Bio Essay, Research Paper
Many people in America try to do something very dangerous, they try to obtain
the impossible thin image that s in every magazine, in every store, all around
them in society. Bulimia was first introduced as far back as the Ancient Greek,
who in order to eat enormous amounts of food at their orgies, they would vomit
as they ate, to make more room for food. Now at the present time, bulimia has
taken on a new purpose. Due to a bad perceived image, many people turn to
bulimia because they can eat large amounts of food without gaining any weight.
Many people compare themselves to the models in magazines, they are trying to
achieve the impossible.
What is Bulimia Nervosa? Many specialist classify it as an illness, eating
disorder, etc. One scientist describes it as: Bulimia Nervosa is characterized
by binge-eating and inappropriate methods of weight control accompanied by
excessive shape and weight concerns. A binge is defined as an episode in
which one eats a much larger amount of food that most people would in a similar
situation and experiences a sense of loss of control. Another scientist defines it
as: Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a person regularly binge eats, then
tries to prevent weight gain by self-induced vomiting, water pills, laxatives,
fasting, or extreme exercising. Maybe it s alternative names stem from it s
definition, because it is also known as binge-purge behavior and characterized
as a eating disorder. But it s alternative name, binge-purge behavior, can be
misleading. There is actually two types of bulimia, the purging and non-purging
types. Individuals with the purging bulimia nervosa self-induce vomiting or
abuse laxatives, diuretics or enemas to counteract the effects of binge-eating;
Individuals with non-purging type use other inappropriate compensatory
behaviors, such as fasting or excessive exercise, but has not regularly engaged
in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas.
Because they eat regularly and do not appear emaciated, it is hard to tell if
someone is a bulimic, but there are symptoms.
Symptoms of Bulimia include frequent binge eating (eating large amounts
of food in a short period of time); feeling a lack of control over eating; regular
self-induced vomiting; using laxatives or water pills; strict dieting, fasting or
vigorous exercise to prevent weight gain; judging oneself mainly by body shape
and weight; and overachieving behavior. Other symptoms may include cutting
down strictly on food or liquids; Ipecac or enema abuse (also called purging);
loss of appetite; and weight gain or loss of 10 pounds or more. Also a unhealthy
obsession with body image, a strong need for other peoples approval, feelings
of ineffectiveness, lack of self-esteem, unrealistically high expectations,
perfectionism can be a sign of bulimia or another eating disorder. It may be hard
to help that person when all the symptoms are available, when the cause is not
known or obvious.
Most people with eating disorders share certain personality traits: low self
esteem, feelings of helplessness, and a fear of becoming fat. In anorexia,
bulimia, and binge eating disorder, eating behaviors seem to develop as a way
of handling stress and anxieties. Consuming huge amounts of food reduces
stress and relieves anxiety, but also brings guilt and depression. Purging can
bring relief, but it is only temporary. Individuals with bulimia are also impulsive
and more likely to engage in risky behavior such as abuse of alcohol and drugs.
The exact cause of the disorder is unknown, but a variety of psychological,
social, cultural, familial and bio chemical theories are being investigated.
Factors thought to contribute to its development are family problems,
maladaptive behavior, self-identity conflict, and cultural overemphasis on
physical appearance. Bulimia may be associated with depression. The disorder
is usually not associated with any underlying physical problem although the
behavior may be associated with neurological or endocrine diseases. The
disorder occurs most often in females of adolescent or young adult age. The
incidence is 2 in 10,000 people. Bulimic people, in general, are usually aware
that their eating pattern is abnormal and experience fear or guilt associated with
the binge-purge episodes. The behavior is usually secretive, although clues to
this disorder include overactivity, peculiar eating habits, eating rituals, and
frequent weighing. Body weight is usually normal or low, although the person
may perceive themselves as overweight. Bulimia is not as dangerous to health
as anorexia, but it has many unpleasant physical effects, including fatigue,
weakness, constipation, fluid retention, swollen salivary (partoid) glands, erosion
of dental enamel, sore throat from vomiting, scars on the hand from inducing
vomiting, salt and fluid imbalance, menstrual problems(absence or loss of), hair
loss, overuse of laxatives can cause stomach upset and other digestive
problems, loss of potassium, and tearing of the esophagus. Even thought these
causes can be targeted, how can bulimia be stopped?
Eating disorders are most successfully treated when diagnosed early.
Unfortunately, even when family members confront the ill person about his or her
behavior, or physicians make a diagnosis, individuals with eating disorders may
deny that they have a problem. Thus, people with bulimia are often normal
weight and are able to hide their illness from others for years. Eating disorders
in males may be overlooked because bulimia is relatively rare in boys and men.
Consequently, getting-and keeping-people with these disorders into treatment
can be extremely difficult. In any case, it cannot be overemphasized how
important treatment is-the sooner, the better. The longer abnormal eating
behaviors persist, the more difficult it is to overcome the disorder and its effects
on the body. In some cases, long-term treatment may be required. Families and
friends offering support and encouragement can play an important role in the
success of the treatment program. If an eating disorder is suspected,
particularly if it involves weight loss, the first step is a complete physical
examination to rule out any other illnesses. Once an eating disorder is
diagnosed, the clinician must determine whether the patient is in immediate
medical danger and requires hospitalization. While most patients can be treated
as outpatients, some need hospital care. Conditions warranting hospitalization
include excessive and rapid weight loss, serious metabolic disturbances, clinical
depression or risk of suicide, severe binge eating and purging, or psychosis. To
help those with eating disorders deal with their illness and underlying emotional
issues, some form of psychotherapy is usually needed. A psychiatrist,
psychologist, or other mental health professional meets with the patient
individually and provides ongoing emotional support, while the patient begins to
understand and cope with the illness. Group therapy, in which people share
their experiences with others who have similar problems, has been especially
effective for individuals with bulimia. Bulimia is curable, with hospitalization or
therapy bulimic people can get to know and cope with their illness or eating
Due to a bad perceived body image, many people turn to bulimia,
because they can eat large amounts of food without gaining any weight. But
bulimia stems from not just weight lost but emotional instability, but bulimia is not
permanent, with help it can be cured.