Реферат по предмету "Разное"

1 Group Album Data

1 Group Album Data Pet Shop Boys Disco 1986 Pet Shop Boys Please 1987Pet Shop Boys Actually 1987Pet Shop Boys Introspective 1988Pet Shop Boys Behaviour 1990Pet Shop Boys Rolentless 1993Pet Shop Boys Very 1993Pet Shop Boys Disco 2 1994Pet Shop Boys Alternative (2CD) 1995Pet Shop Boys Bellingual 1996Pet Shop Boys Essintial 1998Pet Shop Boys Nightlife (CD2) 1999Sandra The long play 1985Sandra Mirrors 1986Sandra Into a secret land 1988Sandra Paintings in yellow 1990Sandra Singles 1974-1990 1990Sandra Close to seven 1992Sandra Fading shades 1995Sandra Rare mixes(from 45 RPM) 1999Sandra Remixes 1999Smokie Best (2CD)Deep Purple Golden balladsYello Stella 1985Yello Baby 1991Patricia Caas Hit collection 2000Linda Jo Rizzo The bestLaura Branigan The bestDisco megamix express Non stop (новая версия хитов 80-х) 1985-89Desireless Francois 1989Ottawan D.I.S.C.O 1980Ottawan 2 1982Gazebo I like Chopin 1984^ Valerie Dore The best Camouflage Singl 1988-99Camouflage Voices & Images 1988Camouflage Methods of silence 1989Camouflage Meanwhille 1991Camouflage Bodega Bohemia 1993Camouflage Spise crackers 1995Camouflage We stroke the flames 1997Camouflage The remix collection (2CD) 1998Camouflage Sensor 20032 Fancy Get your Kicks 1984Fancy Contakt 1986Fancy Flames of love 1988Fancy All my loving 1989Fancy Five 1990Fancy Locomotion 2001Fancy The bestDepeche Mode Speak & Speel 1981Depeche Mode A broken frame 1982Depeche Mode Construction time again 1983Depeche Mode People are People 1984Depeche Mode Some great reward 1985Depeche Mode Black selebration 1986Depeche Mode Music for the masses 1987Depeche Mode Violator 1990Depeche Mode Songs of faith and Devotion 1993Depeche Mode Ultra 1997Depeche Mode Exciter + I feel loved 2001Depeche Mode Best Martin Gore Counterfeit 1989Martin Gore Counterfeit 2 2003Dave Gahan Paper Monsters 2003Symphonic music of Depech Mode (версия симфонического оркестра) 2001Stevie Wonder The woman in red 1984Rick Astley The bestPink Floyd The wall (стена)Scotch The bestAfrican DISCO (сборник с Африканской колбаснёй) 1984-95Lian Ross The bestTechnotronic Pump up the Jam 1989Patty Ryan Love is the name of the game 1986The Flirts The bestSting Hit collection 2000F.R.Davide Worlds 1982D.J.Mendez Latino for life 1999The best from the west Volum 3 1997Blue System BestBlue System Walking on a raainbow 1987Blue System Body heat 1988Blue System Twilight 1989Blue System Obsession 1990Blue System Seeds of Heaven 1991Michael Cretu The invisible man 1985Michael Cretu Bellee epoque 1988Rod Stewart Human 2000Eddy Huntington Bang bang Baby 19883Thomas Anders Different 1997Modern Talking The 1-st Album 1985Modern Talking Let’s talk about love 1985Modern Talking Ready for romance 1986Modern Talking In the middle of nowhere 1986Modern Talking Romantic warriors 1987Modern Talking In the garden of venus 1987Modern Talking Super mega remix (non stop) 1989Modern Talking The Maxi Singles 1984-87Modern Talking featuring Eric Singleton 1997Modern Talking Back for Good 1998Modern Talking Alone 1999Modern Talking America(the 10 th Album) 2001Modern Talking Victory (the 11 th Album) 2002Modern Talking Universe(the 12 th Album) 2003C.C.Catch Catch the Catch 1986C.C.Catch Welcom to the heartbreak hotel 1986C.C.Catch Like a Hurricane 1987C.C.Catch Big fun 1988C.C.Catch Diamond her greatest hits 1988C.C.Catch Hear what I say 1989C.C.Catch The Maxi Singles (2CD) 1985-99C.C.Catch In The Mix 1998-2003C.C.Catch The bestBad Boys Blue Hot girls-Bad boys 1985Bad Boys Blue Heart beat 1986Bad Boys Blue Love is no crime 1987Bad Boys Blue My blue world 1988Bad Boys Blue The fifth 1989Bad Boys Blue Game of love 1990Bad Boys Blue House of