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Реферат по предмету "Иностранные языки"

Экзаменационные билеты за 1 семестр 2001 года по предмету Искусство речи на английском языке. А

--PAGE_BREAK--Translate into English: безработица

122.Translate into English: Он курит много, как и его отец.

123.Translate into English: защищатьклиентов

124.Translate into English: общиезнание

125.Translate into English: болеетого

126.Translate into English: сомневаться

127.Translate into Russian: subordinate argumentation

128.Translate into Russian: multiple argumentation

129.Translate into Russian: considering the fact

130.Translate into Russian: to outline facts

131.Translate into Russian: to justify the conclusion

132.Translate into Russian: masked argumentation

133.Complete the sentence:
A question stating a problem or a situation, the main question that should be answered in the course of your report is called _________________.

134.Complete the sentence:
The first stage of the research is called ________ ________.

135.Complete the sentence:
The main types of reports are _______, ________and ________.

136.Complete the sentence:
Gathering and interpretation of data, facts and figures are the most important  activities in purely ________ ________.

137.Complete the sentence:
The definition of the problem should be stated in _____________.

138.Complete the sentence:
The components of a definition of a problem are:

139.Complete the sentence:
A diagram that, by means of its branches, indicates the relationships between  pieces of information is… .

140.Complete the sentence:
Paragraphing a text can be regarded as a part of… .

141.Answer the question:
How many principles of classification per joint should be used in a tree diagram?

142.Answer the question:
What is the classification based on time principle especially useful for?

143.Complete the sentence:
Every start of a new branch in a tree diagram is called…

144.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: nevertheless -    

145.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: that is why -

146.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: after this -

147.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express:   in brief-

148.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: for example -

149.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: provided -

150.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: so-

151.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: besides -

152.Give a plain English equivalent: persons-

153.Give a plain English equivalent: interim (noun)

154.Give a plain English equivalent: pursuant to

155.Complete the sentence: The definition of the problem is a question ...

156.Complete the sentence: The structure of a report becomes visible in ...

157.Complete the sentence: In a policy making report you try to tell ...

158.Complete the sentence: A paragraph is ...

159.Complete the sentence: The foreword is used to ...

160.Complete the sentence: The table of contents offers the reader a possibility to ...

161.Complete the sentence: The table of contents reflects ...

162.Provide an official term with the following meaning: repay -

163.Provide an official term with the following meaning: need, have to, require -

164.Provide an official term with the following meaning: cut -

165.Provide an official term with the following meaning: carry out, do

166.Provide an official term with the following meaning: right -

167.Provide an official term with the following meaning: evidence, proof, support -

168.Provide an official term with the following meaning: set up, create, form -

169.Provide an official term with the following meaning: send, give -

170.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
How has the American market for company software developed in the past ten years and how big is the market share of the ten most important manufacturers?

171.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
How attractive is car leasing for the self-employed?

172.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
What is the reason for the alarming increase of environmental pollution?

173.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
What approach should governments adopt to decrease international terrorism?

174.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
What has been the increase in the market share of foreign car dealers in Japan for  the last 2 years?

175.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
Why has the number of drug addicts in the USA increased by 18% since 1997?

176.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
How effective is the new law, which was ratified by the Russian parliament more than 5 months ago in order to reduce corruption?

177.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
What will be the share of Japanese products in the American market in the next 3 years?

178.Translate into English: определение проблемы

179.Translate into English:  наблюдение за соблюдением законов

180.Translate into English: таможня

181.Translate into English: наконец

182.Translate into English: прямойпорядокслов

183.Translate into English: данноевыражение

184.Translate into Russian: accordingly

185.Translate into Russian: subsequently

186.Translate into Russian: correspondingly

187.Translate into Russian: similarly

188.Translate into Russian: as a result

189.Translate into Russian: basically

190.Translate into Russian: therefore

191.Give both the American and British spellings of the following Russian words: честь; вкус; литр; центр; телеграмма.

192.Define when the definite article the with the word «hospital» is used and not used in American and British English.

193.Define when the definite article the with the word «kindergarten» is used and not used in American and British English.

194.Define when the definite article the with the word «school» is used and not used in American and British English.

195.Define when the definite article the with the word «college» is used and not used in American and British English.

196.Define when the definite article the with the word «university» is used and not used in American and British English.

197.List the personal pronouns when the modal verb «will» is used  in America.

