Реферат по предмету "Иностранные языки"

контрольная работа по английскому языку.

Задания для текущего контроля усвоения материала. Перечень контрольных вопросов по дисциплине. 1. What are you and who are you? 2. Where are you from? 3. Where do you study? 4. What is your hobby? 5. What can you say about your native town? 6. What can you say about your family? 7. What is your favourite book? 8. What was the last book you read?

9. Have you got many friends? 10. Have you got close friend? 11. What do you usually do on your holidays? 12. Where do you live? 13. Do you like to go to the theatre or to the cinema? 14. Do you like to play sports games? 15. What is your favourite sports game? 16. What is your favoutite season? Why 17. What do you want to be?

18. What are your plants for future? 19. What do you think about your college? 20. What’s your favourite subject? 21. Do you like English language? 22. How many rooms are there in your flat? 23. How many shops are in your street? 24. What’s the name of your district? 25. Where did you spend your last weekend? 26. When were you at the cinema last?

27. What’s the weather like today? 28. Are you usually on holiday in summer or in autumn? 29. Do you often meet your friend? 30. What do you do during the lessons? 31. What kind of books do you read? 32. Do you like walking? 33. Do you study at the weekend? 34. What do you usually do at the weekend? 35. Which games do you play? 36. Where do your parents live?

37. When were you born? 38. When did you leave school? 39. Did you spend the summer in the country or in the town? 40. What’s the weather like in the UK? 41. What do the English often say about the climate? 42. Do you like to travel? 43. What countries have you already visited? 44. What can you say about places of interest of these

countries? 45. Have you ever been to London? 46. What do you come to know about London from English lessons? 47. What can you say about sport in England? 48. Do you like to write letters? 49. What kinds of letters do you know? 50. Do you like to write letters? 51. What kinds of letters do you know? 52. How do you usually write letters? 53. Do you always use internet?

Контрольная работа № 1 для студентов первого курса всех специальностей. 1 – variant. 1. Заполните пропуски нужным по смыслу местоимением. 1. I take … 2. If you’ve left dictionary at home, you may take … 3. These pencils are … take ……. if you want. 4. Help ……, please. 5. … often meet… here. 2. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола to be, to have.

1. I ……… a lot of books at home. 2. ……… you any brothers? 3. Sergei Petrov … a farmer. 4. Pete … a new flat. 5. What …… you? I … a mechanic. 6. Who … this man? He …… Oleg Tenin. 7. ……. Ann a red pencil? 3. Напишите существительные во множественном числе. a desk a nurse a child a lorry a box a swine a man a leaf a shelf a sheep 4.

Заполните пропуски нужным по смыслу прилагательным (hot, cold, long, short) 1. Winter is the ….season of the year. 2. July and August are the ………… months of the year. 3. In summer the days are … than in winter. 4. Spring holidays are ………… than winter. 5. February is the … month of the year. 5. Заполните пропуски артиклями a(an), the где необходимо. 1. She is … good musician. She plays … violin beautifully.

2. Do you want to see Sarah? She’s in … garden. 3. Mary’s not at … office. I think she’s at …home. 4. Where is … dog? I want to take it for … walk. 5. Do you like … wine? No, I don’t drink … alcohol. Контрольная работа № 2 для студентов первого курса всех специальностей. 2 – variant. 1. Заполните пропуски нужным по смыслу местоимением.

1. He always makes dinner………. . 2. We have very many relatives in ………. native town. 3. They can do it………… 4. We live in a new flat. … is very comfortable. 5. Give this book to …. Please. 2. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола to be, to have. 1. I ………… a new tape-recorder. 2. My father usually ………. breakfast at 7. 3. You ……. good at physics. 4. She …… proud of her children.

5. I …… sixteen years old. 6. I don’t …… coffee in the evening. 7. We’ll ………… holidays in summer. 3. Напишите существительные во множественном числе. a box a boy a child a bush a photo a deer a lady a leaf a shelf a chief 4. Заполните пропуски нужным по смыслу прилагательным(old, small, large, pleasant, more) 1. I like Saturday …………. than Sunday. 2. Snow is more …………. than rain.

3. The flat of my friend is …………. than ours. 4. The kitchen is the ……… room in our flat. 5. I’ve got a sister. She is ……….than me. 5. Заполните пропуски артиклями a(an), the где необходимо. 1. I like … tea with … milk in it. 2. I get up. 3. Fred is … only child in …. family. He’s got no brothers or sisters. 4. …. Mississippi longer than … Thames. 5. What time do you usually have…… dinner?