Silence 1991Bad Boys Blue Totally 1992Bad Boys Blue Kiss 1993Bad Boys Blue To blue horizons 1994Bad Boys Blue Bang!Bang!Bang! 1995Bad Boys Blue Back 1998Bad Boys Blue Continued 1999Bad Boys Blue Follow the light 1999Bad Boys Blue Tonite 2000Italo disco ’80 MTV music television 1983-89The legend of 80 Best hits 1984-88Italo dance 1 The world of italo dance 1984-88Italo dance 2 The world of italo dance 1984-88Romantic Collection Disco (2CD) 1983-88Dance party Disco 2 1983-88Dance party Disco 3 1983-884Italo disco(Disco Exclusive Collection) Vol 1 1985-88 Italo disco(Disco Exclusive Collection) Vol 2 1985-88Italo disco(Disco Exclusive Collection) Vol 3 1983-88Italo disco(Disco Exclusive Collection) Vol 4 1983-88Queen BestRoxette BestEagles BestSavage Garden BestEurythmics BestScorpions Golden Ballads (2CD)Gorky Park Gorky Park 1989Gorky Park Moscow Calling 1993Gorky Park Stare 1996Gorky Park Protivofazza 1998Kingdom Come TooKingdom Come Hands of timeSabrina BestCranberries BestLouis Frmstrong BestChris Rea BestMoby Best Red Hot Chili Peppers Music history (Best)Metallica Kill’em all 1983Metallica Ride the lightning 1984Metallica Master of puppets 1986Metallica And justice for all 1988Metallica Metallica 1991Metallica Load 1996Metallica Reload 1997Metallica Garage inc. (2cd) 1998Metallica S & M (2cd) 1999Metallica St.Anger 2003Metallica Best Ballads (только лучшие медляки)A-HA Hunting high and low 1985A-HA Scoundrel Days 1986A-HA Stay on these roads 1988A-HA East of the sun west of the moon 1990A-HA Memorial beach 1993A-HA Minor earth Major sky 2000A-HA Lifelines 2002Silent Circle №1 1986Silent Circle Best of vol 2 1993Silent Circle Back 1995Silent Circle Back 2 1997Silent Circle Best of vol 3 1998Silent Circle Stories bout love 19985Silent Circle The maxi singles Collection (2CD) 1999Alphaville Forever young 1984Alphaville Afternoons in Utopia 1986Alphaville The Singles Collection 1988Alphaville The breathtaking blue 1989Alphaville First Harvest (best) 1984-92Alphaville Prostitute 1994Alphaville Salvation 1997Alphaville Dreamscapes 2001Alphaville Forever Pop 2006Marian Gold (ex Alphaville) So long Celeste 1992Marian Gold United 1996 Split Mirrors (ex Alphaville) -1999- 1994Joy Hallo 1986Joy Joy and tears 1986Joy Best 1986Joy Best of Joy 1991Joy 3 rd (Andy Schweitzer solo) 1992Joy Full of Joy 1996Ozzy Osbourne BestGary Moor BestBrayan Adams BestGeorge Michael BestFrank Duval Best (2CD)Bob Marley BestBob Marley Catch a fire 1971Bob Marley Burning 1973Bob Marley Natty Dread 1974Bob Marley Rastaman Vibration 1976Bob Marley Exodus 1977Bob Marley Kaya 1978Bob Marley Survival 1979Bob Marley Uprising 1980Bob Marley Shakedown Marley Remixed 2001Aleph Black Out 1988Aleph Take my life 1989Brian Ice Night Girl 1991Irene Cara What a feelin 1983Mike Mareen LP-Dance Control 1984Mike Mareen Dance control 1985Mike Mareen Love Spy-Back To Spy (single) 1986Mike Mareen Love Spy 1986Mike Mareen Let’s start new 1987Mike Mareen Dancing In the Dark `98 (single) 1998Mike Mareen TV talk 2000 2000Mike Mareen Love Spy (single) 20046Mike Mareen Darkness & Light 2004Ken Laszlo Tonight 1986Ken Laszlo BestMax Coveri Run to the sun 1990Max Him Danger Danger 1988Miko Mission How old are you 1984Mr.Zivago Tell by your eyes 1988Den Harrow Overpower 1985Den Harrow Day By Day 1986Den Harrow Lies 1988Den Harrow Real big love 2001Den Harrow BestLian Ross Fantasy 1987Lian Ross BestMozzart Jasmin China Girl 1988Shy Rose You are my Desire 1994 Trans-X 01-01-01 2001Barrabas Bestial 1982Creatures Believe in yourself 1983Laid Back Play it Straight 1982Laid Back Laid Back 1981Laid Back Keep smiling 1983Laid Back Why is Everybody in Sush a hurry 1993Pink Project Domino 1996Shamall Collector’s