198.The modal verb «shall» in England is used:

199.List the personal pronouns when the modal verb «will» is used in England.

200.Describe the difference in verb conjugation for plural group nouns in England and America.

201.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Обефутбольныекомандыиграютввысшейлиге10 лет.

202.Give the equivalent to one centimeter in inches.

203.Give the equivalent to one mile in feet.

204.Give the equivalent to one gallon in pints.

205.Give the equivalent to one pint in cups.

206.Give the equivalent to one quart in gallons.

207.Give the equivalent to one pint in quarts.

208.Show the formula to translate Fahrenheit into Celsius.

209.Give the equivalent in American pounds to one British tonne.

210.Give the equivalent of one British stone in American pounds.

211.Translate the sentence into American English:
МыпровеливИталии2 недели.

212.Translate the sentence into American English:
Она сказала, что познакомилась с ним в прошлом году.

213.Translate the sentence into American English:

214.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Ядумал, тынаконец-тоизбавилсяоттогоужасногосвитера.

215.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:

216.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Онасообщила, чтособраниесостоитсязавтрав5 часов.

217.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:

218.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Скажитемне, сколькостудентоввэтойгруппе?

219.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Онисказалимне, чтовстречанамеченанаследующуюсреду.

220.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:

221.List the British monetary coin units in order from least to most in monetary worth.

222.List the American monetary coin units in order from least to most in monetary worth.

223.List the American monetary coin units in order of size from smallest to largest in diameter.

224.Give the American equivalent to the British «quid.»

225.Give the British equivalent to the American «buck.»

226.Give the history of the slang phrase «buck» in America.

227.List the bank note (paper money) denominations used in the United States.

228.Explain how men’s pants, slacks, and jeans are measured in the United States.

229.Explain how men’s dress shirts and other shirts are measured in the United States.

230.Explain how men’s shoes and socks are measured in the United States.

231.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase: 

232.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase: 

233.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase: 

234.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Мамапошлаваптекузалекарством, котороетебепростонеобходимо.

235.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:

236.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Еслинепоторопишься, мыопоздаемнаавтобус.

237.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Онапоказаланам, чтомыдлянееничегонезначим.

238.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:

239.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Сестрапошланарынок, чтобыкупитькабачок.

240.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Такого не может быть, что в течение 3 часов я звонил на работу, было занято.

241.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Есликартошкинедостаточно, товозьмивкладовой.

242.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase: 
Наташа, помогибратунакрытьнастол.

243.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase: 

244.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:

245.    продолжение
--PAGE_BREAK--Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Ясчитаю, чтоЖеня, родившаясяврубашке, неможетизбежатьнеприятностей.

246.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase: 
Малышплачет. Мне кажется, что надо поменять ему подгузники.

247.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
 Яумираюотголода! Давай зайдем в закусочную.

248.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Перед тем, как подать на стол консервированные персики,  удали из них косточки.

249.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Мнеоченьнравитсясельдь, приготовленнаясмайонезом.

250.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Чтобыбыстроперекусить, можнорастворитькубикбульона.

251.List the questions that should be answered in the first two paragraphs in media English or newspaper articles.

252.Define sub-dialect.

253.Define sub-subdialect.

254.Explain why dialects occur.

255.Explain the influence(s) that Quebec has(have) on North American English.

256.List Canada’s dialects.

257.Describe the subdialectof the Appalachians in the United States.

258.Describe the subdialectof the Southern United States.

259.Describe the subdialectof Texas.

260.Describe the subdialectof the Rocky Mountain/West Coast area of the United States.

261.Describe the subdialectof Hawaii.

262.Give a synonym for the word «district» which is only used in New York City.

263.Describe the sub-subdialects  of New York City.

264.Describe the sub-subdialectof Chicago.

265.Describe the sub-subdialectof Boston.

266.Describe the sub-subdialectof Washington, D.C.

267.Name the chief distinguishing feature which divides England into a North and South dialect.

268.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order:...give me it.

269.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order:...give it me.

270.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order:...give it to me.

271.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order:...give me.

272.Define «Scots language.»

273.Define the Scottish vowel-length rule.

274.Define the velar fricative which is used in Scotland.

275.Define the glottal stop which is used in Scotland.

276.In the Scottish dialect, give the plural for the following singular nouns:leaf, eye, knife, shoes.

277.Show the three forms (present, past, perfect tenses) of the following verbs in the Scottish dialect: to go, to hang, to laugh.

