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Cadet bernard Globalization, Uncertainty and Decision Making: Cognition Also Matters

Editor’s NotesCADET BernardGlobalization, Uncertainty and Decision Making: Cognition Also MattersThe Paradox of St. Petersburg relates to probability theory and decision theory. It is based on a particular theoretical lottery game using a random variable with infinite expected value. Bayes’ theorem is an elementary proposition of probability theory. It provides a way of updating in the light of new information one’s prior probability that a proposition is true.Gestalt psychology is a theory of mind and brain according to which the operational principle of the brain is holistic, parallel, and analogous, with self-organizing tendencies; or that the whole is different than the sum of its parts.‘Logic Theorist’ is a computer programme written in 1955 by A. Newell, H. Simon and J.C. Shaw. It was the first programme deliberately engineered to imitate the problem-solving skills of human beings and was called ‘the first artificial intelligence programme’. A schema (pl. schemata), in psychology and cognitive science, is a mental structure that represents some aspect of the world. Schema theory was developed by R.C.Anderson, but the term schema was first used by Jean Piaget in 1926. People use schemata to organize current knowledge and provide a framework for future understanding.BRANSKY Vladimir, POZHARSKY SvyatoslavGlobalization and Synergistic Philosophy of HistorySynergetics is an interdisciplinary science explaining the formation and self-organization of patterns and structures in open systems. Self-organization implies a system consisting of many nonlinearly interacting subsystems depending from the external control parameters (environment, energy). The self-organization of patterns in many different systems (in physics, chemistry, biology and social systems) is explained as the order based on ‘self-enslaving’ principle: the dynamics of fast-relaxing (stable) modes is completely determined by the ‘slow’ dynamics of only a few ‘order-parameters’ (unstable modes) according to Hermann Haken. The order parameters can be interpreted as the amplitudes of the unstable modes determining the overall pattern. The increase of self-organization means a reduction of degrees of freedom of the whole system showing a new order (pattern-formation) which is now independent of details of interactions of subsystems. Social inertia can be explained by it and at the same time the emerging new pattern can be explained as well. Conscious goals, free will, self-interest, choices, self-awareness prevent any predictive models or a ‘natural self-organization’ to be applied to human problems as it is possible in natural sciences. Ilya Prigogine (1917-2003) was a Belgian physicist and Nobel Laureate chemist known for his work on dissipative structures and their role in thermodynamic systems far from equilibrium. Dissipative structure theory led him to the research in self-organizing systems. His work is regarded by many as a bridge between natural sciences and social sciences. SLANEVSKAYA NinaMoral Agency under GlobalizationLater GULAG began to be used to denote the entire penal labour system in the Soviet Union. There were criminals of all types in such camps but the Gulag system has become primarily known as a place for political prisoners and as a mechanism for repressing political opposition to the Soviet State. Stalin was the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union’s Central Committee from 1922 until his death in 1953. Georgia borders the Black Sea between Turkey and Russia. It was a part of the Soviet Union before the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union. In 1990, Georgia’s Supreme Council cancelled the South-Ossetian autonomous region. Georgian was established as the country’s principal language, meanwhile main Ossetian languages were Ossetian and Russian. After a violent conflict in 1991 when Georgian forces entered South Ossetia and about 2,000 people were killed, South Ossetia broke away from Georgia and gained de facto independence. But ethnic tension did not cease and it was decided to station Russian, Georgian and Ossetian peacekeepers in South Ossetia. In the 2006 South Ossetian independence referendum, full independence was supported by 99,88%, which confirmed the result of the 1992 referendum (http://www.ossetia.ru/interview/eduard-kokoiti; 16.09.2008). Both South Ossetia and Abkhazia, another region of Georgia, have run their own affairs without international recognition since the early 1990s. Fighting between Russia and Georgia started on 7 August 2008 after the Georgian military began an offensive to regain control over South Ossetia with heavy rocket and artillery fire and air strikes that ravaged the South Ossetian provincial capital, Tskhinvali. Russian forces subsequently launched a counter-attack and the conflict ended with pushing Georgian troops out of both South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Russian destroying military bases on the Georgian territory and an EU-brokered ceasefire. Brain implants electrically stimulate single neurons or group of neurons (biological neural networks) in the brain but this can be done only if the functional association of these neurons is well known. While successfully used to treat different dysfunctions of the brain after a stroke or other head injuries the implants can cause some behavioural side effects: hallucinations, cognitive dysfunction, hypersexuality, depression, compulsive gambling and so on. Some consider brain implants as the possibility for correcting behaviour in future, others fear that implants may be used for mind control, i.e. for changing human perception of