I Temes 1986Silicon Dream Time Machine 1988Silicon Dream Ludwig Fun 1990Chris de Burgh BestRobert Plant BestChip Chip Close to me 1986Divine Like a Man 1988Supermax The reggae album 1994Chris Norman Some hearts are diamonds 1986Flirts Passion 1985Ric Okasek This side of paradise 1986Kylie Minogue Best 1988-90P4F Hustle & Bustle 1988Robin Gibb How old are you 1982Aneka Japanese Boy 19817Italo Disco Collection Vol 1 Group-Eddy Grant,Rose,Lili & Susie… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 2 Group-Casablanka,Rewind,Klapto… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 3 Group-Grant Miller,Monte Kristo… 1984-88^ Italo Disco Collection Vol 4 Group-The Fashion, Jessica,Joy Peters.. 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 5 Group-Barbarella,Carrara,Vanessa… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 6 Group-Saphir,Danuta, Alba… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 7 Group-Brando,Bolero,Sandy Marton… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 8 Group-Lee Marrow,KB Caps,Webo… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 9 Group-Latin Lover,Albert One,Lala… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 10 Group-Den Harrow,Mauro,Gina T… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 11 Group-Baltimora,Aleph,Grant Miller… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 12 Group-Chip Chip,Pia Zadora,Flexx… 1984-88^ Italo Disco Collection Vol 13 Group-Raff,Debut De Soiree,Blanca… 1984-88 Italo Disco Collection Vol 14 Group-My Mine,Lana Pellay… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 15 Group-Gina T,Joe Yellow,Saphir… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 16 Group Shamall,Alan Ross… 1984-88 ^ Italo Disco Collection Vol 17 Group-Shamall,Les Montes… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 18 Group-Baltimora,Simon,Sugar Shake… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 19 Group-Jessica,Happy Hour… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 19 Group-Jessica,Happy Hour, DJ Factory 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 20 Group-Kathy Joe Daylor,Tommy Boy… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 21 Group-Chicano, Creative Connection… 1984-88^ Italo Disco Collection Vol 22 Group-Tom Hooker,Sphinx,Closed … 1984-88ItaloDisco Collection Vol 23 Group-Axodry,Brando,Roxanne… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 24 Group-William King,Diana Est,Torreva 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 25 Group-Thinking Orange,Mike Taiwan…1984-88^ Italo Disco Collection Vol 26 Group-Venus,K Barre,Danny Keith… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 27 Group-Rofo,Monte Kristo,Sweet … 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 28 Group-Tension,Moses, Lisa G… 1984-88Italo Disco Collection Vol 29 Group-Argentina,Zeta, John Aarow… 1984-88^ Italo Disco Collection Vol 30 Group-Crysalis,Kay Morgan,Body Gam 1984-88Yngwie Malmsteen Best balladsYngwie Malmsteen Magnum opusBlack Sabbath BestIron Maiden BestDr.Alban BestScooter Best (2CD)Ofra Haza BestRolling Stones Best 1976-2002Eminem BestEnigma MCMX A D limited edition 1991Enigma The cross of changes 1992Enigma Le roi est mort vive le roi ! 