Контрольная работа № 3 для студентов первого курса всех специальностей. 1 – variant. 1. Напишите выделенные существительные во множественном числе. 1. Put the knife on the table 2. He keeps his toy in a box 3. She tells me a very funny story 4. The woman has an ox, a sheep, a goose, a mouse and a fish. 2. Вставьте нужные местоимения: a) Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями:

1. The granny asked my brother to wash the apples 2. Mr. Smith helped the children to read the letter b) Вставьте притяжательные местоимения: 1. I have two children. Both …. Children are boys. 2. My mother is a teacher. …. Students are clever. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the friends of our family. … come to see us every day.

4. We have had …. lunch. Have you had … c) Вставьте неопределенные местоимения some, any: 1. I want to show you …. …photos. 2. Are there ……… English students in you group? 3. Употребите нужную степень прилагательного: 1. It is one of (important)…. questions of our conference. 2. Health is (good)…. than wealth. 3. This house is (high)… in our street.

4. Переведите предложения на русский язык: 1. Mary is not so lazy as her brother 2. The longer the night is, the shorter the day 3.The students are as clever as previous ones. 5. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол или его эквивалент: 1 We ……… study the transportation documents very carefully. 2. ………… I have one more cup of tea? 3. The Sales Trainee ………… type very well.

6. Вставьте предлоги: 1. Our lesson begin ….7 o’clock …. the morning. 2. He took some books … the table and put them … the bag. 3. They will go … the college tomorrow. 7. Употребите, где надо, артикли: 1… Volga is … longest river in …Europe. 2… butter and cheese are made of …. milk. 3. Usually I get up at … 7 o’clock in … morning. 4.

This is … house. … house is white. 5. He is … engineer by … profession. Контрольная работа № 3 для студентов первого курса всех специальностей. 2 – variant. 1. Напишите выделенные существительные во множественном числе. 1. She tells me a very funny story. 2. The man works at an office 3. The woman has an ox, a sheep, a goose, a mouse and a fish 4.

Put the knife on the table 2. Вставьте нужные местоимение: a) Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями: 1. The mother asked the son to wash the dishes 2. Mr. Cartwright helped the secretary to write the letter b) Вставьте притяжательные местоимения: 1. We have two dogs.

Both … dogs are white. 2. My aunt is a teacher. …. Pupils are clever. 3. The Whites are the friends of our family. … son comes to see us every day. 4. I am going to Paris to stay with a fried of …… . c) Вставьте неопределенные местоимения some, any: 1. I want to introduce you ……. students. 2. Have you …… English students in your group? 3.

Употребите нужную степень прилагательного: 1. It is one of (difficult)…. questions of our conference. 2. Health is (good) … than wealth. 3. This man is (tall) …. in our house. 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык: 1. Jane is not so clever as her sister 2. The shorter the night is, the longer the day 3. The secretary is as clever as previous ones. 5. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол или его эквивалент: .

1. My secretary …… make coffee for us. 2. We ……… discuss the terms of payment today. 3. ……….I show you the telex transfer. 6. Вставьте предлоги: 1. The lecture begin …. 6 o’clock … the evening 2. She took some apples …. the table and put them …… the box. 3. We will go ….the University tomorrow. 7. Употребите, где надо, артикли:

1… Mississippi is … longest river in … America. 2… cheese is made of …. milk. 3. .I wake up at … 8 o’clock in … morning. 4. This is … garden. … garden is beautiful. 5. She is … bookkeeper by … profession. Задания для самостоятельной работы студентов. Text -1 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Особое внимание уделяйте глагольным формам. В этом тексте используются как личные формы глаголов (сказуемые), так и неличные – причастие

II (Participle II) в роле определения к существительному и инфинитив. Повторите формы и функции глагола to be. A Laconic answer. The Spartans lived in the part of Greece called Laconia. Sometimes people call them Spartans and sometimes Laconians. Those people were very brave and their way of life was very simple.

One of their rules was always to speak very briefly, using no more words than were necessary. To this day often call a short answer laconic. There was in Greece a land called Macedon, ruled over by a king, Philip by name. He had a great army and conquered state after state. But Laconia remained free. When Philip reached Laconia he sent a letter to the brave

Spartans saying, “If I conquer your country, I shall level your great city to the ground”. In a few days he saw the answer brought to him. There was only one word written in it. That word was “If.” Using – причастие1, образованно от глагола to use – использовать. В этом предложении using играет роль обстоятельства и переводится деепричастием – используя. no more… than – не больше… чем by name – по имени Saying - причастие1, образованное от глагола to say – сказать.

