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Humans recources managenet

University AKADEEMIValev Kondratyuk The second year, stationary training MANAGEMENT OF THE MANPOWER The abstract Subject Human Resources Management The teacher Dr. David Jones Tallinn 2004 The PLAN INTRODUCTION

Page 1. FORMATION of the MANPOWER Page 1. Planning of need for a manpower Page 2. A set Page 3. Selection of the staff Page 4. Definition of wages and privileges Page 2. DEVELOPMENT of the MANPOWER Page 1. Vocational counselling and adaptation in collective Page 2. A professional training Page 11 2.3. An estimation of results of activity

Page 4. Preparation of the managerial personnel Page 5. Management of promotion Page IMPROVEMENT OF QUALITY of the LABOUR LIFE Page 1. Satisfaction of the worker the work Page 2. Perfection of the organization of work Page 17 4. THE CONCLUSION Page 19 4.1 The list of the used literature

Page INTRODUCTION Without people is not present the organization. Without necessary people any organization cannot reach the purposes and survive. Undoubtedly, that management of a manpower is one of the major aspects of the theory and practice of management. The concrete responsibility for the general management of a manpower in the large organizations is usually assigned to professionally prepared workers of staff departments, is usual in structure of

staff services. That such experts could promote actively to realization is more whole oraganizatsii, for them are necessary not only knowledge and the competence of the concrete area, but also osvedomlennostnost about needs of heads of the lowest link. At the same time, if heads of the lowest link do not understand specificity of management of a manpower, his mechanism, opportunities and lacks they cannot take advantage of services of experts-personnel officers to the full.

Therefore it is important, that all heads knew and understood ways and methods of management of people. Management of a manpower includes the following stages 1. Planning resources development of the plan of satisfaction of the future needs for manpower resources. 2. A set of the personnel creation of a reserve of potential candidates on all posts. 3. Selection an estimation of candidates on workplaces and selection of best of a reserve created during

a set. 4. Definition of wages and privileges development of structure of wages and privileges with a view of attraction, hiring and preservations of employees. 5. Vocational guidance and adaptation introduction of the employed workers in the organization and its divisions, development in workers of understanding of that the organization and what work in it expects from him receives the deserved estimation. 6.

Training development of programs for training to the labour skills required for effective performance of work. 7. An estimation of labour activity development of techniques of an estimation of labour activity and its finishing up to the worker. 8. Increase, downturn, translation, dismissal development of methods of moving of workers on a post with the greater or with the smaller responsibility, developments of their professional experience by moving on other posts or sites of work, and also procedures of the

termination of the contract of hiring. 9. Preparation of the managerial personnel, management of promotion development of the programs directed on development of abilities and increase of efficiency of work of the managerial personnel. 1. FORMATION of the MANPOWER 1. Planning of need for a manpower At definition is more whole than the organization a management should to define also resources necessary for their achievement.

Necessity for money, the equipment and materials is quite obvious. Seldom who from heads will miss these moments at planning. The need for people - too seems quite obvious. Unfortunately, frequently planning of manpower resources is conducted by inadequate image or to it is not given that attention which it deserves. Planning of manpower resources in essence represents application of procedures of planning for a complete

set of staffs and the personnel. For convenience it is possible to consider, that process of planning includes three stages 1. An estimation of available resources. 2. An estimation of the future needs. 3. Development of the program of satisfaction of the future needs. Planning of a manpower in the working organization is logical for beginning with an estimation of their presence. The management should define, how many the person is borrowed with performance of each operation

required for realization of a specific goal. For example, than hundred person can be involved in large advertising agencies in carrying out and preparation of one advertising commercial transfer more. Even in so simple business as processing of luggage on airline, various workers are usually involved many. Besides it, the management should estimate and quality of work of the workers. Some companies and also Armed forces of the USA, have developed system of inventory of labour skills

or specialities which provides registration of professional skills of employees with the instruction of quantity of the workers possessing them. The following stage of planning is forecasting number of the personnel necessary for realization of the short-term and perspective purposes. Changes in an environment, especially economic, can render strong influence on perspective needs of the organization in a manpower. Serious economic recession of 1980-1982, for example, has led to decrease

in a number of labour in various industries and to moving capacities to the countries of Pacific region where cost of work is much lower. Having defined the future needs, the management should develop the program of their satisfaction. Needs is the purpose, the program - means of its achievement. The program should include the concrete schedule and actions on attraction, hiring, preparation and promotion of the workers required for realization of the purposes of the organization.

