Реферат по предмету "Иностранный язык"

Canada Lacks A Real National Identity Essay

, Research Paper

Canada Lacks A Real National Identity

I believe that Canada lacks a real national identity. Canadians tend to

identify with community and region rather than the nation. Because Canada has

such a great cultural diversity the Canadian identity is shaped by our values

and attitudes as they have emerged from our history and geography. Bilingualism

and multiculturalism are very important to the Canadian identity. They both

strengthen and challenge Canadian identity. Because Canada has so many cultural

and regional groups, interaction between them influences one?s identity.

Differing views of Canada by Canadians and other countries prove that Canada

does not have a true national identity. Because of these factors Canada lacks a

national identity, one which everyone can recognize.

When someone asks a Canadian what his nationality is, he does not reply,

?Canadian?, instead, ?German?, ?Scottish? or ?Ukrainian?. This is because we as

Canadians do not see ourselves as distinct Canadians. We need to have a common

idea of what it is to be Canadian rather than always identifying with the place

we came from. We identify with community or region over nation. To gain a

Canadian identity we must learn to identify with a nation, Canada. This is one

of the main reasons we lack a Canadian identity, because we as Canadians do not

really think of ourselves as Canadians. We may be Canadians but we think of

Canada as a place of refuge rather than a home. This ties in with our lack of

patriotism. Many Canadians that I know, come Olympic time or another big world

competition, rather that cheering for Canada, will cheer for their home country.

A reason for this is because of our multicultural society. Because in Canada, ?

anything goes?, there is no push to be Canadian. So they can do what they want

and carry on with their cultural traditions. Because there is really no

Canadian identity to begin with, it makes it all the easier for them to carry on

as they wish. This explains why people who are Canadian citizens tend to

identify more with community or region than with Canada.

Canadians all have different values and traditions, like any country,

but in Canada there is a great diversity of values and traditions. This makes

it harder for people to identify with each other. Alexander and Pearl eat the

traditional cabbage rolls and perogies every other day. Franz and Augusta on

the other hand would much rather have their traditional sauerkraut and strudel.

It is because of differences like this that Canada can not have it?s own

identity. When different cultural groups each have their own way of getting

things done because of the way they were brought up, it is almost impossible to

have a true Canadian identity. Over time the traditions of the different groups

will blend but until then, Canada can not have a real national identity. It can

be argued that the differences in cultural values and traditions are an aspect

of the Canadian identity, but I feel that a Canadian identity is one which

everyone can relate to and see in their own life. To me, a Canadian identity

needs to be shaped by different values, traditions and cultures that have

emerged from history to create a truly Canadian identity.

Bilingualism and multiculturalism can be good for, but also challenge

the Canadian identity. These policies challenge the Canadian identity because

they allow people to keep their culture. I feel a true identity is one which

everyone can relate to, when everyone keeps their culture it is harder to have a

true Canadian identity. It would be much easier to have a national identity if

our country was unilingual and unicultural, because there would be one common

way of getting things done. On the other hand, with these policies others see

us as a country that does not force others into a certain culture, they can keep

their culture if they want. Because of these policies we gain popularity with

other countries. That is the view other countries would have of Canada, which

again shows that there is really no national identity. The bilingual and

multicultural policies are ones that play a significant role in the Canadian


Because Canada has so many different cultural groups, interaction

between them can influence or change the Canadian identity. In Canada, although

it is a multicultural society, there is a lot of integration, people sharing

bits and pieces of their culture with each other. Sometimes it is sharing

recipes or inviting friends over to help celebrate Ukrainian Christmas. All of

this has an affect on the Canadian identity.

Canadians from different parts of the country and people from different

parts of the world have different ideas on what the Canadian identity is. This

gives the idea that there really is no national identity. People from other

countries tend to see Canada as one of the best places in the world to live.

They say that Canadians are nice, mannerly, polite, and law abiding among many

other things. The United Nations went as far as to say that Canada was the best

country to live because we rank very high in life expectancy, average level of

education and average per capita income. We have a great world reputation as

being helpful and a very key component of UN operations. We have been said to

be a world role model and a model for multiculturalism, something many Canadians

are worried about and bicker over. Canadians tend to worry too much about the

little things, when there are better things to worry about like trying to find

an identity. Canadians in the West feel alienated by the East and think that

they are not cared about, that they do not have an equal opportunity with those

in the East. Those in the East think the Westerners are treated the same and

that there is nothing for them to be upset about. Canadians as a whole do not

see Canada the way the other countries do. Canadians don?t think we are as

great of a country as we really are. The country of Canada lacks a true

national identity, partly because of all of the different views of Canada.

Because of many factors, Canada lacks a real national identity.

Canadians identify with community, region, but rarely a nation. Values,

attitudes and cultures of different groups shape identity as they have emerged

from our history and geography. Bilingual and multicultural polices which help

people preserve their own cultures can also have an affect on Canadian identity.

Interaction between groups and people that have different views on Canada can

influence the Canadian identity. Even though people have their own idea of the

Canadian identity, Canada lacks a true national identity, one that is clearly

Canadian and can be recognized by anybody, anywhere.

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