1996Enigma Complete singles 1990-2000 (2CD)Enigma The screen behind the mirror 20008Enigma Love sensuality devotion 2001Enigma Love Sensuality devotion the remix collection 2001Enigma Lounge By The Essence 2003^ Europe Best Amanda Lear BestRammstein Herzeleid 1995Rammstein Sehnsucht + 1998 - English Versions 1997Rammstein Live Aus Berlin 1999Rammstein Live In Moscow 2001Rammstein Mutter 2001Rammstein Single 1997-2001Rammstein Reise,Reise 2004Scorpions -Moment of Glory- (Концерт с симфоническим оркестром) 2000Z.Z.Top El Loco 1981Z.Z.Top Eliminator 1983Z.Z.Top Afterburner 1985Z.Z.Top Recycler 1990Z.Z.Top Greatest Hits 1992Z.Z.Top Antenna 1994Z.Z.Top One Foot In The Blues 1994Z.Z.Top Rhythmeen 1996Z.Z.Top XXX 1999Erasure -Best- 1986-97Dshinghis Khan Best 1978Dschinghis Khan Moskau 1979Dschinghis Khan Rom 1980Dschinghis Khan Wir Sitzen Alle Im Selben Boot 1983Dschinghis Khan Helden Schurken Und Dudelmoser 1984Adriano Celentano Best^ Pupo (Enzo Chinazzi) Best Al Bano & Romina Power BestRiccardo Fogli Best balladsRicchie & Poveri BestArabesque BestBaccara BestBelle Epoque BestMaywood BestJimmy Somerville(ex Bronski Beat) The bestVideo Kids The invasion of the Spasepeckers 1984Video Kids Satallite 1987Eddy Grant Going for broke 1983Stars on 45 Звёзды Дискотек (vol1) 1982Stars on 45 Зиёзды Дискотек (vol2) 19829Rainbow BestRock Legends -Best Ballads- (Metallica,Europe,Чёрный кофе,Nazareth…)AC/DC 74 Jailbreak 1974AC/DC High Voltage (Australian) 1975^ AC/DC T N T 1975AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap 1976AC/DC High Voltage 1976AC/DC Let There Be Rock 1977AC/DC If You Want Blood 1978AC/DC Powerage 1978AC/DC Highway To Hell 1979AC/DC Back In Black 1980AC/DC For Those About To Rock 1981AC/DC Flick of the Switch 1983AC/DC Fly On The Wall 1985AC/DC Who Made Who 1986AC/DC Blow up your video 1988AC/DC The Razors Edge 1990AC/DC Ballbreaker 1995AC/DC Stiff Upper Lip 2000Rock Legends -Best fast songs- (Slade,Metallica,Gorky Park…) 1978-98Cinderella Best 1997The Beatles Gold Hits(2 СD)Creedence Clearwatwer Revival Best 1969-71Toto Cutugno BestJohnny Hates Jazz Best of the 80'sDebut De Soiree Jardins d'enfants 1989Debut De Soiree Passagers de la noit 1991Debut De Soiree The Very BestHubert Kah Neue deutsche schlagermusic 1981Hubert Kah Ich komme 1982Hubert Kah Goldene zeiten 1984Hubert Kah Tensongs 1986Hubert Kah Sound of my heart*** 1989Hubert Kah The best of dance hits 1990Hubert Kah Hubert Kah 1996Hubert Kah Portrait.The best of 1998Hubert Kah Limousine 1999Two of Us Twice as nice 1985Two of Us Inside out 1988London Boys The twelve commandment of dance 1988London Boys 12’’Ers 1990London Boys Sweet soul music 1991London Boys Love 4 unity 1994London Boys Hallelujah Hits 199610London Boys The Singles Remixed 2000Snap Hit collection 2000And one Nordhausen 1997Elvis Presley Gold hits(2CD)Michael Jackson BestChris Isaak BestDiscomagia 2000 (новая версия хитов Disco из 80-х) 2000Shock Disco Remix vol 1 (новые версии суперхитов Disco 1984-90)1992-2003^ Shock Disco Remix vol 2 (новые версии суперхитов Disco 1984-90)Shock Disco Remix vol 3 (новые версии суперхитов Disco 1984-90)Shock Disco Remix vol 4 (новые версии суперхитов Disco 1984-90)Shock Disco Remix vol 5 (новые версии суперхитов Disco 1984-90)^ 100% Instrumental Hits VOL1 (лучшие лирические инструментальныеверсии из кино и телепередач,мюзиклов и т.д.)100% Instrumental Hits VOL2100% Instrumental Hits VOL3^ Шедевры инструменталь ной музыки №1 (Поль Мориа,Папетти,Свиридов,Легран) Шедевры инструменталь ной музыки №2 (Д.Ласт,КенниДжи,Окраина,Блонкер) Шедевры инструменталь ной музыки №3 (П.Мориа,Вангелис,Мориа,Вентура) ^ Шедевры инструменталь ной музыки №4 (Гойя,Сантана,Папетти,Грегер,Викерс) Шедевры инструменталь ной музыки №5 (Армик,Модена,Гойя,Папетти,Гови) Celine Dion Best ^ Digital Emotion Best*** Disco House Collection vol 1 2003-04Disco House Collection vol 2Disco House Collection vol 3Disco House Collection vol 4Disco House Collection vol 5Disco House Collection vol 6Vigoros Disco House Club-House Mix (2CD) 2003Secret Service Oh Susie 1979Secret Service Ye si ca 1981Secret Service Cutting Corners 1982Secret Service Jupiter Sign 1984Secret Service When