To employ corresponding workers, the management should know in details, they will carry out what problems in an operating time both what personal and public characteristics of these works. This knowledge receive by means of the analysis of the maintenance of work which is a corner stone of management of a manpower. Without him it is difficult to realize all other functions of management. The all-round estimation of all office, operative, technical and administrative specialities creates

the reliable basis for acceptance of the future decisions on hiring, selection, purpose of the salary, an estimation of activity and increase in a post. There are some methods of the analysis of the maintenance of work. One of them consists in supervision over the worker both formal definition and registration of all problems carried out by him and actions. Other method provides gathering such information by means of

interview with the worker or his immediate superior. This method can appear less exact because of the distortions brought by perception interrogated or interrogating. The third method consists that the worker ask to fill in the questionnaire or to give the description of his work and requirements to it. The information received at the analysis of the maintenance of work, is a basis for the majority of

the subsequent actions on planning, a set of a labour, etc. On its basis the duty regulations which represents the list of the basic duties, required knowledge and skills, and also rights of the worker is created. She should be developed on all posts and specialities of the organization, for example, for the secretary, the forwarding agent managing on advertising, etc.

1.2. A set The set consists in creation of a necessary reserve of candidates on all posts and specialities from which the organization selects the workers most suitable to it. This work should be carried out literally on all specialities - office, industrial, technical, administrative. The necessary volume of work on a set is appreciably defined by a difference between a cash labour and the future need for it. Thus such factors, as an output on pension, fluidity, dismissals are taken

into account in connection with expiry of the term of the contract of hiring, expansion of a field of activity of the organization. A set usually conduct from external and internal sources. To means of an external set concern the publication of announcements in newspapers and professional magazines, the reference to agencies on employment and to the firms, delivering the managerial personnel, a direction of people concluded the contract on special rates at colleges.

Some organizations invite local population to submit to a staff department of the application on possible vacancies in the future. The majority of the organizations prefer to carry out a set basically inside the organization. Promotion of the workers manages more cheaply. Besides it raises their interest, improves moral atmosphere and strengthens attachment of workers to firm. According to the theory of expectations concerning motivation it is possible to believe, that

if workers trust in existence depending mosti their service growth from a degree of an overall performance they will be interested in more productive work. Possible lack of the approach to the decision of a problem extremely due to internal reserves is that in the organization there do not come new people with fresh sights that can lead to stagnation. Popular method of a set due to internal reserves is dispatch of the information on opening vacancy with the invitation of qualified employees.

Some organizations practise the notice of all employees on any opening vacancy that enables them to submit applications before applications of people from the party will be considered. A magnificent method is also the reference to the workers with the request to recommend for work of the friends and familiar. One of the basic problems at a set of employees is connected to desire employing more favourably to sell the company. It can overestimate the positive moments or underestimate difficulties

of work in the company. In result the potential candidate can have unreasonable expectations. Researches show, that such occurrence of expectations at hiring conducts to growth of a dissatisfaction by work and increase in turnover of staff. 1.3. Selection of the staff At this stage at management of planning of the staff the management selects the most suitable candidates from a reserve created during a set. In most cases to choose follows the person having the best qualification

for performance of actual work on a post, instead of the candidate who is represented to the most suitable for promotion. The objective decision on a choice, depending on circumstances, can be based on formation of the candidate, a level of his professional skills, experience previous rabsty, personal qualities. If the post concerns to the category such where the determining factor are technical knowledge for example, the science officer most the great value will be had, probably, with formation and previous

scientific activity. For supervising posts, especially higher level, skills of adjustment of inter-regional attitudes, and also compatibility of the candidate with higher nachjalnikami and with his subordinates have a principal value. Effective selection of the staff represents one of forms of preliminary quality assurance of human resources. To three most widely used methods of gathering of the information required for decision-making at selection, tests, interviews and the centers of an estimation concern.

