What to do to prevent seriousdeseases. Well, it may sound improbable, but evenin the century of high technologies preventing deseases is still actual. Thoughin our time the humanity has overcome such creepy deseases as plague, lues,leprosy and fever, at the same time some new very serious deseases haveappeared. AIDS, cancer and heart deseases sweep away more and more lives. Thedrug addiction, alcoholism and bad ecology cause dangerous deseases too.
So what to do to prevent desease? First, you should take care of yourhealth, because no one else can do that for you. What does it mean. Avoid badhabits like smoking, hard drinking and of course using drugs. Keep hygieneregulations and that will solve half a problem.Another thing is solving ecologicalproblems. Reducing the air, soil and water pullution will considerably decreasethe amount of deseases, induced by that factors.
Solving these problems demands that itshould be supported by appropriate educational programs. People should learnabout all tha facts, that have anyeffect on their health.Of course thatdetermines the importance of the governmental role. The state should alsoprovide people with Health service. Public hospitals treat people in case ofemergency free of charge and doctorsalso warn people about
harmful factors it s much easier to prevent deseasethan to treat it. In general preventing deseases is a cooperative task ofstate and people who live in it. Some matters are solvable on the governmentallevel only, and others are to be solved by people themselves. And what todo, if you have already fallen ill? Of course you should consult a doctor youcan go to the hospital or call a doctor . If your desease isn t very serious for example a headache,or you have a
sore throat, temperatureor cough you ll just be given a prescription. And after taking pills for acouple of days you ll recover for sure. In case of having a serious contagious or unknown deseasemore examination is needed first sounding yourchest, then may be making an x-ray A patient is togo to hospital and may be even operated on. Because of possibility of lethaloutcome doctor have to commit himself.
In any casepreventing deseases will help you not to find yourself on the operating table.
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