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Biotechnology Essay Research Paper BiotechnologyOver the

Biotechnology Essay, Research Paper


Over the past decade, Biotechnology has advanced much to the

advantage of many people. We have learned that with certain chemicals,

we are able to cut-and-paste the DNA of certain organisms, and alter

them to comply to our sociable needs. But this can also affect modern

medicine, political factors, economic, and societal balances in our


For medicine, Biotechnology has been a blessing, healing people

who suffer from a sex-linked trait known as Hemophilia. Hemophilia is

a condition where the person may die of blood loss when cut or

wounded. This is caused by a lack of a certain chemical known as

Factor 9, which allows the patient to heal from wounds. Scientists may

now insert a gene into the patients own DNA causing the patient to

heal skin, which has been impossible until now, with Genetic-Engineering.

I doubt that there have been any real disadvantages with this

technology, since it works to heal the patient, but we really can’t

predict what kind of medical misfits there will be in the future,

using this life-saving technology to their own personal, perhaps evil,


Dealing with politics, Bioengineering has opened a whole new

door pertaining to the military, whose use of it may create an

ultimate destruction. The alterance of nature is un-natural, and creates

an unbalancement in life. When we use this technology towards the

wrong side, we may all be burned. You see, Biotechnology has the

ability to altar what diseases we humans are susceptible to, and when

scientists create something to eliminate immunities to diseases, it may

result in a mass destruction of the evolved living being known as

the human. This may sound tragic, but this is what Biotechnology is

all about; changing genes so that they may fit our societal and

economic needs. The government has probably taken this germ-warfare in

to consideration, and is leading to an unhappy resolution. In this

case, Biotechnology has no advantages.

Socially, Biotechnology is a breakthrough in science. Our new

techniques of giving nature a hand, in this case, will pave the road

of the genetic highway to come in the future. We are now able to

create the perfect tomato, the largest, reddest apples, and the

plumpest grapes. We can score more milk by the cow, and create new

chemicals to heal people. This is a society where we need not worry

about a plague affecting our fruits and vegetation, nor our dairy and

meat products. When we do not need to worry about certain factors

like a draught or massive rain, we have a sociable balance between us

and nature. Scientists have used biotechnology to an advantage here,

and it seems applaudable. Yet, disadvantages may include harmful new

substances in the plants being compounded together that may cause an

allergic reaction to people. This is rare, and we shouldn’t really

worry about it, but we should be open-minded and consider these things.

When it comes to the economy, people are most in desire for

foods which are worth the money they spend on. Since we can now

create the ultimate fruit, we should be able to produce them more

quickly. And since consumers want more, we will then gain much capitol,

creating a fine economic balance. For example, we are not making

enough money because our cows cannot produce enough milk. Scientist and

genetic engineers can now insert a gene which lets them make not only

more milk, but the type of milk they want created. Now, we are

wasting less to create more of something, and indeed has shown to

increase economical factors extensively.

Even though we have accomplished this in modern society, we

are still young in the genetic age of science. We have yet to

unleash the complete possibilities of biotechnology, like the creation

of whole organisms, fully functional and self-sufficient. We have

successfully generated an entire plant from a leaf, but compared to

that, us humans are far more complicated and sophisticated. I myself

stand that biotechnology can be used to our advantage, but I sternly

warn you as Albert Einstein warned President Roosevelt about his

discoveries of nuclear energy, that biotechnology can be a devastating

new weapon, used to destroy human kind. I believe that the technology

will flourish into the society as the computer has, having your own

genetic lab at home so that you may cure yourself of a disease. But

biotechnology is more than that, being that it will pave the future

technological highway; perhaps instead of robots, we will have cloned

entire human beings to work for us. There are endless possibilities,

and we must take caution in them.

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