ART IN MOSCOW Speaking aboutart galleries of Moscow we must mention themost famousgalleries. The StateTretyakov gallery is one of the best-known picturegalleries in Russia. It takes it s name from it s founder PavelTretyakov, aMoscow merchant. In the 19 th century Tretyakov beganto collect Russian paintings. He visitet all the exhibitions andart studiosand bought the best pictures.
Little by littleTretyakov extended his interests and began to collect earlierRussianpaintings. In 1881 Tretyakov opened inSt. Petersburg tothe public, 11 years later he donated it to the city of Moscow.Since thenthe gallery has received hundred paintings from ottermuseums andprivate collections. The Tretyakovgallery reflectsthe wholehistory of Russian paintings from 11 th century to thepresent
day. Also I d like to tell you about state Pushkinmuseum of fineart. Thebuilding was built in Greek stile by Roman Klein in 1898- 1912 tohouse a museum of fine art, foundedof initiative ofprofessorIvan Cvetayev. Since 1937 it has be known as The Puskinmuseum offine art. It has one of the worlds largest ancientcollectionsof European art. Now the picture galleryhas over 2thousandsworks of various schools of painting which envious
usto understand and appreciate the variety of stalls over thecenturies. The Pushkin museum periodically hold s exhibition of theartof variouscountries and of individual outstanding artist of pastand present. MOSCOW THEATRES For decades Moscow has had a reputation as a city oftheatres. The birth plays of the historic Bolshoy , Maly and MoscowArt theatres the city has been and steel is a center forthe development exploratory
modern ideas in thedramatic art andis famous forit s great number of highly gifted, interestingdirectors,actors, playwrights and artists. Every evening the doors of Moscow theatresopen to streamsoftheatre-glowers. The best Moscow theatres devoted themselves todevelopingthe principals of directing and acting laid down byStanislavsky, Meerhold, Nemerovich-Danchenko, Vachtangov andothers.
The discoveries and successes of Moscow theatres todayexists due toexperience and triumphs of preceding generations. I d like to tell you about the BolshoyTheatre. The majesticbuildingof the Bolshoy Theatre stands in Theatre Square inMoscow scentral quarter, not far from Kremlin. This is theleading Russian opera house with the best vocalists andchoreographersin it s company.
The Bolshoi traces it s history to 1776 when a standingopera companywas organized in Moscow. The first operashown inBolshoi theatre was opera life of tsar now Ivan Susanin .Atlater timesoperas by Dargomyzhsky, Serov, Tcaikovsky, Borodin,Moussorgsky,Rimsky-Korsakov and Rubinstein were produced here. At the same time the
Bolshoi companystaged the best operasand ballets by West Europeancomposers-Mozart, Rossini, Weber,Verdi andothers. The bolshoi ballet company enjoys well-deserved fame astheworld sfinest. This is equally true of it sbrilliant realisticstyle of performance and repertoire.