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Difficulties in Translation of Publicistic Headlines and their Pragmatic Aspect

Difficulties in Translation of Publicistic Headlinesand
their Pragmatic Aspect

PublicisticHeadline is known as the name of literature, scientific or musical produce. Ourresearch on publicistic headline will study a lot of its definition. We shallnotice similarity between them as well. According to Kukharenco V.A., headlineis a text at the top of a newspaper article, indicating the nature of thearticle below it.
Galperin findsthe headline a dependent from of newspaper writing. Its main function is toinform the reader briefly about the text which follows it.
The main goalof this research paper is to analyze publicistic headline from difficulties intranslation of publicistic headlines and their pragmatic aspect.
 Theobjectives of the given work are:
— To definepublicistic Headline.
— to presentclassification and structure of the publicistic headlines.
— to reveallinguistic peculiarities of publicistic headlines.
— to explainways of translation the publicistic headlines and difficulties in translationthe publicistic headlines.
— to analyzethe pragmatic functions and difficulties in translation of publicisticheadlines.
We have workedmuch to complete our goal. The critical analysis of the scientific literaturehas been fulfilled by us.
While writingthis paper we have addressed to such sources as manuals, monographs,dictionaries and, of course publicistic works. In our research we have usedexplanation and analysis as scientific theoretical methods. As for thestructure of the work, it falls into three chapters.
The firstchapter deals with the theory concerning publicistic style. It is divided intofour parts: 1) defining the Publicistic Headline; 2) classification andstructure of the publicistic headlines; 3) linguistic peculiarities ofpublicistic headlines; 4) on the applicability of publicistic headlines; 5) publicisticheadlines under pragmatic aspect.
In thischapter we defined the Publicistic Headline and their classification andstructure. Also we showed the publicistic headlines under pragmatic aspect. Wewrote about linguistic peculiarities and their applicability of publicisticheadlines.
The secondchapter is devoted tothetranslability of publicistic headlines. It is also falls intothree parts: 1) on the approaches of translation used in Newspaper Style; 2) onthe ways of translation the publicistic headlines; 3) on the difficulties intranslation the publicistic headlines.
We definedapproaches of translation the Publicistic Headline in Newspaper Style and wroteabout different ways of translation. Also in this chapter we wrote difficultiesin translation the publicistic headlines.
The thirdchapter: establishing pragmatic valueof publicistic headlines and difficulties of their translation from Englishinto Russian. It is falls into two parts:
In the first we analyze publicistic headlines and their Pragmaticfunctions. And the second in difficulties in translation of publicisticheadlines.
It is alltheoretical and practical parts of our research paper about what we will write.

1.1 Defining the Publicistic Headline
The generaldefinition of Headline is the name of literature, scientific or musicalproduce. Many dictionaries define Headline as a short summary of the mostimportant items of news read at the beginning of a news programme on the radioor television. Headline is one of the basic newspaper features. The headline isthe title given to a news item or newspaper article.
To makeheadlines (grab; hit) means to be an important item of news in newspapers or onradio or television. To headline (usually passive) means to give a story orarticle a particular headline:
War breaks outin Europe
Atomic bombdropped on Hiroshima
Man walks onMoon
Headlines veryoften contain emotionally colored words and phrases. To produce a strongemotional effect, broken-up set expressions and deformed special terms arecommonly used. The Headline of news items apart from giving information about thesubject-matter, also carry a considerable amount of appraisal. Headlines areusually written in bold and in a much larger size than the article text. Frontpage headlines are often in upper case so that they can be easy read by thepotential customer. Headlines in other parts of the paper are more commonly insentence case though title case is often used in the USE.
Thecharacteristics features of Headlines are the most condensed piece ofinformation on minimum of space. Galperin mentions typical stylistic patternsof Headlines.
a. Fulldeclarative sentences.
e.g. ’Chinalifts price of domestic oil products’. (Financial Times).
b.Interrogative sentences.
e. g. ‘It thekitchen finished? (The Sun).
c. Nominativesentences.
e.g. ‘Cautiousstart for bourses’ (Financial Times).
d. Ellipticalsentences.
e.g. Childdrunk griever banned’ (The Sun).
e. Sentenceswith articles omitted.
e. g. ‘PMwarns against hostility to US’. (Daily Express).
f. Phraseswith verbal- infinitive and gerundial.
e.g. ‘Keepingit in the family pays off for baker’. (The Times).
g. Questionsin the form of statements.
e.g. ‘Healthfood?’ (The Times).
h. Headlinesincluding direct speech.
e. g. ‘Blair:I should never have revealed I was quitting’. (Mirror).
Headlineconventions include normally using present tense and omitting ‘a’ and ‘the’ aswell as forms of the verb ‘to be’ in certain context. [2, p.75]
— The PresentSimple is also used to describe actions as instant, happening in a moment. Foractions over a period, we use the continuous.
e.g. Unitedare playing really well now.
The crowd ischeering them on.
Most newspaperfeatures a very large Headline on their front page, dramatically describing thebiggest news of the day. Headline is the most basic text organizing tool usedto invite the reader to become involved with the publication. Limit headlinesto no more than three lines. A headline is text at the top of a newspaperarticle, indicating the nature of the article below it. A headline which iscalled – banner headline. The Headline (the title given to a news item or anarticle) is a dependent form of newspaper writing. It is in part of a largewhole. The specific functional and linguistic features of the headline providesufficient ground for isolating and analyzing it as a specific ‘genre’ ofjournalism.
1.2Classification and structure of the publicistic headlines
The mainfunction of the headline is to inform the reader briefly of what the news thatfollows is about. Sometimes headlines show the reporter’s or paper’s attitudeof the fact reported. In most of the English and American newspaperssensational headlines are quite common. The function and the peculiar nature ofEnglish headlines determine the choice of language means used. [4, p.35]Headlines also contain emotionally colored words and phrases as the italicizedwords: ’Crazy waste of you? Syntactically headlines are very short sentences orphrases and have a variety of pattern.
A. Fulldeclarative sentences.
B. Interrogativesentences.
C. Nominativesentences ‘Atlantic sea Traffic’.
D. Ellipticalsentences ‘Off to the Sun ‘.
E. Sentenceswith articles omitted. (Articles are frequently omitted in all types ofheadline). ‘Frock man find gold in river ‘.