reality.SMIDA AliPublic Decision Maker’s Pathologies and Remedies of a Prospective ApproachThomas Kuhn puts forward the idea of the paradigm of normal science, when one thinks according to the existing paradigm in science and the paradigm of revolutionary science which is, in fact, a paradigmatic shift which occurs when the old paradigm cannot explain some accumulated data and its long-held assumptions are to be overturned.Holography is a technique which can be used to optically store, retrieve and process information. It allows the light scattered from an object to be recorded and later reconstructed. It appears as if the object is in the same position relative to the recording medium as it was when recorded. The image changes as the position and orientation of the viewing system changes in exactly the same way as if the object were still present. Cartesianism is the name given to the philosophical doctrine (or school) of ^ Rene Descartes (1596-1650), the famous French philosopher, also known as Renatus Cartesius (in Latin).Henry-Louis Bergson was a French philosopher, influential in the first half of the 20th century.LAFAY GérardGlobalization: What is Going on in Practice and How it is Explained TheoreticallyThe nominal exchange rate (e) is the price in domestic currency of one unit of a foreign currency. The real exchange rate (RER) is defined as RER = e (), where ^ P is the domestic price level and P * the foreign price level. P and P * must have the same arbitrary value in some chosen base year. Hence, in the base year, RER = e. Gross Domestic Product is the total market value of all final goods and services produced on the territory of the country in a given period of time measuring all the output disregarding the firms’ nationality. In contrast Gross National Product focuses on who owns the production measuring only the output of the national firms on the territory of the country and outside the country. GNP adds net foreign investment income compared to GDP.Inflation is a rise in general level of prices of goods and services over time. But sometimes it is used to denote a rise in the prices of a specific set of goods or services. Inflation is measured by calculating the percentage rate of change of a price index, which is called the inflation rate. OLSZEWSKI LeonCentral Europe in the Globalized World of the 21st CenturyThe concept and name of the Washington Consensus were first presented in 1989 by John Williamson, an economist from the Institute for International Economics based in Washington, D.C. to describe a set of ten economic policy prescriptions that he considered to constitute a ‘standard’ reform package: fiscal policy discipline, redirection of public spending, tax reform, interest rates determined by market, competitive exchange rates, trade liberalization, liberalization of inward foreign direct investment, privatization of state enterprises, deregulation, legal security for property rights.Transfer pricing refers to the pricing of contributions (assets, tangible and intangible, services, and funds) transferred within an organization. Since the prices are set within an organization (i.e. controlled), the typical market mechanisms does not work. The choice of the transfer price will affect the allocation of the total profit among the parts of the company. This is a major concern for fiscal authorities who worry that multinational entities may set transfer prices on cross-border transactions to reduce taxable profits in their jurisdiction. MIROPOLSKY DmitryGlobal Hierarchy and Centralization of the Economy of Russia Marginal product is the additional product derived from additional units of labour. By that definition, when marginal product increases, total product increases as well. Here is an example of decreasing marginal product: I have only 3 computers (fixed input) and 3 workers (variable input) who produce 6 outputs. I hire one more worker and now I have 8 outputs. The marginal product of the fourth worker is 2 outputs (8 outputs – 6 outputs = 2 outputs). I hire again one more worker (now I have 5 workers altogether) but the output is 9 instead of 10 because there are only 3 computers and the workers have to wait their turn. The marginal product of the fifth worker is 1 output (9 outputs – 8 outputs = 1 output). I hire the sixth worker but the same 9 outputs are produced. There is no additional output. The marginal product of the last worker is 0 (9 outputs – 9 outputs = 0).Function is a value which varies as another value varies, for example, in y = 5x, y is a function of x, i.e. if x =5, then y is 25.Marginal theory in economics is the study of the effect of increasing a factor by one more unit (known as the marginal unit). For example, if a firm's production is increased by one unit, its costs will increase also; the increase in costs is called the marginal cost of production. Marginal theory is a central tool of microeconomics. GILINSKIY YakovDeviance in Russia under GlobalizationThe International Criminal Police Organization, known as Interpol and established in 1923, facilitates international police cooperation. European Police Office, known as Europol, is the European Union’s criminal intelligence agency which became fully operational in 1999 according to the 1992 Maastricht Treaty (Treaty on European Union).The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is the alliance of former Soviet Republics, at present 12 republics (July, 2008): the Azerbaijan Republic, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Kazakstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Republic of Uzbekistan and Ukraine. On 8 December 1991 in Belarus, the leaders of the Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine signed the Agreement on establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) which, in fact, meant the dissolution of the Soviet Union. On December 21, 1991 in Alma-Ata the heads of 11 sovereign states (except the Baltic states and Georgia) signed the Protocol to this Agreement (Georgia joined the CIS in 1993). The CIS Executive Committee is in Minsk (Belarus), website: http://cis.minsk.by Troika is a word of Russian origin meaning ‘threesome’ or ‘triumvirate. The history of the word goes back to a Russian vehicle, either a wheeled carriage or a sleigh, drawn by three horses abreast. DIDENKO Nelly, PETROVSKY AndreiRussia’s Human Resources in Science in the Context of GlobalizationINTAS, the International Association for the promotion of co-operation with scientists from the New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union was established in 1993 by the European Community and like-minded countries as an international not-for-profit association under Belgian law, to promote scientific research activities in the NIS and scientific co-operation between scientists in these countries and the international scientific community. MEZHEVICH NickolayTransborder Cooperation in Modern Russia as a Result of Globalization ChallengesThe history of international relations is often traced back to the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, where the modern state system was developed. The Peace of Westphalia encouraged the rise of the independent nation-states, the institutionalization of diplomacy and armies, and later, this Westphalian (European) system was exported further to America, Africa, and Asia via colonialism. The Republic of Karelia, Kaliningrad oblast, Leningrad oblast, Smolensk oblast, Belgorod oblast, Khabarovsk krai - are the federal subjects of the Russian Federation. The federal subjects in the Russian Federations are the following: 21 republics, 46 oblasts, 9 krais, 1 autonomous oblast, 4 autonomous okrugs and 2 federal cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg).ALEXANDROV SergeiThe Main Principles and Directions of Reforms in the Electrical Power Industry in Russia and Other Countries of the World GOELRO is the transliteration of the Russian abbreviation for ‘State Commission for Electrification of Russia’. It was initiated and supervised by the first Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin. The Plan envisaged a major restructuring of the Soviet economy based on total electrification of the country covering the period of 15 years and was fulfilled basically by 1931. It included the construction of a network of 30 regional power plants, among them 10 large hydroelectric power plants and numerous electric-powered large industrial enterprises.^ Synopsis of the ArticlesALEXANDROV SergeiThe Main Principles and Directions of Reforms in the Electrical Power Industry in Russia and Other Countries of the World The author of the paper systemizes the main premises, principles and directions of the reforms in electrical power industry in Russia, which are aimed at establishing a more effective management of national energy resources. In the course of research it has been discovered that the process of reformation of electrical power industry abroad and in Russia can be considered as the world phenomenon of a global tendency towards liberalization of the state sector. This process has three key economic dimensions which define the model of restructuring of any naturally monopolistic branch: (i) the increased number of participants of private sector in the management of this branch, (ii) liberalization of economic relations, (iii) vertical integration modification. The paper presents the state as one of the key agents the regulating policy of which defines the development of electrical power system via changes in organization models (structures) of interacting agents.BRANSKY Vladimir, POZHARSKY SvyatoslavGlobalization and Synergistic Philosophy of History In this paper the authors connect the concept of globalization with the synergistic concept of self-organization which implies the process of interaction between social order and chaos. They draw attention to the creative power of chaos in the formation of new types of order (basically new social structures). The authors use their Synergistic Model of Global Progress which demonstrates the tendency of movement to a global superattractor passing the stages of bifurcation and attraction. The concept of a dissipative structure is used for the explanation of social phenomena under globalization. Globalization is understood as a natural historic process which finds the best explanation in the synergistic social theory of self-organization.CADET BernardGlobalization, Uncertainty and Decision Making: Cognition Also Matters Though globalization is usually characterized by its economic results, it should be studied also as a cognitive activity of high level. The origin of globalization and its diffusion is the strategic answer to the management of complex issues of economy and development. The term ‘globalization’ has two meanings: either a result (new trends in world politics and economy) or a process (processing situations and things as a whole). The author claims that the result (the widely accepted ‘economic meaning’ of globalization) has been achieved not by chance but because traders and decision makers (agents) have had to process very complex systems, and that globalizing information (the second ‘cognitive meaning’ of globalization) is the best and the only manner to reduce uncertainty having in mind decision making. So the economic meaning appears because the cognitive meaning has been implemented to construct decision making. The article focuses on the analysis of the relations between globalization, uncertainty and decision making in regards to their