Physics Essay, Research Paper
Question: How does the make and model of a shoe influence the m of the shoe?
The weight of the four Shoes
Ryan?s 4 newtons
Will?s4.5 newtons
Bassel?s4 newtons
Behdad?s5 newtons
The pulling force of each force
Ryan?s140 grams
Will?s240 grams
Bassel?s230 grams
Behdad?s400 grams
The Calculations of weight and pulling force
Equation m= F pulling
F weight
Ryan?s shoe=140 grams = .140 newtons times gravity of 10 = 1.4 newtons= .35 newtons
4 newtons
Other Shoe Answers
Will?s shoe =.53 newtons
Bassel?s shoe = .575 newtons
Behdad?s shoe = .8 newtons
The main errors of our experiment
?Not having an exact point of when it was moving
?We didn?t have small weights so we could become more accurate
?The surface we did the experiment was too smooth
?On the weight of the shoe the scale doesn?t start at exactly 0 and I rounded up and down.
What I would do differently if I did this experiment again
?I would come up with an amount of movement for when it was at its pulling force.
?I would get smaller amount of weight to make it more accurate.
?I would find the pulling force on different surfaces and find the average amount of pulling force.
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