыкальному диктанту. – М., 1969 20. Мюллер Т. Двух- и трехголосные диктанты. – М., 1978. 21 Фрейндлиг Г. Двухголосные диктанты. – Л., 1975. 22. Давыдова Е. Методика преподавания сольфеджио. – М., 1986. 23. Незванов В. Интонирование на уроках сольфеджио. – Л., 1985. 24. Уткин Б. Воспитание профессионального слуха музыканта в училище. – М., 1985Additional educational materials: 1 Виноградов Г., Красовская Е. Занимательная теория музики. – М., Советский композитор – 1991. 2. Красинская.Л., Уткин В. Занимательная теория музики – М, «Музыка» - 1991. 3. Смаглій Г., Маловик Л. Основи теорії музики – Харків, вид «Фак» - 2001. 4. Холопова В. Теория музыки. – С.-Петербург - Изд.»Лань» - 2002 5. Побережна Г. Щерлиця Т. Загальна теорія музики. – К., «Вища школа» - 2004 6. Виноградов Г, Гармония и сольлфеджио. – К., «Музична Україн» - 2006 12. Teaching Methods.. Students’ Activities: - Intonation exercises; - Music in all kinds of dictation; - Intoning intervals and chords; - the theory of writing music; - Self-study of musical examples.Current control: Two modules.Form semester control: Tests. І3. The evaluation criteria (in%) Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria: - Modular written work 60% (transposition musical examples 10%^ Site Evaluation IWS № Types of independent work of students The maximum point rating by type (%) 1. Needless dictation 5 % 2. Solfeggio 5 % 3. Self-study examples of musical 5 % As a whole 15% 14. Languages Teaching Ukrainian, Russian Working curriculum subject „ Theory of Music (harmony)1. Name of the course Theory of Music (harmony) :Form (s) of study: full-time.Specialty (-es): Art of Music2. Course Code. [ІКМ]. [ММ_Орк_стр].[3_1_2]3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional for the student). Mandatory4. Year (s) training. 1-й .5. Semester / semesters. 26. The number of credits ЕСТS. 27. Surname name patronymic, position, rank, scientific degreeteacher (teachers) who teach discipline:. Kovaleva Anna Hryhoriyivna – elder lecturer in theory, music history and musical training (Red square 4, room.2-01).8. The objective of the course (in terms of educational outcomes and competence). The aim of the course - to give future specialists (in combination with courses harmony, polyphony and analysis of musical works) necessary musical theoretical training provided for relevant professiogram. 9. Prerequisites (actual knowledge required to master the course). The course of music theory and harmony CMS, college 10. Course Content. № ^ Content of the modules and their structures total lec. prac. ind. indep. ^ The first module 1.1. The main categories of harmony 4 4 1.2. Basic laws voicekeeping. 4 4 1.3. Keyboard sextaccordes 6 6 1.4. Features of fourthsextaccordes 4 4 1.5 Checkpoint and support fourthsextaccordes ^ The second module 2.1 The general concept of modal alteration 6 6 2.2. Alterative chords of the dominant group. 6 6 2.3. Unchords sounds: checkpoints and support 6 6 ^ TOTAL HOURS 72 36 36 11. List of recommended textbooks.The main educational literature Григорьев С.С. Теоретический курс гармонии. М., 1981 Бершацкая Т.С. Лекции по гармонии. – В., 1985 Дубовский И. Евсеев С, Способин С., Соколов В. Учебник гармонии – М., 1984 Мюллер Т.Ф. Гармония. – М., 1982 Тюлин Ю.Н., Привано Н.Г. Учебник гармонии. – м., 1986 Холопов Ю.Н. Гармония. Теоретический курс. – М., 1988 Зелинский В. Н. Курс гармонии в задачах. – М., 1982 Можжевелов Б.В. Мелодии для гармонизации. – Л., 1982 Мутли А.Ф. Сборник задач по гармонии. – М., 1986 Мясоедова Н.С., Мясоедов А.Н. Пособие по игре на фортепиано в курсе гармонии. – М., 1986 Мясоедов А.Н. Задачи по гармонии. – М., 1981 Гуляницкая Н. Введение в современную гармонию. - М., 1984 Чугунов Ю. Гармония в джазе. - М., 1988 Сарджент У. Джаз. Генезис. Музыкальній язык. Эстетика. – М., 1987Синькова Н. О гармонии П.И. Чайковского. – М., 1989 Additional educational materials: 1. Гуляницкая Н. Введение в современную гармонию. – М., 1984 2. Очерки по истории гармонии в русской и советской музыке: Вып. 1. – 1985; Вып. 2. – М., 1985; Вып.3. – М.. 1989 3. Скребкова –Филатова М.