278.Describe auxiliary verb usage in the Scottish dialect.

279.List the languages that influence the Scottish dialect.

280.Translate the following sentence from the Shetland dialect into modern English:Da twa languages melled tagidder to mak da tongue we caa Shetlandic; diswis English-osed by da Kirk, da laacoorts an id skols.

281.Describe the history of the Welsh dialect of the English language.

282.Name the letter-sound that does not exist in the Welsh dialect of English.

283.Explain tag question usage in the Welsh dialect of English.

284.Describe the history of the Irish dialect of the English language.

285.Show how the th fricative is pronounced in the Irish dialect of the English language.

286.Describe the rule in pronunciation (transcription) for the consonant clusters «st, sn, sl» in the Irish dialect of the English dialect. Give at least two examples of each (6 words) consonant cluster and show their Irish pronunciation.

287.Describe the use of the word after in the Irish dialect of the English language.

288.Describe the use of the auxiliary verb ‘to be’ in the Irish dialect of the English language.

289.Describe the use of the prepositions ‘on’, ‘of’ and ‘from’ in the Irish dialect of the English language.

290.Show the equivalent of the subordinate clause markers ‘when’, ‘while’, and ‘if’ in the Irish dialect of the English language.

291.Give the suffix used in the Irish dialect of the English language used to express the diminutive, or smallness.

292.List the areas of the world where Hiberno-English is used or influences the English language.

293.Describe the use of the word whenever used in Ulster (Ireland), New Zealand and Australia.

294.Describe the history of Caribbean English.

295.Translate the following sentence from English into Caribbean English:The fish was caught yesterday.

296.Translate the following sentence from English into Caribbean English:Are you drinking coffee?

297.Describe the ‘Creole Hypothesis’ in the Caribbean.

298.Define Creole.

299.Define Pidgin.

300.According to Caribbean Creole, explain verb conjugation in the present tense.

301.According to Caribbean Creole, explain adverb usage.

302.According to Caribbean Creole, explain how possession is expressed.

303.Describe the usage of the singular third person pronouns (he/she) in West African Pidgins.

304.According to Caribbean Creole, explain how continuous actions (present continuous, past continuous verb constructions) are expressed.

305.According to Caribbean Creole, explain how completed actions (past indefinite verb constructions) are expressed.

306.According to Caribbean Creole, explain how verb negation is expressed.

307.Describe Australian English.

308.Describe the influence(s) of Aborigines on the Australian dialect of the English language.

309.List the four influences on the New Zealand dialect of the English language.

310.Define Maori.

311.Besides the Australian dialect, name one more additional English dialect that presently affects the New Zealand dialect.

312.Explain how the Maori language affects the New Zealand dialect.

313.Name the influences on the English language in South Africa.

314.Define Anglikaans.

315.Explain the use of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in the South African dialect of the English language.

316.Describe the history of South African Indian English.

317.Name two English dialects where reduplication of one word is used to show emphasis or plural.

318.Name the English dialect where the verb is often found in the end position (at the end of the sentence).

319.Explain how North Americans pronounce the closed vowel a-sound.

320.Compare the -lk- combination in regard to pronunciation between the North Americans and British.

321.Compare the -tu — combination in regard to pronunciation between the North Americans and British.

322.Compare the -du- combination in regard to pronunciation between the North Americans and British.

323.Compare the sch- combination in regard to pronunciation between the North Americans and British.

324.List the areas in North America where French influences the North American dialect.

325.List the areas in North America where Spanish influences the North American dialect.

326.List the areas in North America where Japanese influences the North American dialect.

327.List the Areas in North America where Polynesian influences the North American dialect.

328.Name the area in North America where the speech rapidity is the quickest.

329.Name the area in North America where the speech rapidity is the slowest.

330.Define ‘Tex-Mex’.

331.Explain what influences English in the state of Louisiana.

332.Explain what influences English in the state of Florida.

333.Explain why the following statement is false: The Rocky Mountain/West Coast area of the United States is the only subdialect without an accent.

334.Give a proper answer to the following question in the Irish dialect: Will you turn the light off?

335.Explain how questions are asked using the Caribbean dialect of the English language.

336.Explain why a verb may be brought to the front of a sentence in the Western African dialect of the English language.

337.Describe how nouns are made plural in the Caribbean dialect of the English language.

338.Explain why and which dialects use multiple negation in sentence structure.

