Реферат по предмету "Иностранный язык"

Accommodation in St.Petersburg

South Urel State University«Accommodationin St.Petersburg»
Ivanishina. A.N
Group S-251
Ivanova R.P.Accommodations in Saint Petersburg. Chelyabinsk. -SUSU. -2007. p. –48.
The firstpart of my course paper is about tourism in St.Petersburg. The second part isabout accommodations in St.Petersburg.
Bibl. – 6calls.
2.1 The Grand HotelEmerald
2.2Grand Hotel Europe
2.3 The Astoria Hotel
2.4 Radisson SAS RoyalHotel
2.5 Corinthia NevskijPalace Hotel
2.6 AngleterreHotel
2.7 Arbat-Nord Hotel
2.8 The Deson-Ladoga Hotel
2.9Saint-Petersburg Hotel
2.10 Hotel Moscow
2.11 Nautilus Inn
Petersburg was founded byPeter the Great, in 1703, but many years before the bank of the Neva Riverattracted the Swedes and Slaves. In 1240, on the place which in nova days is apart of town, the Swedish crusaders were defeated by Prince AlexanderJaroslavitch. From that battle the Prince has got the title Alexander Nevskiy.Later on he was canonized by the Orthodoxy church and became a Sky patron ofthe town. The defeat in 1240 did not stop Swedes and close to the place wherethe Ohtensky bridge is located in nova days, they have built up the fortressLandscrona. At the same year the Novgorodians had occupied and destroyed thisfortress. On the same place, in 1611 the Swedes have founded the fortress againwhich got the new name Nienschanz ( New fortress). Under protection of thefortress walls the new town Nien has grown up, where lived Swedes, Germans andDutch craftsmen and merchants. On the other side of the river Neva was Russianvillage Spasskoe. Peter the First has occupied Nienschanz and founded on theHare's island, in delta of the Neva river, the fortress and named itsSankt-Petersburch. Later this name was given to the town, and the fortress hasgot new name «Peter and Paul». Affirmed on those lands, Peter theFirst commenced to build up the town intensively and transferred his Capital tothere. Under tsar Peter odder many craftsmen have been delivered to St.Peterburch from whole Russia
The new stage in St.Petersburg's history came during the ruling time of Catherine the Great. IvanStarov, Kokorinov, Vallen de lamothe, Antonio Rinaldi, Charles Kameron, JacomoQuarenghi, Yuri Felten and other architects worked in that time. The RussianAcademy of science and Academy of art has blossomed in that time. The court ofCatherine invited best musicians from Italy, Spain and Germany. The Catherine'scourt composer was world famous Spanish composer Martin de Solera and conductorof Court's Vocal Capella — Maksim Beresovskiy got the title of Memeber ofBologne Philharmonic's Academy. The Catherine the Great, German by origin couldunderstand the interests of Russia. Some innovations improve the economy andbroad-mind (width interest) of Catherine the Great made St. Petersburg one ofthe Cultural Capital of the Europe. Catherine corresponded with Frenchencyclopedia writers and Alexander Humbold. Under her invitation St. Petersburghas visited philosopher Didro and Moris Etjen Falcone made the Bronze horsemanof the Peter the First. She not only managed economy and politic but also wrotestories, memoirs and even libretto of the opera. Under her odder JacomoKvarengi has built a special Hermitage's theater.The lastyears ruled by Nikolay I coincide with a period of changes the architecturalstyle from classicism to eclecticism. The last accord of the classicism stylein architecture was Alexander Column and St. Isaac's cathedral (architectMonpherran), cathedrals and triumph arc of architect Stasov. The reforms ofAlexander II which gave the freedom to the land less peasants have beenpreconditions of the economical growth of Russia. The new banks and stockexchanges have been opened in that time and new railway stations, mills and factoriesbuild. But in spite of democratic reforms many people not satisfied and in thattime some terrorists organizations appeared. The have began a real hunting ofAlexander II. Finally after explosions in Winter Palace and on the streets ofPetersburg, Emperor Alexander II being fatally wounded by Grinevitski's bombattack on the promenade of Ekaterininsky canal. The unusual cathedral "The Savor on blood" has been built under project of archimandrite Ignatyand architect Parland on the place of bomb attack. The end of XIX and beginningof XX centuries was called as «Silver century». During that time theall kind of art as architecture, painting, poetry, music, theater had got a newpowerful growth. The blocks of building in new Modern style ( in Europe calledJugend style or Ars Nuovo) appeared in the City. You can see different modernstyles (Austrian, Scandinavian and etc.) One of the interesting building ofthis style is house of architect F. Lidval, Kamenoostrovsky avenue 1/3, thehotel «Astoria» the house of Sweden church on the MalayaKonyushennaya street. The other examples of this style are the building ofVitebsky Railway station (architect Minash and Brzhosovsky) the house ofEliseevsky shop (architect Baranovsky), The house of books (architect Syusor),Matilda Kshesinskaya Palace built by architect von Gogen, the houses built byarchitects Bubyr, Vasiliev and others. In the beginning of 1910 the neoclassicism replaced the eclectica style but this style did not get growth.After revolution, in 1917 and the civil war the style of construction of thecity has changed. Not so many masterpieces left from1917, but some interestingbuilding like The Kirov's Cultural Palace and The Lensoveta Cultural Palace,the Ensemble of Komsomol Square can be a symbols of the Soviet time. During1970th some interesting blocks have been built in the area of river Smolenka,in Kirovsky district of the city. In the nowadays the appearance of the citychanges very quick and visitors can see that in 3-4
The aim of course paper is tо learn to work with Englishliterature on specialty and analyze the special literature.
The object of this course paper is the tourism inSt.Petersburg.
The subject of course paper is the accommodations inSt.Petersburg.
The problems are:
· todescribe the tourism in St.Petersburg
· tоconsider the accommodations in St.Petersburg
So, in this course paper there are some informations abouttourism in St.Petersburg and analyze accommodations in St.Petersburg.
Saint-Petersburg is the Northern capital of Russia, itscultural, historical and architectural center! Saint-Petersburg was named inhonor of patron saint of Peter The Great, who founded the city more than 300years ago and for more than 200 years (till 1917) it was Russian capital. Peterthe Great modeled the city after European capitals and it has been referred asRussia's «Window into Europe» for a long time.
St.Petersburg is divided into numerous islands by rivers andcanals and is often called as the «Northern Venice». Saint-Petersburgtogether with its palaces, museums, theatres, distant suburbs and their parksis renowned piece of the world's cultural heritage.
To organize your travel to Saint-Petersburg you can obtainhere hotel and homestay accommodation, travel packages, guided tours and otherSt. Petersburg travel services.
General information:
· THE CITY OVERVIEW: Saint-Petersburg (known asPetrograd in 1914-1924 and as Leningrad in 1924-1991), with 4,7 millioninhabitants is the northernmost major city of the world. Here you will findinformation about our city: history, location, climate and main facts.
· THE BEST OF SAINT-PETERSBURG: The city of St.Petersburg is known as the cultural treasure house of Russia and it is oftenreferred to as an Open-Air Museum. There are more than 140 museums and around100 theatres. Useful for travel information on the best sights, museums, andtheatres you can find here.
· USEFUL TRAVEL INFORMATION: We provide you withuseful information on arrival and departure, emergencies and health, money,communication, transportation, shopping, Russian cuisine, holidays and customs.Here are some advices what to pack and a little vocabulary.
· TIPS: What is the best time for visit to Saint-Petersburg?There are some practical advises and advance tourist tips about Russia's mostamazing city.
St. Petersburg accommodation:
· HOTELS: All hotels of St.Petersburg(on-line reservation) from the budget class hotels up to the deluxe hotels withhighest standards of service, accommodation and facilities.
· HOMESTAY: Save money, make new friends andlearn some Russian! Accommodation with English or Russian languages speakinghosts. You can rent an entire apartment.
Tour packages:
· TRAVEL PACKAGE: We offer you classicalSt.Petersburg tours on 4, 5 and 7 days with accommodation in a hotel at yourchoice, excursions in St.Petersburg and suburbs. A professional guide willaccompany you during these tours and show you all beauty of St.Petersburg.