Tests. Behavioural sciences have developed many kinds of various tests which help to predict, the candidate however can effectively perform concrete work. One of kinds of selection tests provides measurement of ability of performance of the problems connected to prospective work. As an example it is possible to result typewriting or shorthand, demonstration of skill to work on the machine tool, demonstration of speech abilities by oral messages or written works.

Other kind of tests provides an estimation of psychological characteristics, such as I.Q interest, vigour, frankness, confidence of, emotional stability and attention to details. That such tests would be useful to selection of candidates, significant correlation between the high estimations typed during tests, and actual parameters of work is required. The management should assess the tests and define, whether is valid people well consulting with tests,

there are more effective workers, than what type smaller quantity of points. Forms of applications though they also do not concern to true means of definition of abilities or psychological characteristics, too are successfully applied for comparison purposes a skill level. So, for example, concrete data which are required to be specified in an application form about the experience of the previous work, the salary, character of formation and the ended educational institution,

a hobby, etc Too it is possible to use for selection of candidates if such biographic data help to distinguish more effective from less effective employees already working in the given organization. The centers of an estimation. The centers of an estimation for the first time have been created during the second world war for selection and an estimation of agents for confidential service - the predecessor of CIA. IT T was the first private company using the center for selection of the managerial personnel

and commercial workers. Today many large firms, such as IBM, use them basically for selection of candidates on increase. In the centers estimate ability to performance of the problems connected to work by methods of modeling. One of methods, so-called exercise in a basket for papers , puts the candidate for a role of the manager of the hypothetical company. Within three hours it should make of the decision - how to answer on letters,

memoranda how to react to the various information. It should make of the decision, communicate in writing with subordinates, allocate with powers, carry out meetings, establish priorities, etc. Other method is imitation of assembly of the organization without chairman. Candidates estimate under such characteristics, as skill to act, persistence, skills of personal attitudes. To the other methods of the selection centers concern oral reports to group of students,

execution of the set role, psychological tests, tests by definition of I.Q official interviews. Researches have shown, that the centers of an estimation are excellent means of forecasting of working qualities of candidates. However they are rather dear and consequently are usually used only by the large succeeding companies. Interviews. Interviews till now are most widely used method of selection of the staff.

Even workers of not administrative structure seldom employ without even one interview. Selection of the head of a high rank can demand tens the interviews borrowing of a little bit months. At the same time, researches have revealed a lot of the problems lowering efficiency of interviews as the tool of selection of the staff. The basis of these problems has emotional and psychological character. So, for example, there is a tendency of decision-making on the candidate on the basis of the first

impression, without taking into account the interview told in other part. Other problem consists in the tendency to estimate the candidate for comparison with the person with whom interview directly ahead of it was carried out. If the previous interlocutor looked especially badly the subsequent mediocre candidate will look well or even it is very good. There is at conducting interviews and such tendency, as an estimation more

favorably those candidates, an appearance, a social status and which manners in the greater measure remind their own. Researches show, that the structured interviews to the standardized both written down questions and answers raise accuracy of this method. At the same time, interview should be concentrated on those questions which particularly concern to the given work. Emphasizing this position, John and

Mary Majnery speak If the interviewer well knows that work on which interview is conducted, and knows, what people can succeed in it it will be more objective and received results will be better . Some general recommendations of effective carrying out of interview are reduced to the following 1. Establish mutual understanding with the candidate and enable it to feel freely. 2. During all interview concentrate attention to requirements to work.

3. do not estimate on the first impression. Wait, yet do not receive the information. 4. Prepare the complete set of the structured questions which will be set to all candidates. Be, at the same time, are flexible enough to investigate other arising questions. 1.4. Definition of wages and privileges. The kind and quantity of the compensations offered by the organization, have great value for an estimation of quality of a labour life.

