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Registration and Mapping of Grave-markers in some of the Older Cemeteries and Graveyards of Delaware County, Pennsylvania

DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIAA Survey with Maps ofHistoric GraveyardsW.P.A. Project #48891936-37[Transcription of carbon copy in Delaware County Historical Society, 2008]Registration and Mapping of Grave-markers in some of the Older Cemeteries and Graveyards of Delaware County, Pennsylvania. FOREWORD1The data shown in this volume has been compiled by W.P.A. Project No.4889 in connection with an historical site survey of Delaware County, shown elsewhere. The purpose this part of that project has been to survey those graveyards in which the gravestone markings were rapidly becoming illegible due to weathering and other causes. Data shown in the text is the actual inscription on the stones today, less epitaphs, while the plans accompanying the text show the relative location of the graves, either identified with a marker or not. Naturally, unmarked graves were only found where identified by mounds, cultivation, or ornaments. The County has been divided into the original townships, an index being provided for this purpose. Townships are being considered here as divisions while boroughs and the City of Chester are shown under the Townships from which they became separated. A complete list, as far as is known, of past and present graveyards of Delaware County is also shown. Where an asterisk (*)2 precedes a name, it denotes that no survey or plan was made. No efforts have been made to survey or plan Commercial, Jewish, or the larger Roman Catholic graveyards, due not only to lack of time available for the survey, but mainly because these three classifications do not embrace yards of any great age. In the text where brackets are showing, with name inserted, the name signifies the maiden name of the deceased. The same burial record also appears under the deceased’ marriage name. Occasional spaces have been left in the text so that future insertions may be made if so desired. Although every effort has been made to list all names alphabetically an exception is made in the case of monuments, shafts, or vaults, an which case names are shown as they appear on such monument reading from the top downward A survey and plan of the Cheney Family Burying Ground is placed in the Thornbury Township section. Although the graveyard is in Chester County it has become a part of this project due to the Cheyney family being associated for many years in Delaware County Only in a few cases have the listings been checked with published burial records, and when this has been done, the record clearly acknowledges the use of another’s work, and shows discrepancies where appearing (in each instance rechecked in the field), and separately lists the burials not evidenced by markers. It is to be hoped that this record of the efforts of the WPA personnel will be of great aid to the genealogist and that from this foundation, future efforts ensue to complete the survey by a search and check of all burials in each yard.^ ASTON TOWNSHIPCalvary P.E. Church & Burial GroundSouth of Mount Road and west of Pennell Road, RockdaleMount Hope ME Church & Burial GroundConcord Road northwest of Village Green Our Lady of Angels Burial GroundConvent Road west of Red Hill Road near Village Green St Francis De Sales R C Church & Burial Ground West side New Road south of Lenni Road, Crozerville St. Thomas R.C. Church & Burial Ground East side Chester Heights Road south of Baltimore Turnpike, Chester Hgts. *Blue or Mt. Gilead Church & Burial Ground (former site no longer in existence) West side Chester Heights Road north of Lenni Road expended^ BETHEL TOWNSHIPSiloam M.E. Church & Burial Ground Southeast side Foulk Road southwest of Naaman’s Creek Road, Booth’s Cor. BIRMINGHAM TOWNSHIPBrandywine Baptist Church & Burial Ground Baltimore Turnpike west of Heyburn’s Burial Ground & south of Baltimore Turnpike Ebenezer Independent M.E. Church & Burial GroundWest side Ring Road 2800’ south of Baltimore Turnpike^ CHESTER TOWNSHIPCarter Burial GroundEast side Concord Road north of B.&O. RR. Feltonville. *Cemetery Association, Chester Lodge #119 I.O.A.I. (Congregation of Israel) Northwest side Brookhaven Road and west side Ridley Creek, Brookhaven *Chester Rural Cemetery Association West side Edgmont Avenue and east side Upland Avenue about opposite 20th Street, City of Chester Crozer Park Vicinity – Grave of Samuel Lytle, December 4, 1859 – location not known, City of ChesterFriends Burial Ground (Hicksite) West side Edgmont Avenue north of 6th Street, city of ChesterFriends Meeting House (Orthodox) & Burial GroundNorthwest corner 24th & Chestnut Streets, City of Chester Gravel Bill Burial Ground (Colored) West side B.