My Name (michelle) Essay, Research Paper
Once I looked up the definition of my name. It said ?Who is like god?, and it is also the fem.
version of Michael.
When I was born my name wasn?t as simple as Michelle, it was Michelle-Leann, and later
changed to Michelle because when I was younger I hated being called by such a long name.
My Mother named me Michelle after her cousin who was adopted by her aunt Lynn and
lived a very tuff life. I have never met her but I?ve heard many stories about her. My middle
name came from my Mom?s middle name Deann.
As Ironic as it sounds my cousin Renee told me when I was about 4 years old that her first
name was Michelle and she was also named after my Mom?s cousin. I didn?t know if this was
true so I asked my Aunt and she told me that Renee?s first name is Michelle also.
In my family everyone has nick names such as my little sister Sarah is Sarah-Lee (even
though her middle name is Lynn) and my older sister Melissa is Missy or Sissy. My nick name is
Chelle-le (Shelley), because of the way my name was spelled if you took off the first 2 letters
and the last 3 you got Chelle-le also cause my little sister could never say it right Chelle-le was
jut easier. Another nick name I have comes from my boyfriend who call?s me Michelley, and
does he call me this I have no idea. I think it?s mostly to just annoy me, and it does.