The plan 1. Flight from Samara in New Delhi. 2. We remain for one night in New Delhi. We look sights the Indian gate and the biggest in word Minoret. 3. From New-Delhi we go bus in Mymbai. All the day we have spent in a city We spend a night in hotel.(Map №1) 4. From Mymbai we go on scooters to the Panadji. Arrival in a city of Panadji we stop in hotel. (Мар №2)
We have deviated usual vision of India. We communicated with people constantly moved. We have visited the most different places. We in details investigated culture, traditions, dishes, language, religion, a family, clothes. Overview According to Eugene M. Makar, the traditional Indian culture is defined by relatively strict social hierarchy. He also mentions that from an early age, children are reminded of their roles and places in society.
This is reinforced by the fact that many believe gods and spirits have integral and functional role in determining their life. Among developing countries, India has low levels of occupational and geographic mobility. People choose same occupations as their parents and rarely move geographically in the society. Religion India is one of the most religiously diverse nations in the world, with some of the most deeply
religious societies and cultures. Religion still plays a central and definitive role in the life of most of its people. The religion of more than 80.4% of the people is Hinduism. Islam is practiced by around 13.4% of all Indians. In Hinduism, cow is regarded as a symbol of ahimsa (non-violence), mother goddess and bringer of good fortune and wealth. For this reason, cows are revered in
Hindu culture and feeding a cow is seen as an act of worship. The slaughtering of cows is banned throughout India. Language The most widely used languages are Konkani, Marathi and English. Konkani is the primary spoken language and official; Marathi and English are used for literary, educational and some official purposes.
Other languages in wide use include Hindi, and Portuguese. Portuguese, the language of the colonial elite, is used by shrinking number of speakers, though a small number still prefer it as the medium for discourse at home, and a few Portuguese books have even been published in recent years. When spoken to another person, it is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together,
palms touching and fingers pointed upwards, in front of the chest. The gesture can also be performed wordlessly or calling on. Tradition of family India for ages has had a prevailing tradition of the joint family system. It’s a system under which even extended members of a family like one’s parents, children, the children’s spouses and their offspring, etc. live together. The elder-most, usually the male member is the head
in the joint Indian family system who makes all important decisions and rules, whereas other family members abide by it. Arranged marriages have the tradition in Indian society for centuries. Even today, overwhelming majority of Indians have their marriages planned by their parents and other respected family-members, with the consent of the bride and groom In India, the marriage is thought to be for life, and the divorce rate is extremely
low — 1.1% compared with about 50% in the United States. The arranged marriages generally have a much lower divorce rate. The divorce rates have risen significantly in recent years. Food Rice with fish curry (Xit kodi in Konkani) is the staple diet in Goa. Goan cuisine is famous for its rich variety of fish dishes cooked with elaborate recipes.
Coconut and coconut oil are widely used in Goan cooking along with chili peppers, spices and vinegar giving the food a unique flavour. A rich egg-based multi-layered sweet dish known as bebinca is a favourite at Christmas. The most popular alcoholic beverage in Goa is feni. Clothing Traditional Indian clothing for women are the saris and also Ghaghra Cholis (Lehengas). For men, traditional clothes are the
Dhoti, pancha/ veshti or Kurta. Bombay, also known as Mumbai, is one of India's fashion capitals. In some village parts of India, traditional clothing mostly will be worn. Delhi, Mumbai,Chennai, Ahmedabad, and Pune are all places for people who like to shop. In southern India the men wear long, white sheets of cloth called dhoti in
English and in Tamil. Over the dhoti, men wear , t-shirts, or anything else. Women wear a sari, a long sheet of colourful cloth with patterns. This is draped over a simple or fancy blouse. This is worn by young ladies and woman. Little girls wear a pavada. A pavada is a long skirt worn under a blouse. Having stayed in India all week we in a complex studied a life and customs of
Hindus. India has made strong impression upon us. We won every day ourselves, after all it is very difficult to study the country with such willfulness and inaccessibility. We have passed many difficulties and very much we are proud of ourselves. We have created the book and we hope that you grow fond of India as we have made it. Notes of the traveler. First-aid kit
Iodine Anti-inflammatory ointment. One tube of the ointment stimulating healing of scratches and grazes. Adhesive plaster. Two bottles of eye drops. Medicines for a pain in a throat, cough, an allergy. Febrifuges. Tablets from spasms, spasms and pains in a stomach. Medicine for microbic diarrheas. The activated coal. Tablets from a headache. Ear drops. Having calculated all expenses we took with ourselves 5000 dollars.