F. Complexsentences.
G. Headlinesincluding direct speech.
The Headlinesin English language newspapers can be very difficult to understand. One reasonfor this is that newspaper headlines are often written in a special style,which is very difficult from ordinary English. In this style there are specialrules of grammar and words are often used in unusual ways.
a. Headlinesare not always complete sentences. Many headlines consist of noun phrases withno verb.
— More wage cuts.
— Holiday Hotel Death.
b. Headlinesoften contain string of three, four or more nouns; nouns earlier in the stringmodify those that follow.
— Furniture factory pay cut row.
Headlines likethese can be difficult to understand. It sometimes helps to read thembackwards. Furniture Factory Pay Cut Row (disagreement) about a Cut (reduction)in Pay at a Factory that makes Furniture.
c. Headlinesoften leave out articles and the verb ‘be’.
— Awoman walks on moon.
d. Inheadlines, simple tenses are often used instead of progressive or perfectforms. The simple present is used for both present and past events.
— Blind girl climbs Everest (=…has climbed…).
— Student fight for course changes (=…has fighting …).
The presentprogressive can be used, especially to talk about changes. Be is usuallydropped.
— Britain getting warmer, say scientist.
— Trade figures improving.
e. Manyheadlines words are used as both nouns and verbs, and nouns are often used tomodify other nouns. So it is not always easy to work out the structure of asentence. Compare:
— Wecuts aid to third world (= The Us reduced its help…cuts is a verb, aid is anoun).
— AidCuts Row (= There has been a disagreement about the reduction in aid. Aid andCuts is both noun).
— Cuts Aid Rebels (= the reduction in aid is helping the revolutionaries. Cuts isa noun, Aid is a verb).
f. Headlinesoften use infinitives to refer to the future.
— PMto visit Australia.
— Hospitals to take fewer patients.
For is alsoused to refer to future movements or plants.
— TROOPS FOR GLASGOW? (= Are soldiers going to be sent to Glasgow?).
g. Auxiliaryverbs are usually dropped from passive structures, leaving past participles.
— Murder Hunt: Man Held (=…a man is being held by police.)
— Sixkilled In Explosion (=Six people have been killed…).
Note that formslike held, attacked are usually part participles with passive meanings, notpast tenses (which are rare are newspaper headlines). Compare:
— AIDROW: PRESTDENT ATTACTED (=…The President has attacked.)
— AIDROW: PRESTDENT ATTACTED CRITICS (=…The President has attacked her critics.)
— BoyFound Safe (= The missing boy had been found safe.)
— BoyFind Safe (= A boy has found a safe.)
h. A color isoften used to separate the subject of a headline from what is said about it.
Strikes: PM toACT.
Motorwaycrash: Death toll rises. Quotation marks (‘…’) are used to show that words weresaid by some else, and that the newspaper does not necessarily claim that theyare time.
— CrashDriver ‘Had been drinking’
A questionmark (?) is often used when something is not certain.
— Crisis over by September?
Short wordssave space, and so they are very common in newspaper headlines. Some of theshort words in headlines are unusual in ordinary language (e.g. curb, meaning’restrict’ or ‘restriction’), and some are used in special senses which they donot often have in ordinary language (e.g. big, meaning ‘attempt’). Other wordsare chosen not because they are short, but because they sound dramatic (e.g.blare, which means ‘big fire’, and is used in headlines to refer to any fire). Thefollowing is a list of common headline vocabulary.
Act — takeaction: do something.
-Foot Crisis:Government to act.
Aid – militaryor financial help: to help
-More aid forpoor countries.
-Unions aidhospital strikers.
Alert – alarm,warning.
-Flood alerton east coast.
Allege – makeon accusation.
— Womanalleges unfair treatment.
Appears –appear in court accused of a crime.
— MP to appearon drugs charges.
Axe – abolish,close down: abolition, closure.
— Country busservices axed.
— Smallschools face axe.
Knowledge asto the usage of the pun’s mechanisms in publicity lead to better understandingof the specificity of English press and may be used in the theory oftranslation or during the creation of newspaper or advertisement headline withthe help of a pun.
The headline(the title given to a news item or article) is a dependent form of newspaperwriting. It is in fact a part of a larger whole. The specific functional andlinguistic features of the headline provide sufficient ground for isolating andanalyzing it as a specific “genre” of journalism. The main function of theheadline is to inform the reader briefly what the text that follows is about.But apart from its, headlines often contain elements of appraisal i.e. theyshow the reporter’s or the paper’s attitude to the facts reported or commentedon, thus also performing the function of instructing the reader.
Englishheadlines are short and catching; they “compact the gist of news stories into afew eye-snaring words. A skillfully turned out headlines tells a story, orenough of it, to arouse or satisfy the reader’s curiosity.”
Such groupheadlines are almost a summary of the information contained in the news item orarticle.
The functionsand the peculiar nature of English headlines predetermine the choice of thelanguage means used. The vocabulary groups considered in the analysis of briefnews items are commonly found in headlines.
An excellentway for a more advanced learner to increase their English proficiency is toread an English-language newspaper on a regular basis. Most people who read anewspaper do so selectively and skim though the pages looking for the mostinteresting-looking articles to read first. They usually make their choice onthe basis of the headlines of the articles. And this is where the difficultyfor the non-native speaker of English arises, since newspaper headlines areoften extremely difficult to understand. There are two main reasons for this.The first reason is that newspaper headlines have to be brief and consequentlyuse words that are rarely used in everyday speech or indeed in the rest of thearticle itself. (Probe for investigation, blast for explosion etc.) And thesecond reason is that headline writers, at least in British newspapers, lookfor every opportunity to include a pun in their headlines. It is the mainaspect of newspaper headlines that we want to concentrate on in this work.
All theheadlines of all types (primary or page headlines, secondary or paperheadlines, paper subsection headlines, leads and captions) of the local dailycalled Kauno diena) is emotionally destructive and people should be aware ofthis in order to diminish its emotional impact.