Travel services:
· GUIDED TOURS: Professional guides will show youthe treasures of Saint-Petersburg and its’ suburbs, help you to know more aboutRussian life and culture.
· SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Would you like to get a bird's-eyeview of the city, taste Russian drinks, wash in Russian banya and to feel likethe real Russians? Here are interesting excursions especially for you.
· TRANSFER: You can order a car or minivan tomeet you at the airport or railway station that bring you to your hotel or anyother destination in the city.
· RENT A CAR WITH A DRIVER: For the most comfortabletraveling around the city, you can rent a car with an English-speaking driverfrom the hotel.
· VISA SUPPORT: We provide extensive visa supportfor foreign travelers arriving to Russia.
We offer you the range of accommodation in St. Petersburg — from luxury and expansive hotels to budget cheap hotels. You can choose thehotel from our selection of hotels in Saint-Petersburg and make hotelreservation with us. Whether you travel to Russia on business or leisure, youcan find and reserve the best accommodation in Saint-Petersburg with our help.DELUX
Prestigious luxury hotels with a well-known name; Higheststandards of service, accommodation and facilities; Among the world's besthotels.SUPERIOR
Exceptionally comfortable hotels; Suitable for demandingbusiness clients; Superior standards of service, facilities, and public areas;Modern hotels, or outstandingly well-maintained older hotelsMID-LEVEL
Dependable and comfortable hotels; Suitable for the averagebusiness or pleasure traveler; Well-kept functional accommodation with charmingfeatures; Limited public areas, food service, and facilities; Moderate roomsizes; Breakfast in small, informal restaurant
Basic and functional accommodation; Suitable for clients orgroups on a budget; Limited public areas, food service, and facilities
Mini hotels is a wonderful and economic substitute of a roomin an expensive hotel! Hotels of this category represent service of high level.All hotels are small (not more than 25 rooms), so they are very quiet.Saint-Petersburg tourists and business visitors can stay in the city center andpay reasonable price for their accommodation in mini-hotels.
Accommodation with foreign languages speaking hosts;accommodation with Russian speaking hosts (ideal for those who likes to learnRussian); renting an entire apartment
We recommend you to visit area Attractions
· AlexanderNevsky Lavra, one of the four lavras in Russia; it contains cemetery monumentsto famous persons from the 18th and 19th century
· Peter& Paul Fortress, former political prison; it is the burial place of Romanovdynasty and presently an exhibition of the city's history
· theSt.Isaacs Cathedral, the 4th greatest cupola cathedral in the world, richlydecorated with monolithic columns, paintings, mosaics, sculptures, marble andsemi-precious stones
· Hermitage(Winter Palace), the largest museum in the world; former winter residence ofRussian tsars
· RussianMuseum, the collection of Russian art from medieval icons to realisticpaintings
· YusupovPalace, a beautiful example of St.Petersburg's early 18th century architecture;there you will have a chance to see the room where Rasputin was killed.
· KazanCathedral, an outstanding example of the early 19th-century Russianarchitecture, erected on the site of a small stone church to hold the ancienticon of Our Lady of Kazan
· Churchof the Resurection (The Savior on Blood), an important landmark that wascreated on the exact site where the Russian Emperor Alexander II wasassassinated in 1881; here you will see the fantastic art of Russian mosaics,which covers an enormous area
· MariinskyTheatre, where act one of the best troupes in the world, classical ballets andinternational operas
· Suburbs(Peterhof, Pushkin, Pavlovsk), former summer residences of Russian tsars withbeautiful parks

Address: 18 Suvorovsky Prospect, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2.1 The Grand Hotel Emerald*****
The Grand Hotel Emerald is located in the heart ofpicturesque St.Petersburg in Russia. This stunning city, created by Peter theGreat in 1703, is full of architectural splendors and is undoubtedly a Jewel inEurope's crown. The Hotel, designed by one of the city's most famousarchitects, offers a wonderful combination of classic and modern decor alongwith the highest levels of service. A delightful setting, lovely surroundingsand a warm welcome will ensure a memorable stay. Located in the centre of thecity, the Grand Hotel Emerald is within walking distance of all the mainattractions of St Petersburg, including the Smolny Cathedral and world-famousHermitage Museum. The hotel is served with excellent transport links and isjust a 7 minute walk from the Vosstania Metro station and the Moskovsky Railwaystation. St Petersburg's international airport is 30 minutes away by car.
All 92 rooms are spacious and furnished with taste, haveindependent heating and air-conditioning systems. Rooms on the top floors offeran enchanting view of the city. When staying in one of the 16 luxurious suitesthe whole range of VIP services are at your disposal. The King's andPresident's suites are always ready to host special guests.
FOOD AND BEVERAGES:within the premises of the hotel Emerald, there is«Emerald» restaurant, «Suvorovsky» bar in the lobby of thehotel and «Versailles» cafe in the Atrium.
Classically decorated with marble and Svarog chandeliers,Restaurant Emerald can accommodate 80 people at a time. It is open forbreakfast from 7 AM to 10.30 AM, from 12 PM to 4 PM for lunch, and in theevening — from 6.30 PM to the last visitor. The best international cuisinedishes form the restaurant's menu. In the morning guests are offered buffetbreakfast, and at lunch and dinner time they are served a la carte. There areconcerts of live music in the restaurant in the evening; they are given onespecially equipped stage, the repertoire is formed by classic music, jazz andpop.
In the hotel lobby, sumptuously decorated with crystalchandeliers and furnished with comfortable leather armchairs and sofas, thereis a bar open from 8.30 AM to 2 AM. Visitors of the bar are offered a widechoice of alcoholic and soft beverages, the best sorts of tea and coffee; youmay also have a continental breakfast in the morning or pastels from thehotel's confectionary; a big acting chimney especially beglamours the barSuvorovsky.
Atrium of the hotel Emerald is an architectural masterpiecein itself a round inner yard, crowned with a glass cupola. Air conditioningsystem maintains here a comfortable microclimat even in winter. There is a cafe«Versailles» open in the Atrium, appointed with retro style canefurniture and imitations of St. Petersburg cast-iron 19th century lanterns.Cafe «Versailles» is open from 9 AM to the last visitor; here you mayhave light snacks, tea or coffee, cakes and a wide range of alcoholic beverages.From the Atrium one can get to the banquet hall Crystal, an ideal place toarrange meetings and cold tables.
· RestaurantEmerald
· Businesscentre
· Wellnesscentre Emerald
· Guestscan ebjoy a traditional Russian banya, Turkish and Finnish saunas, SPA-center.
Conference halls are well organized and equipped to host allkind of meetings and conferences for up to 40 participants
2.2Grand Hotel Europe*****
Located in the very heart of the historic central shoppingand business district of St. Petersburg, the Grand Hotel Europe combines all ofthe splendor of a bygone age with deluxe modern facilities and the highestinternational standards of service. The first five-star hotel in Russia, theGrand Hotel is far more than simply a superlative hostelry--it is, like only afew hotels around the world, an integral part of the history and the culture ofits city and its nation. Its roots date back to the 1820s, and for more than150 years the Grand Hotel Europe has stood at the very center of the city'ssocial, cultural, and commercial life. Completely renovated between 1989 and1991, the hotel is today more vital, more magnificent, and more enchanting thanever before
Situated at the corner of Mikhailovsky Street and NevskyProspekt, the Grand Hotel simply could not be better placed among St.Petersburg's cultural landmarks. Within walking distance, just up the grandboulevard of Nevsky Prospekt, are the Winter Palace and the Hermitage, as wellas the imposing monuments of Winter Palace Square. Even the closer--in factonly a few steps away--is the celebrated Russian Museum (which occupies thestunning Mikhailovskaya Palace) and the soaring onion domes of the Church ofthe Spilt Blood: one of St. Petersburg's most stunning churches, as it occupiesthe very spot on which Tsar Alexander II was fatally wounded by terrorists onMarch 1, 1881. Also within mere footsteps are the St. Petersburg Philharmonicand the Maly Theatre, which along with the Mariinsky constitutes the foundationof St. Petersburg's famed performance arts community. Right across NevskyProspekt are the magnificent Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan and the sprawlingarcades of the Gostinyy Dvor Department Store
The Grand Hotel Europe has played host throughout itslifetime to the great names of Russian history and to notable figures andleading personalities from all over the world. A favorite haunt of Tchaikovsky,Turgenev, Anna Pavlova, and Maxim Gorky, the hotel continues to this day toattract the rich, famous, and talented from around the globe. In 1996 alone, wewere pleased to welcome President Bill Clinton, Chancellor Helmut Kohl, PrinceMichael of Kent, the Prince of Malaysia, Sir Peter Ustinov, and Sharon Stone,as well as many other celebrities and VIPs. In a city filled with stirringmonuments and historic sites, the Grand Hotel Europe is proud to be numberedamong the cultural landmarks of St. Petersburg. The building itself dates from1824, with a preserved Baroque facade designed by the Italian architect CarloRossi as well as original art nouveau interiors. Great care was taken in therenovation to preserve the building's distinctive nineteenth century architecture,including its elegant main staircase as well as its private function rooms, itssuites and bedrooms, and its stunning, landmark restaurants and bars.
