Definition Of Religion And Defense Essay, Research Paper
Definition of Religion: Religion is norms,values, or a way of life to an individual or community. A
spiritual guide that governs the way a person lives from day to day by giving
that person hope, belief, and reason to exist in this world. Religion can be
whatever that person makes of it. Religion can be a persons assets,
family, or other individuals or possessions, it can be many things besides
worship to a “God” or “Deity”. It can be whatever a person deems holy or
sacred. Defense: “Religion is norms, values, or a way of life to an individual or community”. This can be defended by taking a look at they way most religious people live.
Many people live accordingly to there religions rules and regulations. This
includes Buddhists, Muslims, Mennonites, and Amish just to point out a few.
Not only in dress and in possessions but people who respect their religions
live by their religion’s rules. “A spiritual guide that governs the way a person lives from day to day by
giving that person hope, belief, and a reason to exist in this world.”
Religion can give an individual codes to live. It can give a person hope,
belief, and a reason to exist by making the individual feel loved or cared
about by their religion or their religious deities. It can also give them
hope and belief by feeling included within a group of individuals that share
their same views. By giving them a reason to exist religions give an
individual something to look forward to after death and purpose for being on
earth. “Religion can be whatever a person makes of it. Religion can be a persons
assets, family, or other individuals and possessions, it can be many things
besides worship to a “God” or “Deity”.”
Religion can mean different things for different people. It can be a rich
mans money, poor mans shelter, a mad mans weapons. Many people or cultures
worships numerous “gods” for different occasions. Some people worship the
earth or animals while many other individuals worship other “people” or
“mortals”. A persons religion can be what they make it. “It can be whatever a person deems holy or sacred.”
By determining what is holy or sacred to the individual they can choose to
make that their religion. Whether it be a feeling of enlightenment or a
persons bank account, the individual has the right to make what they
consider holy their religion. Not saying it is wrong or right because it is
all based on a matter of opinion and belief. Much like my definition of