The Hight Closes In 1985Secret Service Aux Deux Magots 1987Secret Service Dance Hits And RemixesMylene Farmer Cendres de Lune 1986Mylene Farmer Ainsi Soit Je… 1988Mylene Farmer L’autre… 1991Mylene Farmer Dance Remixs (2CD) 1992Mylene Farmer Anamorphosee 1995Mylene Farmer Innamoramento 1999Mylene Farmer All Best Singles 200311Mylene Farmer 12’LP club Remix’s 2003Kraftwerk Computer World 1981Kraftwerk Electric Café 1986Army of Lovers BestDeep Forest Deep Forest 1992Deep Forest Single 1992Deep Forest Boheme - 1995+World Mix - 1994+ 1994From World Christmas Compilation – 1996Deep Forest Comparsa 1997Deep Forest Pacifique 2001Deep Forest Music Detected 2002Deep Forest Waterbone 2000Deep Forest BestDao Dezi World Mix (этника,типа Deep Forest) 1994Michael Sanchez Windows(этника,типа Deep Forest) 1994Pangea Memories Of Pangea(этника,типа Deep Forest)1996Francesco Napoli BestPaula Abdul Shut Up & Dance (The Dance Mixes) 1990Paula Abdul Greatest Hits 2000Gipsy Kings BestABBA Ring Ring 1973ABBA Waterloo 1974ABBA Abba 1975ABBA Arrival 1976ABBA The Album 1977ABBA Voulez-Vous 1979ABBA Super Trouper 1980ABBA The Visitors 1981ABBA Live 1986Space Magic Fly 1977Space Deliverance 1977Space Just Blue 1978Space Deeper Zone 1980Space Paris France 1983Space Space Opera 1987Space Space Best of 1998Space Symphonic Space Dream 2002Dire Straits BestProdigy BestProdigy Always Outnumbered Never Outgunned 2004Bjork Debut 1993Bjork Post 1995Bjork Telegram 1996Bjork Bachelorette 1997Bjork Homogenic 199712 Bjork All is Full of Love 1999Bjork Selma Songs 2000Bjork Medulla 2001Grant Miller & New Baccara(Gina.T) The Best (stars old DISCO!)*** 1986-88^ Zodiac Disco alliance 1978 Zodiac Music in the universe 1982 Rockets Rockets 1976 Rockets On The Road Again 1978 Rockets Sound Of The Future 1977 Rockets Plasteroid 1979 Rockets Galaxy 1980 Rockets Pi 3,14 *** 1981 Rockets Atomic*** 1982 ^ Rockets Visitors 1982 Rockets Imperseption 1984 Rockets One Way 1986 Rockets Another Future 1992 Rockets Astral World 1996 Rockets Don't stop*** 2003 Exclusive Italo Disco Best - VOL1 (песесни не входившие в номерные 1986-89 ^ Exclusive Italo Disco Best – VOL2 Итало Диско сборники,оцифровано 1986-89 Exclusive Italo Disco Best – VOL3 с катушек!) 1986-89 Exclusive Italo Disco Best – VOL4 1986-89 Power Mix VOL1 ( с катушек!) 1989 Ace Of Base Happy Nation 1993 Ace Of Base The Sign 1994 ^ Ace Of Base The Bridge 1995 Ace Of Base Flowers 1998 Ace Of Base Life Is A Flower 1998 Ace Of Base Singles 1999 Ace Of Base Top Remix Albom`99 1999 Ace Of Base Da Capo 2002 Boney M Best (2CD) Boney M Take The Heat Off Me 1976 Boney M Love for Sale 1977 Boney M Nightflight To Venus 1978 ^ Boney M Oceans of Fantasy 1979 Boney M Boonoonoonoos 1981 Boney M Kalimba de luna 1984 Boney M Ten Thousand Lighyears 1984 Boney M Eye Dance 1985 Boney M Remix 88 1988 Boney M Remix 89 1989 Boney M 2000 20th Century Hits (super Remix) 1999 ^ Mireille Matheu Best 13 Joe Dassin Best Chris De Burgh Best Billy Idol Best Frank Sinatra Best Depeche Mode Playing the Angel 2005Black Crowes $hake Your Money Maker 1986^ Radiorama Chance To Desire 1986Radiorama Desires and vampires 1986Radiorama Aliens (Single) 1987Radiorama The Second 1987Radiorama ABCD (Single) 1988Radiorama The Legend 1988Radiorama The Best Of Radiorama 1989Radiorama Four Years After 1989Radiorama Golden hits 1990-1995 1995Savage Don’t cry Tonight (Single) 1984Savage Tonight 1985Savage Hits and More 1990Savage Remixes and Greatest Hits 1992Savage Singles 1994Savage Don’t Cry 1995Savage Strange Love 1996Savage Goodbye 1998Savage Celebrate 2003Italo New Disco New Disco (30 songs) 1989-90The Best of Italo Disco vol 1 Group-FLOWCHART, STEEL MIND… 1984The Best of Italo Disco