АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Задания А1-А6. Прочтите следующие текст и ответьте на вопросы, следующие за текстом, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Отметьте свой выбор в бланке ответов. JAPANESE NO MORE AT HOME IN COMPANY FLATS In Tokyo, the world's most expensive city, Asahi Beer executive Yusuhiro Nakahara pays $50 a month rent. He's single, but when he gets married, he expects to move to a bigger place and pay more money - maybe
$250 a month. Nakahara is not unusual. Like many Japanese, he rents from his company. From junior officials in the Foreign Ministry to young employees of Sony and even McDonald's, a lot of people live very cheaply in Tokyo. In an elaborate system of his housing perks, they are paying from $20 to $300 a month for rooms or apartments, often in the city's best neighborhoods, where two- to four-bedroom apartments can fetch
$4000 to $25000 a month on the open market. More than 2 million apartments and dormitory rooms - nearly one of every 20 residents - were owned or leased nationwide by companies in 1993, according to the most recent official tally. Company housing is an element of a social pact that has given Japan one of the most dedicated work forces in the world. Companies offer employees low-cost housing, pay their commuting costs and let them use company owned
resorts. They provide mortgages or negotiate preferential bank rates for home buyers. These benefits tie employees to their firm in a lifetime employment system that has been a key component of Japan's economic success. But now the system is starting to unravel. As a result of the recession and financial crisis, and faced with new accounting rules, many companies cannol afford to own or lease so much properly. They are hiring fewer people and no longer need to tout
housing perks as they did in the tight labor market a decade ago. And young employees increasingly say they'd rather have the cash and find their own place to live. The way people think is changing drastically. Employment for life is fading, and people are putting more emphasis on themselves and improving their own abilities. Company housing spread rapidly after World War II in cities that had been firebombed.
Later, as the economy took off, people from all over the country came to work in the booming urban centers. The first dormitories were for plant workers, but the system soon expanded to the white-collar elite. One of the system's principal goals is to allow the employee to work longer hours by housing him within a short commune. "It's rather business policy than a social welfare policy", said Yasuhisa Kawamura of the Foreign Ministry. "The basic principle is that housing is provided for
the purpose of facilitating efficiency in jobs." The most common housing recipient is a man on a career track who is likely to be transferred. Another standard condition is that the commute from the parents' home where many young people live before marrying - is too long. Many companies also impose an age limit. Asahi Beer's is 35 for singles dormitories and 45 for family apartments.
With housing process half what they were 10 years ago, the average age of the first-time homeowner is declining. It used to be only people in their 40s could afford to buy a house, now it's becoming the norm for people in their mid-30s, and even in their 20s, to buy an apartment or house. A1.How do many people manage to live cheaply in Tokyo? 1) The rents for unmarried people are very low. 2)
They live in the buildings where their companies' offices are situated. 3) They don't have to pay any rent while working for their companies. 4) Many companies let apartments and rooms to their employees at low prices. A2.Japanese employees are so dedicated to their companies, because 1) of Japan's economic success. 2) they get lots of benefits from their companies.
3) the lifetime employment system doesn't exist any more. 4) it makes them the key component of Japan's economy. A3. What is happening to the system of benefits nowadays? 1) Many companies now can afford more housing perks for their employees. 2) The economic crisis make people look for more benefits from their companies.
3) Employees get less benefits because of some economic reasons. 4) The tight labor market makes companies offer more benefits to their employees. A4.How is the way people think changing? 1) They prefer to be employed for life. 2) They become less sure of themselves. 3) They tend to become more independent from their employers. 4) They lack their own abilities. A5.The system of company housing is aimed to 1) help people who suffered
during World War II. 2) enable plant workers to become white-collar elite. 3) make employees work longer and more efficiently. 4) create a social welfare system. А6. Younger people buy their own houses, because 1) parents don't want their children to live with them. 2) they are forced to leave company dormitories. 3) housing prices have decreased significantly. 4) there are age limits for buying houses.
Раздел 2. Лексика и грамматика Задания А7-А21. Дополните следующие низке предложения, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов решения. Отметьте свой выбор в бланке ответов. А7. Do you want the translation today? 1) to finish 2) have finished 3) finishing 4) to be finished A8. What at 7 o'clock tomorrow? 1) will you do 2) were you doing 3) will you be doing 4) are you doing A9. Your coat is dirty. It needs 1) clean 2) be cleaned 3) to clean 4) cleaning
A10. He to be a very gifted child. 1) says 2)said 3) is saying 4) is said A11. a TV set and a tape-recorder in your room? 1) There is 2) There are 3) Is there 4) Are there A12. This is the house my parents lived 1) that 2) which 3) when 4) where A13. Does he leave immediately? 1) should 2) must 3) have 4) have to
A14. It is unusual idea! 1) so an 2) such 3) such an 4) so A15. He can tell us something about what happened yesterday. 1) more 2) moreover 3) else 4) whatever A16. I'd rather stay at home today 1) So had I 2) So would I 3) I would too 4) I had too A17. Don't fail to keep your promise, I'll be very upset.
1) besides 2) otherwise 3) meanwhile 4) regardless A18. I understand now that my words offended her. I didn't know she is so 1) excited 2) scared 3) unhappy 4) sensitive. A19. He always fun of everybody. 1) has 2) takes 3) makes 4) gets A20. Journalists often facts to make a sensation. 1) entertain 2) improve 3) compare 4) exaggerate А21. Не reads a lot, so his visits to the library are quite 1) fluent 2) urgent 3) frequent 4) hurried