&O. RR and west side Concord Road & Felton Street *Greenlawn Burial Ground (Colored) West side Concord Road and north side B. & 9. R.R. & Gravel Hill Burial Ground, Feltonville *Hangman’s Burial LotFormerly in the point formed by Edgmont & Providence Avenues, Chester Immaculate Heart R C Church & Burial Ground (1 grave) Northwest corner Second & Norris Streets, City of Chester Mount Olive (Lytle) Burial Ground (Colored) North side Chichester or Bethel Road west of Felton Street, Feltonville *Odd Fellows’ Burial Ground at Thurlow Grave of Mary A. Johnson, January 20, 1850. Location unknown, City of Chester Old St. Paul’s P.E. Church & Burial Ground North & south side Third Street & west side Welsh Street, City of Chester *Powell’s or Methodist Burial Ground Formerly existed where St Michael’s Church is east side Edgmont Avenue south of West 8th Street produced, City of Chester St. Michael’s R.C. Burial Ground East side Edgmont Avenue south of 20th Street, City of ChesterSt Michael’s R.C. Church & Burial Ground (3 graves) North of Seventh Street east of Edgmont Avenue, City of Chester Union A.M.E. Church & Burial Ground (Colored) East side Bevan Street north of 2nd Street (Former Strangers Burial Ground or Potter’s Field), City of ChesterUpland Baptist Church & Burial Ground Southeast side Main Street southwest of 4th Street, Borough of Upland ^ CONCORD TOWNSHIPElam M.E. Church & Burial Ground North side Elam Road east of Wilmington & West Chester Turnpike, ElamFriends Meeting House (Hicksite) & Burial Ground Northeast of Concord Road & southeast side Thornton Road, ConcordvilleFriends Meeting House (Orthodox) & Burial Ground Northeast of Chester Road & southeast of Thornton Road, Concordville *Hiram Memoria1 ParkNorth side Baltimore Turnpike west of Stony Bank RoadPalmer Family Burial Ground (I headstone remains) Formerly southeast corner Elam & Concord Roads St John’s P F church & Burial Ground Southwest side Concord Road southeast of Cheyney Road produced, Ward Wilcox Family Burial Ground About 800’ north of Walter’s Road west of Chester Heights Road, Ivy Mills ^ DARBY TOWNSHIPAcademy & Convent of Holy Child Jesus & Burial Ground West side Calcon Hook Road north of Woodland Avenue, Sharon Hill *Eden Burial Ground (Colored)North side Bartram Avenue & west side Springfield Road, Collingdale Friends Meeting House (Hicksite) & Burial Ground East side Main Street north of 12th Street, Borough of Darby Graceland Memorial Burial GroundSouth side Bailey Road about 1800’ east of Church Lane, Yeadon *Har Zion Burial Ground (Jewish)North side Mac Dade Boulevard east of Oak Lane, Borough of Collingdale *Holy Cross R C Burial Ground South side Bailey Road & east side Union Avenue, Boros of Darby & Yeadon Horntown Burial Ground (Colored) East side Ashland Avenue 1100’ north of Bartram Avenue *Mt Lebanon Burial Ground (Jewish) Southeast corner Oak Lane & Bartram Avenues *Mt Lawn Burial Ground (Colored) Northeast and southeast side Hook Road northwest from Darby Creek *Mt Moriah Burial GroundEast side Cobbs Creek Drive & south of Angora Dnve, Yeadon & Philadelphia *Mt. Zion Burial GroundWest side Springfield Road & south side Bartram Avenue, Collingdale *Mt Zion Burial Ground (Jewish) A section, part of preceding, southeast corner Bartram Avenue & Hook or Wolfenden Avenue Owen & Palmer Burial Ground North side of Mt Moriah Burial Ground west of Cobbs Creek, Yeadon ^ EDGMONT TOWNSHIPRussell Burial Ground (Hunting Hill) 800’ north of Gradyville Road, in the woods, & west of Ridley CreekHAVERFORD TOWNSHIPBethesda M.E. Church & Burial Ground North side Manoa Road. 800’ west of Eagle Road Haverford Friends Burial Ground (Orthodox) West side Oakley Avenue about 250’ south of Buck Lane Haverford Friends Banal Ground (H1cksite) South side Eagle Road 90’ east of Darby & Radnor RoadsSt. Dennis R.C. Burial Ground South side Eagle Road east from St Dennis Lane ^ LOWER CHICHESTER TOWNSHIPLawncroft Burial Ground(2 sections containing removals of Baptist and Methodist Cemeteries from Marcus Hook) north side Ridge Avenue east of Delaware State Line St Martin’s P E Church & Burial Ground East side Church Street opposite Market Lane, Borough of Marcus Hook Trustees of African M E Church of U S A in Twp of Upper Chichester (Mt Hebron - colored) West side Hewes Street south of Chichester Avenue ^ MARPLE TOWNSHIP*Glenwood Burial Ground South side Coopertown Road east of Chester Road Hayti Burial Ground (Colored) U.A.M.E. ChurchSouth side Marple Road about 700’ northeast of State Road Marple Presbyterian Church & Burial Ground North corner Chester & Coopertown Roads *Sts. Peter & Paul R.C. Burial Ground East & west side Springfield Road north from Eagle or Township Line Road ^ MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIPCumberland Burial Ground East side Edgmont or Middletown Road opposite Yearsley’s Mill Road, Lima Elwyn Training School & Burial