vol 2 Group-SCOTCH, BABY'S GANG… 1984The Best of Italo Disco vol 3 Group-MIKO MISSION, VALERIE DORE… 1985The Best of Italo Disco vol 4 Group-MAX-HIM, AMANDA LEAR… 1985The Best of Italo Disco vol 5 Group-KOTO, KEN LASZLO, BRIAN ICE… 1986The Best of Italo Disco vol 6 Group-SCOTCH, PATTY RYAN, MAX-HIM… 1986The Best of Italo Disco vol 7 Group- MIKE MAREEN, EDDY HUNTINGTON 1986^ The Best of Italo Disco vol 8 Group-LINDA JO RIZZO, KOTO, T. ARK… 1987 The Best of Italo Disco vol 9 Group- SPAGANA, MORGANA, SCOTCH… 1987 The Best of Italo Disco vol 10 Group-SCOTCH, KEN LASZLO, DEL FARO… 1988The Best of Italo Disco vol 11 Group-KOTO, LASERDANCE, MOZZART… 1988^ The Best of Italo Disco vol 12 Group-COO COO, CHIP CHIP, ALEPH… 1988The Best of Italo Disco vol 13 Group-JOW YELLOW, KEN LASZLO… 1989The Best of Italo Disco vol 14 Group-BLACK BOX, IN-SIDE, ICE MC… 1990The Best of Italo Disco vol 15 Group-RYAN PARIS, ECSTASY, BIT-MAX… 1990^ The Best of Italo Disco vol 16 Group-D.J. PROFESSOR, SELECTOR… 1990 Italo Maxi-Hits The Best Disco 1985Max Mix 5 VOL1 & VOL2 1989Disco Remix Best Songs 80’s (92 songs) 2003 14Ice MC CINEMA 1990Ice MC MY WORLD 1990Ice MC ICE 'N' GREEN 1994Ice MC ICE 'N' GREEN THE REMIX ALBUM 1995Ice MC DREADATOUR 1996Laserdance Future generation 1985Laserdance Around the planet 1986Laserdance Discovery trip 1989Laserdance Changing times 1990Laserdance Ambiente 1991 Laserdance Best Of 1992Laserdance Technological mind 1992Laserdance Hypermagic 1993Laserdance Laserdance Orchestra Vol.1 (1994)Laserdance Laserdance Orchestra Vol.2 (1994)Laserdance Fire on earth 1994Laserdance The guardian of forever 1995Laserdance Strikes Back 2000Boytronic The Working Model 1983Boytronic The Continental 1985Boytronic Love For Sale 1988Baby's Gang Challenger 1985Hazel Dean Always 19882001Baltimora Key Key Karimba 1987Baltimora Living In The Background 1985^ BARRY LANE WARNING 1988Bisquit Zoo Zoo 1982Bogart Co I Want You 1988CALL IT HEAVEN FEELING LIKE A STRANGER 1986Divine The Story So Far 1984Divine T-Shirts & Tight Blue Jeans 1984Divine Maid In England 1988Divine Native Love 1991Divine The 12 Inch Collection 1993Fred Ventura ImagineIvan Cattaneo Italian Graffiati 1981Kon Kan I Beg Your Pardon (Single) 1988Kon Kan Move To Move 1989Kon Kan Syntonic 1990Laser Cowboys Killer Machine 1986^ LEE MARROW SAYONARA 1987Les McKeown It's A Game 1989Michael Bedford The Best15Monte Kristo The Album 1991Raf Self Control 1983Righeira Vamos A La Playa No Tengo Dinero 1995Righeira Bambini Forever 1986Rofo The AlbumRoger Meno I Find The Way 1988Saphir Perfect Combination 1984^ STYLOO PRETTY FACE 1988Superlove How Deep Is Your Love 1992T.ARK HOW OLD ARE YOU 1987Tapps Greatest HitsThe Flirts Made In America 1985Fun Bun Coo Coo 1990Gina T You Really Got Me & The Window Of My Heart-Grant Miller In The Rain Again 1990Lime The Greatest Hits Power Mix (VOL 002) For Your Ears Only 1990Sophie My World 1989Sophie The Only Reason 1990 Vanessa Eternity 1990Army of Lovers DISCO EXTRAVAGANZA 1990Army of Lovers ARMY OF LOVERS 1992Army of Lovers THE GODS OF EARTH AND HEAVEN 1993Army of Lovers MASSIVE LUXURY OVERDOSE 1993Army of Lovers GLORY GLAMOUR AND GOLD 1994Army of Lovers LES GREATEST HITS 1996Army of Lovers LE GRAND DOCU-SOAP 2001 Army of Lovers RUSSIANS ARE COMING - 2001 (La Camilla feat. Danko) – singleThomas Anders Different 1989Thomas Anders Whispers 1991Thomas Anders Down On Sunset 1992Thomas Anders When Will I See You Again 1993Thomas Anders Barcos De Cristal 1994Thomas Anders Souled 1995Thomas Anders Live Concert 1997Thomas Anders Lost And Found Bootleg 2002Gazebo I LIKE CHOPIN 1983Gazebo TELEPHONE MAMA 1984Gazebo UNIVISION 1986Gazebo THE RAINBOW TALES 1988Gazebo THE ALBUM 198916Gazebo