Learning foreign languagesSomebodysaid English is a language that came from nowhere to conquer theworld These words are really true and I will prove it.FirstlyI would like to talk to you where English comes from. English is a member ofthe West Germanic subgroup of the Germanic branch of Indo-European languagefamily.SecondlyI would like to dwell on some of the chief literary works written in
Englishlanguage in different periods. Beowulf is the most important poemin old English. It is remarkable for its sustained grandeur of tone and for thebrilliance of its style. The Canterbury Tales were written by Geoffrey Chaucer, the father of English literature . He added tremendously to theprestige of English language by using it instead of more fashionable
Frenchspoken at that time. The third is the King James Bible. It exercised enormousinfluence on the development of the English language. It remains a classic ofEnglish history. But the most important contribution was made by WilliamShakespeare. Shakespeare s influence on everyday English speech is great,people all over the world quote
Shakespeare. The English language arrived inBritain on the point of a sword. That is why there are so many loans in Englishlanguage.In1940 Winston Churchill wished to appeal to the hearts and minds ofEnglish-speaking people. It was the time of Patriotic war and that it why heused the plain bareness for which Old English is noted. His purpose was to showthe independence of
English language and English people. It was his celebratedpassage which helped people to fight. Now Iwould like to tell you about Standard English and Regional accents. Receivedpronunciation is the form of British English pronunciation used by manyeducated people in every part of Britain. It is thought of a standard form andis often used by the
BBC. It is also used in teaching English in many parts ofthe world. The King s of the Queen s English is a good correct English as itshould be spoken. Accent is the sound of a person s pronunciation of thelanguage. It shows where a person comes from and what class he or she belongsto. Cockney is the way of speaking English and it is known as the
Londondialect. Rhyming slang is a way of speaking, ordinarily popular among cockneysin which a rhyming phrase, or a part of it, is substituted for a standard word.Thereis a standard form of the language and some dialects in our country too. To mymind, every country needs a standard form of the language because of thecontact between people of this country. But there are a lot of loanwords inevery language nowadays.
Every day for example in advertisements we can hearand see new, incomprehensible, bad words, and they become widespread among thepopulation.In conclusion I wouldlike to say that now there are more than 60 countries that speak English as thedominant or official language. My purpose is to show you why the English is aworld language. The present day world status of
English is the result of twofactors the expansion of British colonial power, which peaked towards the endof the 19th century, and the emergence of the US as the leadingeconomic power of the 20th century. English is the chief language ofinternational business and academic conferences, and the leading language ofinternational tourism. English is the main language of popular music,advertising, home computers and
video games. Most of the scientific,technological and academic information in the world is expressed in English.