By the basicfunctions of newspaper titles nominativna, informing, communicative, and alsopragmatic or attraktivna, that will realize the action of text, his having aspecial purpose orientation. Exactly some researchers consider this functionbasic, as setting of title consists above all things in bringing in ofattention to the article, in creation of stimulus for its reading, which isoften achieved by the use of the system of expressive means of languages, amongwhich an important place is taken a play on words.
1.3 Linguistic peculiarities of publicistic headlines
The role ofnewspaper in the nowadays life and its influence on the modern society isgenerally recognized. The printed media remains one of the oldest a mosteffective way to communicate the freshness news. Newspaper has the followingbasic features: brief news items, advertisements and announcements, theeditorial and the headline. This paper investigates only one element of thenewspaper- the headline.
By thepragmatic effect of application of play on words in this title arising up as aresult of combination of frock’n’roll, that is paradoxical on character andowns a fully certain estimating plan is something amusing and unusual.Appropriately to assume that speech in the article will go about the place ofwoman in modern music. A question is this serious, however estimating a plan,formed the element of frock that is brought in a title complex bring in thetint of sarcasm in the supposed interpretation of problem the author of thearticle.
The followingtitle gives the very dim picture of Te, what theme of the article:
Ugly noisesfrom Los Angeles mayor’s nest
An authororients a reader in the value of attitude toward the described facts, themmarks and uses a play on words: mayor’s nest omonimichno mare’s nest – toexpression, that a “senseless device” means, and the question is aboutmachinations on selections, thus one of candidates – mer city Los-Angeles. Apun in dannomu case carries expressively stylistic information which representsauthor emotionally evaluation attitude toward an object, or expressivelycognitive setting of this linguistic registration of idea. Negative attitude ofauthor is here traced toward a situation which was folded on elections, and apun specifies on personality which to a certain extent is herein guilty, andcharacterizes her. Except for it, a pun is directed on Te, to come into noticeof reader to the described events and compel him not only to laugh above thembut change their motion. [11, p.52]
The short andcapacious form of this pun is based on the vivid use of languages. Exactly anassociative vivid component adds maintenance a reception convincing and brightcharacter which predetermines him attractive function. In spite of trouble ofinformation which is stopped up in a title, a reader gets certain aestheticallybeautiful pleasure at his reading.
Attention isattracted the satiric orientation of title, reader will want to read a note.The example of pun, beaten element based on etymologyzation is the Englishtitle:
The article isabout creation of artist I. Isupova, which attained extraordinary trade in artof tattoo.
In a stylisticrelation this case is imposition: simultaneous actualization and beating ofauditive and etymologic values of word “tattoo” takes place- 1) tattoo; 2) prohibition[11, p.772]. Connection of metaphoric-metonymy appears between LSV: overt associations(tattoo –that it is forbidden) and transferences for contiguity (prohibition assubject action and tattoo is as a result of this prohibition), and epithet of“sweetest” – the “sweet” contains illusion on biblical really a fruit is forbidden.Tempting and beauty of tattoo is in a great deal conditioned exactly the prohibitionimposed on her. The use in the title of English dissemination has, cleanly linguisticbase: the semantic structure of the English noun of “tattoo”, unlike proper himloan-word in Russian (what has one only, visual value), enables to express in oneentrance both LSV of this unit. In the considered example is very brightlyexpressed marked researchers pragmatic a meaningful feature of pun is aspiringto most semantic capacity at the use of the least of means of languages.
The articleabout plagiarism of sings of commodities is published under a title: Sonyagainst Soni. The article of beating and mean of creation of visual effect isexactly different graphic design components of pun at community of theirsounding.
1.4 On theapplicability of publicistic headlines
Thepublicistic style has its spoken variety – the radio and TV
Commentariesand the oratorical sub – style. The written sub – styles are the essay andjournalistic articles in newspapers, magazines and journals. The basic aim ofthe publicistic style is to exert an influence on public opinion, to convincethe reader or the listener that the interpretation given by the writer or thespeaker is correct and to make them accept his or her views though logicalargumentation and emotional appeal. [13.p.159] The development of the radio andtelevision has brought into a new spoken variety namely the radio commentary.The other two are the essay (moral, social, economic) in newspapers andmagazines. The general aim as we have said is to exert a constant and deepinfluence on public opinion. Publicistic style is also characterized by brevityof expression. In some varieties of this style it becomes a leading feature andimportant linguistic means. In essays brevity sometimes becomes epigrammatic. [14.p.824]The most characteristic language features of the essay remain:
— Brevity ofexpression
— The use ofthe first person singular which justified a personal approach treated.
— The use ofemotive words.
— The use ofsimiles and metaphors.
Some essaydepending on the writer’s individuality is written in a highly emotional mannerresembling the style of emotive prose. Others resemble scientific prose. Theessay in our days is often biographical: persons; facts and events are takenfrom life. These essays differ from those of previous centuries, theirvocabulary is simpler.
1.5Publicistic headlines under pragmatic aspect
Pragmatics studies the factors that govern our choice oflanguage in social interaction and the effects of our choice on others.
Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning ascommunicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (orreader). It has, consequently, more to do with the analysis of what people meanby their utterances than what the words or phrases in those utterances mightmean by themselves. Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning. This type ofstudy necessary involves the interpretation of what people mean in a particularcontext and how the context influences what is said. It requires aconsideration of how speakers organize what to say in accordance with whothey’re talking to, where, when, and under what circumstances. Pragmatics isthe study of contextual meaning. This approach also necessary explores howlisteners can make inferences about what is said in order to arrive at aninterpretation of the speaker’s intended meaning. This type of study exploreshow a great deal of what is unsaid is recognized as part of what iscommunicated. We might say that it is the investigation of invisible meaning.Pragmatics is the study of how more gets communicated than is said. Thisperspective then raises the question of what determines the choice between thesaid and the unsaid. The basic answer is tied to the notion of distance.Closeness, whether it is physical, social, or conceptual, implies sharedexperience. On the assumption of how close or distant the listener is speakersdetermine how much needs to be said. Pragmatics is the study of the expressionof relative distance. These are the four areas that pragmatics is concernedwith. To understand how it got to be that way, we have to briefly review itsrelationship with other areas of linguistic analysis. [17, p.3] “Pragmatics isall about the meanings between the lexis and the grammar and thephonology...Meanings are implied and the rules being followed are unspoken,unwritten ones.”[16, George Keith]
“Pragmatics is a way of investigating how sense can be madeof certain texts even when, from a semantic viewpoint, the text seems to beeither incomplete or to have a different meaning to what is really intended.Consider a sign seen in a children's wear shop window: “Baby Sale — lots ofbargains”. We know without asking that there are no babies are for sale — thatwhat is for sale are items used for babies. Pragmatics allows us to investigatehow this “meaning beyond the words” can be understood without ambiguity. Theextra meaning is there, not because of the semantic aspects of the wordsthemselves, but because we share certain contextual knowledge with the writeror speaker of the text.
