Hiding From Destiny Essay, Research Paper
Hiding From Destiny Running from your problems, is not a method of solving them. This is advice I have received several times since I started school. I believe that, Oedipus, would be liked to have had this wonderful advice in his life. The protagonist, in our play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, learned this, the hard way. The story of Oedipus is a fascinating one and is similar to the story of Job in the Bible. A comparison that I find in the two is both were tortured for no apparent reason. Throughout the play, Oedipus, was like the play thing of the Gods. Job, is God’s most faithful servant. God; however, allows Job, to be tortured, endlessly. A prophecy, was the cause of Oedipus’s father, throwing him out of the house into the wilderness. He had no choice in leaving because he was an enfant. Oedipus, being left as good as dead in the woods by his father was the first thing that started Oedipus’s life of running from his problems. Oedipus, raised by King Polybus, would never have known that he was bound to kill his father. A messenger from the Gods, came down from the sky and told him. Loving his father dearly, Oedipus had no desire to harm him in anyway. So, Oedipus, embarked on a journey to wherever it may take him. Oedipus, came to an intersection and an argument began between Oedipus and an old man. Oedipus, killed the man and most of his band that traveled with him. At that time, Oedipus, had no idea that he had just killed his father. This was mistake number two for Oedipus. In a sense Oedipus once again ran from his problems by continuing on his journey. This young man had no idea that when he had killed the old man he had no idea that he had just fulfilled his destiny. He had killed his father nad now would commit and even larger crime by marrying his mother.