MORE GREATEST HITS 1994Gazebo THE MAXI-CD COLLECTIONDISCO в Дорогу (95 песен) Лучшие хиты Italo Disco Collection 1986-90Laid Back Laid Back 1981Laid Back Play It Straight 1985Laid Back See You In the Lobby 1987Laid Back Hole In the Sky 1990Laid Back Why Is Everybody In Such A Hurry 1993Laid Back Laidest Greatest 1995Laid Back Unfinished Symphonies 1999Laid Back Happy Dreamer 2005Jean Michel Jarre Oxygene (1976)Equinoxe (1978)Magnetic Fields (1981)The Concerts In China CD1 (1982)The Concerts In China CD2 (1982)Zoolook (1984)Rendez-Vous (1986)In Concert Houston-Lyon (1987)Revolutions (1988)Live (1989)En Attendant Cousteau (1990)Chronologie (1993) Hong Kong CD1 (1994)Hong Kong CD2 (1994)1995 - EN - ATTENDANT – COUSTEAUJarremix (1995)1995 - DESTINATION – DOCKLANDSOxygene 7-13 (1997)Images (Best Of) (1997)Odyssey Through O2 (1998)Metamorphoses (2000)Sessions 2000 2002^ GEOMETRYN OF LOVE 2003AERO 2004Amanda Lear1977 - I Am A Photograph1978 - Never Trust A Pretty Face1978 - Sweet Revenge1979 - Diamonds For Breakfast171983 - Tam-Tam1986 - Secret Passion1994 - Indovina Chi Sono1995 – CadavrexquisNazarethNazareth (1971)Exercises (1972)Razamanaz (1973)Loud 'N' Proud (1973)Rampant (1974)Hair Of The Dog (1975)Close Enough For Rock 'N' Roll (1976)Play 'N' The Game (1976)Expect No Mercy (1977)No Mean City (1979)Malice In Wonderland (1980)The Fool Circle (1980) It's 'Snaz (1981)2XS (1982) Sound Elixir (1983)The Catch (1984)Cinema (1986)Snakes 'N' Ladders (1989)No Jive (1991)Move Me (1994)Boogaloo (1998)Dan McCafferty (1975) Into The Ring (1986)Ozzy Ozbourne^ BLIZZARD OF OZZ 1980DIARY OF A MADMAN 1981SPEAK OF THE DEVIL 1982BARK AT THE MOON 1983THE ULTIMATE SIN 1986NO REST FOR THE WICKED 1988NO MORE TEARS 1991LIVE & LOUD 1993OZZMOSIS 1995DOWN TO EARH 2003^ THE ESSENTAIL 2003Kiss 1974 - Hotter Than Hell1974 – KISS1975 - Alive!181975 - Dressed to Kill1976 – Destroyer1976 - Rock & Roll Over1977 - Alive II – 11977 - Alive II – 21977 - Love Gun1978 - Ace Frehley Solo1978 - Gene Simmons Solo1978 - Paul Stanley Solo1978 - Peter Criss Solo1979 – Dynasty1980 - Unmasked 1981 - Music From The Elder1982 - Creatures of the Night1983 - Lick It Up1984 – Animalize1985 – Asylum1987 - Crazy Nights1989 - Hot In The Shade1992 – Revenge1993 - Alive III1997 - Carnival of Souls1998 - Psycho CircusScorpionsLonesome Crow (1972)Fly To The Rainbow (1974)In Trance (1975)Virgin Killer (1976)Taken By Force (1977)Tokyo Tapes (1978)Lovedrive (1979)Animal Magnetism (1980) _Blackout (1982)Love At First Sting (1984)World Wide Live (1985)Savage Amusement (1988)Crazy World (1990)Face The Heat (1993)Live Bites (1995)Pure Instinct (1996)Pure Instinct (1996)Eye To Eye (1999)Moment of Glory (2000)Acoustica (2001)Unbreakable (2004)19New Order Substance (CD 1) 1987New Order Substance (CD 2) 1987New Order Touched By The Hand Of God 1987New Order Technique 1989Scotch Pictures Of Old Days - 1987 + Delirio Mind 1989 Dead or Alive Sophisticated Boom Boom 1984Dead or Alive Youthquake 1985Dead or Alive Mad, Bad, And Dangerous To Know 1986Dead or Alive Nude 1989Dead or Alive Evolution The Hits 24 июня 2003 De/Vision World Withaut End 1994De/Vision Universed of Love 2CD 1995 De/Vision Antiquetey 1995De/Vision Fairyland 1996De/Vision Monosex 1996De/Vision Void 2000De/Vision Two 2001De/Vision Unplugged 2002De/Vision Devolution 2 CD 2002-03De/Vision Feet Undergraund 2004De/Vision Subkutan 2006Alan Barry You Got Me 1989 Albert One Best Of Albert One 1998Albert One Everybody 2001 Albert One Turbo Diesel 1988Alberto Carrara Keep on Music 1985 Atrium Doctor Jekyll 1988Atrium Week-End 1987Barbarella Don't Stop The Dance 1991Bolero I Wish 1984(single) Bros The best of 2004Dead or Alive Best***Diana Ross & Michael Jackson