Pragmatics is an important area of study for your course. Asimplified way of thinking about pragmatics is to recognize, for example, thatlanguage needs to be kept interesting — a speaker or writer does not want tobore a listener or reader, for example, by being over-long or tedious. So, humansstrive to find linguistic means to make a text, perhaps, shorter, moreinteresting, more relevant, more purposeful or more personal. Pragmatics allowsthis.
GeorgeKeith notes that: “The vast majority of pragmatics studies have been devoted toconversation, where the silent influence of context and the undercurrents aremost fascinating.
Buthe goes on to show how written texts of various kinds can be illuminated bypragmatics, and he cites particular examples from literature. Pragmatics givesus ways into any written text. Take the following example, which is a headlinefrom the Guardian newspaper of May 10, 2002. This read: “Health crisis looms aslife expectancy soars.”
Ifwe study the semantics of the headline, we may be puzzled. The metaphor (“soars”)indicates an increase in the average life-expectancy of the UK population. Mostof us are living longer. So why is this crisis for health? Pragmatics suppliesthe answer. The headline writer assumes that we share his or her understandingthat the crisis is not in the health or longevity of the nation, but in thefinancial cost to our society of providing health care for these long-livingpeople. The UK needs to pay more and employ more people to provide this care.Reading the article will show this. Or take any item of unsolicited mail moreor less at random — such as a letter sent to me by Mr. David Moyes, the managerof Everton Football Club. Mr. Moyes opens with an invitation: “SUPPORT YOURTEAM”, followed by the question:
“How would youlike to support Everton and receive some excellent benefits at the same time?”
Afterthis come details of a Platinum Plus credit card and some associated offers offree gifts. The letter closes with a copy of Mr. Moyes' signature, with hisname and position (“Team Manager”) in print below. We can conjecture that theimmediate writer of this letter is not Mr. Moyes, but someone with knowledge offinancial products, employed by the club to help raise money from fans. I canbe more confident that this is so, since it is only a few months since Ireceived a near-identical letter, bearing the signature of the previousmanager, Mr. Walter Smith. The writer assumes that he or she is addressingpeople who have at some point described themselves as supporters of Everton FC- the mail shot will have gone only to names on a database of such potentialcardholders. Closer inspection suggests that the letter does not necessarilycome from the club, as “Everton” appears in a typeface different from thesurrounding text — prompting the thought that the card issuer (MBNA Europe bankLimited) is the real source of the letter, and has signed up various sportingclubs to endorse its product. The card issuer understands that recipients ofsuch offers will rarely wish to apply for a new credit card, and thereforeattempts to exploit my affection for Everton FC as a novel or sentimentalreason to do so. The second half of the opening sentence may reflect a sensethat most supporters do not receive “excellent benefits at the same time” — though perhaps the humour here is unintended. This kind of practical analysisis a good exercise. Sometimes a teacher will need to ask students to write it,but this will limit how much you can do. It would be better for members of ateaching group to spend five or ten minutes at least once a week, producing anunprepared spoken pragmatic reading of texts chosen at random by the teacher orstudent. Pragmatics as an explicit field of study is not compulsory forstudents taking Advanced level courses in English Language. But it is one ofthe five “descriptions of language” commended by the AQA syllabus B (the othersare: lexis, grammar, phonology and semantics). In some kinds of study it willbe odd if some consideration of pragmatics does not appear in your analysis orinterpretation of data. In commenting on texts you are seeing for the firsttime, you may need to make use of some pragmatic concepts, as in this example,from Adrian Attwood:
We know fromthe question that Text F is a sales script. The pragmatic consideration of thistext makes us look for features, which are designed to reassure the potentialcustomer rather than to inform them. Particularly, in this case, where thescript is for a telephone conversation and one of the objects from thesales-person's viewpoint is to keep the other person talking. This means thatthe text will try to close off as many potential exits as possible andtherefore be similar to some of the normal co-operative principles of spokenlanguage.
In languageinvestigations or research into language, you can choose whether to undertake atask in which pragmatic analysis is appropriate. So if you really don't like it(or fear it), then you should avoid a task where its absence will looksuspicious, and draw attention to your dislike. One area of language studywhere pragmatics is more or less unavoidable is any kind of study of spokenlanguage in social interactions (and written forms like e-mail or computer chatthat approximate to speech). In studying language and occupation or languageand power, you cannot easily avoid the use of pragmatic frameworks foranalysis. This guide has few examples in it, because I have supposed that youwill apply the analytical methods, under your teachers' guidance, to texts thatyou find for yourself — including spoken data in audio and video recordings.
headingnewspaper translation

Chapter II On the translability ofpublicistic headlines
2.1 On the approaches of translation used in Newspaper Style
Englishnewspaper style may be defined as a system of interrelated lexical,phraseological and grammatical means which is perceived by the communityspeaking the language as a separate unity that basically serves the purpose ofinforming and instructing the reader.
Since theprimary function of newspaper style is to impart information, only printedmatter serving this purpose comes under newspaper style proper. Such matter canbe classed as:
1. brief newsitems and communiqués;
2. pressreports (parliamentary, of court proceedings, etc.);
3. articlespurely informational in character;
4.advertisements and announcements.