Conveniently situated in the heart of St. Petersburg, we arewithin walking distance of the Winter Palace Square and Hermitage Museum. TheRussian Museum, the Philharmonic Society, and the Moussorsky Opera and BalletTheatre are only moments away. Our concierge will help you explore ourintriguing and beautiful city by organizing sightseeing tours, arrangingtransportation, obtaining ballet and opera tickets, and securing restaurantreservations. For business travelers, we provide exceptional support facilitiesand services, as well as offering event planning for meetings, conferences andbanquets in any of our outstanding function rooms
As the city of St. Petersburg reawakens to its vibranthistory and its tradition as one of the cultural centers of Europe, the GrandHotel Europe will help you discover a unique blend of the City’s newfoundenergy and natural warmth, while guaranteeing the very best standards ofhospitality and service. From the moment you arrive, we promise to envelop youin our time-honored tradition of gracious Russian luxury. As our guest, you willexperience the romance of St. Petersburg’s glorious past while enjoying thedeluxe modern facilities of Russia’s leading Hotel.
We look forward to welcoming you to our Hotel and to ourbeautiful City.
The Grand Hotel Europe was accepted into «The LeadingHotels of the World» in 1994; it was the first Russian hotel to receivethis prestigious award. It also received the Egon Ronay Guide Award for thebest hotel in Eastern Europe.
The hotel is a member of the «Swiss InternationalHotels» group and has been chosen as one of «The most famous Hotelsin the world», along with a special book which has been written about thelegendary history of this home.
Since 1995 this pearl of a hotel is being managed byKempinski Hotels
Restaurants & Bars
Guests of the Grand Hotel Europe may choose from no less thanseven superlative bars and restaurants, ranging from the airy charm ofafternoon tea in the Mezzanine Café to the exceptional grace anddistinguished culinary artistry of the Europe Restaurant. For late nightdrinks, there is no more captivating and convivial surround than the Lobby Bar,while at Sadko's, the meeting spot, the energy--like the nightly livemusic--reaches a slightly higher pitch. Rossi's, an informal spot possessed ofa superb wine list, serves delicious Italian dishes all day long, and atChopsticks those with a longing for Chinese can enjoy authentic Cantonese andSzechuan cuisine. Most recently, the hotel commemorated the grand re-opening ofits historic Caviar Bar, an elegant, intimate spot in which to enjoy Russia'smost renowned, exquisite fare.
Europe Restaurant
There is no rival to the Europe Restaurant for thedistinction of being St. Petersburg's most elegant dining choice. Stillgraciously adorned by its entrancing, Art Deco stained glass ceilings and rearwall, executed by Benoit in 1905, this grand and historic restaurant genuinelyevokes an earlier age of Russian magnificence. Each night, parties enjoy thehushed intimacy of its five intricately carved wooden balconies and fiverecessed dining alcoves, or the splendid glow of the main dining floor.
The gourmet cuisine at the Europe Restaurant is bothimpeccable and exciting, a leading example of the revitalization of Russia'ssumptuous culinary tradition in recent years. You can experience these dramaticenhancements in quality of Russian cuisine, when you visit this gourmanfavorite spot in St. Petersburg. The Europe Restaurant serves buffet breakfastand, on Sundays, a delectable champagne brunch. With a seating capacity of 250,the restaurant may also be used for large functions.
Russian and Continental Fine Dining.
Dinner served from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m., Monday throughSaturday. Buffet breakfast served from 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., daily. Champagne brunch served from 12 noon to 3 p.m. each Sunday.
The Caviar Bar
The recent re-opening of this turn-of-the-century institutiononce again allows guests the opportunity to indulge in Russia's most beautifularray of dishes--our superb selection of caviars, vodkas, champagnes, and allof the traditional accompaniments to such delicacies. A visit to the CaviarBar, open daily from 5 p.m. until 12 p.m., is the perfect complement to a nightout on the town.
Enjoy delicious Italian specialties in a relaxed but elegantatmosphere indulge in freshly prepared antipasti, home-made noodles and lusciousdesserts. Where better to meet for a business lunch or dinner here.
Hours: daily, 12 p.m. to 12 a.m.
Simply the point to meet in St. Petersburg. Offeringcocktails, hot and cold beverages and a large selection of snacks, this bar andrestaurant truly presents you with the best view of Nevsky prospect. Nightlylive musical entertainment.
Hours: daily, 12 p.m. to 1 a.m.
The Mezzanine Café
This relaxed and utterly delightful café in the heartof the hotel was once an open court. Now sheltered under a soaring glasscanopy, the Mezzanine Café offers guests an ideal spot to enjoy freshbreakfast pastries in the morning or traditional afternoon tea and light snacksall day long. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., the Mezzanine Café alsoserves a variety of drinks and hot beverages in addition to delicious homemadecakes.
For a spicy alternative, try this unique Chinese Restaurant.Enjoy exquisite Szechwan and Cantonese specialities in an envirnment that’sboth authentic and intimate. A superb selection of Sushi is also offered.
Hours: daily, 12 p.m. to 11 p.m.
The Lobby Bar
he Grand Hotel Europe's Lobby Bar offers a handsometurn-of-the-century classic, beautifully restored and exceptionally welcomingsetting. Adjoining the main bar is the cosy Reading Room, a perfect meetingplace for friends and colleagues, with an international selection of newspapersfor guests. The Lobby Bar is open daily from 11 a.m. until 2 a.m.; it is perhaps the finest place in St. Petersburg to enjoy the evening's lastdrink.
Weekly/Seasonal Events
Every Sunday
Champagne Brunch at the Europe Restaurant
A large variety of mouth-watering specialties awaits you atour sumptuous Brunch-Buffet. All accompanied by that essential necessity freeflowing Russian Champagne as much as you like. USD 45 per person. Reservationsare recommended and can be made on Tel: 329-6000/6630 or via our Concierge.
Every Tuesday Russian Soul at the Caviar Bar Evenings Enjoythe elegant, sophisticated atmosphere of the Caviar Bar with a Russianinstrumental folk trio and, of course, Champagne, Blinis, and Caviar.
Every Saturday
Dinner Dance at the Europe Restaurant
Themed Autumn Ball
The event of the year in St. Petersburg: This, which iscelebrated with a different theme every year, has become an occasion that israrely missed by those who enjoy tradition and classical festivities. Lastyears Tschaikovsky Ball was celebrated with an extraordinary five-course dinnerand an evening filled with musical festivities including the city’s mosttalented musicians, dancers and orchestras. This celebration of Tschaikovskytraveled from Russia to Italy, from France to Germany and featured a dinnercourse from each country. These unforgettable events are traditionallycelebrated at the famous Europe Restaurant. Enjoy an evening of elegancesurrounded by beautiful turn-of the-century decor and make yourself feel like aTsar.
Rooms & Amenities
The complete renovation of the Grand Hotel Europe between1989 and 1991 returned the hotel's rooms and suites to a level of graciouselegance and luxurious comfort that St. Petersburg had not seen since the eraof the Tsars. At that time the Grand Hotel, then known as the Hotel del'Europe, was one of the premier hotels in the world, and it was with thatproud heritage in mind that the renovation was so carefully administered. Theresult is 301 accommodations of truly exceptional quality, replete withhandsome period furnishings, tasteful decor, and a generous sense of space andease. Guests may choose from among several different classes of rooms andsuites. Our entire second floor is a non-smoking.