Researches show, that compensations influence decisions of people on receipt for work, on hooky, on decisions on that, how many they should make, when and whether it is necessary to leave the organization in general. By many researches it is established, that the quantity of hooky and turnover of staff by direct image are connected to satisfaction received compensation. At good work which gives feeling of satisfaction, the quantity of hooky tends to decrease.

When work is unpleasant, the number of hooky considerably grows. The term wages concerns to the monetary compensation paid by the organization to the worker for executed work. She is directed on compensation of employees for the executed work the realized services and on motivation of achievement of a desirable performance level. The organization cannot type and keep a labour if she does not pay compensation under competitive rates

and has no scale of the payment stimulating people to work in the given place. Development of structure of wages is a duty of staff departments or a manpower. The structure of wages in the organization is defined with the help of the analysis of inspection of a level of wages, conditions on a labour market, and also productivity and profitableness of the organization. Development of structure of compensation of the administrative and managerial personnel is more complex,

as besides the salary in it various privileges, schemes of participation in profits and payment by actions frequently enter. Besides wages the organization gives the workers various side benefits which named fine privileges earlier. However, as these surcharges make a significant part of a package of the compensations paid by the organization, now them name side benefits. The traditional approach to granting side benefits consists that all workers of one level have identical

privileges. However thus distinctions between people are not taken into account. Researches show, what not all employees appreciate such privileges. Perceived value of side benefits depends on such factors, as age, the marital status, the size of family, etc. So, for example, people with the big families usually are rather strongly anxious by the size of preferential health services and life insurance, older persons - the privileges given at an output

on pension, young workers - immediate reception of cash. In view of above-stated, some organizations have developed system which sometimes name system of compensation by a principle of cafeteria . The worker is authorized to choose itself in the established limits that package of privileges which most arranges it. Though such system of a choice of compensation by a principle self-services in cafeteria has obvious advantages, she is not free and from some lacks.

The total cost of privileges thus raises, as entails an additional administrative overhead charge and also because some privileges, for example, insurance of the personnel, manage more cheaply if them get in great volumes. Other problem consists in necessity of education of workers for questions of a cash set of privileges and potential value of these privileges for them in the future and the present. At the same time, company TRW has established, that at corresponding knowledge workers can make the

proved choice and to change the opinion on the most desired privileges when they have an opportunity them to receive. Other researches have shown, that the majority of workers is welcomed with flexible programs of granting of privileges. 2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE MANPOWER Once work with the staff consist exclusively in actions on a set and selection of a labour. The idea consist that if you managed to find necessary people they can perform the necessary

work. The modern organizations in which business of management is well put, consider, that the set of suitable people is only the beginning. While the most part of resources of the organization is submitted by material objects which cost in due course is reduced by means of amortization, value of manpower resources in the course of time can and should grow. Thus, both for the blessing of the organization, and for the personal blessing of employees of the

organization, the management should work constantly above all-round increase of potential of the staff. The successful program on development of the staff promotes creation of a labour possessing higher abilities and strong motivation to performance of the problems facing to the organization. It is natural, that it should conduct to growth of productivity, so, and to increase in value of manpower resources of the organization. If, for example, as a result of realization of such program labour productivity

of workers on assembly grows by 10 without increase in factory cost of products the income on the capital enclosed by the organization in development of manpower resources, is much higher than this parameter. 2.1. Vocational counselling and adaptation in collective First step making work of the worker by as more as possible productive, vocational counselling and social adaptation in collective is. If the management is interested in success of the worker on a new workplace,

it should remember always, that the organization is a public system, and everyone of working women is the person. When the new person comes in the organization, it brings with itselfhimself earlier got experience and sights which can be entered or not be entered in new frameworks. If, for example, last boss of the new worker was the person imperous and preferred to communicate only by correspondence, the worker will consider that it better to send a paper, than simply to lift a telephone

tube though the new boss actually prefers oral dialogue. If the head does not apply active efforts for the organization of adaptation of new subordinates, the last can be disappointed because of unrealizability of the hopes, can count that in behaviour it is necessary to be guided by the experience, got on the previous work, or to come to other wrong conclusions about the work. The head should remember also that something of that beginners learn during the adaptation,