The mostconcise form of newspaper informational is the headline. The headlines of newsitems, apart from giving information about the subject-matter, also carry aconsiderable amount of appraisal (the size and arrangement of the headline, theuse of emotionally colored words and elements of emotive syntax), thusindicating the interpretation of the facts in the news item that follows.
a) Brief newsitems
The functionof a brief news item is to inform the reader. It states only facts withoutgiving comments. Newspaper style has its specific vocabulary features and ischaracterized by an extensive use of:
1. specialpolitical and economic terms;
2. non-termpolitical vocabulary;
3. newspapercliché;
5. neologisms.
The followinggrammatical peculiarities of brief news items are of paramount importance, andmay be regarded as grammatical parameters of newspaper style:
1. complexsentences with a developed system of clauses;
2. verbalconstructions;
3. syntacticalcomplexes;
4. attributivenoun groups;
5. specificword order.
b) Theheadline
The headlineis the title given to a news item of a newspaper article. The main function ofthe headline is to inform the reader briefly of what the news that follows isabout.
Syntacticallyheadlines are very short sentences or phrases of a variety of patterns:
1. fulldeclarative sentences;
2.interrogative sentences;
3. nominativesentences;
4. ellipticalsentences;
5. sentenceswith articles omitted;
6. phraseswith verbals;
7. questionsin the forms of statements;
8. complexsentences;
9. headlinesincluding direct speech.
c)Advertisements and announcements
The functionof advertisement and announcement is to inform the reader. There are 2 basictypes of advertisements and announcements in the modern English newspaper:classified and non-classified(separate).
In classifiedadvertisements and announcements various kinds of information are arrangedaccording to subject-matter into sections, each bearing an appropriate name.
As for theseparate advertisements and announcements, the variety of language form andsubject-matter is so great that hardly any essential features common to all bepointed out.
d) Theeditorial
Editorials arean intermediate phenomenon bearing the stamp of both the newspaper style andthe publistic style.
The functionof the editorial is to influence the reader by giving an interpretation ofcertain facts. Emotional coloring in editorial articles is also achieved withthe help of various stylistic devices(especially metaphors and epithets), bothlexical and syntactical, the use of which is largely traditional.
e) Scientificprose style
The languageof science is governed by the aim of the functional style of scientific prose,which is to prove a hypothesis, to create new concepts, to disclose theinternal laws of existence, development, relations between different phenomena,etc. There are following characteristic features of scientific style:
1. the logicalsequence of utterances;
2. the use ofterms specific to each given branch of science;
3. so-calledsentence-patterns. They are of 3 types: postulatory, argumentative andformulative.
4. the use ofquotations and references;
5. thefrequent use of foot-note, of the reference kind, but digressive in character.
Theimpersonality of scientific writings can also be considered a typical featureof this style.
f) The styleof official documents
In standardliterary English this is the style of official documents. It is not homogeneousand is represented by the following substyles or variants:
1. thelanguage of business documents;
2. thelanguage of legal documents;
3. that ofdiplomacy;
4. that ofmilitary documents.
The main aimof this type of communication is to state the conditions binding two parties inan undertaking. The most general function of the style of official documentspredetermines the peculiarities of the style. The most noticeable of allsyntactical features are the compositional patterns of the variants of thisstyle.
The over-allcode of the official style falls into a system of subcodes, each characterizedby its own terminological nomenclature, its own compositional form, its ownvariety of syntactical arrangements. But the integrating features of all thesesubcodes emanating from the general aim of agreement between parties, remainthe following:
1.conventionality of expression;
2. absence ofany emotiveness;
3. the encodedcharacter of language; symbols and
4. a general syntactical modeof combining several pronouncements into one sentence.[1, Stylistics]
On theapproaches of translation used in Newspaper Style are pragmatic value of publicisticheadlines and difficulties of their translation it is grammatical features inEnglish and Russian Headlines.
2.2 On the ways of translation the publicistic headlines
The secondhalf of the 20th century has seen the in-depth study of translation,which is sometimes called Theory of Translation, Science of Translation, TranslationLinguistics, or even Translatology.
It has beenclaimed abroad that translation studies began in 1972 with Holmes’s paperpresented at the Third International Congress of Applied Linguistics, “The Nameand Nature of Translation Studies”.1 However, unfortunately, European andAmerican scholars seemed to have been unaware of the achievements of theRussian school of translation studies. Works by V. Komissarov, A. Shveitser, A.Fedorov and many others confirmed the status of translation studies as adiscipline of its own even in the 1950s.
The mainconcern of translation theory is to determine appropriate translation methodsfor the widest possible range of texts and to give insight into the translationprocess, into the relations between thought and language, culture and speech.
There areseveral aspects of this branch of linguistics:
· Generaltheory of translation, whose object is general notions typical of translationfrom any language.
· Specific(or partial, in terms of Holmes) theory of translation that deals with theregularities of translation characteristic of particular languages — forexample, translation from English into Russian and vice versa.
· Special(partial) theory of translation that pays attention to texts of variousregisters and genres.
There are twoterms corresponding to the Russian word “перевод”: translation and interpretation. Those who discriminatebetween the terms refer the term ‘translation’ to the written text, and theterm ‘interpretation’ to oral speech. However, the terms are polysemantic: tointerpret might mean “to render or discuss the meaning of the text” – anoutstanding British translation theorist P.Newmark, for example, states that“when a part of a text is important to the writer’s intention, butinsufficiently determined semantically, the translator has to interpret”.4The term to translate is often referred to any (written or oral) manner ofexpression in another language.
We shouldalso differentiate the terms translating and rendering. When we translate, weexpress in another language not only what is conveyed in the source text butalso how it is done. In rendering, we only convey the ideas (the what) of thesource text.
Severalapproaches are used for defining translation: in Newspaper Style with pragmaticvalue of publicistic headlines and difficulties of their translation it isgrammatical features in English and Russian Headlines.

2.3 On the difficulties in translation the publicisticheadlines
Often enoughheadings of newspapers or news on the Internet in English are difficult enoughfor understanding. First, they have the grammatical nuances. Secondly, inheadlines use the words which are not so often used in colloquial speech. Inthis post we will stop on grammatical features of headlines.
1) As a rule,headlines represent incomplete sentences, that is, they consist only ofkeywords, without articles, auxiliary verbs etc.