339.Explain how the past tense of a verb is shown in Caribbean Creole.

340.Define Affixes.

341.Give the two main distinctive features in defining an Australian accent.

342.Define Tasmanian English.

343.Define ‘evening’ as it is used in Queensland, Australia.

344.Name the dialect of the English language which contains the most loan words from Polynesian languages.

345.Besides Maori, name two more foreign languages that have given loan words to the New Zealand dialect.

346.Of all English speaking countries, name the only country where English is spoken by the minority of the population.

347.Compare the /r/ sound in closed syllables between the North American and British pronunciations.

348.Name the foreign languages that effect speech in Alaska.

349.List the areas in England where one might hear «He ain’t here.» for «He isn’t here.»

350.Define ‘Dialect Island’.

351.Translate the word ‘hesitate’ into the Scottish dialect.

352.Translate the word ‘direction’ into the Scottish dialect.

353.Translate the following phrase from Standard English into the Irish dialect: Who does this book belong to?

354.Translate the following phrase from the Irish dialect into Standard English: He’s the rest of yourself.

355.Translate the following phrase from Creole into Standard English: She see he come, take he coat and go.

356.Translate the following phrase from Australian into Standard English: within cooee.

357.Translate the following phrase from the Irish dialect into Standard English: They are after arriving.

358.Explain the rule of stress on words containing three or more syllables in the Irish dialect.

359.Explain what are the differences between American and British spelling.

360.Name the countries where British English is spoken.

361.Name the countries where American English is spoken.

362.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
cannot, plant, grass, address.
Write transcriptions.

363.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
cart, discord, record, short.
Write transcriptions.

364.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
arm, corn, brother, order.
Write transcriptions.

365.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
alarm, mother, cord, mark.
Write transcriptions.

366.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
important, morning, sister, march.
Write transcriptions.

367.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
import, morn, bar, bard.
Write transcriptions.

368.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
export, card, moveble, pork.
Write transcriptions.

369.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
March, choir, back, father.
Write transcriptions.

370.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
chalk, talk, tarantula, schedule.
Write transcriptions.
Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 1
371.Complete the definition: A loud ringing sound is called ...

372.Identify the time indicator: They didn’t meet often after their sister’s death.

373.What way of ending a dispute do the following means correspond to? 

374.Assess the type of argumentation.
The weather forecast announced that it will be slippery tomorrow. I think will go by subway, instead of driving.

375.Answer the question:
What are the 2 ways to introduce structure redundancy in a text?

376.Translate into English: прямойпорядокслов

377.Translate the sentences from British English to American English:
a) After I leave school, I want to go to university.
b) Excuse me, where is the university, please?

378.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:

379.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order:...give it to me.

380.Explain how questions are asked using the Caribbean dialect of the English language.
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 2
1.Put the words in the correct order:
Used aircraft is the aluminum of manufacture in.

2.Identify the time indicator: He left the town after he had finished the school.

3.Finish the statement:
Information which is not expressed in the message is called __________.

4.Translate into English: ложнаяаргументация

5.Complete the sentence: Long examples are called…

6.Translate into English: сноски

7.Give the equivalent to one centimeter in inches.

8.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Мнеоченьнравитсясельдь, приготовленнаясмайонезом.

9.Define Maori.

10.Compare the -du- combination in regard to pronunciation between the North Americans and British.
Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 3
11.Complete the definition:
The political system which aims at public ownership of the means of production is called ....

12.Identify the time indicator: When he rang her up, she was out.

13.Which of the aspects do the following questions correspond to?
Does the sender make the desired impression on the recipient?

14.Find the signals of multiple argumentation in the following sentences:
This textbook is not good for the course I teach. It is outdated. Another reason is — that it is designed for more advanced level.

15.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express:   in brief-

16.Translate into English: сравнение

17.It is -13˚C in Moscow. How warm is it in Fahrenheit?

18.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Мамапошлаваптекузалекарством, котороетебепростонеобходимо.

19.    продолжение
--PAGE_BREAK--Describe the subdialectof the Rocky Mountain/West Coast area of the United States.

20.Name the area in North America where the speech rapidity is the slowest.
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 4
21.Choose a correct word which corresponds to the definition. List of words:
clamp, clang, bacon, badger, chair.
A separate movable seat for one person, usually with a back and in some cases with arms.

22.Identify the markers of comparison/ contrast in the following sentences: It costs a lot of money to buy a new car. Similarly, it is quite expensive to fix a used one.