С. Фактура в музыке. – М., 1985 4. Осніна С. Гармонія. Сольфеджіо Ч.1. – М., « Музика», 2002 5. Виноградов Г. Гармония и сольфеджио. – К., «Музична Україна» - 2006 12.Teaching Methods.Lecture description of theory, practical tasks of harmonization a given melody (written and pianos), analysis of music harmony. Students’ Activities: - Harmonization of melodies; - Harmonic analysis; - Creating an accompaniment to tunes; - playing music figures sequences and the piano;Current control: Two modules. Form semester control: exam. І3. The evaluation criteria (in%) Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria: - Modular written work 60% (with them c.i.w.) (15%) - - other types of work: practical problems 15%, playing music figures sequences and the piano 15%, harmonization of melodies 10%^ Site Evaluation IWS № Types of independent work of students The maximum point rating by type (%) 1. Creating acompanement to melodies 5 % 2. Written work on harmonization 5 % 3. Harmonic analysis 5 % As a whole 15% ^ 14. Languages Teaching Ukrainian, Russian Working curriculum subject „ Theory of Music (harmony)"1. Name of the course Theory of Music (harmony) :Form (s) of study: full-time.Specialty (-es): Art of Music2. Course Code. [ІКМ]. [ММ_Орк_стр].[3_1_2]3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional for the student). Mandatory4. Year (s) training. 2-й. .5. Semester / semesters. 36.The number of credits. 1,17. Surname name patronymic, position, rank, scientific degreeteacher (teachers) who teach discipline:. Kovaleva Anna Hryhoriyivna – elder lecturer in theory, music history and musical training (Red square 4, room.2-01).8. The objective of the course (in terms of educational outcomes and competence).The aim of the course - of students in technological skills vminta in elementary musical creativity, which is essential factor in successful and valuable for future professional activities. 9. Prerequisites (actual knowledge required to master the course). The course of music theory and harmony CMS, college, 1 courses solfeggio and harmony HEI 10. Course Content. № ^ Content of the modules and their structures total pract. ind. indep. ^ The first module 1.1. The general theory of modulation 2 2 1.2. Enharmonizm septaccordes reduced. 2 2 1.3. Modulations without a common chord 2 2 1.4. Gradual modulation to distant tone 2 2 1.5 Checkpoint and support fourthsextaccordes 2 3 ^ The second module 2.1 Major-minor system 2 2 2.2. Overview of parallel Major-minor. 2 2 2.3. Ways of functional harmony-tune major-minor system from its source to the 18 cent. 2 2 ^ The third module 3.1 Features harmnic language of Viennese classics 2 4 3.2 Features of the harmonic language of the romantic period composers 4 4 3.3 Features of the harmonic language of Russian and Ukrainian schools 2 4 3.4 Features of the harmonic language of the greatest composers 20 cent. 4 4 ^ TOTAL HOURS 61 28 33 11. List of recommended textbooks.The main educational literature Григорьев С.С. Теоретический курс гармонии. М., 1981 Бершацкая Т.С. Лекции по гармонии. – В., 1985 Дубовский И. Евсеев С, Способин С., Соколов В. Учебник гармонии – М., 1984 Мюллер Т.Ф. Гармония. – М., 1982 Тюлин Ю.Н., Привано Н.Г. Учебник гармонии. – м., 1986 Холопов Ю.Н. Гармония. Теоретический курс. – М., 1988 Зелинский В. Н. Курс гармонии в задачах. – М., 1982 Можжевелов Б.В. Мелодии для гармонизации. – Л., 1982 Мутли А.Ф. Сборник задач по гармонии. – М., 1986 Мясоедова Н.С., Мясоедов А.Н. Пособие по игре на фортепиано в курсе гармонии. – М., 1986 Мясоедов А.Н. Задачи по гармонии. – М., 1981 Гуляницкая Н. Введение в современную гармонию. - М., 1984 Чугунов Ю. Гармония в джазе. - М., 1988 Сарджент У. Джаз. Генезис. Музыкальній язык. Эстетика. – М., 1987Синькова Н. О гармонии П.И. Чайковского. – М., 1989 Additional educational materials: 1. Гуляницкая Н. Введение в современную гармонию. – М., 1984 2. Очерки по истории гармонии в русской и советской музыке: Вып. 1. – 1985; Вып. 2. – М., 1985; Вып.3. – М.. 1989 3. Скребкова –Филатова М.