Room Descriptions
Standard and Superior Classic Rooms
One unique benefit of the hotel's restoration is that eventhe Grand Hotel Europe's standard Classic rooms vary in size and in layout,maintaining the hotel's historic character and reflecting its fascinatingarchitectural heritage. Each of the Classic rooms comprises an entrance way, abedroom with seating area, and a bathroom. All have twin, double, or Grand Litbeds, with Swedish duvets and coverlets in clean pastel hues. Moreover, eachroom is fully equipped with a mini-bar, a hairdryer, a television withsatellite reception and a movie channel, a telephone with international directdial facility and voice mail, a writing desk, and comfortable armchairs inwhich to relax. For additional comfort, the tiled floor of each bathroom isheated. Plus, you'll find that all rooms are equipped with safes, airconditioning and fax modem lines. The hotel's 212 Classic rooms vary in sizefrom 16 to 29 square meters. Of these, 99 are equipped with twin beds, 49 withdoubles, and 64 with Grand Lits.
Belle Chambres
The hotel's Belle Chambres aredistinguished for retaining the generous spaces and classical style of thenineteenth century. While these rooms vary in size and in layout, they are onaverage about twice the size of the standard room. The rooms have parquetfloors, spacious seating areas with armchairs and a sofa, and large windowsfacing onto historic Nevsky Prospekt--all of which contribute to theirextraordinarily light and airy ambience. The furnishings of the Belle Chambresare antique and feature period reproduction pieces; the twin or Grand Lit bedsare covered with Swedish duvets and coverlets in tasteful pastel shades. TheBelle Chambres are, in addition, equipped with all of the amenities enjoyed inthe Classic rooms. The hotel's 19 Belle Chambres range in size from 31 to 45 square meters. Of these, 15 are equipped with twin beds, two with doubles, and two with GrandLits.
Terrace Rooms
High atop the hotel, on the fifth floor and looking out overSt Petersburg's enchanting skyline, are our Terrace rooms. These rooms are ofsimilar layout, style, and size (20 square meters) to our Classic rooms, withthe exception that they are graced as well by balconies. Those facing ArtsSquare enjoy striking views of the Church of the Spilt Blood, one of StPetersburg's most beautiful landmarks. All Terrace Rooms are fitted withsatellite television, mini-bars, hairdryers, telephones with internationaldirect dial facility, in summer, terrace furniture and of course the amenitiesof the Classic rooms. The hotel's 17 Terrace rooms are all equipped with doublebeds.
Penthouse Suites
These split-level, modern style upstairs are ideal for longerstays and for working visits, as they separate the bedroom from the lounge andworking area below. The penthouse suites are furnished in soft shades of rustor blue and decorated with modern Russian paintings. All of the suites havedouble beds or Grand Lits, a sofa and chairs, and a writing desk. In addition,the suites are equipped with mini-bars, TVs with satellite link and a moviechannel, hairdryers and telephones with international direct dial facility andvoice mail. Each of the 22 suites measures 55 square meters and features safes, air conditioning and fax modem lines; 20 are furnished withdouble beds and 2 with Grand Lits.
Presidential and Imperial Suites
The full grandeur of St Petersburg at the turn of the centuryis preserved in the Lidvall and the Rossi suite. Furnished in the classicalstyle, with antique oil paintings, clocks and decorative ornaments, thesesuites are suitable for meetings, for entertaining, and simply for relaxing.Both the Lidvall and the Rossi suites have accommodated figures ofinternational stature, including several heads of state as well as many notableartists, business leaders, entertainers, and other celebrities. Each of thesuites measures 67 square meters and comprises an entrance hall, a guestbathroom, an anteroom, and a master bedroom with an en suite bathroom.
Junior & Executive Suites
The junior and executive suites of the Grand Hotel Europevary considerably in size and layout, but all share the historic features thatwere carefully restored during the hotel's renovation. Antique furniture isused throughout, and the colour and style of the decor reflects in all of itsaspects the elegance and dignity of turn-of-the-century Tsarist Russia. All ofthe suites comprise an entrance hall, a lounge, a bedroom and a bath; ourlarger suites have in addition a guest washroom. All of the suites are ofcourse equipped with satellite television and a movie channel, internationaldirect dial telephones and voice mail, mini-bars, hairdryers, safes, airconditioning and fax modem lines. The hotel's 24 Junior suites range in sizefrom 37 to 45 square meters; 3 are furnished with twin beds, and the remaining21 are furnished with double beds. The 5 Executive suites, all of which arefurnished with a double bed, range in size from 50 to 60 square meters.
Amenities and Special Services
The Grand Hotel Europe distinguishes itself throughscrupulous attention to detail and personalised service. What many hotelsconsider exceptional, we consider standard. Among the amenities available toall of our guests are the following items and services:
·  FitnessCenter with sponge pool and sauna
·  MassageTherapists
·  Hairdresser
·  24-hourvalet parking
·  TheatreDesk
·  Terryrobes
·  Secretarialservices
·  ShoeShine
·  Non-smokingfloor
·  ShoppingGallery
·  Pastryand Flower Shop
· FamousAnanov Fabergé Egg Shop
· FrontDesk with multi-lingual concierge
· Packing/ unpacking service upon request
· Hand-laundryand dry cleaning service
· Safesfor valuables in every room
· Twice-dailymaid service
Business Services & Facilities
The Hotel's Business and Convention centre providesexceptionally strong support for our guests. The Grand Hotel Europe can provideyou with secretarial assistance, with interpreters and translators, and with aprivate Meeting room or temporary office. International communications, includingfax, e-mail and Internet, postal and courier services are all available throughthe Hotel as well. Our concierge will be happy to confirm your transportation,to make onward travel arrangements, to reconfirm airline tickets, to offeradvice on restaurants and to arrange all tours and excursions in and outsideSt.Petersburg. Our private function rooms are ideal for important meetings andconferences, discreet negotiations, presentations, seminars, and trainingsessions. The Hotel will be happy to assist you with all arrangements,including the supply of audio-visual aids and simultaneous translationequipment.
Banquet Planning & Facilities
Over the course of its long history, the Grand Hotel Europehas been the venue for innumerable spectacular occasions. Today our Banquetingteam upholds this fine tradition, providing the careful organization, theconsidered advice, and the attention to detail essential to a successful event.Our many different function rooms, each with its own special character, providethe perfect setting for any gathering. Whether you are planning a small privatedinner, an elaborate banquet and dance, or simply an intimate cocktailgathering, the Grand Hotel will ensure that the occasion is a resoundingsuccess. If you wish, we can also arrange special functions at venues outsideof the Hotel, including a number of imperial palaces and some ofSt.Petersburg's most beautiful private theatres.
Special Packages
If your dream is to go ice-fishing on the Finnish Gulf, dineon the battleship Aurora, dance with gypsies or enjoy a private balletperformance from the favored seat of Catherine the Great, the Grand HotelEurope can make the dream a reality.
Our dedicated and experienced Group Coordination Team isready to help you organise colourful and exciting Incentive Programmes andSpecial Events, taking advantage of the rich cultural and historical wealth ofSt. Petersburg and its surroundings to provide enthralling experiences inmagnificent settings. Kempinski’s guests at the Grand Hotel Europe can bewaited on by the courtiers of the Czar, be entertained by Cossacks andtraditional Balalaika bands, or even dine with Lenin and his comrades in animaginative journey to the days of the Revolution. Private theatres, includingthe Hermitage Theatre, can be hired for exclusive ballet performances
During the famous «White Nights» in summer the sunhardly ever sets.Numerous palaces offer ideal settings for elegant summergarden parties, accompanied by champagne, cocktails, live music, barbecues, buffets,and delicious desserts. In the summer, tranquil boat trips on the Neva and itsmyriad canals are also very popular, as are picnic excursions to Lake Ladoga,quiet barbecue evenings by wooded lakes, and even lively beach parties alongthe Gulf of Finland.