4 found guilty in London bomb plot – то есть — fourpeople have been found guiltyin London bomb plot (четырехчеловек объявили виновными в подготовке взрывов в Лондоне);
Heavy fighting at Lebanese camp ( горячий бой произошел в ливанскомлагере)
Steegmans too strong for Boonen — Steegmans istoo strongfor Boonen (Стигменс слишком силен для Бунена)[5]
2) Inheadlines simple times are used: Present Simple used, when event has alreadyoccurred or occurs. It can sometimes be used Present Continuous to underlineprocess or change of the present situation. But, besides, it will be usedwithout an auxiliary verb. If in headline says that will occur in future, maybe it is the infinitive will be used. (A verb + a participle to) [6]
Pakistani soldiers storm mosque (солдатыПакистанавзялиштурмоммечеть);
Strong earthquake strikes Mexico — Strongearthquake has struck Mexico (сильное землетрясение обрушилось наМексику);
NASArobot to dig on Mars( роботНАСА будет раскапывать почву Марса);
Actress Collette expecting child – Actress Collette is expectingchild (актриса Колетт ждет ребенка)[5]
3) the translation must retain thesame communicative function as the source text. The description and enumerationof speech functions can be found in the work by R. Jakobson, who pointed outthe following:
· informativefunction, i.e. conveying information: Лавры моего конкурента не дают мне спать. – I am green with envy because ofthe success of my competitor.
· emotivefunction, i.e. expressing the speaker’s emotions: На кой леший мне такой друг? – What on earth do I need such afriend for?
· poeticfunction, i.e. aesthetic impact:
Tiger, Tiger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry? (W.Blake)
Тигр, Тигр, в лесу ночном
Мрачный взгляд горит огнем.
Чья бессмертная рука
Жизнь влила в твои бока? (Пер. К.Филатовой)
These sentences have only one thingin common: general intent of communication, communication aim, or function. Atfirst glance, the source and target texts have no obvious logical connection;they usually designate different situations, have no common semes (i.e.smallest components of meaning), and have different grammar structures.

Chapter IIIEstablishingpragmatic value of publicistic headlines and difficulties of their translationfrom English into Russian
3.1 Pragmatic functions of publicistic headlines
This researchpaper is based on studying 100 headlines, 50 of publicistic headlines analyzingin pragmatic functions and 50 headlinesdifficulties of theirtranslation from English into Russian.
The selectedheadlines have been divided according to pragmatic functions. Here is given theanalysis of Russian and English headlines on the syntactical levels.
Metaphor.transference of names based on the associated likeness between two objects, onthe similarity of one feature common to two different entities, on possessingone common characteristic, on linguistic semantic nearness, on a commoncomponent in their semantic structures.
(Daily Nation,01.02.10, p.12)
The metaphor “CosmicDance” implies unusual dances. The redactor compares “cosmic” and “dance”,because in “Lime club” the dances were unusual, like a cosmic movement.
(Daily Nation,05.04.10, p.25)
Blanket ofDarkness” is a genuine metaphor, quite unexpected and rather effective.“Blanket of Darkness” implies a present from volcano or volcano eruption inIceland.
(КОММЕРСАНТЪ, 09.08.09, p.15)
The stormclouds thickened” implies tense struggle between elections. In order todemonstrate the hot atmosphere in Ukraine, the redactor uses the metaphor Thestorm clouds thickened
(Daily Nation, 14.01.10, p.5)
A bridge to the past” is a symbol ofconnection between present and the past time. The redactor uses “A bridge tothe past”, to show that the old fashion from the past comes back in thepresent.
(Daily Nation, 08.02.10, p.43)
“A turbulent past” implies activelife in the past. Leonardo de Capri tells in interview about his “turbulent”life at teenage age.
Metonymy. transference of names basedon nearness, on axtralinguistic, actually existing relations between theobjects, denoted by the words, on common grounds of existence in reality butdifferent semantic. It is based on a different type of relation between thedictionary and contextual meanings, a relation based not on identification, buton some kind of association connecting the two concepts which these meaningsrepresent.
· (DailyNation, 23.03.10, p.32)
“NASA Mission control” is a metonymyand it symbolizes Texas, for which the call sign is «Houston». Theauthor implies that the spot was in Houston, largest city in the state ofTexas.
“The Roman Catholic Church” ismetonymy which author uses. He implies the pope and Catholic bishops, which met in Nakuru to discuss the draft constitution, amongother things.
(Daily Nation, 12.03.10, p.45)
The Americanfilm and television industry” is metonymy which symbolizes a section of LosAngeles. It is Hollywood which makes a new film.
(Daily Nation,13.03.10, p.26)
“Eight redcross staff” is eight person, who symbolizes the doctors from Switzerland. Theywere kidnapped in DRC. “DRC” is DemocraticRepublic of Congo, which is also abbreviation.
· «TheWhite House said: `Yes' FOCUS ON CONSTITUTION „
(Daily Nation,13.03.10, p.9)
“TheWhite House said» is a metonym for the president and his staff, becausethe White House is not part of the president or his staff but is closelyassociated with them.
Irony. — is a stylistic device inwhich the contextual evaluative meaning of a word is directly opposite to itsdictionary meaning — is the contradiction between the said and implied. It mustnot be confused with humour.
Hard Times Café’close down
(Daily Nation,16.03.10, p.08)
«HardTimes Cafe» is irony and implies something bad and sad. The restaurantcalled «Hard Times Cafe» has closed down because of the recessionproductions.
3.2Difficulties in translation of publicistic headlines
Usuallyheadings share on three categories:
1) headlinesin Present simple. They say that someone has made any action.
· “UnemployedManWins£ 1M” — Безработныйвыиграл миллион фунтов.
(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.16)
The tendencyto laconic and brevity in headlines has led to that unnecessary, insignificantwords from them simply throw out. In particular, it concerns definite andindefinite articles, in headlines very seldom can to meet such words, as “a”,“an” and “the”. Also the auxiliary verbs fall out from headlines.The usual sentence is — unemployed man has won amillion pounds.
· “Forgotten Brother Appears” — Забытыйбратвернулся
(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.19)
As the usual offer: A forgotten brother has appeared. Inheadline we have not the article “a” and
the auxiliaryverb “has”.
