The Russian State University of Tourismand Service.Tourism. Types of tourismTkachenko AnastasiaSKD-07-1Moscow 2009
Content1.Tourism2.Types of tourism2.1Extreme tourism2.2 Cultural tourism2.3 Ecological tourism2.4Educational tourismTopicalvocabulary
1. Tourism
Tourism is defined as the act of travelwith the intentions of recreational pleasure. The World Tourism Organizationdefines a tourist is someone who travels at least 50 miles or 80 kilometers away from their home, for the purpose of entertainment and pleasure. Theterms tourist and tourism were first recognized in 1937 by the League ofNations, whose definition involved a person who traveled abroad for more than24 hours. Tourismis the act of paying money to go from one place to another to see different andunique sights, has been a fact of civilized life since approximately the 12thcentury. Of course, back in those days it was basically the upper, upperclasses that had the time, the money, and the interest in travelling from onespot to another. The word «travel» by the way comes from the medievalEnglish word «travail» which means suffering great hardship, and thatis a very good description of travel in its earliest days. Much has beenwritten about the journeys of Marco Polo, who until recently was considered theworld's first tourist. The advent of air travel in the 1930's heralded the truebeginnings of what is called «tourism» today. People move from allaround the country, whether by plane, boat, car, bus or train. Today's Travelfor the Masses Data from the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) suggeststhat at any given moment of any given day, more than 2 million people aroundthe world are in the process of traveling from one place to another. The worldtourism organization claims that tourism is currently the worlds largestindustry. With annual revenues of almost 3 trillion, its economic impact issecond to that of only the weapons industry.
2. Types of tourism
Thereare different types of tourism that can be enjoyed. Some are listed below:
· Extremetourism or shocktourism is a type of niche tourism involving travel to dangerous places(mountains, jungles, deserts, caves, etc.) or participation in dangerousevents.
· Culturaltourism involvesvisiting historical or intersting cities, such as Paris, Shanghai, Rome or Warsaw.This is when tourists engage in cultural experiences, like visiting an art museum,theater or opera.
· Ecotourism involves traveling that doesnot pose a threat to the environment, such as safariing in Kenya. Ecotourismintegrates tourism with ecology, offering wide varieties of landscapes andactivities.
· Educationaltourism developed because of the growing popularity of teaching and learning ofknowledge, and enhancing technical competency outside the classroomenvironment.
2.1Extreme tourism
Extreme tourism or shock tourism is a type of niche tourism involving travelto dangerous places (mountains, jungles, deserts, caves, etc.) or participationin dangerous events. Extreme tourism overlaps with extreme sport. The two sharethe main attraction, «adrenaline rush» caused by an element of risk,and differing mostly in the degree of engagement and professionalism. Extreme tourism is a growing businessin the countries of the former Soviet Union (Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, etc.)and in South American countries like Peru, Chile and Argentina. The mountainousand rugged terrain of Northern Pakistan has also developed into a popularextreme tourism location. While traditional tourism requires significantinvestments in hotels, roads, etc., extreme tourism requires much less tojump-start a business. In addition to traditional travel-based tourismdestinations, various exotic attractions are suggested, such ice diving in the WhiteSea, or travelling across the Chernobyl zone. Demand for extreme tourism in Russiais greatly increased. Tourist’s firms actively offer rafting, traveling onhorse back, by bicycle and motorcycle. More and more people are attracted byrafting, diving, pleasure flight on balloon and many others. Russians aretesting their nerves more and more often nowadays. Extreme tourism is becomingvery popular in the country. Extreme tourists Fyodor Konyukhov, Dmitri andMatvei Shparo have become symbols of Russian fearlessness, and their names areskillfully used as brand names by manufacturers of tourist equipment. Diving isvery popular in the whole world. It is underwater diving with specialapparatuses, providing a swimmer with breathing. Diving is both a sport andentertainment. Recently, diving has become one of the trendiest varieties ofextreme tourism in Russia. As many as 15,000 Russians practice diving. Theyenjoy underwater scenery not only in warm seas — the Black Sea, for example,but also in cold waters of the Arctic Ocean. To practice the Black Sea divingyou do not have to be rich. To do the same near the North Pole is quite apricey affair. You should have at least a thousand dollars to pay forinstruction lessons and special equipment. Military-style recreation is one ofthe most exotic types of extreme tourism offered by Russian tour agencies. Itincludes military-historical and military technical programs and is intendedfor those who would want to drive a tank, or fly a combat aircraft, or shootlive rounds. So far, this type of extreme activities is still being tested ontourist market.
