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IV , 1. Intermediate Level 7 Headway . 1 Intermediate 1 Intermediate level . 1 1 1. 1. 1 2

I I.1 6, 13-15 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 1,56 1 8,11-18 , 9,6-12 9,6-12 8,11-18 2 3 environmental clues environmental clues I.2 1. 2 3. 4 1994 11 3-4 , 3-5 4,25-29 ? 10, 57-62 ? 1. Intermediate Level 139, Headway Upper-Intermediate level 11 1. 1 1

Headway Upper-Intermediate, Student s Book, John and Liz Soars 12 the soucers of the material include encyclopaedias, classical, modern and popular literature, quizzes both serious and amusing, popular and professional magazines, and daily newspapers. The material in the listening developments is either an authentic interview Units 3, 7, 10, 12 or a script recorded by actors based on an authentic intervew 37

A variety of accents Esperanto, a world language A Victorian Family 5 The right job for you , How do you learn languages A Victorian family , Planning a menu , The relationship between father and daughter , Monster cities of the year 2000 , An interview with Margaret Thatcher about Victorian values , The Prime

Minister s pay rise Holistic medicine , Adventures of a lorry driver face and hands of the clock, from the horse s mouth, a lazybones, etc Remember to bring the book back Keep him from doing it environmental clues Erm , er What do you think? Imagine, that , Discuss it in your group 1 1. 1 1 , 2 authentic, unscripted recordings the listening syllabus 1 gist listening 1. for specific information 1.

note taking 1. summarizing main points 1. inference 1. Listen to 4 people talking about their relationship with their parents. 2 As you listen, decide a if they are talking about the present or the past. b if the relationship was good or not. 1 ? You will hear an interview with a man called Brian about his experiences of driving a lorry for the first time .

2. Compare your own impressions if you have any to those of his 3. The following words are contained in the story, look at them and before you listen, imagine, what happened to Brian during the rest of the day . 4. Listen to the story and answer the questions . 3. Answer the following questions, using either used to do or be get used to. Use short answers where appropriate. 5. There are 5 incidents.

Put a number on the map to show where they happened. Describe briefly each one. 6. Think over Brian s behaviour and discuss it with your partner. Use the words and word-combinations from the text 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 II.2 11 139. 1 1 11 139. 2 1 - 10 , 2 - 12 1. 1 1 1 139 11 3 1 2. 3 1-3 2-7 Headway Tape 21, 3 35 An interview with Jonathon

Porrit Headway Upper-Intermediate, Student s Book, John and Liz Soars authentic, unscripted recording 7 Unit 7 I Today we are going to discuss one of the most urgent problems of our society - the problem of ecology. Read the dictionary entry for ecology on page 60 and say what is your understanding

of this word, what associations come to your mind concerning this word And now you will hear an interview with Jonathan Porrit, the Director of Friends of the Earth in the United Kingdom. Friends of the Earth is an environmental pressure group. I suppose that you ll be interested in the reason that made

Jonathan Porrit be involved in such an activity and what, to his point of view, are the problems people face nowadays But first listen to some sentences and try to define the meaning of the unknown words from the context. 1. We were making assumptions, trying to imagine what would be the future of our world 1. One of the big projects that we did with some of our kids was to look more carefully at the relationship between humankind and the planet 1. Organizations of

Green politics aim to protect both the renewable resources, such as clean air and water and the non-renewable ones oil and gas 1. People believe that the only way we can increase human wealth is by producing more and consuming more 1. The arms build-up has reached really immoral levels 1. On the other side of the coin the alternative we re can put across to materialism is an increasing awareness of the spiritual values Look briefly at the relevant questions and close your books 1.

How did Jonathon Porrit become interested in the environment? 2. Why do you think he says that you can t really talk about ecology as a science, you have to consider ecology within a social and political context? 3.He says economics is the key to it all Do you agree? 4. Why does he call himself a constructive pessimist? 5. He reffers to 4 crucial problems that the planet faces.

Write in the chart what the problems are, and add some notes on each. 1 Population. 2 The world s resources both renewable and non-renewable . 3 Poverty, famine and hunger. 4 The arms build-up. 6. He says that these problems have the same roots, that is, the belief that the only way we can increase human wealth is by producing more and consuming more, even if we destroy the planet in the process .