In the winter St. Petersburg truly comes into its own, as itsfairytale palaces glimmer and gleam with fresh snow and the iridescent beautycreates endless, romantic evenings. Winter incentive programmes can start witha visit to the country cottage of the Empress Alexandra, where you will enjoy achampagne concert in one of the cottage’s elegant, evocative salons. As eveningapproaches enjoy a troika ride through the crisp winter air, anticipatingvodka, blinis, and caviar ahead.
For the more intrepid, we can arrange an unforgettable icefishing expedition on the Gulf of Finland… An evening can be spent in a quietcountry Datcha nestled deep in the forest, warmed by a wood stove and bytraditional Russian food as you are entertained with folk songs and dances.
2.3 The Astoria Hotel *****
The Astoria Hotel makes an ideal starting point from which todiscover Saint-Petersburg, Russian history and culture. It was in December1912, that the doors of the Hotel Astoria (architect Fedor Lidval) were firstopened to the public. The luxurious interiors in the Northern Modern style havealways impressed the wealthiest and most respected of Russian high society.
Astoria Hotel has welcomed many well-known guests: Americanbusinessman Armand Hammer, English wrirer Herbert Wells, Russian writers MaksimGorky and Mikhail Bulgakov, poet Sergey Esenin, singers Fedor Shaliapyn andLeonid Sobinov, composer and singer Aleksander Vertinsky, ballerinas AisedoraDunkan and Anna Pavlova. Since the end of reconstruction work carried outbetween 1987-1991, the Astoria Hotel has been honoured to welcome the Ex-PrimeMinister of Great Britain Margaret Thaicher, the U.S. Secretary of State, JamesBaker, members of the Royal Romanov and Faberge families, the conductor andcomposer Mstislav Rostropovich, film producer Nikita Mikhalkov, sculptor MikhailShemiakyn, opera singers Galina Vishnevskaya and Elena Obrastsova, singerDmitry Hvorostovsky and many others
The Astoria Hotel enjoys superb location in the very heart ofthe city, situated on Saint Isaac's Square opposite the impressive Saint IsaacsCathedral, the Mariinsky Palace and the equestrian statue of Nicholas I. Theproximity of the Senate and Synod, the Admiralty, the offices of majorcompanies and banks underline the importance of the Hotel's location in thecity.
For a traditional continental cuisine try our«Astoria» or «Angleterre» restaurants, perfect for those insearch of civilized, elegant dining. You'll feel at ease on the dark leatherchairs of the «Rotonda» bar, decorated in the style of an Englishpub.
you can enjoy traditional Russian cuisine in the light andairy «Winter Garden» restaurant, possibly one of the most beautifulin Europe. Even during winter months, white marble nymphs hide behind thebright greenery of the hall and sunrays filter through the milk glass ceiling.Our banqueting hall is ideal for celebrating an important event or festivity.
you are welcome to savour a slice of Russian pie and try adelicious doughnut at the «Russian Tchainaya» cafeteria. Excellentcuisine and accommodation, modern conference facilities — your meeting and stayin the «Astoria» hotel will be a complete success and a memorableexperience.
 No room or lounge here is identical, diversity andoriginality prevails in every detail. And what a captivating view of SaintIsaac's Square can be seen from the Hotel rooms!
From 1987 to 1991 the Astoria underwent major refurbishment,staying faithful to the original style of the building. Each of the 232 roomsincluding apartments, suites, deluxe and standard rooms combines latter-day charmand comfort. The rooms are elegantly furnished, in keeping with the image ofthe Hotel and are suitable both for relaxation and business. Each room is wellequipped with modern facilities, including satellite and cable TV, in housetelevision system, air conditioning, International Direct dial phone, mini bar,mini safe. The deluxe apartments have got kitchens and saunas.
232 exquisite air conditioned rooms, including 131 Standardrooms, 60 Superior rooms, 15 Junior Suits, 11 Senior Suites, 10 Deluxe Suitesand Presidential Suites (5 beautiful corner 2 bedroom suites, named afterfamous composers and musicians).
Address: 49 Nevsky Prospect, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2.4 Radisson SAS RoyalHotel*****
The five-star Radisson SAS Royal St.Petersburg (4 floors, 166rooms), built in 2001, is located in the city centre close to the Hermitage,the Russian Museum and other places of interest. Airport Pulkovo — 30 minutes.Moskovsky railway station — 10 minutes.
The Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, St.Petersburg features 164guestrooms with one queen sized double or two twin beds and can accommodate upto three guests. Other room amenities include:
· Classicaldecor
· Smokingand non-smoking rooms
· Accessiblerooms for disabled guests
· Airconditioning
· Ensuite bathrooms
· Hairdrier
· Trouserpress
· colourTV with cable channels
· Directdial telephones
· Modemhook up
· Personalsafe
· Minibar
· 24-hourroom Service
 Barbazan — this 72-seat restaurant has an eclectic menu to cater forall palates, offering traditional Russian dishes along side favorites from theMediterranean.
Cannelle — this Bar and Cafe features theme dishes, cocktailsand signature deserts and is the ideal meeting place, not matter the occasion.
· Conciergeservices
· FrontDesk
· Currencyexchange
· Laundry& dry Cleaning service
· Babysittingor Child care
· Newsstand
· Formand fitness centre
· ExerciseRoom
· Conference& Business Service centre
· Privatedining Rooms
· Twostory atrium
Address: 57 Nevskiy Prospect, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2.5 Corinthia NevskijPalace Hotel *****
An important feature of St.Petersburg's architecturallandscape is the famous Nevsky Prospekt. This main street of Peter the Great'scapital is the home of Corinthia Nevskij Palace Hotel. The facade,reconstructed in the original, historical style, harmoniously blends into thecityscape
Located in the heart of historical, business and shoppingareas of St.Petersburg, within walking distance for the Hermitage RussianMuseum, Philharmonic Music Hall, Ballet & Opera Theatres and Cathedrals.
Luxury, comfort and perfect service characterize the Hotel.282 rooms, 28 Suits, 110 Non-Smoking Rooms, 15 Smart Rooms with fax, copier andprinter, 45 Towers Rooms & Private Lounge with Butler service andcomplimentary breakfast; Concierge.
· Standarddouble
· Standardsingle
· Superiordouble
· Superiorsingle
· Juniorsuite
· Deluxesuite
Room facilities
· Directdial satellite telephone and voicemail
· Satellitetelevision with 18 international channels (CNN, BBC World, BBC Prime,Eurosport, Euronews, TV-5 (France), RTL, RAI UNO, VIVA ect.)
· Centralair conditioning
· Heating
· Sprinklerand smoke detector system
· Safe
· Minibar
· Computerconnection
Four restaurants and bars (Russian, International andMediterranean Cuisine) each in its own distinct setting, satisfy all tastesperched on the Hotel's eighth floor rooftop. The Landskrona is the top diningplace in the city. Its acclaimed menu features regional Italian specialties.The Imperial Restaurant is known for its Sunday Jazz Brunches with live music andfree-flowing champagne. The Admiralty serves a generous menu, complete withfolk song and dance performances. For a perfect end to a great day in the city,guests can visit the cozy Beerstube and sample lager from around the world orsip cognac at the intimate Lobby Bar
The Hotel's proximity to the city's business district alsocreates a strong appeal among business travelers. With the support of onexpertly trained staff, Nevskij Palace Hotel can accommodate up to 200 peoplein six meeting and banquet rooms. Translators and interpreter are also of yourassistance. The Nevskij Palace has amenities travelers expect of a five-starhotel: a shopping arcade and Health club with Jacuzzi and fitness equipment,sauna, and Massage service, Hairdresser and Beauty salon, shopping arcade withfashion boutiques, limousine service and underground garage.
· Mailservice
· Courtservice
· Secretarialservices
· Telex
· Fax
· Photocopies
· Translators
· AudioVisual and LCD Equipment; Conference Packages;
· Separateregistration and coffee break area;
· BusinessCenter
· 4Restaurants, Cafe Vienna, Lobby Bar
282 Rooms including 30 Suites, 15 Smart Rooms with fax,copier and printer, 45 Towers Rooms & Private Lounge with Butler serviceand complimentary breakfast; Concierge;
Address: 39 Bolshaya Morskaya Street, Saint-Petersburg,Russia
2.6 AngleterreHotel ****
In the prestigious world of conference and banqueting, theAngleterre Hotel is able to cater for all your needs. From conferences andseminars to social events and family celebrations it offer facilities to suitall occasions. With up-to-date technical and audiovisual equipment, airconditioned Conference rooms are designed for all types of meetings. Extraservices such as translators can easily be arranged and here is possible toorganize a programme of relaxing entertainments to help conference delegates unwindat the end of the day.
