Black Death Essay, Research Paper
Black Death This month there was a big disaster. It wasn t a war or an earthquakes. It was the 14th century plague that swept Europe called the Black Death. It first came from Central Asia then kept moving to Europe. It can kill many people in just months. The source of what gives off this disease is unknown. All we know is you will get it by bodily charges from already infected people and you can die within hours. In the next paragraphs you will learn about the symptoms and how to stop it from spreading. The disease had three different symptoms which are bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. The first bubonic, was swelling of the lymph nodes(buboes, or boils)in the armpit and groin. Second is pneumonic which was the infection of the lungs which in turn led to the coughing up of blood. Last is the deadly septicemic which will kill you within hours. When you would die you would produce a bad stench and your body will become black.
The plague was killing everybody except some people which others thought was a miracle. Prevention from the plague was desired a lot. One way was isolation which was separating the infected people from non-infected people by bricking them in their own house. One more was by building a fire. The Black Death is a famous disaster.