Do you agree? 7. To Jonathon Porrit s opinion there s a way out, the alternative humankind can put across to materialism. What is it? Jonathon Porrit s opinion is that an increasing awareness of the spiritual values of humankind is the way out, the alternative we can put we re putting across materialism. Look through these sentences and arrange the order their English equivalents appear in the text 1 4 2 ? 6 3 2 000 1 4 8 5 3 6 2 7 5 8 7

Now listen to the interview. II Arrange the order . III Arrange the order , Answer the questions 1. How did Jonathon Porrit become interested in the environment? While he was a teacher, he began to wonder what the future world would be like for the children he was teaching. 2. Why do you think he says that you can t really talk about ecology as a science, you

have to consider ecology within a social and political context? Because the state of the environment depends on what we as citizens and politicians as decision makers want to do with it. 3.He says economics is the key to it all Do you agree He says that it is financial considerations that decide most issues, not because of their being good or bad . 4. Why does he call himself a constructive pessimist?

He calls himself a pessimist, because there is a lot of problems to worry to be pessimistic about, but a constructive pessimist because something still might be done about these problems these problems are not hopeless yet. 5. He reffers to 4 crucial problems that the planet faces. Write in the chart what the problems are, and add some notes on each. 1 Population. This will be a big problem in the middle of next century.

2 The world s resources both renewable and non-renewable . We are using renewable and non-renewable resources too quickly. 3 Poverty, famine and hunger. Jonathan Porrit thinks that these problems will get worse before the end of the century. 4 The arms build-up. One thousand million million dollars are spent every year. 6. He says that these problems have the same roots, that is, the belief that the only way we can increase

human wealth is by producing more and consuming more, even if we destroy the planet in the process . Do you agree? 7. To Jonathon Porrit s opinion there s a way out, the alternative humankind can put across to materialism. What is it? Jonathon Porrit s opinion is that an increasing awareness of the spiritual values of humankind is the way out, the alternative we can put we re putting across materialism Green peace 6 Now we are going to play a role game.

Make two groups. Your task is to make up a kind of dialogue-discussion of 6 or more sentences between a member of Green Peace and the director of a powerful oil trust. The first group s task is to convince the director of the need to shut down the company, the second side should refuse to do it and to give the reasons for such a stand. Choose the person who will introduce the dialogue, but the other members of each group also may take

part in the discussion. Use the cards with the words and expressions. Green Peace Director 1 to make assumptions about the shape of the future have to consider ecology within a social and political context 2 the world in which our children will have to go out to feel a strange mixture of pessimism and optimism 3 to look more carefully at the relationship between humankind and the planet not to face the problems in a constructive way 4 to face the crucial problems renewable resources,

such as clean air and water the problems of poverty, famine and hunger which we saw last year in Ethiopia and Sudan 5 non-renewable resources, the speed of using up oil and gas on the other side of the coin the arms build-up, to spend one thousand million million dollars on arms every year 6 to put across the alternative to materialism an increasing awareness of spiritual values can increase human wealth by producing and consuming more Fill the blanks in the text.

I Could I ask you please, how did your interest in the environment, and the need to protect it, begin? P It really all began because I was a teacher, and teaching in an inner London comprehensive school near Shepherd s Bush, and obviously a lot of the work we were doing were was about the shape of , and the world into which those children would have , after they d finished their five years schooling. And I became more and more involved in trying what the shape of the planet

would be like after the year two thousand, and one of the big projects that we did with some of our kids was to look more carefully at the relationship between and the planet. And that got me interested in the whole subject, and I started reading much more about . And then I began to realize that you can t really talk about ecology as a science, you have . And that s what drew me into