can appear for them is simple a shock. 2.2. A professional training The organizations have constant need for increase of labour productivity of the workers. Many organizations thus care and of the general quality of a manpower. One of ways of achievement of this purpose is the set and selection of the most qualified and capable new workers. However it is not enough of it. The management should carry out also programs of regular

training and preparation of workers, helping full disclosing of their opportunities in the organization. Preparation represents training workers to the skills, allowing to lift productivity of their work. The ultimate goal of training consists in maintenance of the organization with enough of people with skills and the abilities necessary for achievement of the purposes of the organization. Value of training is widely recognized. Unfortunately, many heads do not realize all complexities connected

to it. Training is useful and it is required in three basic cases. First, when the person acts in the organization. Second, when the employee appoint to a new post or when to it charge new work. Thirdly, when check will establish, that the person does not have not enough certain skills for effective performance of the work. Training is the big, specialized area. Specific methods of training are rather numerous, and they need

to be adapted for requirements of a trade and the organization. Some basic requirements providing efficiency of programs of training, are reduced to the following 1. The motivation is necessary for training. People should understand the purposes of the program how training will raise their productivity and, thus, their own satisfaction the work. 2. The management should create a climate favorable to training.

It means encouragement of pupils, their active participation during training, support on the part of teachers, desire to answer questions. Important point can appear and creation of the certain physical environment. Some organizations prefer to carry out training in the special centers, instead of in the organization. 3. If the skills got by means of training, are complex process of training should be broken into consecutive stages. The participant of the program should have an opportunity to fulfil in practice

the skills got on everyone ztape of training, and already only then to move further. 4. Pupils should feel a feedback in relation to results of training, it is necessary to provide positive fastening of the gone material. It can occur in the form of a praise or a recognition of successes on the part of the teacher, or, in case of the computerized modern systems of training, as a direct feedback at the correct decision of the problems offered by the program.

2.3. An estimation of results of activity The following step after the worker adapted in collective and has received necessary preparation for effective performance of the work, there will be a definition of a degree of efficiency of work. The purpose of an estimation of results of activity which can be imagined as continuation of function of the control consists in it. Process of the control provides establishment of standards and measurement of results for definition

of a deviation from the established norms and if necessary acceptance of adjusting measures. Similarly, the estimation of results of activity demands, that heads collected the information on as far as effectively each worker carries out the duties delegated to it. Informing these data the subordinate the head informs them on how well they consult with the work and enables them to correct the behaviour if it does not correspond accepted.

At the same time, the estimation of results of activity allows a management to define the most oustanding workers and really to lift a level of their achievements, translating them on more attractive posts. Basically, the estimation of results of activity serves three purposes administrative, information and motivational. Administrative functions promotion, downturn, translation, the termination of the labour contract. Each organization should carry out an estimation of work of the personnel for acceptance

of administrative decisions on increase, translation and the termination of the labour contract. Promotion helps the organization as allows it to fill vacancy with employees who have already shown the abilities. It help employees, poskolku satisfies their aspiration to success, achievements and self-esteem. Promotion - an excellent way of a recognition of oustanding execution of work. However at decision-making on promotion the management should raise only those who has abilities for

effective - discharge of duties on a new post. Unfortunately, sometimes raise those workers who well execute the present duties, but have no potential for effective work in a new post. Very much many sales departments ran into a mistake, nominating the excellent seller to an office the manager. In result they lost the good seller and got the mediocre manager. Translation can be used to expand experience of the worker and also when the management considers,

that it or she will work more effectively on other post. Sometimes translation is used and when the person works unsatisfactorily, but in connection with his big experience or the last merits the management considers, that the termination of the labour contract with it would be unethical. In such situation translation represents downturn in a post, and the poor creature appears on such post where it or she still can bring any advantage, but will not block career

to the capable young worker or actually to interfere with realization of the purposes of the organization. When to the worker informed an estimation of results of his work and have given sufficient opportunities for its improvement, but the worker does not want or cannot work under standards of the organization, the labour contract with it should be terminated in the name of realization of the purposes of the organization. What administrative situation, clearly was, that without an effective method of an estimation

of results of activity it is impossible to make the proved decision. Information functions. The estimation of results of activity is necessary and that it was possible to inform people on a relative level of their work. At due statement of this affair the worker learns not only whether it is enough good it or she works, but also that particularly is his force or weakness and in what direction it can be improved.