23.Finish the statement:
The phrases which refer to shorter pieces of text, or sentences are ________

24.Translate into English: типаргументации

25.Complete the sentence:
The literal citation of a part of another publication is called ....

26.Give an English equivalent: en bloc -

27.Translate the sentence into American English:
Она сказала, что познакомилась с ним в прошлом году.

28.Describe the difference in men’s shoe sizes in England and in the United States.

29.List the languages that influence the Scottish dialect.

30.Define ‘Tex-Mex’.
Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 5
31.Put the words in the correct order:
Who bores you what know tell are you already people.

32.Translate into English: преждевсего

33.Find the signals of arguments in the following sentence:
Considering the fact that smoking causes lung cancer, it is advisable that we should restrict it in public places.

34.Translate into English: правдоподобный

35.Complete the sentence: A (very) complete report contains the following parts: ...

36.Translate into English: цель

37.Give both the American and British spellings of the following Russian words:
фаворитизм; благоволить; эпицентр; иметьпривкус; запах(аромат).

38.Give the British equivalent to the American phrase: Let’s get back to the subject.

39.Define the Scottish vowel-length rule.

40.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
chalk, talk, tarantula, schedule.
Write transcriptions.
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 6
41.Complete the definition:
A person who is not, or who is not considered to be, a member of a group, society, etc. is called ...

42.Identify the markers of comparison / contrast in the following sentences:
The children don’t look like their mother.

43.Find the argument(s) in the sentences: The film is very interesting. Tom and Ann says.

44.Translate into English: общиезнание

45.Complete the sentence:
Every start of a new branch in a tree diagram is called…

46.Translate into English: следовательно

47.It is -5˚C in Moscow. How warm is it in Fahrenheit?

48.Explain how men’s dress shirts and other shirts are measured in the United States.

49.Describe the history of the Irish dialect of the English language.

50.List the areas in North America where French influences the North American dialect.
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 7
51.Complete the definition:
Salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig is called ...

52.Identify the time indicator: She doesn’t watch TV in the evening.

53.Find the argument(s) in the sentences: He is a Ph.D. in linguistics. I tell you.

54.Translate into English: сомневаться

55.Complete the sentence: The definition of the problem is a question ...

56.Translate into Russian: as a result

57.Define when the definite article the with the word «kindergarten» is used and not used in American and British English.

58.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase: 

59.Name the chief distinguishing feature which divides England into a North and South dialect.

60.List the areas in England where one might hear «He ain’t here.» for «He isn’t here.»
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 8
61.Put the words in the correct order:
Weaving cloth is a fibers made material by.

62.Identify the markers of comparison/ contrast in the following sentences: Gold and silver differ with respect to cost.

63.Finish the statement:
The part of the response from which the sender can infer the way his message has been received is called _______ .

64.Assess the type of argumentation.
Last time I went sunbathing I got sunburnt. I guess if I go sunbathing with you now it will happen again.

65.Give a plain English equivalent: pursuant to

66.Provide an official term with the following meaning: evidence, proof, support -

67.Translate the sentence into American English:

68.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase: 

69.Translate the following sentence from English into Caribbean English:Are you drinking coffee?

70.Explain what influences English in the state of Florida.
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 9
71.Define the term: comparison -

72.Identify the markers of comparison/ contrast in the following sentences: These two games are quite alike.

73.Try to carry out a for / so test in the sentences:
I am very much interested in the subject. I will read the article.

74.Define the type of argumentation (multiple, simple, subordinate) in the following sentences where possible:
It is better to buy branded clothes than an obscure brand. You get value for money, for branded clothes keep their shape much longer.

75.Answer the question:
What is the classification based on time principle especially useful for?

76.Provide an official term with the following meaning: right -

77.It is 15F. How much is it in Celcius?

78.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Ясчитаю, чтоЖеня, родившаясяврубашке, неможетизбежатьнеприятностей.

79.Describe the rule in pronunciation (transcription) for the consonant clusters «st, sn, sl» in the Irish dialect of the English dialect. Give at least two examples of each (6 words) consonant cluster and show their Irish pronunciation.

80.Explain why a verb may be brought to the front of a sentence in the Western African dialect of the English language.
Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 10
81.Paraphrase the following sentences choosing one of the given expressions of place.
Expressions: between of, among, opposite, round, in front of
Before us there is a parking lot.