В данном случае причастие saying играет роль определения и его можно перевести или причастием гласившее или придаточным предложением, которое гласило Shall level – глагол в будущем времени. Text -2 Переведите текст, выделяя сказуемые в перфектной форме. Определите их характеристики и объясните их использование. Voyages to the Moon. Fifty years from now the wonders of the

Cosmic Age will have unfolded before the eyes of mankind. Several expeditions already will have gone to Mars and Venus and exploratory voyages will have been extended as far as Jupiter and Saturn and their natural satellites. Voyages to the Moon will have become commonplace. The surface of the

Moon will have been subdivided into spheres of interest by major powers, and much prospecting, surveying, and even a limited amount of actual mining operations of precious ores and minerals will be conducted. At some particularly suitable sports on the Moon housing structures will have been established. They may be operated for the purpose of “attracting” more traffic of scientists and explorers to man laboratories and observatories. mining operations – добыча (чего-то) в шахтах housing structures- жилые

постройки (комплексы) to man- обратите внимание: to man – инфинитив (а не существительное), который играет роль обстоятельства цели: чтобы…(подберите сами русский эквивалент глагола) Text -3 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Повторите прилагательные и их степени сравнения. Особое внимание уделите словам little и few The failure of the schools. “The great end of education,” said Tryon Edwards, “is to discipline rather than to furnish the mind; to train it to the use of its

own powers, rather than fill it with the accumulations of others” At the present time most schools do equip children with mature thinking habits. They cram into them all sorts of knowledge (some useful- some useless), but the children are given precious few hints on how to weed out false knowledge and keep the rest in good repair. Little Dickie expressed the attitude of far too many children one day in his geography class:

Teacher: Richard, give me three proofs that the world is round. Dickie: First, you say so; second, daddy says so; and third, the book says so. In short, the schools put their efforts into teaching children what to think and fail in a more important thing – teaching them how to think. Nothing in education is more important – yet nothing is more neglected. failure ['feiljo] – неуспех, неудача, провал (to end in failure- кончиться неудачей, to meet with failure

–встретиться с неудачей) end – конец, окончание. Предел, результат. следствие ( happy end – счастливый конец) - цель (to that end ends – с этой целью; ends and means- цели и средства) …are given - (детям) дают - глагол to give в форме Present Indefinite Passive Far too many- большинство Text -4 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выполните задания к тексту. Blind people can learn to type by feeling the keys but they can’t find

and correct a mistake. In order to help blind people use a computer Dr. Tom Vincent has made a system that reads aloud what has been typed. He added a voice to a cheap microcomputer. The computer is programmed to repeat each letter as it is typed and to read what is displayed on the computer screen – it can be a letter, a word or whole sentences. It is programmed to pronounce English words. If a word is not in its memory the computer spells it.

Any mistakes can easily be corrected. When the text is complete, printed copy can be made in the usual way. The system has won a prize and is already in use, so blind students at a college in Wales can use computers. Dr. Vincent is now working at an optical sensor that can recognize printed words and read them aloud. Choose the title to the text. 1. Dr. Vincent’s help 2. Talking typewriter 3. Computers for

Welsh students 4. Correction system Dr. Tom Vincent has made a system that… 1. easily corrects mistakes 2. makes printed copies in the usual way. 3. reads aloud what is displayed on the computer screen 4. can translate what has been typed into any foreign language Choose the correct form 1. Some years ago blind students at a college in Wales… use computers. 1. can 2. can’t 3. could 4. couldn’t

Text -5 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Большинство слов этого текста уже должны быть вам известны. Незнакомые слова найдите в словаре. После текста дан комментарий. Помните, что при чтении на служебные слова ударение не падает, конечные согласные произносятся четко, без оглушения. The three states of matter. There are three states of matter. We know water in all three states. We have the solid – ice, the liquid – water, and the gas – steam.

When we place a solid in a vessel, it keeps its own size and shape. A liquid does not keep its own shape. It takes the shape of the vessel, but keeps its own size. A gas takes both the size and the shape of the vessel. A solid has a definite size and a definite shape. A liquid has a definite size, but has no definite shape.

A gas has no definite size or shape. The three states depend on the freedom of the molecules to move about. In a solid the molecules move very slowly, in a liquid they move about more freely; in a gas they fly about with great speed. Is this a solid or not? A piece of pitch seems solid, but when we place it in a vessel it slowly takes the shape of the vessel. This shows that it really is a very thick liquid.