С. Фактура в музыке. – М., 1985 4. Осніна С. Гармонія. Сольфеджіо Ч.1. – М., « Музика», 2002 5. Виноградов Г. Гармония и сольфеджио. – К., «Музична Україна» - 2006 12. Teaching Methods. Lecture description of theory, practical tasks of harmonization a given melody (written and pianos), analysis of music harmony. Students’ Activities: - Harmonization of melodies; - Harmonic analysis; - Creating an accompaniment to tunes; - playing music figures sequences and the piano;Current control: Three modules. Form semester control: test. І3 The evaluation criteria (in%) Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria: - Modular written work 60% (with them c.i.w.) (15%) - - other types of work: practical problems 15%, playing music figures sequences and the piano 15%, harmonization of melodies 10%Site Evaluation IWS № Types of independent work of students The maximum point rating by type (%) 1. Creating acompanement to melodies 5 % 2. Written work on harmonization 5 % 3. Harmonic analysis 5 % As a whole 15% 14. Languages Teaching Ukrainian, Russian Working curriculum subject „ Theory of Music "1. Назва курсу. Theory of Music (basis of composition) :Form (s) of study: full-time.Specialty (-es): Art of Music2. Course Code. [ІКМ]. [ММ_Орк_стр].[3_1_2]3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional for the student). Mandatory4. Year (s) training. 2-й .5. Semester / semesters. 4-й.6. The number of credits 1,27. Surname name patronymic, position, rank, scientific degreeteacher (teachers) who teach discipline:. Kovaleva Anna Hryhoriyivna – elder lecturer in theory, music history and musical training (Red square 4, room.2-01).8. The objective of the course (in terms of educational outcomes and competence). The aim of the course - of students in technological skills in elementary musical creativity, which is essential factor in successful and valuable for future professional activities. 9. Prerequisites (actual knowledge required to master the course). The course of music theory and harmony CMS, 1,2, courses solfeggio and harmony HEI 10. Course Content. № ^ Content of the modules and their structures total pract. ind. indep. ^ The first module . ^ Topics of practical classes 1.1. Introduction to the course. Specuality and nature of creative work. 2 1.2. Compose. Melody and its most important features. 2 1.3. Compose. The concept of melodic waves. Highlights tunes. 2 1.4. Melodization voices harmonic database structures. 2 1.5 Melodics-syntactic structure. 2 ^ Independent students work 1.6 Create melodies for this phrase (motives) 1.7 Creating a bass voice to this melody 1.8 Creating melodies with this bass 1.9 Melodization voices harmonic constructions 14 ^ The second module ^ Topics of practical classes 2.1. Principles of thematic development and build. 4 2.2. Structurally unstable (open loop) construction. 2 2.3 Structurally - resistant (completed) building. 2 ^ Independent students work 2.5 End entrance constructions 2.6. The end of the final constructs 2.7. Create a variation of present phrase. 2.8 Create melodies, variations to the present theme 2.9 Create melodies free to deploy. 10 ^ The third module ^ Topics of practical classes 3.1 Period and its classification. 2 3.2 Period as independent musical form. 2 3.3 Dynamization part of a musical work. 2 3.4 The main part of her new appearance (reprise). 2 3.5 A simple form of two partial 2 3.6 A simple form of three partial. 4 3.7 Complex musical forms 4 ^ Independent students work 3.8 Establishment period for the given phrase 3.9 Creating advanced period for the given phrase. 3.10 Creation of the period is shortened by the given phrase. 3.11 Create Preludes in the form of the period. 12 ^ TOTAL HOURS 65 30 35 11. List of recommended textbooks The main educational literature Мазель Л.А. Строение музыкальных произведений. –М. 1979. Попова Т.В. Основы русской народной музыки. – М., 1977. Ливанова Т.Н. История западно-европейской музыки до 1789 года. Т.1-2 – М., 1983. Круглов Ю.