82.Identify the agent: A Russian biologist was approached recently by American intelligence agents, asking him to reveal some points of his research.

83.Find the opinion in the following sentences:
Cheap cars are not reliable. My Ford Scorpio breaks down every 1000 miles. You should buy a Lexus, I tell you.

84.Find the signals of argument(s) where possible:
Jane will probably drop out of the course, because he hasn't done a thing.

85.Give a plain English equivalent: persons-

86.Translate into English: библиография

87.Give the equivalent to one pint in quarts.

88.Explain how men’s shoes and socks are measured in the United States.

89.Describe Australian English.

90.Explain why and which dialects use multiple negation in sentence structure.
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 11
91.Complete the definition:
A sharp blade with a handle, used as a cutting instrument or as a weapon is called ...

92.Identify the time indicator: When she was a child she dreamed to go to Italy.

93.Find the signals of arguments in the following sentence:
Marlboro Lights is a well established proven brand. The percentage of tar and nicotine is really low. That's why I prefer it to other brands available.

94.Translate into Russian: It follows that

95.Complete the sentence: Never present new information in your ...

96.Translate into English: основнаячасть

97.It is 3˚C. How much is it in Fahrenheit?

98.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Мненужномыло. Зачем? Ты хочешь умыться или помыть посуду? Мне нужен кусок мыла, чтобы вымыть руки.

99.Show the equivalent of the subordinate clause markers ‘when’, ‘while’, and ‘if’ in the Irish dialect of the English language.

100.Explain the rule of stress on words containing three or more syllables in the Irish dialect.
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 12
101.Complete the definition:
A structure of wood, store, brick-work, steel, etc. providing a way across a river, canal, railway, etc. is called ...

102.Identify the time indicator: The child goes to bed at 10 o’clock.

103.Find the argument(s) in the sentences: He is an expert in the field. Tom says.

104.Assess the type of fallacy:
I am the author of this book, because I wrote it.

105.Answer the question:
How many principles of classification per joint should be used in a tree diagram?

106.Translate into English: с одной стороны, с другой стороны

107.It is 5˚C in Moscow. How warm is it in Fahrenheit?

108.Give the British equivalent to the American phrase: I’ll eat my hat if it isn’t so.

109.Describe the sub-subdialectof Boston.

110.Define Anglikaans.
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 13
111.Choose a correct word which corresponds to the definition. List of words:
duck, law, medicine, outsider, rice.
The art and science of the prevention and cure of disease.

112.Find a sequencer which refers to the beginning of the process: at the same time, finally, subsequently, firstly, next

113.Find the signals of arguments in the following sentence:
This project is much too expensive, so the construction plans should be revised.

114.Translate into Russian: basic form

115.Complete the sentence: In a policy making report you try to tell ...

116.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
What is the reason for the alarming increase of environmental pollution?

117.Give the equivalent in American pounds to one British tonne.

118.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Секундочку!  Ясейчас!

119.Describe the subdialectof Texas.

120.Translate the following phrase from the Irish dialect into Standard English: They are after arriving.
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 14
121.Put the words in the correct order:
Which commonly beings is a used by human drug tobacco is.

122.Translate into Russian:  In front of us there is a group of five human-like creatures.

123.Finish the statement:
Among the signals of argumentation there are phrases that refer to a large piece of text. Those are called ________ ________.

124.Translate into English: основныепонятия

125.Give a plain English equivalent: interim (noun)

126.Translate into Russian: to establish relationship

127.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Скажитемне, сколькостудентоввэтойгруппе?

128.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase: 

129.Define the glottal stop which is used in Scotland.

130.Give the two main distinctive features in defining an Australian accent.
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 15
131.Complete the definition:
Pearl-white grain used as a staple food everywhere is called ...

132.Identify the markers of comparison/ contrast in the following sentences: The Japanese like to travel abroad. The Germans, likewise, can be considered one of the most traveling nations.

133.Find the argument(s) in the sentences:He is a famous writer. The teacher says.

134.Assess the type of fallacy:
Listen, you all should work harder. You don't want those guys from Poole and
Kent to beat you, do you?

135.Complete the sentence:
Gathering and interpretation of data, facts and figures are the most important  activities in purely ________ ________.

136.Translate into English: определениезадач

137.Define when the definite article the with the word «school» is used and not used in American and British English.

138.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Мойбрат— самыйхорошийсадовник. Все, что он посадит, непременно начинает расти.