Motivational functions. The estimation of results of labour activity represents the important means of motivation of behaviour of people. Having defined strong workers, the administration can renumerate properly their gratitude, the salary or increase in a post. The regular positive reinforcement of behaviour should conduct to similar behaviour and in the future. As you could understand already, information, administrative and motivational functions of an estimation

of labour activity are interconnected, i.e. the information conducting to the administrative decision on promotion, should motivate positively the person to good work. Efficiency of an estimation of results of activity. In one research it has been established, that more than 90 of the companies have this or that system of an estimation of results of labour activity. However the system effectiveness of an estimation is

defined by several factors. For the beginning we shall note, that most frequently work of the subordinate is estimated by his direct higher chief. Therefore it should possess ability precisely to estimate work, not founding the estimation on the personal attitude to the subordinate. It should also be able to finish this estimation with the subordinate. It can appear rather difficult business when work bad, especially, if the chief never passed preparations

on technics of dialogue. Because of these potential problems heads can oppose formal systems of an estimation of results of activity of subordinates. The head should understand precisely distinction between criticism and an assessment of works. The criticism represents dialogue in one direction. For the effective information and a due feedback the head should resolve bilateral constructive discussion on concrete questions of improvement of work. 2.4.

Preparation of the managerial personnel Preparation is reduced to development of skills and the skills necessary for the employee for effective performance of the official duties or production targets in the future. In practice regular programs of preparation most frequently use to prepare for heads for promotion. For successful preparation of the managerial personnel, as well as for training in general, the careful analysis and planning are necessary. By means of an estimation of results of activity the

organization first of all should define abilities of the managers. Then, on the basis of the analysis of the maintenance of work, the management should establish - what abilities and skills are required for performance of duties on all linear and staff posts in the organization. It allows the organization to find out, who from heads possesses the most suitable qualification for employment of those or other posts and who requires training and retraining.

Solved all these questions, the management can develop the schedule of preparation of the concrete persons planned to possible promotion or translation into other posts. Preparation of the managerial personnel and motivation. Preparation of the managerial personnel basically is conducted that executives have seized the skills required for realization of the purposes of the organization.

Other reason, from previous, necessity of satisfaction of needs of higher level is inseparable professional growth, success, test of the forces. Unfortunately, many organizations do not give sufficient opportunities for satisfaction of such needs by increase of the responsibility and promotion. Researches have shown, that graduates of ministerial curriculums to business marked the big divergence between their personal expectations on growth and promotion and that could give to them actually.

If these expectations have great value it usually leaves from such work for the person. There is no necessity to speak about undesirability of fluidity of the administrative staff by virtue of high cost of their hiring and adaptation in the organization. Replacement of such employee can manage in some his monthly salaries. Methods of preparation of the administrative staff.

Preparation of the administrative staff can be carried out by the organization of lectures, discussions in structure of small groups, analysis of concrete business situations, reading of the literature, business games and role training. Variants of these methods are rates organized annually and seminars on problems of management. Other widely used method is rotation on service. Moving the head of a local link from a department in a department for the term of from three months

till one year, the organization acquaints the new head with many parties of activity. In result, the young manager learns various problems of various departments, understands necessity of coordination, the informal organization and interrelation between the purposes of various divisions. Such knowledge are vital and for successful work on higher posts, but especially useful to heads of the lowest levels of administrative hierarchy. 2.5.