2.2 Cultural tourism
Cultural tourism is the subset of tourism concerned with a country or region's culture,especially its arts. It generally focuses on traditional communities who havediverse customs, unique form of art and distinct social practices, whichbasically distinguishes it from other forms of culture. Cultural tourismincludes tourism in urban areas, particularly historic or large cities andtheir cultural facilities such as museums and theatres. It can also includetourism in rural areas showcasing the traditions of indigenous culturalcommunities and their values andlifestyle. It is generally agreed that cultural tourists spend substantiallymore than standard tourists do. This form of tourism is also becoming generallymore popular throughout Europe. On the positive side are the unique cultural practices and arts thatattract the curiosity of tourists and provide opportunities for tourism andeconomic development. On the negative side is the issue of how to controltourism so that those same cultural amenities are not destroyed and the peopledo not feel violated.2.3 Ecological tourism
Accordingto the definition and principles of ecotourism established by The InternationalEcotourism Society (TIES) in 1990, ecotourism is «Responsible travel tonatural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being oflocal people.» Ecotourism (also known as ecological tourism) is a form of tourism,that appeals to ecologically and socially conscious individuals. Generallyspeaking, ecotourism focuses on volunteering, personal growth and learning newways to live on the planet. It typically involves travel to destinations where flora,fauna and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. Many locations have bеcоmе popular because of thegrowing worldwide interest in ecology. Ecotourism integrates tourism with ecology, offeringwide varieties of landscapes and activities, including unspoiled bеасhes and coral reefs with productivemarine systems, for scuba-diving enthusiasts; vast limestone caverns inhighlands with trekking, mountain biking, sailing, rafting and other travelopportunities and miles and miles of empty beaches. Responsible ecotourism includesprograms that minimize the negative aspects of conventional tourism on theenvironment and enhance the cultural integrity of local people. Therefore, inaddition to evaluating environmental and cultural factors, an integral part ofecotourism is the promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservationand creation of economic opportunities for the local communities. Number of fans ofecotourism grows everywhere every year. This kind of tourism return people,tired of cities, forces and energy during contact with the nature andobservation of it. The list of the UNESCO world heritage includes 5 Russiannatural objects: primeval forests of Komi, Baikal lake, volcanoes of Kamchatka,golden Altai mountains, Western Caucasus. In these regions just ecotourism canhelp to conservancy.
2.4 Educationaltourism
Educationaltourism developed because of the growing popularity of teaching and learning ofknowledge, and enhancing technical competency outside the classroomenvironment. In the educational tourism, the main focus of the tour or leisureactivity includes visitation of another country to learn about the culture ofthe visited country (Student Exchange Program and Study Tour) or to work andapply their learning inside the classroom in different environment(International Practicum Training Program).
approximately приблизительно,близко
suffering страдание,боль
currently теперь,в настоящее время
annual ежегодный
revenue доход,выручка
participation участие
significant значительный,важный
fearlessness неустрашимость,отвага
concerned заинтересованный,увлечённый
diverse иной,отличный от чего-л.
curiosity любознательность
conserve беречь,охранять
heritage наследство,наследие
definition определение,формулировка
require приказывать,требовать
skillful опытный,искусный
established учреждённый,установленный
conscious сознательный,осознанный
conservancy охранаприроды
TheWorld Tourism Organization defines a tourist is someone who travels at least 50 miles or 80 kilometers away from their home, for the purpose of entertainment and pleasure. People move from all around thecountry, whether by plane, boat, car, bus or train. The world tourism organization claimsthat tourism is currently the world’s largest industry. With annual revenues ofalmost 3 trillion, its economic impact is second to that of only the weaponsindustry.
2.Typesof tourism. There are different types of tourism that can be enjoyed. Some arelisted below:
· Extremetourism or shocktourism is a type of niche tourism involving travel to dangerous places(mountains, jungles, deserts, caves, etc.) or participation in dangerousevents. Extremetourism is a growing business in the countries of the former Soviet Union (Russia,Ukraine, Azerbaijan, etc.) and in South American countries like Peru, Chile andArgentina.Extreme tourism requires much less to jump-start a business. Tourist’s firms activelyoffer rafting, traveling on horse back, by bicycle and motorcycle. Diving isvery popular in the whole world. It is underwater diving with specialapparatuses, providing a swimmer with breathing. Diving is both a sport andentertainment.
· Culturaltourism includestourism in urban areas, particularly historic or large cities and theircultural facilities such as museums and theatres. It generally focuses ontraditional communities who have diverse customs, unique form of art anddistinct social practices.
· Ecotourism is «Responsible travelto natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being oflocal people.» The list of the UNESCO world heritage includes 5 Russian natural objects:primeval forests of Komi, Baikal lake, volcanoes of Kamchatka, golden Altaimountains, Western Caucasus.
· Educationaltourism developed because of the growing popularity of teaching and learning ofknowledge, and enhancing technical competency outside the classroomenvironment.