139.Define sub-dialect.

140.Name the countries where British English is spoken.
Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 16
141.Odd Man Out — Find the different word:
spatial, opposite, between, behind, across

142.Translate into Russian: average temperature

143.Try to carry out a for / so test in the sentences:
His parents are very strict. He has to be at home at 9 o’clock.

144.Find the signals of argument(s) where possible:
Nothing can be done to improve the situation now. We can not deplete the forces, which are necessary to defend our own country.

145.Complete the sentence: The foreword is used to ...

146.Provide an official term with the following meaning: need, have to, require -

147.List the personal pronouns when the modal verb «will» is used  in America.

148.Give the history of the slang phrase «buck» in America.

149.Describe the sub-subdialectof Washington, D.C.

150.Compare the sch- combination in regard to pronunciation between the North Americans and British.
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 17
151.Complete the definition:
A small, grey animal living in holes in the earth and going about at night is called ...

152.Identify the markers of comparison / contrast in the following sentences:
Her daughter is the same age as my son.

153.Find the opinion in the following sentences:
Let's go for a drive tomorrow. It is raining cats and dogs today.

154.Translate into Russian: masked argumentation

155.Complete the sentence: The table of contents offers the reader a possibility to ...

156.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
What will be the share of Japanese products in the American market in the next 3 years?

157.Give both the American and British spellings of the following Russian words: честь; вкус; литр; центр; телеграмма.

158.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Пеле— самыйизвестныйфутболист, особенновЮжнойАмерике.

159.Describe the use of the word after in the Irish dialect of the English language.

160.Of all English speaking countries, name the only country where English is spoken by the minority of the population.
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 18
161.Correctly add a word or a word group to a sentence.
The long 1..., shallow waters of the lake 2..., which stretches 155 miles 3… and up to 35 miles 4… east to west, sparkle green in the tropical sun: someone called it — the Jade Sea, a very apt name.
Word group: north to south

162.Identify the time indicator: He speaks English fluently after his visit to the USA.

163.Try to carry out a for / so test in the sentences: I have already read the article.

164.Find the signals of multiple argumentation in the following sentences:
She will not make a good teacher. She is intolerant to her students. Apart from this — she's said she does not like teaching.

165.Complete the sentence: Put your main statement at… or ...

166.Translate into English:  наблюдение за соблюдением законов

167.Translate the sentences from British English to American English:
a) Mrs. Kelly goes to church every Sunday.
b) The workmen went to the church to repair the roof.

168.Transfer the following phrase into the interrogative and the negative, showing both the American and British variants: She has two sisters and one brother.

169.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order:...give it me.

170.Define Tasmanian English.
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 19
171.Complete the definition:
Readiness to give pain or cause suffering to others is called ...

172.Find a cause — effect marker in the following sentences:Father drinks too much coffee, thus he has insomnia.

173.Find the argument(s) in the following statements:
Look, he offers only $1000. It will be stupid to sell your car to him.

174.Translate into English: тестнаалкоголь

175.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: so-

176.Translate into Russian: insufficient amount of money

177.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Онасообщила, чтособраниесостоитсязавтрав5 часов.

178.Explain how men’s pants, slacks, and jeans are measured in the United States.

179.Describe the subdialectof Hawaii.

180.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
alarm, mother, cord, mark.
Write transcriptions.
Зав. кафедрой

Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 20
181.Complete the definition:
A small, domestic, fur-covered animal often kept as a pet, to catch mice is called ...

182.Identify the markers of comparison / contrast in the following sentences:
They both go in for sports.

183.Try to carry out a for / so test in the sentences:
He married her. She is very beautiful.

184.Translate into English: количествоикачество

185.Complete the sentence:
The main types of reports are _______, ________and ________.

186.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
How has the American market for company software developed in the past ten years and how big is the market share of the ten most important manufacturers?

187.It is -3˚C. How much is it in Fahrenheit?

188.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
 Яумираюотголода! Давай зайдем в закусочную.

189.Describe the history of Caribbean English.

190.Explain how the past tense of a verb is shown in Caribbean Creole.
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 21
191.Complete the definition:
A separate movable seat for one person, usually with a back and in some cases with arms is called ...

192.Find a cause — effect marker in the following sentences:Driving too fast often results in traffic accidents.

193.Try to carry out a for/so test in the following sentences where possible:
will not buy this equipment: I just cannot afford it.