On the social side, the Hotel will be happy to help with allaspects of your arrangements, from table settings and the choice of menu to thetype of entertainment. The professional experience of all staff combined with apackage tailored to your needs is the basis of a successful event for allconcerned. The Angleterre Hotel is a member of SRS World Hotels.
The space needed to describe all the beauty of this citywould fill unaccountable pages. The world famous «Hermitage»,«St.Issac's Cathedral»- the second largest basilica in the world and«Peter's and Paul's Fortress» are only three of the manyarchitectural beauties to be seen and admired. In the summer — especiallyduring the White Nights — you can enjoy the wonderful parks and gardens in thecity with their statues and fountains. St.Petersburg is also home of theworld-famous ballet-school. Their theatre performances will satisfy the highestof expectations.
Founded in 1703 by Peter the Great, St Petersburg is anarchitecturally beautiful city housing the famous Hermitage Museum and WinterPalace and Summer Gardens. The River Neva flows through the city, criss-crossedby elegant bridges, providing a link to Moscow and giving the city its nicknameof «Venice of the North». Visitors can enjoy summer boat trips on theriver, visit Peter's and Paul's Fortress (resting place of the last TsarNicholas II), as well as enjoying the local culture, such as the Kirov ballet.An ideal destination for business or leisure, Pulkovo airport is only 11 miles from the city centre.
The four-star Hotel Angleterre was reconstructed in 1986 andis ideally located in the centre of St.Petersburg overlooking the landmarkSt.Isaac's cathedral and within easy walking distance of the world famousHermitage Museum. An ideal destination for business or leisure, 30 minutes fromthe Pulkovo airport by taxi
Each of the 193 modern rooms (Standard — 71, Superior — 17,Junior Suite — 5) has latest facilities that you would expect to make yourvisit more enjoyable. These include individually controlled air conditioning,satellite and cable TV (including hotel information) with wide range ofchannels including CNN, mini bar, Direct dial telephone, safe. Many rooms haveviews over St.Isaac's Square.
Davidov — Russian restaurant with vodka and caviar bar;Rotunda lobby bar; lobby lounge for breakfast and afternoon tea.
Guests staying at the Hotel Angleterre also have use of thefacilities at the adjacent a five-star Hotel Astoria.
· 24-hourroom service
· Concierge
· Fitnesscentre
· Borsalinobar & Restaurant
· Casinoand night club
· Healthclub and pool
· Giftshop
· Bureaude Change
· Beautysalon
· Allmajor credit cards accepted
Specially for your business Angleterre Hotel have bigConference hall, Meeting room, Banquet hall and Business centre.
Theatre-style Conference hall for 205, designed in thetraditional amphitheatre style, is equipped with up-to-date audio-visualfacilities: slide projectors and overhead projectors, 4 languages simultaneousinterpretation system, tape recorders and laser recorder, large video screen,micro-phones and loudspeakers, flip-charts, TV and video.
5 light cozy and multi-functional Meeting room, designed tohold private banquets and small meetings for up to 25 people. An airconditioning, a large window, mirror walls, glass ceiling and elegant furniturecreate intimate yet fashionable atmosphere. Coffee breaks and cocktails to beserved on demand.
Banquet hall is the perfect place to celebrate an importantevent, wedding or festivity. A fine rare opportunity of spending an evening inthe marvelous hall with unique interior: magnificent mirrors, gracefuldecorative columns, authentic crystal chandeliers, reminiscent of the formerepoch splendor.
Business centre is equipped with all the modern facilities.
Business service
· Secretarialservice
· Computer
· Typewriter
· Fax
· Telex
· Photocopies
· Quickmessage delivery
/>Specially for You businessD`Angleterre hotel have big conference hall, meeting room,banquet oll andBusiness center.
 Multi-functional meeting room, designed to hold privatebanquets and small meetings for up to 20 people. Mirror walls, glass ceilingand elegant furniture create intimate yet fashionable atmosphere
Convertible meeting rooms withan air-conditioning and a large window. Equipped with all the modernfacilities.
Light cozy meeting room.Coffee breaks and cocktails to be served on demand.
Our business center offerssecretarial services, typewriter, fax, telex, photocopier, computer, quickmessage delivery.
Address: 4 Artilleryskaya Street, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2.7 Arbat-Nord Hotel ****
A four-star Arbat-Nord Hotel was opened in summer 2003. It islocated in the city centre close to Business centre «Russ» and notfar from Chernyshevskaya Metro station. The main avenue — the Nevsky Prospektis just a few minutes away. Numerous museums, theaters, shopping centres andrestaurants are within the walking distance from the Hotel
The Hotel has 33 rooms equipped to the most exacting Europeanstandards and fully air conditioned. All rooms are finished in fire-resistantmaterials and equipped with the theft and fire alarm system.
All rooms have
· Airconditioner
· Bathroomwith the bath and shower
· Hairdrier
· SatelliteTV
· Telephone
· Accessto Internet
· Electroniclock
The Hotel restaurant will serve European cuisine and offer agood variety of wines. Live music in the evenings.
Banquets arrangements, special catering for tourists group.Convenient car parking place for guests.
Address: 26 Shaumyana Street, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2.8 The Deson-Ladoga Hotel****
The Deson-Ladoga Hotel provides modest, but comfortablestandard accommodation and is an excellent choice for both tourists and thosevisiting Russia on business. Behind the plain facade of the Deson-Ladoga youwill find a surprisingly good, offering recently improved facilities, politeand well-trained English-speaking staff. The building of the Hotel was erectedin 1964 in picturesque quiet micro-district of Small Ohta. By it's 30thanniversary the Hotel was totally rebuilt and meets all modern demands of thecustomers.
This Hotel stands just across the Neva River from thehistoric centre of St.Petersburg and is conveniently located only 30 minutesfrom the airport and just 5 minutes from the nearest Metro stationNovocherkasskaya, which provides swift and easy access to the city's majortourist attractions. Nearby from the Hotel (5 minutes by bus) one can findAlexandro-Nevskaya Lavra with historical cemeteries, Smolny Cathedral where thespiritual and classic music is played.
It can be easily accessed to the city centre by Metro or anyother public transport.
The Deson-Ladoga boasts 96 spacious rooms and suites (44singles, 48 doubles, 4 Deluxe). Spacious comfortable rooms tastefully decoratedin pleasant subtle pastel colours, feature modern amenities, large beds andmodern well-equipped bathrooms. There is plenty of light in the rooms due totwo large windows. The Deson-Ladoga Hotel is characterized by perfect service.
In each room there are:
· Directdial satelite phone
· SateliteTV
· Privatebathrooms
· Personalsafety boxes
· Somerooms are for non-smokers
Elegant Deson-Ladoga Restaurant with arch windows andsemi-circular booths is situated just off the Hotel's lobby and offers aninteresting and varied menu of European and Chinese cuisine. A touch of romancecreates intimate atmosphere. The restaurant can accommodate up to 150 peopleand has two additional Banqueting rooms catering for up to 18 people each. Thedaily Buffet Breakfast is served in the main Hotel restaurant. After 12 pmhotel guests can chose from the restaurant's a-la-Carte service. Dinner isaccompanied by light music or the occasional live performance by one of theHotel's ensembles, which can be booked in advance for groups and privatefunctions. All major credit cards are accepted. The Night Club Bar has amaximum capacity of 50 people and serves a wide selection of drinks and lightsnacks, accompanied by relaxing music.