· “Violent protests in Jakarta overIslamic tomb” — Сильные протесты в Джакарте на Исламские могилы
(Daily Nation, 15.03.10, p.26)
As the usual offer: The violent has protested in Jakartaover Islamic tomb. In headline we have not the article “the” and the auxiliary verb “has”.
· “Womanlocks up utility worker over unpaid bill” — Женщина запирает сервисногорабочего по неоплаченному счету.
(Daily Nation, 15.03.10, p.31)
As the usual offer: A women has locked up the utilityworker over of the unpaid bill.
· “Villagers build on glory of school they burnt 57 years ago” — Сельскиежители основываются на славе школы, которую они сожгли 57 лет назад
(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.33)
As the usual offer: The villagers have built on the gloryof school, which they burnt 57 years ago.
· “Revenuetriples after return of displaced families” — Доход утраивается после возвращения перемещенных семей
(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.48)
As the usual offer: The revenue has tripled after return ofthe displaced families.
· “Adebayorsays bye-bye to international soccer” — Адебайор говорит пока международному футболу.
(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.51)
As the usual offer: Adebayor has said bye-bye to theinternational soccer.
· “Championseeks to set new record in London” — Чэмпайон стремится установить новый рекордв Лондоне
(Daily Nation, 16.03.10, p.9)
As the usual offer: The champion has sought to set a newrecord in London.
· “Amend new laws first, say elders” — Исправьте новые законы сначала, говорят старшие
(Daily Nation, 02.03.10, p.10)
As the usual offer: Amend the new laws, have said theelders.
· “Largeteam of runners battle for qualification” — Большаякоманда бегуновборются за квалификацию
(Daily Nation, 16.03.10, p.16)
As the usual offer: Large team of the runners have battledfor the qualification.
· “Nuclear Weapons Obama presses for Iranaction” — ЯдерноеоружиеОбамытребуетдействияИрана
(Daily Nation, 07.03.10, p.34)
As the usual offer: The Nuclear Weapons Obama has pressedfor Iran action
· “Chelsea closer to Premier League crown” — ЧелсиприближаетсякГлавнойкоронеЛиги
(Daily Nation, 01.03.10, p.11)
As the usual offer: Chelsea has closered to the PremierLeague.
· “Kaunyaleaves for Germany” — Kониа уезжаетв Германию
(Daily Nation, 07.03.10, p.22)
As the usual offer: Kaunya has left for Germany.
· “FordKenya launches pro-draft campaign” – Форд Киниа начинает кампанию проекта
(Daily Nation, 05.03.10, p.8)
As the usual offer: Ford Kenya has launched the pro-draftcampaign.
· “Councillors vow to block proposed laws” — Члены совета клянутся заблокировать предложенныезаконы
(Daily Nation, 14.02.10, p.21)
As the usual offer: The councilors have vowed to block theproposed laws.
· “Uhurupushes for consensus ahead of vote to avert chaos” — Ухюру стремится к согласиям перед голосованием, чтобы предотвратить хаос
(Daily Nation, 14.02.10, p.24)
As the usual offer: Uhuru has pushed for consensus aheadof the vote, that to avert chaos.
· “CBK sue over seized papers” — CBKпредъявляют иск по конфискованным бумагам
(Daily Nation, 18.02.10, p.55)
As the usual offer: CBK have sued over seized papers.
2) headlineswith use of a participle of last time. The”y say that something has been madein passive voice.
· “Sixkilledinrailaccident” — Вжелезнодорожной аварии погибло шестеро
(Daily Nation, 22.01.10, p.15)
As the usual offer: Six people have been killed in a railaccident. In headline we have not “have been” the auxiliary verb, which indicatesin the participle of last time and thearticle “a”.
The headline:
· “New Shakespeare play discovered”- НайденановаяпьесаШекспира
(Daily Nation, 14.12.08, p.77)
As the usual offer would sound so: A new Shakespeare playhas been discovered. Also in it we have not articles and auxiliary verbs. Inthe same way the ordinary offer “The White House has been damaged by a bomb”turns to laconic headline:
· “WhiteHousedamagedbybomb”- Зданиеправительства пострадало от взрыва бомбы.
(Daily Nation, 22.11.08, p.55)
· “Four die in crashes on highway” — Вавариинашоссечетверопогибло
(Daily Nation, 24.11.08, p.17)
As the usual offer: Four people have been dead in thecrashes on highway.
· “Hawker held after killing of trader” – Уличноготорговца задержали после убийства торговца
(Daily Nation, 14.09.09, p.67)
As the usual offer: The hawker has been held after killingof trader.
· “Stadium handed over to Zimbabwe afterrepairs” — СтадионпередалиЗимбабвепослеремонта
(Daily Nation, 01.10.09, p.41)
As the usual offer: The stadium has been handed over toZimbabwe after the repairs.
· “Hundreds evacuated as volcano erupts inIceland” — СотнилюдейэвакуированытаккаквулканизвергсявИсландии
(Daily Nation, 23.08.09, p.19)
As the usual offer: Hundreds people have been evacuated asthe volcano erupts in Iceland.
· “Draft Church has made mistakes in past” — Церковныйпроектсделалошибкивпрошлом
(Daily Nation, 17.02.10, p.67)
As the usual offer: The Draft of Church has been mademistakes in the past.
· “PeacekeepersinDarfurkidnapped” — Похищены силыпо поддержанию мира в Дарфуре
(Daily Nation, 15.02.10, p.90)
As the usual offer: The peacekeepers in Darfur have beenkidnapped.
· “FifteenkilledinbombattacksinPhilippines” — Пятнадцать убитыхв нападениях с применением взрывных устройств в Филиппинах
(Daily Nation, 24.01.10, p.86)
As the usual offer: Fifteen peoples have been killed in thebomb attacks in Philippines.
· “PNU activist summoned over complaint onRaila” — АктивистПОНвызванпожалобекРэйлу
(Daily Nation, 28.02.10, p.33)
As the usual offer: PNU activist has been summoned over thecomplaint on Raila.
· “Couple killed in night raid” — Параубитаввечернемнабеге
(Daily Nation, 17.01.10, p.109)
As the usual offer: The couple man and woman have beenkilled in night raid.