reciprocal implications distinguishing various strategies of cognitive globalization according to the ways of combining information and architectural elements of systems. Cognitive globalization reflects the tendency of an agent to use a globalizing approach when coming across uncertainty under globalization.DIDENKO Nelly, PETROVSKY AndreiRussia’s Human Resources in Science in the Context of Globalization The paper contains the analysis of human resources in science and the personnel potential of fundamental science in Saint Petersburg, North-West of Russia and Russia on the basis of the data of the state statistics and departmental statistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It examines the changes in personnel potential of fundamental science for the last ten years and gives a comparative economic, sociological and demographic analysis of the scientific cadre including a gender aspect. The analysis reveals interdependence between the development of Russia’s scientific community and the processes of globalization which have caused certain changes in its structure and the development of new tendencies in the formation of the human capital in Russia: (i) the shrinking of the size of the scientific community in Russia, (ii) its stratification, (iii) scientists’ migration to foreign countries, (iv) the ageing of personnel in science, (v) its feminization, (vi) the formation of new scientific standards, (vii) the formation of a new type of scientists. The authors also compare the methods of estimation of the intellectual capital in Russia and in the West. Correctly chosen indicators of an estimation of the intellectual capital is important for the analysis of grant proposals, assessment of the results of the supported projects and a future partner of the project. The paper analyzes the participation of St.Petersburg’s scientists in international competitions and the work of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) which has organized both Russian competitions with foreign partners and its own on a regular basis since 1996. GILINSKIY YakovDeviance in Russia under Globalization In this article the author analyzes the phenomena of deviance (criminality, alcoholism, addiction to narcotics, trade in human beings, terrorism, etc.) in Russia under the conditions of globalization. The analysis enriches the theory by discovering the interdependences of the processes of globalization, inclusion and exclusion and the dynamics of the main phenomena of deviance. It discovers the regularity of deviant phenomena in the globalizing world. The results of the studies can be used for improving social management considered by the author as a system. The author of the article arrives at the following conclusion: the process of globalization has caused an increase in such phenomena of deviance as organized crime, drug addiction, terrorism and human trafficking; the enlargement of the social base for deviance occurs at the expense of the ‘excluded’ agents under globalization. There is a tendency of the growth of social economic inequality under globalization, which is one of the main factors of increasing deviance.LAFAY GérardGlobalization: What is Going on in Practice and How it is Explained Theoretically The economic globalization noticed first in the 1980s has become quite clearly observed since the 1990s. The old international economy was marked by the regular progression of salaries due to the system of the agreement between agents: the compensatory role of trade unions and the social attitude of entrepreneurs. Globalization pushed forward by enterprises destroyed this system and has created such a situation that now these enterprises can independently decide where to localize their production capacities after comparing the favourability of conditions between national economies. From that point of view the real exchange rate plays an essential role because it permits comparison between salaries in the same monetary unit taking into consideration the labour force qualification. The evolution of consumption depends equally on the behavioural level of enterprises as far as the increase of salaries is concerned. It is also the rate of growth of the economy which can be higher when the real exchange rate is cheap and lower when it is too expensive. Globalization is supported by the current powerful theory of the neoclassical school which claims that it has renovated a liberal approach by constructing a beautiful model of general equilibrium. In fact, the theoretical fundamentals of this school are now being questioned, precisely by the globalization itself due to certain tendencies in the four fields developing under globalization such as: spatial, sectoral, temporal and conceptual.MEZHEVICH NickolayTransborder Cooperation in Modern Russia as a Result of Globalization ChallengesUnder globalization transborder and borderland cooperation in Russia is under the influence of two contradictory tendencies. On the one hand, there is the desire to integrate into such organizations of the globalizing world as the WTO but, on the other hand, there is uncertainty about Russia’s position in Europe. Transborder cooperation in Russia develops, on the whole, in accordance with world tendencies such as the increasing permeability of borders and the integration processes, but it has also its own specificity based both on the unique climatic, geographical and demographic characteristics of the regions and on the theoretical approach to the borders and regions dating back to the Soviet times and oriented at the isolationist policy of a region as a self-contained economic unit. The paper reveals ‘zones of influence’, which often do not coincide with the legally fixed line of the border. It also analyzes the difference