· 24-hourReception desk
· Roomservice is available till 7 pm
· Servicebureau
· Currencyexchange is located in the lobby
· Souvenirshop offers a good selection of traditional Russian arts and crafts
· Hairdresser'ssalon and Beauty parlour
· Laundryand dry cleaning service
· Securecar parking
· Deliveryservice
· Saunaand massage service
· Swimmingpool
· Internationalnewsagent's kiosk
The Deson-Ladoga's Business centre offers:
· Faxcommunications
· Telephonecommunications
· Photocopying
· Secretarialservices
· Internetand email access
· Computerrentals
The Hotel also boasts a well-equipped Meeting room, locatedon the second floor and capable of accommodating up to 20 people. The room isequipped with slide projector, projection screen, blackboard, video and TV.
Address: 5/2 Pirogovskaya Embankment, Saint-Petersburg,Russia
2.9Saint-Petersburg Hotel***
The Saint-Petersburg Hotel is often selected for holdingmajor international conferences, symposia, training sessions, conventions,receptions, exhibitions and banquets, but is equally ideal place for touristgroups and individual travelers. The Hotel St.Petersburg boasts two largerestaurants and three lively bars. A wide range of additional services isavailable tourists and business travelers alike. In the Hotel you will findqualified and attentive personnel, good service and pleasant environment,24-hour-a-day Security service.
 The Hotel St.Petersburg is a large and comfortable hoteloffering a stunning view of the Neva River, the main waterway ofSaint-Petersburg, the Liteyny Bridge and just opposite the mighty infamousbattleship Cruiser Aurora. The Hotel's location allows you to walk to someattractions on the right bank of the Neva River: Cabin of Peter the Great,Peter and Paul's Fortress or Cruiser Aurora.
If you arrive by train from Finland, it is the nearest Hotelto the Finland Railway Station. And if you don't have your own transport, atram will take you to the nearest Metro station Ploschad Lenina (2 tram stopsaway) or even directly into the city centre. The Hotel is 35 minutes from theairport Pulkovo. The Saint-Petersburg Hotel was built in 1970 and reconstructedin 2000.
The Hotel is conveniently close to many others landmarks of18th-19th centuries Imperial Russia: The State Hermitage Museum, St.Isaac'sCathedral, the Summer Gardens, the Field of Mars, the Summer Palace of PeterThe Great and many other attractions every visitor will want to explore.
 The Saint-Petersburg Hotel has 410 rooms, which canaccommodate up to 720 people. The Hotel offers mainly double room accommodationwith 100 single rooms and 10 suites on the front of the Hotel feature abreathtaking view of the Neva River.
Guests of the Hotel may use refrigerators located on theHotel's floors and safes placed at the Reception desk.
The Hotel offers a possibility to put an extra bed to theroom.
While room quality does vary, the Hotel's public areas arelarge and impressive on the whole.
Standard rooms of the Hotel Saint Petersburg have a laconicdecoration, at the same time, disposing of everything necessary to createcomfort. All standard rooms have satellite TVs and telephones. Each room ofthis class consists of a comfortably furnished living room, measuring 15 square meters in single and 19 square meters in double room, and a bathroom, equipped with toiletbowl, wash basin and bath. There is a bed (two beds in a standard twin room),an armchair, and a table with a socket to connect computer or modem, locatedclose by. Windows of these rooms look to the Neva or to the inner yard.Standard Rooms are clean, plain and basic, but with older furniture.
Superior rooms of the Hotel Saint Petersburg in 2000 wererefurbished to the European standards and equipped with new furniture,combining modern design with elements of classical style. All of the rooms havesatellite TV with satellite and local channels including CNN and Euro Sport,telephones with Direct dial-up and possibility to connect computer and modem.Rooms of this category consist of a living room of 15 square meters in single and 19 square meters in double rooms, and a bathroom, equipped with toiletbowl, wash basin and bath. There is a comfortable bed (or two separate beds intwin rooms), a working corner with table and a comfortable armchair. Elegantcurtains and floor lamps, night-lights and coffee tables communicate charm tothese rooms. Big windows of the Hotel look to the Neva or to the Hotel's inneryard.
Suite rooms of the Hotel Saint Petersburg were refurbished tothe European standards in 2000 and equipped with modern furniture with elementsof classical style. Suites consist of a spacious bedroom with a king-size bed,a sitting room, a bathroom and an anteroom. Suite measures 30 square meters. Modern elegant furniture with elements of classical style, watercolours witharchitectural motives on the walls and a wonderful view to the Neva make suiterooms especially attractive. Substantial furniture weds modern comfort:satellite TV, telephones with Direct dial-up with availability to connectcomputer or modem, refrigerator and spacious wardrobes. Roomy bathrooms areequipped with extra class sanitary wear — toilet bowl, washbasin and bath ofmodern design. There are personal refrigerators at every room. Major part ofwindows boasts a wonderful look to the Neva.
Winter Garden restaurant is a good food and magnificent hall.Whatever is the weather like, you will always feel comfortable in theatmosphere of green leaves of the «Winter garden», and sight from thewindow to the Neva embankment will only accompany the pleasant impression.Breakfast at the restaurant will mark a good day's beginning. You may tastedishes from the cold table or book continental breakfast at the restaurant.
Zerkalniy (Mirror) restaurant (on the upper lobby level) isnear the Concert Hall. Glow of mirrors will give chic to your lunch or dinnerat the restaurant. Menu offers Russian and European cuisine dishes: a widerange of salads and cold starters, soups, black and red caviar, traditional«Kiev cutlets», «Diplomat» pork, desserts, cocktails andfruit.
Tuborg (on the upper lobby level) bar offers wide selectionof wines from the exporters from Spain, France, Moldova, Chile. Nice atmospherefor a chat at a cup of tea or coffee.
Carlsberg bar (on the lobby level) is especially for those,who arrives at the Hotel early in the morning or is going to leave late atnight. Here you can also have a snack — sandwiches for light breakfast,starters, salads, tea and coffee for lunch or dinner. And, of course, you maytaste a mug of the famous «Carlsberg» or one of the best Russianbeers. Wine card will neither disappoint you.
Neva Bar is open 7:30 am to 1 am
· Servicebureau
· Laundry& Drycleaner's
· Beautyparlour & Barber's
· Dentist& Doctor
· Shoe& Clothes repairs
· Sauna
· Postoffice
· 24-hourReception desk
· Currencyexchange
· ConcertHall
· Photoshop/Newsstand
· Souvenirshop and stalls
· Pharmacykiosk
· Bookkiosk
· Florist
· Taxidesk offers taxis and cars with dRivers for hire
BCL International Communications Centre (at the lobby level)permits carry out in the Hotel conferences, seminars, high-level symposia. In2000-2003 important international medicine conferences, ballet and artisticfestivals and competitions were carried out at the Hotel.
The Saint-Petersburg Hotel has:
· LargeCongress Hall (796 seats)
· WhiteConference room (100 seats)
· BlueConference room (50 seats)
· GlassConference room (100 seats)
· Exhibitionfacilities
Halls are equipped with all the necessary modern techniques,including:
· Amplifiers
· Radiomicrophones
· Simultaneousinterpretation
· LCD-project
· Videorecorder
· Slideproject
· Conditioners
The St.Petersburg Hotel guests will appreciate Businesscentre with:
· Printingservice
· Fax
· Telex
· Photocopier
· Internationaltelephone
· Exchange
· Computersconnected to the Internet
Address: 2 Alexander Nevsky Square, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2.10 Hotel Moscow ***
This large Hotel Moscow (Moskva) is frequented by packagetour groups, but it is equally well prepared to accommodate individualtravelers. Built in 1977 (and reconstructed 2003), the Hotel Moscow providescomfortable apartments and rooms that can accommodate 1428 guests simultaneously.The Hotel also features a small Business centre, good conference facilities anda wide range of additional services. Restaurants and buffets provide somedining options while more good eateries are located in the vicinity of MoscowHotel
Of all 3-star hotels in St.Petersburg the Hotel is perhapsthe most conveniently located in the very end of the Nevsky Prospekt, the mainavenue of the city. Hotel Moscow is located near the Nevsky Prospect and theNeva embankment. In front of the Hotel stands the city's beautiful AlexanderNevsky Laura, the oldest architectural ensemble of the 18th century. You canwalk to some of the city's attractions and conveniently commute to others andthe Hotel is very well served by public transport. The Hotel building alsohouses a Metro station Ploschad Alexandra Nevskovo and several buses andtrolleybuses will take you directly into the city centre and all the majorsights. Pulkovo airport is in 15 km.