· “ISIOLO Voter listing official shot deadby bandits” — ИзбирательISIOLO, перечисляющийчиновникам, застреленбандитами.
(Daily Nation, 19.12.09, p.113)
As the usual offer: ISIOLO Voter listing official has beenshoot by bandits.
· “The days of double voting numbered undernew system” — Днидвойногоголосованияпронумерованыподновойсистемой
(Daily Nation, 29.07.09, p.49)
As the usual offer: The days of double voting has beennumbered under a new system.
3) headlineswith an infinitive. They say about the future event, which yet does not happen,but should occur.
· “QueentovisitIndia” — Королевасобирается посетить Индию.
(Daily Nation, 24.03.07, p.124)
As the usual offer: the Queen is going to visit India. Inheadline we have not the article ”the” and the auxiliary verb to be –“is” plusirregular verb to go – “going”.
· ”Mayor to Open Shopping Mall” — Мэроткроетновыйторговыйкомплекс
(Daily Nation, 30.06.09, p.53)
As the usual offer: The mayor is going to open a newshopping mall.
· “US toassist Angolan returnees from Congo” — США соберается помочь ангольцамвернувшимся из Конго
(Daily Nation, 27.03.10, p.51)
As the usual offer: The USA is going to assist Angolanreturnees from Congo.
· “Bashir's party to offer opposition posts” — Сторона Бэшира предложит должности оппозиции
(Daily Nation, 27.02.10, p.87)
As the usual offer: Bashir's party is going to offer opposition posts.
· “Goodluck yet to see Yar'Adua”- Гудлак все же, соберается увидеть Ярадуа.
(Daily Nation, 25.03.10, p.71)
As the usual offer: Goodluck yet is going to seeYar'Adua
· “EU to monitor Ethiopia elections” — ЕС, наблюдет за проведениемвыборов Эфиопии
(Daily Nation, 02.04.10, p.15)
As the usual offer: EU is going to monitor Ethiopiaelections.
· “Harareto press on with local control” — Харарепродолжает с местным контролем
(Daily Nation, 14.04.10, p.116)
As the usual offer: Harare is going to press on withlocal control.
· “Kenyato play against Ghana in 5-nation tie” — Кения играeт против Ганы в игре с 5 нациями
(Daily Nation, 03.04.10, p.64)
As the usual offer: Kenya is going to play against Ghanain 5-nation tie.
· “Rainsto cut cost of electricity” — Дождисокращяют расходы электричества.
(Daily Nation, 09.04.10, p.3)
As the usual offer: The rains are going to cut the cost ofelectricity.
· “Party in threat to oppose draft” – Угрозы партии выступить против проекта
(Daily Nation, 31.05.09, p.8)
As the usual offer: The party in threat is going tooppose the draft.
· “NHIFmembers to contribute more” — Участники NHIF продолжаются более
(Daily Nation, 28.05.09, p.98)
As the usual offer: NHIF members are going to contributemore
· “Kibakiand Raila to tour projects” – Kэбаки иРэйл совершают поездку попроектам
(Daily Nation, 12.04.10, p.88)
As the usual offer: Kibaki and Raila is going to tourprojects.
IL to launchregional plan to end child labour
· “IL to launch regional plan to end child labor” — ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ТРУДА начнет региональный планзакончить детский труд
(Daily Nation, 01.04.10, p.46)
As the usual offer: IL is going to launch the regionalplan to end the child labor.
· “Newsystem to catch cheats at the ballot” — Новая система поймает обманы в избирательном бюллетене
 (Daily Nation, 27.04.09, p.11)
As the usual offer: A new system is going to catch cheatsat the ballot.
· “Starehevotes recount to go on, says judge” — Пересчет голосов Стэйе продолжается, говоритсудья
(Daily Nation, 24.08.09, p.34)
As the usual offer: Starehe votes recount is going to goon, says judge.
· “Kiplagatlikely to face tribunal” — Kiplagat вероятно стоит перед трибуналом
(Daily Nation, 14.06.09, p.47)
As the usual offer: Kiplagat likely is going to facetribunal.
· “Councilworkers to get a pay increase — Рабочие советаполучают увеличение платы
(Daily Nation, 09.06.09, p.61)
As the usual offer: The Council workers are going to geta pay increase.

In thisresearch we analyzed the publicistic headline from difficulties in translationof publicistic headlines and their pragmatic aspect:
— we havedefined publicistic headline and their classification and structure.
— we haverevealed linguistic peculiarities of publicistic headlines.
— we haveexplained ways of translation the publicistic headlines and difficulties intranslation the publicistic headlines.
— we analyzedthe pragmatic functions and difficulties in translation of publicisticheadlines.
We have begunwith the definition of the publicistic headlines and their classification andstructure. It is difficult evidence because of inhomogeneous tasks andconditions of communication and in general of peculiarities of extra linguisticbase. Although about language and style of publicistic is written a lot ofspecial functional – stylistic investigation of this style have began not longago. Publicistic is a literature on actual, social, political themes.Publicistic style has spoken varieties, in particular the oratorical sub-style.The new spoken varieties are the radio commentary, the essay and articles.
Publicisticstyle is also characterized by brevity of expression. Galperin states that thepublicistic style became discernible as a separate style in the middle of the18th century. The basic aim of the publicistic style is to exert aninfluence on public opinion, to convince the reader or the listener that theinterpretation given by the writer or speaker is correct and to make themaccept his or her views though logical argumentation and emotional appeal. Thestyle of newspaper headlines studied as a restricted language. Headline is thetitle of a newspaper article printed in letters especially at the top of thefront page. The general definition of headline is a short summary of the mostimportant items of news read at the beginning of a news programme on the radioor television. Headlines very often contain emotionally colored words andphrases. The characteristic features of headlines are the most condensed pieceof information on minimum of space. Headline is the most basic text –organizing tool used to invite the reader to become involved with thepublication. English headlines are short and catching.
Thus, thisresearch has given us the idea of headlines. Headline is a dependent form ofnews paper writing. It is in fact a part of a larger whole. The specificfunctional and linguistic features of the headline provide sufficient groundfor isolating and analyzing it as a specific “genre” of journalism.

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