Чарльз, принц УэльскийThe Prince of Wales, eldest son of The Queen and Prince Philip, Duke ofEdinburgh, was born at Buckingham Palace at 9.14pm on November 14, 1948. Princess Elizabeth had been safely delivered of a son.
It was announced later that the baby Prince weighed 7lb 6oz.1951. Семейный портрет принцесса Элизабет, Дюк Эдинбургский и двухгодовалый принц Чарльз, играющий сосвоей младшей сестренкой принцесой Анной, которой всего годикOn December 15, Charles Philip Arthur George was christened in the MusicRoom at Buckingham
Palace, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Geoffrey Fisher.The Prince s mother was proclaimed Queen Elizabeth II at the age of 25, whenher father, King George VI, died aged 56 on February 6, 1952. On The Queen saccession to the throne, Prince Charles - as the Sovereign s eldest son -became at the age of three heir apparent.
Принц Уэльский и принцесса Анна на встрече с телеведущим Би-Би-Си ДэвидомЭттенборо и попугаем КокиThe Prince, as heir to the throne, took on the traditional titles of TheDuke of Cornwall under a charter of King Edward III in 1337 and, in the Scottishpeerage, of Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron Renfrew, Lord of theIsles, and
Prince and Great Steward of Scotland.The Prince was four at his mother s Coronation, in Westminster Abbey on June 2,1953. Many who watched the Coronation had vivid memories of him seated betweenhis widowed grandmother, now to be known as Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother,and his aunt, Princess Margaret.The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh decided that, rather than follow traditionand have a tutor
at the Palace, their son should go to school to mix withchildren from non-royal backgrounds. Accordingly, on November 7, 1956, hestarted at Hill House school in west London.After ten months, the young Prince became a boarder at Cheam School, thepreparatory school in Berkshire. It was while His Royal Highness was away atCheam, in 1958, that
The Queen created him The Prince of Wales, and at the sametime Earl of Chester, at the age of nine.Принц держит беседу с подрастающим поколениемIn April 1962, The Prince began his first term at Gordonstoun, the schoolnear Elgin in eastern Scotland which Prince Philip had attended. The Prince ofWales spent two terms in 1966 as an exchange student at
Timbertop, a remoteoutpost of the Geelong Church of England Grammar School in Melbourne,Australia.When he returned to Gordonstoun for his final year, The Prince of Wales wasappointed school guardian head boy . The Prince, who had already passed six O levels, took his A levels in July 1967, the first heir to the throne totake such examinations.
He was awarded a grade B in history and a C in French,together with a distinction in an optional special history paper.Принц Чарльз обтесывает камень во время визита в Винчестерский КафедральныйСоборThe Prince went to Cambridge University in 1967 to read archaeology andanthropology at Trinity College. He changed to history for the second part ofhis degree, and in 1970 was awarded a second
class degree.While at Cambridge, The Prince took part in college drama society revues and aJoe Orton black comedy.On July 1, 1969 The Queen invested him as Prince of Wales in a colourfulceremony at Caernarfon Castle. In preparation for the Investiture The Princehad spent a term at the University College of Wales at Aberystwyth, learning tospeak
Welsh.Принц Чарльз радуется успехам своего сына, принца Гарри. Справа - учитель юногопринцаOn February 11, 1970, His Royal Highness took his seat in the House ofLords.On March 8, 1971, The Prince of Wales flew himself to Royal Air Force Cranwellin Lincolnshire, to train as a jet pilot.
At his own request, The Prince hadreceived flying instruction from the RAF during his second year at Cambridge.In September 1971, after the passing out parade at Cranwell, The Prince ofWales embarked on a naval career, following in the footsteps of his father,grandfather and both his great-grandfathers. The six-week course at the RoyalNaval College, Dartmouth, was followed by service on the guided missiledestroyer
HMS Norfolk and two frigates.Принц Чарльз и Королева-Мать на празднике ЦветовThe Prince qualified as a helicopter pilot in 1974 before joining 845 NavalAir Squadron, which operated from the Commando carrier HMS Hermes. On February9, 1976, The Prince took command of the coastal minehunter HMS Bronington forhis last nine months in the Navy.
Over these years, The Prince was developing a wide range of interests,including social and community issues, young people, the arts, the built andnatural environment, national heritage, religion and medicine. These interestsare reflected in the list of around 200 organisations of which he has since becomepatron or president.The Prince of Wales s interest in young people and the under-privileged led tothe foundation in 1976 of The Prince s Trust, which has helped over 200,000disadvantaged young people to find jobs
or fulfil ambitions for themselves andtheir communities. In 1985 The Prince became President of Business in theCommunity, which supports economic and social regeneration through increasedinvolvement of companies and their employees in their local communities.Принц Чарльз и принцесса ДианаThe Prince s concerns about developments in fields such as architecture, theinner cities, education, religion, health and farming have been elaborated overmany years in a large
number of speeches and articles.On July 29, 1981, The Prince of Wales married Lady Diana Spencer in St Paul sCathedral. The Princess was born on July 1, 1961, at Park House on The Queen sestate at Sandringham, Norfolk, and lived there until the death of hergrandfather, the seventh earl, in 1975, when the family moved to the Spencerfamily seat at
Althorp House in Northamptonshire.Lady Diana s father - then Viscount Althorp and later the eighth Earl Spencer -had been an equerry to both George VI and The Queen. Her maternal grandmother,Ruth, Lady Fermoy, was a close friend and lady in waiting to The Queen Mother.The Prince and Princess of Wales had two sons,
Prince William who was born onJune 21, 1982, and Prince Harry was born on September 15, 1984.From the time of their marriage, The Prince and Princess of Wales went onoverseas tours and carried out many engagements within Britain together.On December 9, 1992, the Prime Minister, John Major, announced to the House ofCommons that
The Prince and Princess of Wales had agreed to separate. Themarriage was dissolved on August 28, 1996. The Princess was still regarded as amember of the Royal Family. She continued to live at Kensington Palace and tocarry out her public work for a number of charities.When The Princess was killed in a car crash in Paris on
August 31, 1997, ThePrince of Wales flew to Paris with her two sisters to bring her body back to London.The Princess lay in the Chapel Royal at St James s Palace until the nightbefore the funeral.On the day of the funeral, The Prince of Wales accompanied his two sons - aged15 and 12 at the time - as they walked behind the coffin from The Mall to WestminsterAbbey. With them were
The Duke of Edinburgh and the Princess s brother, EarlSpencer.In recent years, the young Princes - who are second and third in line to thethrone - accompanied The Prince of Wales on a limited number of officialengagements.In November, 1997, Prince Harry accompanied his father on an official visit toSouth Africa where he met President Nelson Mandela and attended a charityconcert featuring the
Spice Girls Prince William was at school at the time .Both Prince William and Prince Harry were with their father in Canada in March1998, when the young Princes were warmly received by the crowds.On January 2, 2000, Prince William and Prince Harry accompanied The Prince ofWales on a visit to Cardiff. They heard rap music and dance as well as hymnsand readings
in Welsh and English at the Tabernacl and joined 60,000 people fora special edition of the BBC s Songs of Praise at the Millennium Stadium.