Eaten alive (Single)(Vinyl, 12'', Promo) 1988Dresden China Dresden China 1986 Eddy Huntington U.S.S.R 1989FR David Reflection 1987 20Fun Fun Double Fun 1987Fun Fun Have Fun 1985 JOY PETERS Sign Of Love 1986Joy Peters One Night In Love 1987 KIM WILD Never Say Never 2007 King Kong & DJ Ungle Girls Boom Boom Dollar 1989 Kinky Go Reach Out 1988Klapto Heart Of Ice 1986Latin Lover Casanova Action 1985 Meccano Extrameccano 1987Morgana Ready For Love 1987MY MINE Can Delight 1986New Order BestOrlando Johnson - Turn The Music On 1983Robin_Gibb Walls_Have Eyes- 1985Scotch Disco Band (Remix) (12'') (maxi) 1984Scotch Evolution 1985 Scotch Loving Is Easy (Re-Edit) (12'') (maxi) 1985Scotch Pictures of old days 1987Scotch Best Of Scotch Disco Band 1998Scotch Remixes Shanghai Shanghai 1985Spagna Dedicated To The Moon 1987Stacey Q Better Than Heaven 1986Stacey Q Night Like This 1989Sweet Connection Heart To Heart 1989T.ARK Count on me 1989Teach In BestThe Hurricanes Tropical Nights 1988Time Shaker Shake 1985Tom Hooker Only One 1986Troll Troll 1989Twilight My Mind 1987Wish Key Uno 1987Body Heat Body Heat 1988Brand Imade Are You Loving 1984Digital Emotion Digital Emotion 1984Digital Emotion X-Ray Connection 1984Digital Emotion Outside In The Dark (LP) 1985Digital Emotion Outside In The Dark (Germany megamix) 198521Digital Emotion Outside In The Dark (Rus megamix) 1985 Digital Emotion Same & Outside In The Dark - 2 in 1 1986Digital Emotion Dance To The Music 1988Digital Emotion Get Up (Remix)(Vinyl on CD) 1988Digital Emotion Jungle Beat 1988Digital Emotion Best Of 1991Digital Emotion Best (1988-2002)Digital Emotion The Best Of (Digital Remastered) 2006Digital Emotion + 8 albums SINGLES (1983-85) K.B. Caps Dancing In The Dark 1986K.B. Caps Call Me Up 1988Mirage Get Down (prodeser of Fancy) 1986Moon Ray Comanchero 1986New Baccara Fantasy Boy 1990Patrick COWLEY Menergy 1981Patrick COWLEY Mind Warp 1982Patrick COWLEY Rare Trax 1982Patrick COWLEY Megatron Man 1987Patrick COWLEY 12 by 12 1988Patrick COWLEY The Ultimate collection 1990 Patrick COWLEY Dance Party - Non Stop Discoteque Format 1994Paul PARKER The Collection CD 1 1992Paul PARKER The Collection CD 2 1992Patto - Patto 1984Paul Sharada Boxers 1988Rose Fairy Tale 1988Lady Lily Get Out Of My Life 1987Lili & Susie Anytime 1988Lili & Susie Let Us Dance 1989 Numero Uno Tora Tora Tora 1986Hot Line Fantasy 1984Rudy & Co. Mama Radio 1985Mr_Freaky One Hour And One 1988Bruce & Bongo The Geil Album 1988Macho Gang Macho & Lions 1989Gipsy & Queen Action 1988Fred Ventura Heartbeat 198922Waterfront Home New Breed Of Mermaid 1984Secret Star I Need Man (prodused Dither Bohlen) 1986Paul Rein Communicate 1986Lian Ross 1985. Creative Connection - Call My NameLian Ross 1986. Creative Connection (All vocal by Lian Ross)Lian Ross 1987. FantasyLian Ross 1992. Feel So GoodLian Ross 1998. Fantasy RemixLian Ross 1998. The Best OfLian Ross 2000. Lian RossLian Ross 2003. Say You'll NeverLian Ross 2004. The Best Of And MoreLian Ross 2006. French_Affair-PoisonDavid Lyme Like A Star 1988David Lyme Lady 1990Style Visioner (LP) 1985Asia Gang Africa 1988Click Click 1987Click Duri Duri-Baila Baila (Single LP) 1989Click Best 1990Fair Control We Can Fly Together 1986Kay Franzes Midnight Fascinatio 1987Cruisin' Gang Chinatown 1984Master Genius The Album (break beat) 1984Magazine 60 Costa Del Sol 1985Sign System Burning Down 1985Valentino Tonight 1988Stargo Casablanca Recordings Compilation (prodused the Savage) 1989Shipra No Hip Hop 1990FCF War Games(ex.Radiorama) 1989Sisley Ferre feat. Attack The Album 1989Scotch полная антология творчества- 5 номерных альбомов 1985-20088 альбомов синглов

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