During the white nights, you can enjoy an incredible view ofthe city and the River from your room: one side of our arc-shaped buildingfaces the Neva River while the other overlooks the Nevsky Prospect. Spacioushalls on each of the five dwelling stories look attractive thanks to plenty ofgreenery and flowers that you can also find in the big winter garden. Theunique view of the city will always be with you. The Hotel is equipped withsecurity TV.
There are 125 singles, 560 doubles, 40 two-room suites, and10 three-room suites. All rooms are clean and reasonably comfortable and cozy,some of them are with a nice view on the Neva River and Alexander NevskyMonastery. All the rooms are equipped with electronic code locking systems ofthe German company «Messerschmitt» operated by the computer.
All rooms provide with
· Privatebathroom
· Phones
· TVwith satellite and local channels
· Refrigerator
· Minibar
The Hotel offers a good range of in-house dining options andthere are many more cafes, restaurants and bars located in the surroundingarea.
There are 2 restaurants, which serve Russian and Europeandishes, 2 Banquet halls and 6 bars in the Hotel. If you seek solitude for acalm talk the bars located on every story of the Hotel are the suitable placefor you.
The Monplaisir Restaurant is located on the second floor ofthe Hotel (beyond the Breakfast Room) and features a varied selection ofRussian and European cuisine. That is the fine place to meet your friends andbusiness partners. Dinner is accompanied by live music every evening. All majorcredit cards are accepted.
The Salt and Pepper Restaurant is perhaps the coziest andmost ambient dining venue at the Moscow Hotel. Run by Finnish management, therestaurant can accommodate up to 80 people and has entrances from both theHotel's second floor foyer and from the street. The menu offers a wideselection of European dishes and drinks and the restaurant features comfortablewooden furniture and occasional live music performances. All major credit cardsare accepted.
The Moscow Hotel's Lobby Bar is the ideal place to have aquick drink or cup of coffee while you wait for your friends or businesspartners. A good range of local and imported beers, wines and spirits areavailable, as is a very good cup of coffee.
If you are looking for a venue for a banquet or privatefunction, we can recommend the Hotel's Petrovsky (Peter the Great's) Banquethall, which is ornately decorated with replica 18th century paintings.
The Night Bar is on the basement level. Buffets are locatedon floors 3, 5 and 7.
· Servicebureau offers tickets to just about anywhere
· Beautyparlour and Barber shop (Hairdresser's)
· Taxiservice
· Medicalservices, dentist
· Internationalcredit cards are accepted (VISA, AMEX, Master etc.)
· Currencyexchange offices
· Postoffice
· Laundry
· Drycleaning
· Carrent
· Parkinglot for vehicles
· Minimarket
· PandaCasino
· BilliardHall, open 24 hours
· Fitnesscentre Tunturi with computer training equipment, small pool, sauna, Turkishbathhouse, massage, solarium
· Souvenirstalls
· Pharmacykiosk
· Newsstandand book kiosk
· Safetydeposit boxes available at reception
· 24-hourReception desk
· Freeporter service
· 24-hourroom service
· Grocer
Due to its excellent downtown location the Moscow Hotel is anattractive venue for international seminars, conferences and meetings. TheHotel's Conference halls vary in size and character to suit all requirements.
The impressive Grand Conference hall is located on theHotel's second floor and is also known (unofficially) as the Glazunov Hall, dueto the paintings that adorn its walls by the famous Russian artist IlyaGlazunov. The hall is air conditioned and equipped with an overhead projector,large projection screen, TV and audio and video equipment that can be used foran extra charge.
The hall's seating capacity varies according to the seatingarrangement:
· Rows — 250 people
· «Roundtable» / hollow square — 60 people
· Reception- 300 people
The Hotel also boasts numerous smaller rooms, ideal forseminars or Refreshment breaks. These rooms are located on the second floor,next to the Hotel's restaurant. Rooms 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 are separated byfoldable screens and can be combined to create larger rooms.
The seating capacity of Rooms 1 and 4 vaconferenceriesaccording to the seating arrangement:
· Rows — 60 people
· «Roundtable» / «long table» — 30 people
· Reception- 60 people
Rooms 1 & 2 and Rooms 3 & 4 can be combined to createlarger rooms, whose seating capacity varies according to the furniturearrangements below:
· Rows — 90 people
· «Roundtable» / «long table» — 50 people
· Reception- 100 people
Business centre makes the Hotel a most attractive place forbusiness meetings, negotiations, seminars and banquets. It is located on theupper lobby level (entrance from the main lobby, to the left from the Receptiondesk). Business centre provides an array of corporate services:
· Photocopying
· Internationaltelecommunications
· Internetaccess and e-mail
· Computerrentals
Address: 3 Rizhskaja Street, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2.11 Nautilus Inn.***
In 2003 in Saint Petersburg was opened a new three-star hotelthe Nautilus Inn. The interior of the hotel is in perfect match with its name,accomplished in so-called marine style. The staff speaks Russian, English, andGerman.
The Hotel is situated on the Right bank of the Neva, on avery quiet Rizhskaya Street. The park named in honour of Valentina Tereshkovaand the Neva embankment is located close by. It takes 20 minutes to get to theMoskovsky Railway station and 10 minutes to the Ladozhsky Railway Station.Nautilus Hotel is just 5 minutes away from the Metro station Novocherkasskaya.Pulkovo airport is in 17 km.
The Hotel offers to its visitors 35 rooms of different types(from standard to suite rooms) and a high quality service. Modern andcomfortable hotel rooms accomplished in a quiet palette, TV halls of the hotel,comfortable sofas and natural flowers will make your stay comfortable and cosy.Unfortunately, there is no air conditioning system. Upon request, an extra bedmay be placed in the room.
Standard room consists of a living room, an anteroom and abathroom, equipped with a shower stall, a washbasin and a toilet bowl.Aggregate room space is 14 m2. There are two single beds or one large doublebed, two night tables, a console-mirror, a pouf and a wardrobe. All rooms havea 18-channel television and an international telephone.
All Superior rooms are bigger a?" 35 m2. They either have one king size bed or two single beds. Tastefully furnished rooms with a sofa,a console- mirror, a coffee table with poufs and a fridge make this room cosyand comfortable.
Suite consists of an anteroom, a bedroom and a small livingroom furnished with sofas and armchairs. A large king size bed, a coffee table,a chest of drawers with a mirror and a sofa create atmosphere of comfort andcosiness. Each room of this type has a TV-set, a hi-fi, a telephone, a fridge.There is a bathroom in every room. Suites are very popular with touriststraveling with kids, because an extra cot may be put in suite rooms uponrequest. There is a wardrobe in the anteroom of each suite.
There is a spacious restaurant offering delicious dishes ofRussian and European Cuisine.
· Restaurant
· Fitnesscenter
· Beautysaloon
· Massage
· Solarium
· 2saunas
· Billard
· Securityservice 24 hours a day
· Safe

Petersburg is a young city, but there are no other town inEurope which was build by so many architects and sculptors from Italy, France,Germany, Switzerland, England, Sweden, Poland and of course Russia. Undergrandly conceived plan of Peter the first the town has appeared on banks of theNeva river. The river with many arms and channels make the special character ofthe town. Not without reason people call this town «Northern Venice».Everyone can find in Petersburg what they need. Art -lovers could never visitall museums and exhibitions. Connoisseur of architecture can not walk round allarchitectural masterpieces and monuments. The concerts of world famousorchestras, pianists, violinists and vocalists wait for the music-lovers. Manymusic, theater, ballet, films, beer festivals and City day festival take placein Petersburg for the frequenters of the International Festivals. The clubs andcasinos are waiting for the keenness-lovers. There are hundreds of restaurants,bars and cafe in the City for the gourmands. But let's go by order.

1.The GreatGlossary of Terms for the international tourism.-M.2007.
2.MikhailovN.N.English: hotel, restaurant and tourist businesess.-M.2007.
3.Mitina I.E.Business English Travelling.- St.Petersburg. 2001.
4.RobRevell.Five star English for the hotel and tourist industry.-Oxford UniversityPress.2001.

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