Photosynthesis Essay, Research Paper
The second article was about photosynthesis and discusses organisms that use this process. Photosynthesis is the process in which plant cells take sunlight and carbon dioxide and synthesize glucose. This process occurs in plants, algae, and some prokaryotes and protists.
Many organisms can make their own food and are called autotrophs. Autotrophs can also be separated into two sets of organisms; chemoautotrophs and phototrophs. Phototrophs retain energy from sunlight while chemoautotrophs get their energy from taking electrons from biomolecules. Opposingly, there are heteroautotrophs; they cannot make their own food. Therefore, they eat other organisms.
The process of photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells. The structure of the chloroplasts consists of folded up stacks known as grana. The membrane within the chloroplasts is known as thylakoid membrane. Also, there is a fluid known as stroma, which surrounds the grana. In addition, two additional membranes called the outer/inner membranes surround the chloroplast. Also, between those membranes is another membrane known as the inter-membrane space.
Photosynthesis is split up into two sets of complex chemical reactions, dark and light reactions also known as the Calvin Cycle. Light reactions occur when sunlight energy is trapped by chlorophyll and the proton energy from it used to make ATP. This reaction depends on sunlight from it to occur. Also, there is another reaction called the dark reaction. ATP made from the light reactions is used to “fuel this process.” The dark reaction takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast. In addition, unlike the light reaction, the dark reaction is not dependent on light.
In conclusion, the process of photosynthesis is a major fuel of all life in some way. It provides food requirements from many organisms. Without photosynthesis life would not continue.