Management of promotion In development of programs on preparation of the managerial personnel in the beginning of 70th years many companies and consulting firms have developed programs on management of career, i.e. promotion. One of authors defines concept of management of career as the official program of promotion of workers on service which would help to open all abilities and to apply their best, from the point of view of the organization, image. Programs of management of promotion help the organizations

to use abilities of the workers to the full, and to workers enable to apply the abilities most full. The official program of management of promotion enables people to perceive their work in the organization as a series of movings on the various posts, promoting development as the organizations, and persons . It is of great importance, as researches speak that people usually concern to the career passively enough. They are inclined to that the important decisions on their career would be initiated by other

people, instead of their own interests, needs and the purposes. In opinion of authors of publications and the researchers working in this area, result of programs of promotion is the big fidelity to interests of the organization, increase of motivation of labour productivity, reduction of turnover of staff and fuller use of abilities of workers. 3. IMPROVEMENT OF QUALITY OF THE LABOUR LIFE 3.1.

Satisfaction of the worker the work One of the most important last development in the field of management of human resources is connected to creation of programs and methods of improvement of quality of a labour life. Dzh. R.Hekman and Dzh. Lloyd Sattl define quality of a labour life as that degree up to which members of the industrial organization can satisfy the important personal needs via their work in this organization . High quality of a labour life should be characterized by the following 1.

Work should be interesting. 2. Workers should receive fair compensation and a recognition of the work. 3. The working environment should be pure, with low noise level and good light exposure. 4. Supervision on the part of a management should be minimal, but be carried out always when in it there is a necessity. 5. Workers should take part in the decision-making, touching their and work. 6. The guarantee of work and development of friendly mutual relations with colleagues should be provided.

7. Means household and health services should be provided. Quality of a labour life can be raised, having changed any organizational parameters influencing people. It includes decentralization of authority, participation in a question of a management, training, preparation of the managerial personnel, programs of management of promotion, training of workers to methods of more effective dialogue and behaviour in collective.

All these measures are directed on giving people additional opportunities for satisfaction of the active personal needs at simultaneous increase of efficiency of activity of the organization. 3.2. Perfection of the organization of work Management sciences much of early ideas rotated around of development of the task in such a way which would allow to use advantages of a division of labour in the maximal degree, modern technology and automatics.

As the American workers became more and more economically provided, educational, cultural and social values changed, the industry began to experience difficulties, connected to character of work. The increasing quantity of people found, that highly specialized, repeating operations cause exhaustion and loss of interest. Hooky and turnover of staff have increased, cases of sabotage have appeared even. Accordingly, the gain of productivity which would be normal to expect from narrow specialization, has

considerably decreased. For the decision of a problem a number of the most progressive firms have started to experiment the organization of work that work began to give the greater internal satisfaction and more opportunities for satisfaction of the maximum needs of the person - to interest, self-affirmation and development of the person. The management thus, certainly, hoped that the satisfaction which has increased as a result of such changes by the work will lead to increase of productivity and will lower

losses from hooky, high turnover of staff and decrease in quality. Expansion of volume and enrichment of the maintenance of work. Two most widely used method of reorganization of work is an expansion of volume of work and enrichment of its maintenance. The volume of work is a quantity of the various operations which are carried out by the worker and frequency of their recurrence. Volume name narrow if the worker carries out some operations

and repeats them frequently. As a typical example work on the assembly conveyor can serve. Volume of work name wide if the person carries out many various operations and repeats them seldom. The volume of work of the bank cashier usually is wider in comparison with work of the person borrowed only with data input through the keyboard in system of the financial account. Pithiness of work is a relative degree of that influence which the worker can render for work and a

working environment. Such factors, as independence in planning and performance of work, definition of a rhythm of work and participation in decision-making here concern. Work of the laboratorian will not be considered substantial if she is reduced only to installation of the equipment, loading of chemicals and cleaning of laboratory. If the laboratorian can order chemicals and the equipment, to carry out some experiments and to prepare

for reports on results of works pithiness will be high. Work can be reordered, having changed its volume or pithiness. Integration of work concerns to perfection of the organization due to increase in its volume. Enrichment of its maintenance provides changes due to increase of pithiness. When change of the organization of work becomes desirable