194.Assess the type of fallacy:
The ecology became worse, because there are too many satellites near the Earth.

195.Give a plain English equivalent: polemical -

196.Give an English equivalent: per diem-

197.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:

198.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase: 
Неделюназадяотдаласвоючернуюкожануюжилеткувателье, чтобывшилимолнию.

199.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order:...give me.

200.Translate the following phrase from Standard English into the Irish dialect: Who does this book belong to?
Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 22
201.Complete the definition:
Something that happens without a cause that can be seen at once, usually something unfortunate and undesirable is called ...

202.Identify the markers of comparison/ contrast in the following sentences: The wallpaper in my house is the same color as that in my parents' apartment.

203.Try to carry out a for / so test in the sentences:
I don’t have much money. I can’t buy this wonderful dress.

204.Assess the type of fallacy:
We should not allow immigrants to enter this country. One day there will be  nobody to speak our native language.

205.Answer the question:
What should be the chapter number of a foreword?

206.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
What approach should governments adopt to decrease international terrorism?

207.Define when the definite article the with the word «college» is used and not used in American and British English.

208.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:

209.Explain why dialects occur.

210.Define ‘Dialect Island’.
Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 23
211.Complete the definition:
A rule made by authority for the proper regulation of a community or society or for correct conduct in life is called ...

212.Find a cause — effect marker in the following sentences: Due to industrial action this shop will be closed tomorrow.

213.Find the signals of arguments in the following sentence:
Contrary to what you have just said, I admit that American legal system does not suit this country.

214.Translate into Russian: to justify the conclusion

215.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: besides -

216.Translate into Russian: therefore

217.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:

218.Give the British equivalent to the American «buck.»

219.Describe the sub-subdialectof Chicago.

220.Translate the following phrase from Creole into Standard English: She see he come, take he coat and go.
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Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 24
221.Complete the definition:
A figure which has four equal sides and four right angles is called ....

222.Identify the agent: The newspaper reports that in most American universities the application fee will be increased.

223.Which of the aspects do the following questions correspond to?
Is the message convincing?

224.Define the type of argumentation (multiple, simple, subordinate) in the following sentences where possible:
Computers can never substitute a real teacher. However, they are good as an aid in the teaching process.

225.Complete the sentence:
The definition of the problem should be stated in _____________.

226.Provide an official term with the following meaning: start, begin -

227.Give the equivalent of one British stone in American pounds.

228.List the American monetary coin units in order of size from smallest to largest in diameter.

229.Describe the use of the prepositions ‘on’, ‘of’ and ‘from’ in the Irish dialect of the English language.

230.Explain why the following statement is false: The Rocky Mountain/West Coast area of the United States is the only subdialect without an accent.
Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 25
231.Odd Man Out — Find the different word:
likewise, similarly, correspondingly, conversely, analogously

232.Identify the time indicator: The lessons start at 9 o’clock.

233.Find the signals of argument(s) where possible:
certainly disagree, for this project has no future.

234.Assess the type of argumentation.
We should all cooperate with the police, this would facilitate their job and lower   the crime rate.

235.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: in spite of

236.Give an English equivalent:  per capita -

237.Translate the sentences from British English to American English:
a) My brother is very ill in hospital.
b) When Ann was ill, we all went to the hospital to visit her.

238.Give the British equivalent to the American phrase: I have a bone to pick with you.

239.Describe the sub-subdialects  of New York City.

240.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
cart, discord, record, short.
Write transcriptions.
Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 26
241.Choose a correct word which corresponds to the definition. List of words:
duck, law, medicine, outsider, rice.
A rule made by authority for the proper regulation of a community or society or for correct conduct in life.

242.Identify the markers of comparison/ contrast in the following sentences: I prefer dark suits, unlike my brother who likes to wear white.

243.Find the argument(s) in the sentences: He is not reliable. My mum says.

244.Find the signals of multiple argumentation in the following sentences:
I do not think she is Japanese. Her skin is too dark. Japanese don't usually have such dark skin.

245.Complete the sentence: A paragraph is ...

246.Translate into English: простаяаргументация

247.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:

248.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:

249.Define «Scots language.»

250.Compare the -tu — combination in regard to pronunciation between the North Americans and British.
Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету

Билет № 27
251.Choose a correct word which corresponds to the definition. List of words:
duck, law, medicine, outsider, rice.
Pearl-white grain used as a stable food everywhere.

252.    продолжение

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