В. Русские обрядовые песни. – М., 1981. Шреер –Ткаченко А.Я. История украинской музыки. – м., 1981. Левашова О.Е. Келдыш, Кандинский О.И. История русской музыки – Т.1 – М., 1980. Мазель Л.А. Проблемы классической гармонии. – М.,1972 Гнесин м.Ф. Начальный курс практической композиции. – М., 1962. Месснер Е.И. Основы композиции. – М. 1986.Additional educational materials: 1.Мальцев С О психологии музыкальной импровизации. – М. «Музыка». – 1991. Суханцева В. Музыка как мир человека. – К.. «Факт». – 2000ю Побережна Г. Щерлиця Т. Загальна теорія музики. Підручник. – К., «Вища школа». – 2004. Муха А. Композитори України та української діаспори. – К. «Музична Україна» - 2004. 12.Teaching Methods. Lecture theory, practical problems of composition. Student Activities: - composing of Melodic; - composing a preliminary and final constructions; - composing a period for the given phrase; - create simple musical forms; - improvisation at the piano; - analysis of musical works.. Current control: Three modules.Form semester control: exam. І3. The evaluation criteria (in%) Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria: - Modular written work 60% (with them i.w.s.) (15%) - - practical problems 15% , analysis of musical works 10%, composing melody 15% Site Evaluation IWS № Types of independent work of students The maximum point rating by type (%) 1. Establishment period for independent phrase 5 % 2. Analysis of simple musical forms 5 % 3. Creating independent two partial three partial forms 5 % ^ As a whole 15% 14. Languages Teaching Ukrainian, RussianWorking curriculum subject „ Theory of Music (polyphony)"1. Name of the course „ Theory of Music (polyphony)"Form (s) of study: full-time.Specialty (-es): Art of Music2. Course Code.[ІКМ].[ ММ_Орк_стр]. [3_1_2]3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional for the student). Mandatory 4. Year (s) training. 35. Semester / semesters. 56. The number of credits 17. Surname name patronymic, position, rank, scientific degreeteacher (teachers) who teach discipline:. Samokhina Natalya Nikolaevna- associate professor of theory, music history and musical training (Red Square 4, room.2-16).8. The objective of the course (in terms of educational outcomes and competence).The aim of the course: to develop skills for future professional musicians analyze polyphonic works of local and foreign composers and bring understanding of the basic laws of the world's polyphonic art. 9 Prerequisites (actual knowledge required to master the course). Сourse music literature, solfeggio CMS, college, 1,2 сourses HEI. 10. Course Content. № ^ Content of the modules and their structures total lec pract. individ. independ. ^ The first module «History of polyphonic art» 1.1. Polyphony Middle Ages 4 5 1.2. Polyphony Renaissance 4 5 1.3. Polyphony XVII – first half XVIII сent.. 4 5 1.4. Polyphony second half XVIII – XIXсent. 4 4 1.5. Polyphony XX – beginning XXI сent. 4 5 ^ The second module «Features of construction and analysis of polyphonic works» 2.1 Features of construction and analysis of polyphonic pieces strict style 4 5 2.2. Features of construction and analysis of polyphonic compositions free style 4 4 ^ TOTAL HOURS 61 28 33 11. List of recommended textbooks.The main educational literature Бонфельд М.Ш. Введение в музыкознание: Учебное пособие для вузов. – М., 2001. Григорьев С., Мюллер Т. Учебник полифонии. – М., 1977. Евдокимова Ю. Учебник полифонии: Вып. I. – М., 2000. Музыкальная энциклопедия: В 6 т. – М., 1973–1982. Мюллер Т. Полифония. – М., 1989. Полифония: Сборник теоретических статей / Сост. и ред. К. Южак. – М., 975. Ройтерштейн М.И. Практическая полифония: Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических институтов. – М., 1988. Скребков С. Учебник полифонии. – М., 1982. Степанов А., Чугаев А. Полифония. – М., 1972. Фраёнов В.П. Учебник полифонии. – М., 1987.Additional educational materials: 1. Бершадская Т. Основные композиционные закономерности народного многоголосия русской народной песни. – Л., 1961. 