A thin jelly seems more liquid than pitch, but it does not take the from of the vessel. This means that it is a real solid. three – три there are - имеется own - собственный does not keep – не сохраняет both …and – так…как и to move about- двигаться slowly- медленно freely- свободно more freely-более свободно to fly about- летать more liquid- более жидкий Text -6 Прочитайте, перепишите и переведите текст, в котором глагол to be используется во временной

форме. Особое внимание уделяйте местоимениям. Our way of seeing things. We have no right to assume that our way of seeing things is the only proper way; we have no right to assume that people who disagree with us are fools. We are different from other people by heredity, and we are different from them by training too. Our point of view is different and our interests are different; hence, we can expect that people with

other points of view will reach other conclusions based upon their points of view, experiences, and data. seeing- это неличная форма глагола(герундий) образована от глагола, переводиться существительным. Передающим процесс – видение training- воспитание will reach - достигать based - основанный data - данные Text -7 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Найдите сказуемые, определите их время и переведите три основные формы. Our personal interests blind us. It’s interesting, wrote

W.Y.Reilly, to watch how our views change with our personal interests. One day, when a boy, I went fishing with three other boys. On the way to the river we decided to pool the “catch” and to divide it equally among all of us. And I agreed. I felt that it was absolutely right. But during the course of the day, I found that I was leading the rest in the number of fish caught,

and my attitude. By the time the day was over and there was no chance for anyone else to catch as many fish as I had, I became violently opposed to our original proposition, and told the boys that I could not understand why a good fisherman should be penalized because of the bad luck of his associates. it’s-сокращенная форма among- между was leading – был первым (лидировал) the rest - остальные to become opposed – противопоставлять, противоположный, враждебный.

Could – мог (прошедшее время) от глагола can Should - должен because of –из-за Text -8. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Обращай те внимания на прилагательные и наречия, особенно few, a few, little, a little. Good and bad things. We live in complicated world that requires careful reasoning. We can talk about good things and bad things, black things and white things, true things and false things, beautiful things and ugly things, efficient things and inefficient things.

But where can we find things that are in every way as we described them? It is, for example, easy to label people or things as “good” and “bad.” But most of the time a little bad comes packed in with the good and a little good with the bad. In other words, things are not usually completely good or completely bad. Few things, however good, are without some disadvantages.

And few things, however bad, are without a trace of good. сcomplicated- сложный requires - требует reasoning-здравого рассудка (здравомыслия) most-большая часть, большинство. comes packed – примешивается, добавляется however-каким бы… ни был without-без Text -9 Прочитайте и переведите текст. Особое внимание обращайте на прилагательные и наречия. Our mind. Our mind has a set of functions that may be characterized as analytical, rational, logical,

linear, computational and reactive. It also has a set of functions that are intuitive, creative, relational and receptive. The left hemisphere of the brain is predominantly concerned with the former set of intellectual functions; the right hemisphere is predominantly concerned with the latter intuitive functions. The left side of our brain helps us to be smart; the right side helps us to be wise. The left side helps us to analyze (how much gasoline we can buy at the service station); the right

side tunes us in to the being who plays the role of a service station attendant. is predominantly concerned with-главным образом имеет отношение к. Здесь следует обратить внимание на то что наречие predominantly как бы включается в состав сказуемого concerned. Такое явление встречается, часто вызывая трудности при переводе, так как вспомогательный глагол оказывается оторванным от смыслового, что мешает правильно определить форму глагола. the former-первый (из них) the latter-последний (из упомянутых)

Text -10 Прочитайте и переведите текст, в котором так много модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов. Особое внимание обратите на отрицательную форму глаголов в повелительном наклонении. Look before you leap. No matter how smart we are, there are some things that we just cannot figure out. Our knowledge is never complete, and we do not know all the factors that will influence what we are doing. And sometimes a single overlooked factor can make the difference between success and failure.

To be successful in the business world we need to check our bright ideas against the environment. Our enthusiasm must be restrained long enough so that we could analyze our ideas critically. Whenever possible, we should not go all-out until we get a chance to test them thoroughly. Do not speak for the facts – make the facts speak for themselves. no matter-независимо от того there are-имеются just-как прилагательное имеет значение справедливый заслуженный, но чаще используется как

наречие , имеющее разные значения: точно, как раз, именно. Подберите самостоятельно правильное значение. figure out-вычислять, понимать, постигать. are doing-(сейчас) делаем against-против ( во всех значениях). Здесь: against the environment – с учетом окружающей среды whenever-всегда когда; всякий раз когда go all-out-защищать изо всех сил until-до тех пор пока…не (к сказуемому)

Литература. 1. Примерная программа учебной дисциплины « английский язык» для профессий начального профессионального образования и специальностей среднего профессионального образования. Автор: Тимофеев В.Т зав. Кафедрой английского языка СПбГУ. ФГУ «Минобнауки России, 2008. 2. Агабекян И.П. «Английский язык для ССУЗОВ», «Английский язык» 3.

Клементьева Т.Б. «Английский язык грамматика» 4. Морфии Р. «Английская Грамматика». 5. Романова Л.И. «Грамматика и лексика» 6. Мари Плу « Вся английская грамматика полный курс» 7. Цебаковский С. « Кто боится английских глаголов» 8. Цветкова И.В. « Устный экзамен для школьников поступающих в


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