Green politics. I became increasingly involved in several organizations, tried to wrap my mind more and more around the economics of the issues, as that s really the key to it all, and eventually ended up with Friends of the Earth , as as director. I I see. When you look into the future, the next thirty years, a reasonably long term, you perhaps see reasons to be both optimistic and pessimistic. What changes and developments do you think we might see over

the next thirty years? P It is very hard to predict - it has to be said - and I do . I call myself a , looking at some of the issues we face, and yet if we don t face them in a constructive way, then that pessimism merely feeds on itself, and becomes fatalism, and the world really will get into a very sorry state. But obviously, the problems we now are largely those of population, which is a problem which is unfolding remorselessly, and will really hit us in the middle of the next century

the misuse or abuse of the world s resources, both the , such as the clean air, clean water, and the , the speed with which we re using up oil, gas, whatever else it may be the appalling problems of and and hunger, which er what we saw last year in Ethiopia and Sudan, I m sorry to say, is merely a very small indication of the kind of things we re going to see before now and the turn of the century the arms , which has reached really staggeringly immoral levels

er one thousand million million dollars now being spent on arms every year, instead of being spent on the kinds of things that it ought to go on. And all of those problems, to us, which we, which we consider to be the problems of er the misuse of the planet are very daunting. And they re not separate, they are all interconnected. And what I think is only just dawning on people, is that a lot of these problems do have the same roots,

namely the unsustainable system that we insist upon at the moment, believing that the only way we can human is by producing more and more, even if we destroy the planet in the process. On the coin personally I think that there s another way out, the we re putting across to - an increasing of the values. I Mr Porrit, thank you very much indeed. P Thanks Your home task is to make a composition using the text, where you have to express your own

opinion about the problem of ecology Headway 1 1999 2. 1 -1989 2. 1 -1996 4. 1 -1996 5. 1 1995 ? 2. 1 -1996 3. 1 -1985 1. 1 -1996 1. 1 -1984 2. 1 1999 1. 1 1999 2. 1 -1994 6. 1 1991. 1. ?1. 1. 1. 1. 1 1 1 ?2. Unit 7. Taprscript 21. An interview with Jonathon Porrit 3 35 . I - Interviewer P - Jonathon Porrit I Could I ask you please, how did your interest in the environment, and the need to protect it, begin?

P It really all began because I was a teacher, and teaching in an inner London comprehensive school near Shepherd s Bush, and obviously a lot of the work we were doing were was making assumptions about the shape of the future, and the world into which those children would have to go out, after they d finished their five years schooling. And I became more and more involved in trying to think what the shape of the planet would be like after

the year two thousand, and one of the big projects that we did with some of our kids was to look more carefully at the relationship between humankind and the planet. And that got me interested in the whole subject, and I started reading much more about ecology. And then I began to realize that you can t really talk about ecology as a science, you have to consider ecology

within a social and political context. And that s what drew me into Green politics. I became increasingly involved in several organizations, tried to wrap my mind more and more around the economics of the issues, as that s really the key to it all, and eventually ended up with Friends of the Earth , as as director. I I see. When you look into the future, the next thirty years, a reasonably long term, you perhaps see reasons

to be both optimistic and pessimistic. What changes and developments do you think we might see over the next thirty years? P It is very hard to predict - it has to be said - and I do feel a strange mixture of pessimism and optimism. I call myself a constructive pessimist, looking at some of the issues we face, and yet if we don t face them in a constructive way, then that pessimism merely feeds on itself, and becomes fatalism, and

the world really will get into a very sorry state. But obviously, the crucial problems we face now are largely those of population, which is a problem which is unfolding remorselessly, and will really hit us in the middle of the next century the misuse or abuse of the world s resources, such as the clean air, clean water, and the non-renewable resources, the speed with which we re using up oil, gas, whatever else it may be the appalling problems of poverty

and famine and hunger, which er what we saw last year in Ethiopia and Sudan, I m sorry to say, is merely a very small indication of the kind of things we re going to see before now and the turn of the century the arms build-up, which has reached really staggeringly immoral levels er one thousand million million dollars now being spent on arms every year, instead of being spent on the kinds of things that it ought to go on.

And all of those problems, to us, which we, which we consider to be the problems of er the misuse of the planet are very daunting. And they re not separate, they are all interconnected. And what I think is only just dawning on people, is that a lot of these problems do have the same roots, namely the unsustainable system that we insist upon at the moment, believing that the only way we can increase human wealth is by producing more and consuming more, even if we destroy the planet in the

process. On the other side of the coin personally I think that there s another way out, the alternative we re putting across to materialism - an increasing awareness of the spiritual values. I Mr Porrit, thank you very much indeed. P Thanks.

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