Amplification of motivation and increase of productivity by change of the organization of working conditions is one more of concepts in which basis the two-factorial theory of motivation Gertsberga lays. Researches Gertsberga have shown, that work is the factor of motivation, money are basically the hygienic factor. Unfortunately, it not always so. Recent researches in the field of motivations specify, that this theory cannot be fair for all people

and in all situations. Therefore changes in the organization of work are pertinent only with reference to people and the organizations possessing certain characteristics. These characteristics are generalized in the model developed by Richard Hekmanom and Greg Oldhemom there are three psychological conditions, determining satisfaction of the person the work and motivation the perceived importance of work, i.e. a degree from which the

person perceives the work as something important, valuable and worth the felt responsibility, i.e. that degree in which the person feels like responsible and accountable for results of the work knowledge of results, i.e. a degree of understanding the person of efficiency or productivity of the work. Those kinds of works which are organized so that all these three conditions in enough high degree allow any part of workers to test, should give high motivation due to the work, high workmanship of works,

the big satisfaction work, and also lead to decrease in quantity of hooky and reduce turnover of staff. The sensation of the importance of work can be realized granting to the worker of an opportunity of expansion of quantity of labour skills, definiteness of production targets, increase of their importance. The responsibility for results of work can be strengthened, having given to the worker there is more than independence. Comprehension of real results of the work develops, if the worker receives the reciprocal

information. However it is necessary to have in view of and what not all workers positively react from a similar sort of change. As it was already marked above, by consideration of a problem motivatski, people differ on needs, the attitude to work, the hopes connected with work. Researches have shown, that people with strong aspiration to growth, achievements, self-esteem usually positively react to enrichment of the maintenance of work.

When people not so strongly are based on needs of a high level, enrichment of the maintenance of work frequently does not give appreciable successes. An opportunity of changes of working conditions can influence and features of technology. The organizations using mass technology, have much less opportunities in this respect, than the enterprises which are letting out individual production. For firms with mass technology cost of reorganization of working conditions frequently outweighs profit

expected from it. There, where the technology not so flexible also demands the big capital investments, cost of reorganization can appear very high. One of the most optimal, opportunities for introduction of the progressive organization of work opens at creation of new manufactures factories, the enterprises, establishments. Actually, some of the most known experiments in this area just also have been lead at creation of new capacities. Nevertheless, though the existing technology also limits opportunities

of reorganization of working conditions in firms with mass production, such opportunities nevertheless exist. 4. THE CONCLUSION The volume of the lead researches for the present is insufficient for final conclusions about productivity of programs on reorganization of working conditions, but already available data show, that such programs promote development of feeling of satisfaction by work, decrease in quantity of hooky and turnover of staff and improvement of quality of production.

At the same time it has been established, that in many cases of increase of labour productivity it was not marked, that, probably, it has been caused by an extreme degree of his specialization. Though these results also specify that programs of change of the organization of work promote increase of efficiency of activity of the organizations, there are the experts criticizing such programs. The some people of criticism assert, that it is impossible to give a priority to feelings of satisfaction

of the worker, on reasons of economic efficiency. If to change technology and the equipment for improvement of working conditions they speak it is necessary to do that it only when changes promise higher profit . Others speak, that many workers do not feel alienation from the work and do not want the greater responsibility or attachment to work . Besides the same authors declare, that attempts to enrich the maintenance of work frequently are broken about the restrictions established by trade unions as duty regulations, requirements

to terms of stay in a post, statutory acts on a number of specialities, and also encounter the general mistrust. Thus, the management should abstain from reorganization of working conditions until it will be convinced that workers are predisposed to it. During performance of some programs by the worker gave more independence, than they wished that. Result - bad work and annoyance of workers. The criticism of idea of reorganization of working conditions conducting recently supports such sights.

Nevertheless, at due study of the program perfection of the organization and working conditions promotes development of feeling of satisfaction of workers, improvement of quality of work, decrease in quantity of hooky and turnover of staff. The LIST of the USED LITERATURE 1. Travin V.V Djatlov V.A. of the Basis of personnel management , М-95 , -95 2. Shekshlja S.V. Management of the personnel of the modern organization ,

М-96 , -96 3. Krichevskij R.L. If you are a head , М-96 -96

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