Ground South side Baltimore Pike west of Ridley Creek, Elwyn Friends Meeting House (Hicksite) & Burial Ground East side Edgmont or Middletown Road north of Yearsley’s Mill Road prod. Friends Meeting House (Orthodox) & Burial Ground East side Edgmont or Middletown Road south of Yearsley’s Mill Road prod Honeycomb or Lima UAME Church & Burial Ground (Colored) North of Barrens Road, west side of Vanleer Avenue extended, Lima Dr. Kerlin Burial VaultAbout 300’ north of Baltimore Pike west of Ridley Creek, Elwyn Lima ME Church & Burial Ground Side Edgmont or Middletown Road west of Vanleer Avenue, Lima Middleton Presbyterian Church & Burial Ground East side Edgmont or Middletown Road south of Glen Riddle Road, .Elwyn J Lewis Moore Burial Vault About 300’ north of Baltimore Turnpike one-half mile west of Ridley Creek ^ NETHER PROVIDENCE TOWNSHIPUnion M.E. Church & Burial Ground North side Brookhaven Road. About 300’ east of Rose Valley Road, Rose Valley Providence Friends Meeting House (Hicksite) & Burial Ground East side Providence Road north of East Front Street produced, Media ^ NEWTOWN TOWNSHIP.Newtown Baptist Church & Burial Ground East side Newton Square Road 500’ north of Goshen Road Newton Friends Meeting House (Hicksite) & Burial Ground West side Newtown-Paoli Road one-half mile north of West Chester Tpk *St David’s P.E. Church & Burial Ground East side Valley Forge Road north of Goshen, or Darby & Paoli Road ^ RADNOR TOWNSHIPBrooke Family Burial Ground Northeast side Darby-Paoli Road between Godfrey & Bryn Mawr Avenues *Community Burial Ground of St. Thomas On grounds of Villanova College Radnor Baptist Church & Burial Ground South corner West Wayne Avenue & Conestoga Road Radnor Friends Meeting House (Hicksite) & Burial Ground South side Conestoga Road 200’ west of Sproul Road Radnor Methodist Burial Ground South side Conestoga Road one mile east of Ithan Avenue St Katherine’s R C Church & Burial Ground (1 grave) Southwest corner Lancaster & Aberdeen Avenues ^ RIDLEY TOWNSHIPEastlawn Burial Ground Northeast corner Milmont & Highland Avenues Leiper Memorial Presbyterian Church & Burial Ground East side Fairview Road 900’ south of Michigan Avenue *Plummer Burial Ground South side Chester Pike just east of Fairview Road produced *Private Burial Ground 600’ east of Lincoln Avenue and about 400’ north of Chester Pike, Pros.Park Prospect Hill Baptist Burial GroundEast side Lincoln Avenue opposite 8th Avenue, Borough of Prospect Park Worrall Family Burial Ground West side Fairview Road 1/3 mile north of Mac Dade Boulevard Knowles Burial Ground South of Hillcrest Avenue east of South Avenue, Borough of Glenolden ^ SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIPLownes Free Church & Burial Ground North ewe Baltimore Pike opposite Blue Church Lane *Mt Sharon Burial Ground (Jewish) West side West Avenue north of Baltimore Pike Springfield Friends Meeting House (Orthodox) & Burial Ground Southwest corner Chester & Springfield Roads ^ THORNBURY TOWNSHIPBethlehem M E Church & Burial Ground Northwest corner Westtown Road & Thornton—Glen Mills Road Stony Bank M E Church & Burial Ground East Side Stony Bank Road about 1500’ north of Baltimore Pike Thornbury A E. Church (Colored) & Burial Ground West side Cheyney Road opposite Locksley Road Cheyney Burial GroundCheyney Road 1500’ north of State Road^ UPPER CHICHESTER TOWNSHIPChichester Friends Meeting House (Hicksite) & Burial Ground South side Meeting House Road east of Marcus Hook Creek *Immaculate Heart R.C Burial Ground Northeast corner Market Street & Laughead Avenue ^ UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP*Arlington Burial Ground North side School Lane west from Lansdowne Avenue *Fernwood Burial Ground North side Baltimore Turnpike, Church Lane to Cobbs Creek (p.o. in Borough of Yeadon) First New Jerusalem Burial Ground West of Sherbrook Boulevard 500’ north of Plumstead Avenue Friends Southwestern Burial Ground Northwest corner Powell Lane & Marshall Road *Har Judah Burial Ground West side Lansdowne Avenue one—third mile north of State Road *Montrose Burial Ground Southeast side West Chester Turnpike northwest from Ardmore Avenue St. Charles R.C. Burial Ground South side Dennison Avenue east of Riley Street UPPER Providence TownshipCalvary R.C. Burial Ground West side North Orange Street south of Rose Tree Road Media Burial Ground Northwest side Kirk Lane southwest of Providence Road Sandy Bank Burial Ground (Friends) East side Providence Road south of State Road, Borough of Media 1 Transcribed as originally written from the Forward in Vol.A of 3 bound volumes of carbon copies in collections of the Delaware County Historical Society. 2 Transcribers note: the asterisk has been removed from entries that were originally noted with one where surveys have been included.

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