2. Биркан Р.И. Типовые письменные задания по полифонии // Задания и рекомендации по музыкально-теоретическим дисциплинам. – Л., 1983. 3. Богатырёв С.С. Обратимый контрапункт. – М., 1960. 4. Должанский А. 24 прелюдии и фуги Шостаковича. – Л., 1962. 5. Дубовский И. Имитационная обработка русской народной песни. – М., 1963. 6. Дубовский И. Простейшие закономерности русского народно-песенного двух- трёхголосного склада. – М., 1964. 7. Евдокимова Ю.К. Полифония средних веков и эпохи Возрождения. – М., 1985. 8. Золотарёв Б. Фуга. – М., 1965. 9. Корчинский Е. К вопросу о теории канонической имитации. – Л., 1960. 10. Кулаковский Л. О русском народном многоголосии. – М.; Л., 1961. 11. Литинский Г. Образование имитаций строгого письма. – М., 1971. 12. Методология и методика анализа музыкальных произведений: Сб. научных трудов. – Киев, 1984. 13. Напреев Б.Д. Вертикально-подвижной контрапункт в полифонии XIII–XVI вв.: Учебное пособие. – Л., 1983. 14. Основы теоретического музыкознания: Учебное пособие / Под ред. М.И. Ройтерштейна. – М., 2003. 15. Павлюченко С. Практическое руководство по контрапункту строгого письма. – Л., 1963. 16. Протопопов В. История полифонии: В 2 т. – М., 1962. – Т. 1; М., 1965. – Т. 2. 17. Пустыльник И. Подвижной контрапункт и свободное письмо. – Л., 1967. 18. Пустыльник И. Практическое руководство по написанию канона. – Л., 1975. 19. Ровенко А. Практические основы стреттно-имитационной полифонии: Учебное пособие для музыкальных вузов. – М., 1986. 20. Скребков С. Полифонический анализ. – М., 1940. 21. Скребков С. Теория имитационной полифонии. – Киев, 1983. 22. Танеев С. Подвижной контрапункт строгого письма. – М., 1959. 23. Тюлин Ю. Искусство контрапункта. – М., 1964. 24. Холопов Ю.Н. Канон. Генезис и ранние этапы развития // Теоретические наблюдения над историей музыки. – М., 1978. 25. Холопов Ю.Н. Хиндемит и его «Ludus tonalis». – М., 1964. 26. Южак А. О природе и специфике полифонического мышления. – М., 1975. 27. Южак К. Некоторые вопросы современной теории сложного контрапункта // Вопросы теории и эстетики музыки. Вып. 4. – Л., 1965.Sheet music samples for analysis: 1. Агажанов А., Блюм Д. Сольфеджио: Примеры из полифонической литера- туры. – М., 1972. 2. Мюллер Т. Полифонический анализ: Хрестоматия. – М., 1964. 3. Полифонические циклы И.С. Баха, Д. Шостаковича, П. Хиндемита, Р. Щед- рина, А. Пирумова, Б. Бартока. 4. Сборники обработок народных песен (М. Балакирев, П. Чайковский, А. Лядов). 5. Соколов Вл. Примеры из полифонической литературы. – М., 1962. 6. 100 канонов для детского хора / Сост. Л. Абелян, В. Попов. – М., 1969. 7. Хрестоматия по канону / Сост. И.Я. Пустыльник. – М., 1973. 12. Teaching Methods. 1. Practice sessions 2. Cultural and musicological analysis of musical works 4.Demonstration of relevant audio and video materials. Students’ Activities: - Study related materials in textbooks; - Introducing a superior primary sources; - Listening and analysis of relevant music.Current control: Two modules (one in the first semester, one - in the second semester).Form semester control: Exam І3. The evaluation criteria (in%) Semester rating is calculated based on the criteria: - Modular written work 60% (two for 30%) - other types of work: individual interviews, music quiz 40%, ( with them 15% to independent work)^ Site Evaluation IWS № Types of independent work of students The maximum point rating by type (%) 1. Coverage of the workshop one of the issues submitted for IWS 5 % 2. Coverage of issues submitted for IWS during the interview 5 % 3. Music analysis 5 % As a whole 15 % 14. Languages Teaching Ukrainian Working curriculum subject „ Theory of Music (analysis of musical works)"1. Name of the course. Theory of Music (analysis of musical works) :Form (s) of study: full-time.Specialty (-es): Art of Music2. Course Code. [ІКМ]. [ММ_Орк_стр].[3_1_2]3. Type of Course (mandatory or optional for the student). Mandatory4. Year (s) training. 3-й .5. Semester / semesters. 6-й.

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