between the systems of European and Russian regionalisms.MIROPOLSKY DmitryGlobal Hierarchy and Centralization of the Economy of Russia The aim of this paper is (i) to explain why there has been a long tradition of centralization in the Russian economy, (ii) to answer the question of how this tendency of centralization can be combined with the globalizing market economy based on the principle of decentralization. To achieve this aim the author has worked out a new model - Double Sector Structural Model (DSSM) for the analysis of economic systems. The advantage of the Double Sector Structural Model is in the following: (1) it allows the connection between concrete parameters of the material structure of the economy and the type of economic organization (market, planned economy, mixed); (2) the connection between the material structure of the economy and organization of the economy makes it possible to model economic systems with a various degree of decentralization-centralization and to study the impact of decentralization-centralization upon material structure. The analysis of Russia’s economy is presented according to the following logic: material structure, autonomous centralization, global decentralization and changes of material structure.OLSZEWSKI LeonCentral Europe in the Globalized World of the 21st Century The last decade of the twentieth century has been a period of radical transformation of the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs). After the collapse of the communist system, the CEECs put a lot of effort into changing the property rights, mechanisms of economic regulation and institutions of the centralized economy. This article asserts that the two aspects of the systemic changes in the post communist countries playing the most important role in establishing the basis for market economy were: (i) acceptance of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank structural adjustment conditions (Washington consensus), and (ii) introduction of the European rules and regulations called ‘aqui communautaire’. Although the general aspects of the transition were the same, political and economic structures developed in the CEECs varied from country to country, thus demonstrating the tendency of a specific transformation policy of adjustment to global processes. The author describes the transition process in four CEFTA countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary and investigates the effects of market stabilization in the first phase of the systemic economic transformation. The article identifies the primary role of trade relations within the European Union in the first phase of transformation and describes the impact of political stabilization on the economic institutional structures. Regulation theory developed by the French Regulationist School forms the theoretical background for the analysis. The article highlights the necessity of a balanced economic and social transition in the context of globalization.SLANEVSKAYA NinaMoral Agency under Globalization The paper considers the role of moral agency in the social system in the global context. The author claims that there is a tendency of connecting the findings of cognitive neuroscience with ethical questions (‘moral brain’) which is due to globalization because only neuroscience can produce the empirical evidence of a common human basis (moral structure) in moral thinking which is the prerequisite for the formation of common values (moral agency) necessary for furthering global interconnectedness and creating a global society (global system). Though the discoveries in cognitive neuroscience receive contradictory theoretical interpretations, the objectivity of moral thinking and certain moral values common to all is confirmed empirically. The globalizing world also needs philosophical explanation, which can be supplied by cosmopolitan ethics meant to supersede moral relativism. The author suggests a model of Generative Ethics based on Kant’s moral philosophy for the formation of global welfare society.SMIDA AliPublic Decision Maker’s Pathologies and Remedies of a Prospective ApproachMany observers consider the system of public decision making in France to be going through the crisis due to the gap between it and the real situation both in the country and in the world. Several factors seem to be responsible for this tendency. The public decision maker’s references in France are still based on the centralized and welfare state. Thus, the French decision maker finds himself in the gap between the old paradigms (structures) and new paradigms ruling the present world and demanding the retreat of the state and the globalization of ideas and markets. The culture of centralization and the belief that the citizens must be protected by a welfare state are the main factors which shape the behaviour of a classical public decision maker and affect him in many ways. Such behaviour on the part of public decision makers is a source of the malfunctioning of public decision making in France. The author qualifies such a type of behaviour as pathological and suggests a prospective approach to improve the system of public decision making in France, and, first of all, to apply it to the agents, i.e. public decision makers, and then to the structures having new instruments for the formation of a new system of public decision making in France. Notes on the Contributors^ ALEXANDROV Sergei, Ph.D. in Economics, since 2008 the Deputy Director of the Project Finance Department of Saving Banks of the Russian Federation, in 2002-2007 the Head of the Investment Department at the St. Petersburg company Lenenergo, also a lecturer at the St.Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. His research field is the management of power, oil and gas enterprises and international portfolio management.BRANSKY Vladimir, a Professor of St.Petersburg State University, the Department of Philosophy, has written more than 150 articles and 9 monographs. He specializes in the philosophical problems of globalization and synergistic philosophy of history. His recent monographs are Social Synergistics and the Theory of Nations, 2002; Globalization and Synergistic Philosophy of History, 2004; Philosophy and Achmeology, 2003, co-authored with S.Pozharsky.CADET Bernard, PhD of René Descartes University, Paris 5, Sorbonne, is a Professor of Cognitive Psychology and the Research Director at Caen University in France. He is the author of more than 60 articles published in the national and international journals, and he is the author and co-author of several books. Among the recent books there are the following: Psychologie Cognitive, 1998; Les décisions sous contraintes, 2003; La complexité: ses formes, ses traitements, ses effets, 2005; Psychologie du risque: identifier, évaluer, prévenir, 2006.DIDENKO Nelly, Ph.D in Technical Sciences, a Senior Researcher at the St.Petersburg Scientific Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, the Coordinator of the Regional section of Euroscience in Russia, the Director of the St.Petersburg Centre of Promotion of Euroscience, is a member of the International Euroscience Governing Board. The field of research is mathematical modelling, the dynamic optimization of complex multiparameter processes, the sociology of science, social problems and conflict-solving.^ GILINSKIY Yakov is a Professor of the St. Petersburg Institute of Law at the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, the Head of the Department of Criminal Law at St.Petersburg State Teacher Training University, the Head of the Research Center for Deviance at the Institute of Sociology of Russia’s Academy of Sciences and the Dean of the Department of Law at the Baltic University of Ecology, Politics and Law. He has more than 370 publications including 14 monographs, mainly in the fields of criminology and sociology of deviance and social control. More than 90 of them have been published in foreign languages: English, Hungarian, Italian, German, Norwegian, Polish, French and others. ^ LAFAY Gérard, a Professor of Economics at the French University Panthéon-Assas Paris II, the Director of the Research Institute of International Economic Geostratergy, works also for the Centre for Perspective Studies and International Information (CEPII), where he has created CHELEM (Comptes Harmonisés sur les Echanges et l’Economie Mondiale). He is the author of numerous articles on global economy, international exchange and European problems. His latest publication is Initiation à l'économie internationale, 2006.^ MEZHEVICH Nickolay, Ph.D in Economics, a Professor of St.Petersburg State University is also the Head of the Centre for Borderland and Transborder Cooperation Studies at the Institute of Regional Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation. His research interests include globalization, the economic and political development of Europe, the Baltic region and the theory of regionalism.^ MIROPOLSKY Dmitry, a Professor of Economics, the Editor-in-chief of the University Journal of Economics and Finance, is the Head of the Department of Economic Theory at the St.Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. His field of research is the philosophy of economy and the structural mechanisms of centralization and decentralization of economic systems. His latest monograph is Economic Systems: Basic Principles of Functioning, 2004.OLSZEWSKI Leon, a Professor of Economics at the Department of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wroclaw, Poland, is the Head of the Department of International Economics, the Director of the Doctoral School of the Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies at the University of Wroclaw and the Editor of the journal ‘Ekonomia’. The main area of research is the economics of development, transition of post-communist countries and industrial policy. He teaches Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and International Economic Relations.^ POZHARSKY Svyatoslav, a Professor of Psychology at the St.Petersburg Academy of Achmeology has more than 60 articles and 4 monographs. He is a co-author with V.Bransky of Philosophy and Achmeology, 2003 and Globalization and Synergistic Philosophy of History, 2004.PETROVSKY Andrei, a Senior Researcher at the St.Petersburg Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, an Associate Professor, Ph.D in Technical Sciences, the Official Representative of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the Northwestern region of the Russian Federation. The research field is sociology of science.^ SLANEVSKAYA Nina, Ph.D. in Political Science, post-graduate education in Philology, the Research Director of CEDIMES-St.Petersburg within the French International Research Network of Institute CEDIMES, http://www.cedimes.org/, a member of Euroscience, is an Associate Professor at the St.Petersburg Institute of External Economic Relations, Economics and Law. She has 3 monographs and a number of articles. Her research field is the theory of international relations, sociology of knowledge, philosophy of mind, methods of political analysis and moral philosophy, http://slanevskaya.narod.ru.^ SMIDA Ali, PhD in Management, PhD in Pharmacy, educated as an engineer at Grandes Ecoles Françaises and as a post graduate in Nuclear Physics, is a Professor at the French University Paris 13, where he is the Director of the Master’s degree course Management of Enterprises: Social and Sanitary Sectors. 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